IEEE_21451_development_plan_v1 - IEEE Industrial Electronics

IEEE 21451-001
Recommended Practice for Signal Treatment Applied to Smart
Scope: This recommended practice defines signal processing algorithms and data structure
in order to share and to infer signal and state information of an instrumentation or control
system. These algorithms are based on their own signal and also on the transducers
attached to the system. The recommended practice also defines the commands and
replies for requesting information and algorithms for shape analysis such as exponential,
sinusoidal, impulsive noise, noise, and tendency.
Sponsoring Society and Committee: IEEE Industrial Electronics Society/Industrial
Electronics Society Standards
Committee (IES/IES).
Joint Sponsor: IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society/TC9 - Sensor Technology
Type of Ballot: Individual
Expected Date of submission of draft to the IEEE-SA for Initial Sponsor Ballot: 01/2014
Projected Completion Date for Submittal to RevCom: 10/2015
Proposed development plan
The working group has been divided into five subgroups:
Objectives: To define, propose, and validate first layer algorithms based on MCT vectors.
Review the initial proposal, modify it and suggest changes.
Dr. Antonio Pietrosanto - University of Salerno- ITALY email:
Objectives: To define and coordinate commands and data structure consistently with IEEE
1451 standards. Review and propose a time synchronization scheme for data. Normalize
name of variables and data.
Dr. Eugene Song- National Institute of Standard Technology (NIST) - USA
Objectives: To define, review and propose algorithms based on MCT vectors and first layer
outputs for filtering, signal compression and prediction.
Dr. Ruqiang Yang - School of Instrument Science and Engineering, Southeast University,
Nanjing , China
Objectives: To propose new algorithms that the group considers that they must be
included. Define the data structure for embedding user defined application code and
pattern learning algorithms.
Dr. Zheng Liu- Toyota Technological Institute- JAPAN email:
Objectives: To test and validate proposed algorithms using simulation software (MatLab,
Octave, Scilab…) and C code for microcontrollers.
Dr. Vincenzo Paciello-Università degli Studi di Salerno- ITALY email:
Also, there is a coordination group whose objectives are:
Resolve conflicts of interaction between subgroups and coordinate actions to achieve
objectives in each subgroup.
Members: Gustavo Monte, Victor Huang, Kang Lee.
For each subgroup
Due dates (PLEASE READ the Notes given below for EACH milestone)
Confirmed participation list (note 1)
Draft development plan (note 2)
Status 1
Status 2
Standard proposal (note 3)
Review, analysis and modification (note 4)
11/12 or 13/2013 at IECON Vienna
(NOTE: IF IECON Vienna is not possible due to travel funds, the date will be
Final document (note 5)
12/3/2013 (or 12/5 if no Vienna)
Remarks: SG1 should start working immediately because it is the base for others
subgroups. All subgroups must start in parallel even if there is information from others
missing. When the information is available the proposed document is updated.
1. Confirmed Participation List – Each Subgroup should submit a full list of the
Subgroup’s participants that the SG Leader has solicited and confirmed. Good
examples is the submission of the document by SG1, 4, 5. WE need lists from
SG2, 3.
2. Development Plan -- Work within SubGroup members to come up with the
development and plan for the subgroup sections – to provide the work effort,
technical analyses, evaluation, development of the contents, and the plan
within the subgroup to be able to provide a full working technical draft by
Standard Proposal dates. That is, the contribution will be the writeup for the
Standard Proposal.
The subgroup is to work collaboratively under SG members and also other SG
members if needed.
Status reports/meetings will be held every 2 weeks to check on progress and
3. Standard Proposal – at this stage, all SG members will work with the Co-Chairs
to put the Standards document together. All sections will be integrated and
this period is to review for technical accuracy, consistency among the sections,
check to see it meets IEEE standards documentation criteria, etc etc. This is
also in preparation for the next step of analysis, reviews and modifications.
4. Analysis, Reviews and Modifications – this step is to provide the necessary
clean up for the document to get ready for submission for Ballot votes. Suggest
that this meeting be held as a physical meeting at the IES IECON conference in
Vienna. Others who can’t attend can patch in via audio conferencing. (I will try
to make this happen).
Status will be held once before the next milestone.
5. Final Document – This milestone should be the final version of the document all
finished, so that we can be ready for balloting for January 2014.