professional experience

Dr Cameron W. MacDonald PT DPT GCS OCS FAAOMPT
5525 Sample Way, Colorado Springs CO 80919
(719) 634 1186
Mar 2006 – present
Regis University Denver – Affiliate faculty instructor in Doctor of PT program. Chief Fellow –
Regis University Fellowship post-Doctoral Fellowship in Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy.
Aug 2002 – present.
Full Time PT – Colorado Sport & Spine Center, outpt orthopedics. Instructor to more than 20
Doctoral interns. Fellow resident instructor since 2006.
June 2002 – August 2002
Per Diem PT – CMR/CMT contract, Colorado Springs, CO. Home Health & wound care.
Oct 2001 – Jan 2002.
Traveling PT – Gratiot Community Hospital, Alma MI.
Outpatient manual PT and adjoining community hospital. Mentored with COMT.
Mar 2001 – Aug 2001.
Senior PT – Cypress Manor Health & Rehabilitation Center (CMH&RC), Hancock MI.
Responsible for PT evaluations, interventions for inpatient SNF clientele in orthopedics and
neurology, and for outpatient orthopedic patients. Provided home PT services also.
May 2000 – Aug 2000.
Contract PT – independently contracted PT for two home health agencies in Upper Peninsula of
MI. Keewenaw Home Nursing & Superior Home Nursing.
Mar 1998 – May 2000.
Rehab Coordinator/ Senior PT – Paragon Rehabilitation, Inc. at CMH&RC.
Responsible for all therapy services, staff education orthopedic/manual treatment, fiscal
management, staffing, & development of home and outpatient services. Staff of 7-11 therapists.
Apr 1999 – Apr 2000.
Rehab Coordinator – Paragon Rehab, Mather Nursing Center, Ishpheming MI.
Rehab manager for 122 bed SNF. Staff 4-6 therapists. Delivered patient care also.
Jul 1995 – Feb 1998.
Director of therapy/ Senior PT – Interim Therapy Services, Cypress Manor Nursing Home.
Commenced as contract PT for 63 bed SNF. Developed PT services to expand facility and
include outpatient services in PT/OT & ST. Appointed Director with facility transition to
CMH&RC 1997. Staff of 3-5 therapists for orthopedic & geriatric clientele.
Oct 1994 – Mar 1995.
Staff PT – Port Kembla Hospital, Wollongong Australia.
Outpatient PT, hydrotherapy for spinal, neuro/ortho and sports patients.
APTA representative 2008-9
Panel of Experts 2006
Panel of Experts 2007-8
AAOMPT Panel 2006
Expert Witness
ACOEM Hip Panel
National PT Examination Expert panel with FSBPT
Geriatric Board Specialist Certification Examination
Description of Advance Practice in Manual Physical Therapy
Colorado Alternate Defense Counsel
MERIC IRB Board for Research into Orthopedics
Delegate SE District APTA, APTA House of Delegates
APTA credentialed clinical instructor 1999
Affiliate Faculty Regis University – Doctor of Physical Therapy 2006-present
Chief Fellow – Regis Fellowship in OMPT (accredited in APTA/AAOMPT)
Evidence in Motion –Faculty 2006-present
Suomi College Michigan – Affiliate to PTA program 1998-00
2006 – Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy (FAAOMPT)
2002 – Board Certified in Orthopedics by American Board of Physical Therapy Specialists (OCS)
2002 – Board Certified in Geriatrics by American Board of Physical Therapy Specialists (GCS)
Current in Colorado, USA.
APTA, AAOMPT, Orthopedic and Geriatric sections of APTA.
1991-4 - Bachelor Applied Science – Physiotherapy, Sydney University, Australia
2002-5 - Doctor of Physical Therapy – Regis University, CO. Honors, Leadership award
2004-6 – Fellowship Orthopedic Manual PT – Regis University/AAOMPT
Excellence in Leadership in PT – Regis University 2005
George J. Davies & James A. Gould Excellence in Clinical Inquiry 2006 – for research published
as a case series or similar format in JOSPT
Excellence in Research Award, American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists
2006 - Josh Cleland, Paul Glynn, Julie Whitman, Sarah Eberhart, Cameron MacDonald & John
Advanced wound care
PWPE FCE certified evaluator
APTA Clinical instructor credentialing
APTA conference
Home study Orthopedics 11.2/16.2 Current Concepts of Ortho PT – 84 hours x2
Home study Geriatrics – 90 hours awarded
MI APTA Conference, Mobilization/Manipulation of the Cervical Spine, Krauss
Home Study Cervical Spine and TMJ – 30 hours
Home study shoulder – 30 hours
AAOMPT conferences
Manipulation of the spine, Gibbons & Tehan, Oklahoma.
