Fall Flows Subgroup August 3, 2011 TRRP Me, George, Andreas Fall Flows Implementation Plan Purpose Statement: The purpose of the annual Fall Flows Implementation Plan is to define the technical evaluation and management process (environmental permitting, identification of water source, release schedules from Iron Gate Dam and/or Trinity Dam, and the timing and duration of the releases considering travel time from the dams to the Lower Klamath River) required to implement a Proactive/Preventative and/or Emergency fall reservoir release(s) from the Iron Gate or Trinity Dams for the purposes of minimizing or averting chronic and acute effects of disease pathogens on adult Klamath/Trinity fall run Chinook salmon in the Lower Klamath River. The Fall Flows Subgroup provides technical evaluation into this process, including; river flow forecasts/modeling, run-size forecasts, and evaluation of Proactive and Emergency flow release criteria. The Fall Flows Subgroup will also recommend biological and physical assessments for the purposes of adaptive management. Peer Review of Strange 2010 Confirm if Strange 2010 is FINAL? Consult Ernie on TRRP peer/external review process Share with workgroup members Confirm KBAO peer review is complete Fall Flows Subgroup/Process Outreach Matrix (linked to Fall Flows Implementation Plan) Who: Tribe, agency, staff, public, etc. Role/Responsibility: technical, permitting, operations, monitoring, etc. Timeline: Identify the timeline for outreach, participation and decision points within process. Action Items: 1. Continue bi-weekly flow forecasts 2. Consult with Flow Workgroup on the purpose of the Fall Flow Implementation Plan 3. Interact with Adult Disease monitoring effort to evaluate Emergency Flow Release Criteria 4. Update Action tracker 5. Schedule next meeting