Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres Supporting Information for Climatic controls on the interannual to decadal variability in Saudi Arabian dust activity: Towards the development of a seasonal dust prediction model Yan Yu1, Michael Notaro1, Zhengyu Liu1,2, Fuyao Wang1, Fahad Alkolibi3, Eyad Fadda3, Fawzieh Bakhrjy3 1. Nelson Institute Center for Climatic Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA 2. Laboratory Climate, Ocean and Atmospheric Studies, School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China 3. Geography Department, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Contents of this file Text S1 to S2 Figures S1 to S5 Tables S1 to S3 Introduction The supporting information contains tables, figures and materials that support the main article. It includes a detailed description of how the predictors are selected by stepwise regression. It also provides description and results of an independent statistical method, generalized equilibrium feedback assessment (GEFA), which support our conclusions made from the correlation/regression analyses about the mechanism linking each predictor to Saudi Arabian dust activity. All the datasets used in the supporting information are described in section 2 in the main text. Text S1. Stepwise Regression In order to identify the primary predictors for Saudi Arabian dust activity and minimize the multicolliniarity among predictors [Yin et al, 2014], stepwise regression is applied to 15 potential precipitation- and SST-based predictors which significantly regulate Saudi Arabian dust activity as shown in sections 3.2 and 3.3. These potential predictors include: 1) tropical eastern Pacific SST in February [SSTTEP (Feb)] 2) tropical eastern Pacific SST in March [SSTTEP (Mar)] 3) tropical Indian SST in February [SSTTI (Feb)] 4) tropical Indian SST in March [SSTTI (Mar)] 1 5) tropical Atlantic SST in February [SSTTA (Feb)] 6) tropical Atlantic SST in March [SSTTA (Feb)] 7) Mediterranean SST averaged from the prior 36 months [SSTMed (36)] 8) Mediterranean SST averaged from the prior 24 months [SSTMed (24)] 9) Mediterranean SST averaged from the prior 12 months [SSTMed (12)] 10) North African precipitation averaged from the prior 84 months [PCPNA (84)] 11) North African precipitation averaged from the prior 60 months [PCPNA (60)] 12) North African precipitation averaged from the prior 36 months [PCPNA (36)] 13) Arabian Peninsula precipitation averaged from the prior 84 months [PCPAP (84)] 14) Arabian Peninsula precipitation averaged from the prior 60 months [PCPAP (60)] 15) Arabian Peninsula precipitation averaged from the prior 36 months [PCPAP (36)] for MAM, during 12 successive 25-year periods (1975-1999, 1976-2000, etc). The potential predictors for JJA dust activity are identical to those for MAM, except that April and May SSTs across the tropical eastern Pacific, tropical Indian, and tropical Atlantic are used instead of those in February and March. The length of the periods (25 years) is determined such that it exceeds the number of potential predictors (15), while the number of periods is sufficient for identifying the most consistently important predictors. Stepwise regression selects the most important variables that are not significantly correlated with each other as predicting factors by an automated procedure [Hocking, 1976]. Akaike Information Criterion [Akaike, 1974], which measures the relative quality of a statistical model by estimating the goodness of fit and penalizing the complexity of the model, is used as the selection criterion in stepwise regression. According to stepwise regression, the most important predictor for Saudi Arabian dust activity in MAM are SSTTEP (Feb), SSTMed (36), SSTMed (24), PCPNA (84), and PCPAP (60) (Table S2). The selected predictors are all negatively correlated with