APTA House of Delegates – Delegate (CO) & National Conference
2006 – MacDonald, Whitman, Cleland, Smith, Hoeksma. Clinical Outcomes Following
Manual Physical Therapy for Hip Osteoarthritis. JOSPT. 36(8);588-599.
2006 – The Short-Term Effects of Thrust versus Non-Thrust Manipulation Directed at the
Thoracic Spine in Patients with Neck Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Cleland, Glynn,
Whitman, Eberhert, MacDonald, Childs. Physical Therapy (April 2007).
Multiple published invited commentaries including thesis reviews and expert opinion articles in
magazines. Abstracts for AAOMPT 2005, 2007 & 2008, and CSM 2007. Approximately 40
analyses of practice and small studies for post-doctoral and doctoral candidates.
2004 – February
2004 – February
2004 – March
2004 – April
2005 – May
2005 – October
2005 – November
2006 – March
2006 – March
2006 - May
2006 – Fall
2006 – August
2006 – October
2006 – December
2006 – December
2007 – Winter
2007 – Feb
2007 – Spring
2007 – March
2007 – Aug – Oct
2007 – September
2007 – October
Lab Instructor - with Dr Timothy Flynn, OCS FAAOMPT - High
Velocity thrust for the treatment of cervical headaches
Instructor/Presenter - Mobilization Hip for OA
Lab Instructor, assistant to Dr Timothy Flynn, OCS FAAOMPT –
Lumbo-pelvic & Hip Mobilization & Manipulation
Lab Instructor, assistant to Dr Timothy Flynn, OCS FAAOMPT - CO
APTA Conference, Chronic LBP, Manipulation
Instructor/Presenter – Mobilization of the shoulder
AAOMPT Platform presentation - “Clinical outcomes following manual
physical therapy for hip OA: A case series.”
Community presentation – PT considerations for the mature skier.
Lab Instructor – APTA CO Conference. Manual PT for TMJ and upper
cervical dysfunction. Presented with Joel Rauser PT MPT CFC.
Presenter - Manual PT for Shoulder RTC and Sub-acromial Impingment,
Course for SE APTA CO.
Instructor/Presenter – Manual PT post TKA, emphasis to hip/pelvic
Instructor - tDPT online & weekend intensive Cervico-Thoracic
Management (8 wks)
Instructor - Rehabilitation of the adolescent thrower.
Instructor – Management of Upper Cervical Spine and TMJ with Joel
Instructor – Evidence Based Interventions for the Cervical and Thoracic
Spine with John Childs PT PhD OCS FAAOMPT
Community presentation – PT and hip/knee osteoarthritis.
Instructor – tDPT online & weekend intensive Lower Extremity
Management (8wks) Regis University
Instructor – Evidence Based Interventions for the Upper Extremity with
Instructor – tDPT online Advanced Clinical Decision Making – research
applications, writing and development for Doctoral students. 34 trials.
Lab Instructor – Manual PT for the Lumbar Spine and Pelvis, Weekend
Intensive with Timothy Flynn PT PhD OCS FAAOMPT
Instructor – tDPT online Upper Extremity Manual PT management
Instructor – 2 day course EBP Cervico-Thoracic Orthopedic Manual PT
management with EIM
Instructor – Evidence based interventions for management of Lumbar
Spine Stenosis, spinal, pelvic and hip manual PT and exercises.
Instructor – Geriatric Orthopedic Manual Therapy with considerations
for LSS and osteoporosis (with Julie Whitman)
Instructor – Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity and Lumbo-Pelvic
OMPT management Courses – Regis
Examiner – Fellowship Practicum Exams – AAOMPT conference
Instructor – Online Virtual Rounds for Fellowship (Regis OMPT)