A Field Guide to clouds Due Date: _______________ Background Clouds are piles of suspended water droplets. The shape and altitude of a cloud is an important indicator of the current activity in the atmosphere. Clouds can also be used to make short term (24 hour) weather forecast. A cloud chart is a handy reference that you will use to quickly identify a given cloud. The Project/Chart You will create a “Filed Guide to Cloud Identification” document using office publisher. Below is a list of cloud names organized by altitude. Use your text, library resources and Internet sites and do the following for each cloud name: 1. 2. 3. 4. Come up with a picture of the cloud (Your own pictures, the Internet, etc) (1 point). Describe what the name of the cloud means (1 point). Describe any physical properties of the cloud. i.e. what the cloud looks like in words. (1 point). Explain what the cloud indicates about the current weather or what short term forecast can be made with it (1 point). Here’s an example: Cirrus Cirrus is a word that means thin and wispy. Cirrus clouds are thin, high level clouds that are formed by ice particles. Cirrus occur in fair weather and point in the direction of air movement at their elevation. List of Clouds High clouds Cirrus Cirrostratus Cirrocumulus Middle Clouds Altocumulus Altostratus Low Clouds Nimbostratus Stratus Stratocumulus Stratus fractus or scud Vertical Development Clouds Cumulus Cumulus Congestus Cumulonimbus Fog Radiation or ground fog Advection fog Upslope fog Unusual Clouds Lenticular clouds Banner Clouds Mammatus Clouds Contrails Wall cloud Tornadoes Roll cloud Billow clouds Pileous Clouds Orographic Sunlight phenomena Sun dogs Sun Pillar Crepuscular Light FMHS Cloud watchers guide Name: ________________________ Teacher: Mr. Osborn Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________ Criteria 1 2 Each cloud type will have 9 or fewer clouds 19 to 10 clouds have images have images a correct image. Accurately 9 or fewer cloud 19 to 10 cloud names have describe what names have their meanings their meanings the name of accurately accurately the cloud xplained. explained. means. Accurate description of 9 or less clouds 19 to 10 clouds have accurate have an accurate the cloud or descriptions. description. its physical properties Accurate forecast Points 3 4 28 to 20 clouds 35 to 29 clouds have images have images ____ 20 to 28 cloud 29 to 35 cloud names have names have their meanings their meanings accurately accurately explained. explained. ____ 28 to 20 clouds 29 or more have an clouds have an accurate accurate description description. ____ 28 to 20 clouds 29 or more 9 or fewer clouds 19 to 10 clouds have an clouds have an have an accurate have an accurate accurate accurate forecast written for forecast written forecast written forecast written them. for them. for them. for them. ____ ____ Total----> ____ Teacher Comments: Powered by TeAch-nology.com- The Web Portal For Educators! (www.teach-nology.com)