MAM dust PC1. Precipitation across Arabian Peninsula is the dominant predictor for both MAM and JJA dust, as it is the most frequently selected predictor. In order to eliminate the redundancy, the prediction model will not include SSTMed (36), which is highly correlated (temporal correlation = 0.89) with SSTMed (24) but less frequently selected by the stepwise regression for the 12 periods. Based on the same approach, SSTTI (Apr), SSTMed (24), and PCPAP (60) are selected as the most important factors and used in the prediction model for JJA dust activity (Table S3). Text S2. GEFA The mechanisms linking SSTs to observed Saudi Arabian dust storm frequency remain uncertain from the simple regression/correlation analysis in section 3, due to covariance between tropical Pacific and tropical Indian and between the North Atlantic and Mediterranean. In order to independently validate the regression/correlation – based impacts of individual oceanic drivers of Saudi Arabian regional climate and dust storm frequency, the multivariate statistical method, Generalized Equilibrium Feedback Assessment (GEFA) [Liu et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2013], is applied to distinguish the influence of individual SST modes on Middle Eastern and North African climate. Based on the theory by Frankignoual et al. [1998], GEFA assesses the instantaneous influence of a slowly-evolving variable (e.g. SST) on an atmospheric variable by estimating the lagged covariance matrices among the atmospheric variable and the forcing (SST) field. It was previously demonstrated that GEFA can separate the individual impacts of different ocean basins on climate [Wen et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2013]. 2 According to Frankignoul et al. [1998], at time scales longer than the atmospheric memory (about one week), the response of an atmospheric variable at time t, A(t), to an oceanic variable, O(t), can be approximated as: A(t) = B×O(t) + N(t) (S1) Where B is the feedback matrix, and N(t) is the atmospheric internal variability. Right multiplying OT(t-τ) on both sides of equation (S1) and applying the covariance yields: CAO (t ) = B×COO (t ) + CNO (t ) (S2) Where τ is the time scale, exceeding the atmospheric adjustment time, C is a covariance matrix, and superscript “T” indicates a transpose. Since oceanic variability cannot be forced by an atmospheric internal variability at a later time, CNO(τ) = 0. As a result, the feedback matrix can be estimated as: -1 B = CAO (t )×COO (t ) (S3) Details of the method have been presented in previous studies [Liu et al., 2008; Wen et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2013]. In order to reduce the sampling error from the correlation among forcing fields [Wen et al., 2010], GEFA is performed in truncated SST EOF space. Following the approach from Wang et al. [2013], the global ocean in the tropics and Northern Hemisphere is divided into five non-overlapping ocean basins: the tropical Pacific (20˚S-20˚N, 120˚E-60˚W), North Pacific (20˚N-60˚N, 120˚E-60˚W), tropical Indian (20˚S-20˚N, 35˚E-120˚E), tropical Atlantic (20˚S-20˚N, 65˚W-15˚E), and North Atlantic (20˚N-60˚N, 100˚W-20˚E). The PC time series corresponding to the two leading EOF modes in each ocean basin, as well as area-average Mediterranean SSTs, are combined into a single forcing matrix. Since area-average SSTTEP and SSTTI used in the prediction model are highly correlated with tropical Pacific PC1 (TP1) (corr = 0.91) and tropical Indian PC1 (TI1) (corr = 0.87), respectively, TP1 and TI1 in the forcing matrix are replaced with SSTTEP and SSTTI, respectively. For all observational and reanalysis data as described in section 2, the seasonal cycle and third order polynomial trend are removed to focus on interannual to decadal variability. Theoretically, the estimated feedback matrix