Records Retention Mapping for the Office of the General Faculty


Records Retention Mapping for the Office of the General Faculty.

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Refer to the University of Texas at Austin Records Retention Schedule (UTRRS) to determine whether an official state record has met retention and archival review requirements. Entries that appear in red require archival review. Entries that appear in blue were added in the

2008 recertification.

Keys and guides to codes and notes can be found within the UTRRS. This information is also provided in the Guide to the UTRRS .

The State of Texas Records Retention Schedule provides standard retention and archival review requirements for records common to all state agencies. Where applicable you will find the state code corresponding to UTRRS code numbers in the State # column of the UTRRS. Links to pages of the state RRS codes appended to the UTRRS are provided for reference purposes only. UT departments must use codes listed in the UTRRS when requesting authorization to dispose of official state records.

Request for Internal Approval to Dispose of State Records

Naming Convention

 The four file cabinets are named using the following conventions: Faculty Council West (FCW), Faculty Council North (FCN),

Memorial Resolution Right (MRR), and Memorial Resolution Left (MRL).

 The cabinets have labels at the top.

 Each cabinet has five drawers. They are labeled 1-5

 File locations are named by first listing the cabinet and the listing the drawer (e.g. FCN 1)

Entering a Record

 Column A has a list of the UT Records Retention Codes. When you select a cell in the column, an up/down icon will appear to the right of the cell. Clicking the up/down icon and a dropdown list of the UT Codes will appear.

 Select the UT Code that the file falls under. The UTRRS.pdf file has descriptions of each UT Code. o Note: Most of the files will fall under ‘Correspondence – Administrative’. This includes things such as emails and letters.

 In Column B (Description) type in the name of the file.

 In Column C (Retention Period) hit ‘ctrl+D’. This causes an AutoFill to occur. o Alternatively, if you are entering multiple records and want to fill multiple entries in Column C at once, select the cell above the first entry in Column C. If you place the cursor above the bottom-right corner of the cell, the cursor will change from o the pointer to a cross. While the cursor is shaped as a cross, click the corner and drag the cursor over all the cells that you wish to fill.

Note: this AutoFill will only work if a UT Code has been selected in Column A. If no code is selected, the cell will return

a ‘N/A’ value

 In Column D (From) enter the date of the earliest record in the folder.

 In Column D (To) enter the date of the latest record in the folder.

 In Column F (Location) enter the location of the drawer in which the folder is to be filed (e.g. FCN 4)

 In Column G (Eligible) enter the date that the file is eligible for termination. This is a manual process. You must use the value that was returned in Column C and add that to the value that you entered in Column D. If the returned value in Column C was not a numerical value (e.g. AC, PM, etc) then just re-enter the value that appears Column C.

Updating a File

Updating a file usually consists of updating the values in Columns D (Location) and G (Eligible). Doing this is simple.

Find the record that you are updating.

Enter in the updated date into Column D.

Enter in the updated eligibility date into Column G.

Searching for a file

Open the records retention database.

Hit ‘ctrl+f’ and enter in a search query.

If the file is in the list of the search results, the file’s physical location can be determined by looking in Column F (location)

Finding Files Eligible for Termination

In column G (Eligible), hit the up/down arrow icon in row two. This will bring up a list of sort options.

Click the option near the top of the list that says ‘(Custom Filter)’.

In the Custom AutoFilter box, in the dropdown menu, select ‘is greater than or equal to’.

Enter the current date.

Click OK.

Excel will now sort and filter eligible files for termination.

After a file is terminated, record the date of termination into Column H (Destroyed).

To return to a full view of the entire list, hit the sort icon and select ‘(Show All)’

Updating or Adding to the UT Record Retention Codes

There will be instances where a certain UT Code is needed, but is not in the dropdown list in Column A. In such cases, it is necessary to manually add the code to the list.

 In the record retention database, select the second tab (Data_Val) and you will see a list of UT Codes and Retention Periods.

