REFEREED PAPERS (2007) Zhang Y, & Patrick J. Extracting Semantics in a Clnical Scenario. Health Knowledge & Data Mining Workshop, Ballarat, Research & Practice in Infomration Technology, 2007 (2007) Wang, Y. & Patrick, J. An automated system for Conversion of Clincial notes into SNOMED CT. Health Knowledge & Data Mining Workshop, Ballarat, Research & Practice in Infomration Technology, 2007 (2006)Patrick, J. Aggregation and Generalisation in SNOMED CT, Proc of Semantic Mining Conference on SNOMED, Copenhagen, 2006. (2006)Metonymic and Holonymic Roles and Emergent Properties in the SNOMED CT Ontology, Advances in Ontologies, M. Orgun & T, Meyer (Eds). Proc of the Austrlaian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2006), Tasmania, 2006. (2006)Zhang, M. Patrick, J. Truran, D & Kerry Innes, K. Deriving a SNOMED CT Data Model. Proc of Semantic Mining Conference on SNOMED, Copenhagen, 2006. (2006)Wang Y, Patrick J, Miller G, O’Halloran J. Linguistic Mapping of Terminologies to SNOMED CT. Proc of Semantic Mining Conference on SNOMED, Copenhagen, 2006. (2006)Patrick J, Wang Y, Miller G, O’Halloran J. Automatic Mapping ICPC2-PLUS Terms into SNOMED CT Terminologies. Health Informatics Conference, Sydney, 2006. (2006)Zhang, M. Patrick, J. Truran, D. Inference of a SNOMED CT data model. Health Informatics Conference, Sydney, 2006. (2006)Patrick J, Ly R. and Truran, D. Evaluation of persistent Store for openEHR. Health Informatics Conference, Sydney, 2006. (2006)Patrick, J. and Budd, P. Automatic conversion of clinical notes into SNOMED CT at point of care. Health Informatics Conference, Sydney, 2006. (2006)Patrick, J. Wang, Y. Miller, G. O’Hallaran, J. Automatic mapping of ICPC-2PLUS terms SNOMED CT terminologies. Health Informatics Conference, Sydney, 2006. (2005) with Fletcher, J., “Evaluating the utility of Appraisal Hierarchies as a method for Sentiment Classification. Australian Language Technology Workshop 2005, ISBN: 0-9751687-2-X, pp134-142. (2005) with Zhang, Y. “Paraphrase identification by Text Canonicalisation”. Austrlaian Language Technology Workshop 2005, ISBN: 0-9751687-2-X, pp160-166. (2005) with Wang, Y. “Biomedical Named entuity Recognition System”. Proc 10th Austalian Document Computing Symposium, School of IT, Uni Sydney, ISBN 1 86478 787 1. pp64-71. (2005) “Scamseek: A Language Technology Project fulfilling Research Objectives with Industrial Obligations”. G. Low (ed) Conferences in Research and Practice in Informtion Technology, vol 46. (2005) with Fletcher, J. “Classifying verb particle constructions by verb arguments”. Proc 2nd ACL-SIGSEM Workshop on the Lingusitic Dimensions of Prepositions and their use in Computational Linguisitcs Formalisms and Applications.Uni of Essex Colcheter, UK. pp200-209. (2004) with Crawford, E. & Koprinska, I. “Phrases and Feature Selection in E-mail classification”, Proc 9th Australasian Doc Comp Symposium, P. Bruza, A Moffat, & A. Turpin (Eds.)Melbourne. pp59-62 (2004)with Chanen, A. “Complex, Corpus-Driven, Syntactic Features for Word Sense Disambiguation”. Proc. Australasian Lang. Tech. Workshop 2004, Sydney. A Asudeh, C. Paris, S. Wan (Eds.), pp1-8. (2004) with Bell, D. “Using Wordnet domains in a supervised learningword sense disambiguatio system..”