does not depend on the time lag by which it is assessed, but the sampling error increases with the time lag. Therefore, the response in Middle Eastern and North African climate variables (temperature, precipitation, wind, and pressure) are assessed by one-month lag. The statistical significance of the response is estimated using the Monte Carlo bootstrap approach with 500 iterations following Wang et al [2013]. The results from GEFA and regression/correlation analysis are generally consistent regarding the influence of SSTTEP, SSTTI, and SSTMed on Middle Eastern and North African climate. During winter to spring, an anomalously wet southern Arabian Peninsula is often associated with positive anomalies in SSTTEP, which induce high pressure over the Arabian Sea and enhance southwesterly flow and moisture transport to the Arabian Peninsula (Figure S3 (c)). The GEFA response to an anomalously warm TEP is consistent with simple regression (Figure S3 (a)). The air temperature and SLP responses to SSTTI are not consistent between the two methods. During summer, weaker Shamal is associated with warm SSTTI according to regression, but not present 3 in the GEFA response (Figure S3 (b,d)). Both GEFA and regression analysis agree that an anomalously warm Mediterranean Sea supports a wetter Sahel on the interannual time scale (Figure S4 (b,e)), a warm spring over Iran and Iraq (Figure S4 (a, d)), and a weaker summer Shamal (Figure S4 (c, f)). Furthermore, anomalously abundant total precipitable water over Sahel is associated with warm Mediterranean Sea as shown in both regression and GEFA response (Figure S5 (a, c)). The GEFA response in outgoing longwave radiation also shows a northward shift of ITCZ associated with warm Mediterranean Sea (Figure S5 (d)). As suggested by the modeling work in Gaetani et al [2010], anomalously warm eastern Mediterranean is responsible for greater moisture transport to the Sahel from Mediterranean, while anomalously warm western Mediterranean is responsible for stronger West African Monsoon flow. The GEFA results regarding vertical integrated moisture transport (Figure S5 (c)) supports the conclusion in Gaetani et al [2010]. GEFA, as an independent approach, confirms some of the physical mechanisms supporting each SST-based predictor. There are several limitations in the comparison of GEFA and regression/correlation analysis. First of all, the short time period in this study (41 years for precipitation and temperature, 30 years for pressure and wind) induces large sampling error, which partly explains the inconsistency in the influence of SSTTI from GEFA and regression. Using the longer time period 1900-2010, an anomalously warm TI supports positive anomalies in air temperature over the Arabian Peninsula from both GEFA and regression analysis. Second, GEFA assesses the instantaneous atmospheric responses to oceanic forcings, while regression/correlation analysis reveal lagged responses. In the case of SSTTI, for example, the regression shows the response in JJA air temperature and circulation to anomalies in April SSTTI, while GEFA assesses the instantaneous response. Regarding these, dynamical experiments are needed to understand the key SST drivers of the interannual to decadal variability in Saudi Arabian dust activity. 4 (a) (d) (b) (e) (c) (f) Figure S1. Leading three EOF patterns of monthly AOD anomalies from MISR (a-c) and station dust storm frequency (d-f) over Saudi Arabia during 2000-2012. The percentage of variance explained by each pattern is denoted on the right shoulder of each panel. Both MISR and the station data show a homogeneous pattern across Saudi Arabia as the dominant EOF mode. 5 Figure S2. Regression of JFMAM SLP (hPa) upon Feb tropical eastern Pacific SST (K) (19802012). Regression coefficients (hPa K-1) that achieve a significance of 90%, based on the Student’s t-test, are displayed. The resulting pattern is the canonical ENSO see-saw pressure pattern, which includes anomalously high pressure extending from the Pacific warm pool to North Africa, Saudi Arabia, and India. 