Name: Biology Cell Reproduction Review Packet Define the following terms: Chromatid: one of the two identical copies of DNA making up a duplicated chromosome Chromosome:single piece of coiled DNA Homologous Chromosome:matching pairs of chromosomes Tetrad:two homologous chromosomes formed during meiosis (prophase 1) Gamete:sex cell Somatic Cell:body cell Crossing over:during prophase 1 when gene segments are exchanged Synapsis:joining together of homologous chromosomes to form a tetrad Disjunction:during anaphase when the tetrad is pulled apart into 2 equal parts 1. In a human, what is the ratio of the normal chromosome number in a nucleus produced by mitosis to the normal chromosome number in a nucleus produced by meiosis? a. 1:1 b. 2:1 c. 3:1 d. 4:1 2. The distribution of chromosomes in one type of cell division is shown in the diagram below. Which process is represented in the diagram? a. asexual reproduction b. meiosis c. mitosis d. vegetative propagation 3. Which statement best explains the observation that clones produced from the same organism may not be identical? a. Events in meiosis result in variation. b. Gene expression can be influenced by the environment. c. Differentiated cells have different genes. d. Half the genetic information in offspring comes from each parent. 4. Which event normally occurs in meiosis but not in mitosis? a. chromosome replication b. synapsis of homologous chromosomes c. nuclear membrane disintegration d. movement of chromosomes to opposite poles 5. In the process of oogenesis in humans, a primary sex cell undergoes divisions that normally produce a. 4 sperm b. 1 sperm and 3 eggs c. 1 egg and 3 polar bodies d. 4 eggs Base your answers to questions 6-9 on the diagram below and your knowledge of biology. The diagram represents a single-celled organism, such as an amoeba, undergoing the changes shown. 6. As a result of these processes, the single-celled organism accomplishes a. gamete production b. energy production c. sexual reproduction d. asexual reproduction 7. Process 1 is known as a. replication b. meiosis c. differentiation d. digestion 8. Process 1 and process 2 are directly involved in a. meiotic cell division b. mitotic cell division c. fertilization d. recombination 9. The genetic content of C is usually identical to the genetic content of a. B but not D b. Both B and D c. D but not A d. Both A and D 10. Which cell process occurs only in organisms that reproduce sexually? a. mutation b. replication c. meiosis d. mitosis 11. Which statement is both true of mitosis and meiosis? a. Both are involved in asexual reproduction. b. Both only occur in reproductive cells. c. The number of chromosomes is reduced by half. d. DNA replication occurs before the division of the nucleus. 12. State the important end result of meiosis and how these cells differ from the end result of mitosis. Meiosis produces four daughter cells with half the DNA from the original parent Mitosis produces two genetically identical daughter cells with the same amount of DNA as the parents. 13. Give the meaning of crossing over, state when it occurs, and how it could affect variation in organisms. Crossing over is the exchange of gene segments during Prophase 1 in meiosis. This causes variation because DNA is being rearranged and then split. 14. Distinguish between asexual and sexual reproduction. Asexual – 1 parent, identical cell is produced Sexual – 2 parents, variation results 15. State the differences between an egg cell and a sperm cell. (Include: where produced, name of the process, size comparison, # produced, male/female gamete) Egg – ovaries, oogenesis, large, 1 egg & 3 nonfunctional polar bodies, female gamete Sperm – testes, spermatogenesis, small, 4 motile sperm, male gamete 16. List the phases of meiosis I and meiosis II and describe the events characteristic of each. Meiosis I Prophase – chromosomes visible (double set), centrioles to poles, synapsis & crossing over occur Metaphase – tetrads lined up on equator Anaphase – tetrads pulled apart into homologous chromosomes Telophase – 2 daughter cells result (1 full set of chromosomes) Meiosis II Prophase – chromosomes visible (1 full set) Metaphase – homologous chromosomes line up on equator Anaphase – homologous chromosomes pulled apart Telophase – 4 daughter cells result (half original DNA)