 It is important to note that any new entries to this list must be made in Alphabetical Order ; neglecting this will cause the formula to work improperly.

 To update, first determine alphabetically where the code will be.

 Highlight the row that is directly below where the new entry will be. To do this, select the row number (on the very left of the window).

 In the menu options select: Insert -> Rows

 There will now be an empty row where you can enter in the UT Code

 In Column A (UT Code) enter the code as it appears in the UTRRS.pdf file.

 In Column B (Retention) enter the retention period.

 The list is now updated, and should appear in the dropdown list in Column A of the ‘Record_Retention’ tab.

Transitory Information

Records that are marked as transitory information do not need permission to be destroyed. These can be destroyed whenever they are no longer of any use to the OGF. While no permission is needed, the termination of these files is still recorded in the records retention database.

After destroying a file, make sure to enter the termination date into the database in Column H (destroyed).

Permanent References (GFO100)

There are some instances where a particular file is needed as a permanent reference. There is no UT Code for such designations. To make up for this, an unofficial code has been created for the use of this office (GFO100).

The following is a listing of the general contents of each file cabinet.

Faculty Council West (FCW):

Drawer #1(from top): General Faculty Elections Results and supporting documentation. Period, Spring 1999 to current year.

Drawer #2:

 Degrees Conferred. Period, summer 1997 to current year.

Scan and archive records after three years. Scanned documents are kept on CD and in backup files on our local server.

 Numbered documents of the Faculty Council and General Faculty and their respective supporting letters and documentation.

Period, current year and legislation three years prior to current year. Supporting documentation for legislation needing approval from the provost or higher, is scanned and archived after three years from completion (final approval or disapproval). Nonlegislative numbered documents including the Memorial Resolutions, Secretary’s Reports, Minutes, Order of Business and reports not requiring approval from the administration, UT System, or THECB are archived via the bound volumes created annually. [1.1.058, GFO085, Meeting Minutes – General Faculty, Faculty Senate, and University Council, PM, I; Audio tape transcripts & unedited typescripts also kept; See note 2]

 The original numbered documents are kept for a period of three years, after which they can then be recycled since copies have

been created and preserved in bound volumes of the General Faculty. Scanned documents are kept on CD and in backup files on our local server.

Drawer #3:

Standing Committee Appointments and supporting documentation, including letters of notification. Period, 2000-2001 appointments to current year. Scan and archive records after three years. Scanned documents are kept on CD and in backup files on our local server. A numbered document of the Standing Committee membership for any given year appears in the bound volume for that respective academic year, therefore, a permanent record of the committees’ membership is on file.

Drawer #4:

 Special Committee Reports, Standing Committee Report (yellow tab)

[1.1.067, AALL096, Reports and Studies (Non ‐ fiscal), 3, O ]

 Transcripts of the Faculty Council and General Faculty meetings (permanent record)

 Standing Committees, Coop Board of Directors, And Intercollegiate Athletics Councils miscellaneous files

Drawer #5:

 Faculty Senate, September 9, 1974 through April 24, 1995

 Faculty Council May 11, 1999 through May 9, 2005

 General Faculty, Faculty Council and special committee reports.

Faculty Council North (FCN):

Drawer #1: Contains MO&E’s and Signed Statement of Accounts. These files are kept longer than the retention period. It also contains purchase vouchers.

Drawers #2-5: Faculty Council Files. For the most part, these files are organized alphabetically.

Memorial Resolution Right (MRR):

MRR contains memorial resolutions for faculty with last names A-L

Memorial Resolution Left (MRL):

MRL contains memorial resolutions for faculty with last names M-Z

Ombudsperson (OMB):

OMB contains documents pertaining to grievance hearings. Located in the Ombudsperson’s office. (T) next to an entry indicates that

there are hearing tapes for that grievance. The hearing tapes are located on the top drawer of the filing cabinet.