6 Figure S3. Regulation of (a, c) springtime and (b, d) summertime Saudi Arabian dust activity by tropical eastern Pacific SST and tropical Indian SST, respectively, through their influence on precipitation (1970-2010), 850 hPa geopotential height and wind (1979-2010) and surface wind (1979-2010). (a) Regression of JFMAM precipitation (% in climatology, color), JFMAM 850 hPa geopotential height (m, contour) and 850 hPa wind (m s-1, vector) upon February tropical eastern Pacific SST (K). (b) Regression of JJA air temperature (K, color), JJA sea-level pressure (hPa, contour by 0.5 hPa, solid lines for positive values and dashed lines for negative values), and JJA surface wind (ms-1, vector) upon April tropical Indian SST (K). (a) and (b) come from Figure 7 (a), (b) respectively. (c) GEFA response in the same variables as in (a) at one-month lag to warm TEP SST. (d) GEFA response in the same variables as in (b) at one-month lag to warm TI SST. Regression coefficients (a, b) and GEFA response (c, d) that achieve a significance of 90%, based on Student’s t-test and Monte Carlo test, respectively, are displayed. The results from GEFA and regression analysis are consistent regarding the regulation of SSTTEP on springtime dust activity through precipitation over southern Arabian Peninsula. The linkage between warm SSTTI and weaker Shamal, as shown in the regression map, is absent in the GEFA results, partly due to the different time lags in the regression analysis and GEFA. 7 Figure S4. Regulation of (a, d) springtime and (b, c, e, f) summertime Saudi Arabian dust activity Mediterranean SST through impacts on surface air temperature (1970-2010), precipitation (1970-2010), sea level pressure and surface wind (1979-2010). (a) Regression of MAM surface air temperature at each grid cell upon instantaneous area-mean Mediterranean SST (30˚N-50˚N, 0˚E-50˚E). (b) Regression of annual mean precipitation (cm month-1, color) at each grid cell, upon instantaneous area-mean Mediterranean SST (K). (c) Regression of JJA surface air temperature (K, color), sea-level pressure (hPa, contour), and surface wind (m s-1, vector) at each grid cell upon instantaneous area-mean Mediterranean SST (K). (d-f) GEFA response in the same variables as in (a-c), respectively, at one-month lag to warm Med SST. Regression coefficients (a-c) and GEFA response (d-f) that achieve a significance of 90%, based on Student’s t-test and Monte Carlo test, respectively, are displayed. The results from GEFA and regression analysis are generally consistent. 8 (a) Reg (TQ, Med SST) (b) Reg (OLR, Med SST) (kg/m^2/K) (c) GEFA (TQ, Med SST) (kg/m^2/SST std) (W/m^2/K) (d) GEFA (OLR, Med SST) (W/m^2/SST std) Figure S5. Impacts of Mediterranean SST on summertime (June-September, JJAS) (a, c) total precipitable water (TQ) and vertical integrated moisture transport (VIMT) from MERRA and (b, d) outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Data Records during 1979-2010. (a) Regression of TQ (color shading, kg m-2 K-1) and VIMT (kg m-1 s-1 K-1) at each grid cell upon concurrent area-average Mediterranean SST (30˚N50˚N, 0˚E-50˚E). (b) Regression of OLR (W m-2 K-1) at each grid cell upon concurrent areaaverage Mediterranean SST. (c, d) GEFA response in TQ (kg m-2 SST std-1) and VIMT (kg m-1 s-1 SST std-1), and OLR (W m-2 SST std-1) at one-month lag to warm Med SST. Regression coefficients (a, b) and GEFA response (c, d) that achieve a significance of 90%, based on Student’s t-test and Monte Carlo test, respectively, are displayed. Regression and GEFA analyses are generally consistent. Anomalously abundant total precipitable water over Sahel is associated with warm Med SST. A northward shift of ITCZ associated with warm Med SST is implied by the OLR response. 9 Station Latitude (˚N) Longitude (˚E) Elevation (m) Missing days (%) Years of data Abha 18.14 42.39 2616 30.5 1983-2012 Al Ahsa 25.28 49.48 143 26.2 1982-2012 Al Baha 20.30 41.63 2046 34.3 1981-2012 Al Jouf 29.78 40.10 821 28.9 1983-2012 Al Madinah* 24.33 39.42 899 24.5 1958-2012 Al Qaisumah* 28.31 46.13 207 26.9 1974-2012 Al Taif* 21.26 40.21 1677 32.3 1974-2012 Al Wajh* 26.28 36.42 245 35.5 1973-2012 Arar* 30.90 41.43 653 40.6 1973-2012 Bisha 20.00 42.60 1322 35.7 1983-2012 Dhahran* 26.16 50.10 46 17.5 1955-2012 Gassim* 26.30 43.77 478 29.7 1971-2012 Gizan 16.90 42.58 122 30.6 1984-2012 Hafr 27.90 45.53 389 61.5 1982-2012 Hail* 27.26 41.41 703 29.8 1971-2012 Jeddah 21.42 39.11 23 35.3 1982-2012 Khamis 18.30 42.73 2743 32.1 1983-2012 Makkah 21.42 39.82 1489 42.9 1984-2012 Najran 17.62 44.43 1044 26.4 1982-2012 Rafha* 29.63 43.48 402 26.7 1971-2012 Riyadh 24.93 46.72 457 25.6 1983-2012 Sharorah 17.47 47.12 664 36.7 1981-2012 Tabuk* 28.37 36.62 786 24.6 1973-2012 Turaif* 31.69 38.68 563 25.6 1973-2012 Wadi 20.50 45.20 542 37.1 1990-2012 Yenbo* 24.08 38.00 189 30.9 1974-2012 Table S1. NCDC stations with 3-6 hourly dust records across Saudi Arabia. The asterisks (*) indicate stations that have dust record since the 1970s. The percentage of missing days ranges from 11.3% to 71.1% across the whole country for different years during 1975-2010. Observations are largely missing (68%) at all stations during1995-1998. 10 Period 1975-1999 1976-2000 1977-2001 1978-2002 1979-2003 1980-2004 1981-2005 1982-2006 1983-2007 1984-2008 1985-2009 1986-2010 SSTTEP (Feb) -0.76 SSTMed (36) -0.91 -1.40 -4.22 -6.58 SSTMed (24) -5.90 -6.11 -6.27 -7.93 -6.24 -5.19 -0.64 PCPNA (84) -2.82 -2.54 -3.16 -2.32 PCPAP (60) -5.63 -5.60 -5.28 -2.79 -5.87 -6.43 -8.76 -9.63 -10.03 Table S2. Regression coefficients of MAM dust PC1 upon predictors selected from 15 potential predictors by stepwise regression in 12 successive 25-year periods. These potential predictors include tropical eastern Pacific SST in February [SSTTEP (Feb)] and March [SSTTEP (Mar)], tropical Indian SST in February [SSTTI (Feb)] and March [SSTTI (Mar)], tropical Atlantic SST in February [SSTTA (Feb)] and March [SSTTA (Feb)], Mediterranean SST averaged over the prior 36 months [SSTMed (36)], 24 months [SSTMed (24)], and 12 months [SSTMed (12)], North African precipitation averaged over the prior 84 months [PCPNA (84)], 60 months [PCPNA (60)], and 36 months [PCPNA (36)], Arabian Peninsula precipitation averaged over the prior 84 months [PCPAP (84)], 60 months [PCPAP (60)], and 36 months [PCPAP (36)]. Only predictors identified by stepwise regression are listed. The predictors used in the final prediction model are identified in red. 11 Period SSTTEP (Apr) 19751999 1976- 0.21 2000 19772001 19782002 19792003 19802004 19812005 19822006 19832007 19842008 19852009 19862010 SSTTEP (May) 0.30 SSTTI SSTTI SSTMed SSTMed SSTMed PCPNA PCPAP (Apr) (May) (36) (24) (12) (84) (60) -0.73 -3.60 -4.95 -0.89 0.22 -3.84 -4.59 -1.02 -6.83 -4.22 -1.20 -6.80 -4.19 -1.17 -5.52 -4.90 -1.84 -4.07 -2.00 -0.97 -3.67 -2.51 -9.27 -5.10 -9.12 -5.10 -1.54 -11.19 -1.03 -5.67 -4.99 -13.79 -5.32 -9.43 Table S3. Regression coefficients of MAM dust PC1 upon predictors selected from 15 potential predictors by stepwise regression in 12 successive 25-year periods. These potential predictors include SSTTEP (Apr), SSTTEP (May), SSTTI (Apr), SSTTI (May), SSTTA (Apr), SSTTA (May), SSTMed (36), SSTMed (24), SSTMed (12), PCPNA (84), PCPNA (60), PCPNA (36), PCPAP (84), PCPAP (60), PCPAP (36). The acronyms follow those in Table S2. Only predictors identified by stepwise regression are listed. The predictors used in the final prediction model are identified in red. 12 13