.Proc. Australasian Lang. Tech. Workshop 2004, Sydney. A Asudeh, C. Paris, S. Wan (Eds.), pp17-24. (2004)with Ngyuen, P. “Thin Parsing: a balance between wide scale parsing and chunking.”Proc. Australasian Lang. Tech. Workshop 2004, Sydney. A Asudeh, C. Paris, S. Wan (Eds.), pp39-46. (2004)with Fletcher, J. “Differentiating types of verb particle constructions.”Proc. Australasian Lang. Tech. Workshop 2004, Sydney. A Asudeh, C. Paris, S. Wan (Eds.), pp163-170. (2004) with Whitelaw, C. “Selecting Systemic Features for Text Classification”. Proc. Australasian Lang. Tech. Workshop 2004, Sydney. A Asudeh, C. Paris, S. Wan (Eds.), pp93-100. (2004) with Zappavigna-Lee, M. “Eliciting tacit knowledge from spoken discourse.” Americas Conference on Information Systems. New York. ( ?Publication_ID=34). (2004) with Zappavigna-Lee, M. “Eliciting tacit knowledge from spoken discourse about requirements analysis.” Australian Conference for Knowledge Management & Intelligent Decision Support,Melbourne. (2004) with Santiago Martinez, E. “An analysis of the monosyllables of early euskara.” Festschrift in honour of Dr Larry Trask. (Eds.) J.I.Hualde, J. Ortiz de Urbina. (in the press). (2004) with Herke-Couchman, M., and Whitelaw, C. “Identifying Interpersonal Distance using Systemic Features”. Proceedings of AAAI Spring Symposium on Exploring Attitude and Affect in Text, Yan Qu, James G. Shanahan, Janyce Wiebe (Eds.) ISSN # is 978-1-57735-219-x, SS-04-07, AAAI Technical Report Series, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, USA, 2004,pp70-76. (2003) with Whitelaw, C. “Evaluating corpora for named Entity Recognition using character level features”. Proceedings of 16th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Perth Australia, December. (2003) with Whitelaw, C. “Named Entity Recognition Using a Character-based Probabilistic Approach “. Proceedings of CoNLL-2003, Edmonton,Canada, (eds.) Walter Daelemans and Miles Osborne, pp 199-202. (2003) with R.Munro & Ler D. “Meta-Learning Orthographic and Contextual Models for Language Independent Named Entity Recognition”. Proceedings of CoNLL-2003, Edmonton, Canada, (eds.) Walter Daelemans and Miles Osborne, pp 192-195. (2003) with Zappavigna, M., Davis, J. & Stern, A. “Assessing Knowledge Management Services though Discourse Analysis”. 7th Pacific Asia Conf on Inf Sys. Adelaide, Australia, pp523-540 (2002) with Whitelaw, C. & Munro, R. “SLINERC -Sydney language independent named entity recogniser and classifier”. Proceedings of CoNLL-2002, Taiwan, pp 199-202 (2002) with Whitelaw, C. “Orthographic Tries in Language Independent Named Entity Recognition”. Australasian Natural Language Processing Workshop, Canberra, Australia, pp 1-8, ISBN 1 86408 800 1. (2002) with Palko, D., Munro, R., & Zappavigna, M. “User Driven Example-Based Training for Creating Lexical Knowledgebases”. Australasian Natural Language Processing Workshop, Canberra, Australia, pp 17-24, ISBN 1 86408 800 1. (2002) with Zappavigna-Lee, M., & Stern, A. (2002) Knowledge Management as Social Semiotic: discourse analysis as a measure of quality. The Role of Quality in Knowledge Management (eds.) Burstein F. & Linger, H. Kew: Australian Scholarly Publications. pp 55-72. (2001). with Goyal, I., “Boosted Decision Graphs for NLP Learning Tasks”. In: Proceedings of CoNLL-2001, Toulouse, France. (2001). with S. Anthony, H. Qiao, C. Charles. “Computational semantic analysis for appraising change in language usage”, (Eds.) H Bunt, I van der Sluis, E. Thijsse, 4th International Workshop on Computational Semantics, IWCS-4. pp468-472. (2001). with P. Carter, & F. Deane, “EXCOVE and using videos in knowledge elicitation”. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 54 (3), 301-317. (2000). with J. Zhang & X. Artola-Zubillaga, “An Architecture and Query Language for a Federation of Heterogeneous Lexical and Dictionary Databases”, Computers and the Humanities, 34: 393-407. (2000). with Balnaves, E. Kam, T. Ler, D. and Yeates, T. “A Case Study of Multimedia Architecture Design: Workflow and Version Control for Regeneration of Multimedia Systems”. Grundy, J. & Han, J. (eds.). 3rd Australian Workshop on Software and System Architectures, pp88-99. (1999). with Azkue, J.J., Bidaurrazaga, A., “Gorputza, osasuna eta gaixoa Azkuerengan (I): gorputz atalen izendapena.” Euskera, XLIV: 507-576. (1999). “Tagging Psychotherapeutic interviews for linguistic analysis”. Proc. of Workshop on Towards Standards and Tools form Discourse Tagging. Assoc for Comp. Linguisitics:New Brunswick. 58-64. (1998). with A.Raman & P. Andreae, “A Beam Search Algorithm for PFSA Inference”, Pattern Analysis & Applications. 1:121-129. Springer-Verlag London Ltd. (1997). with A.V. Raman, & J. Newman, “A complexity measure for diachronic Chinese phonology”, Proceedings of the SIGPHON97 workshop on Computational Linguistics at the ACL’97/ EACL’97, Madrid, Spain. (1997). with A. V. Raman. “The sk-strings method for inferring PFSA”, Proceedings 14th International Conference on Machine Learning-ICML’97, Nashville, Tennessee. (1997). with P. Carter. “Expert commentary on videotaped expertise: An approach to knowledge elicitation in little-understood complex domains”. Proc. 3rd Pacific Asia Conf. Information Systems, PACIS’97, (eds.) G.Gable & R. Weber. Brisbane:ISMRC/QUT, pp 767-772. (1996). with Zhang, J., & Artola-Zubillaga, X., “An architecture for a Federation of Heterogeneous Lexical and Dictionary Databases. Proc. ALLC-ACH ‘96, Bergen. pp221-225. (1994). with Kissane, D.W., Bloch, S., Burns,W.I., Wallace, C.S. & McKenzie, D.P., “Perceptions of family functioning and cancer”, Psycho-Oncology, 3, 259-269. (1993). with C.S. Wallace, “Coding Decision Trees”, Machine Learning, 11, pp.7-22. (1992). with J.F. Roddick, “Temporal Semantics in Information Systems - A study”, Information Systems, 17, 3, pp249-267. (1992). with H. Seward, “A three year survey of Victorian Football League Injuries’, Aust Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 24, 2, pp. 51-54. (1991). with B.J. Lowdon, “The CABER waterpolo system”, Sports Coach, 14, 1, pp. 12-15. (1990). with L. Robinson, “Rapid development of narrative data systems”, Proc. 5th Aust. Software Engineering Conf., Sydney, pp.75-80. (1988). with McKenna, M.J., “The CABER Computer System: A review of its application to the analysis of Australian Rules Football”, in Science and Football, (eds.) T. Reilly, A. Lees, K. Davids, W.J. Murphy, pp.267- 273. (1988). with McKenna, M.J., Sandstrom, E.R. & Chennells, M.H.D., “Computer- video analysis of activity patterns in Australian Rules Football”, in Science and Football, (eds.) T. Reilly, A. Lees, K. Davids, W.J. Murphy, pp.274-281. (1987). with P.R. Freeman, “A cluster analysis of astronomical orientations”, in Records in Stone: papers in memory of Alexander Thom, ed. C.L.N. Ruggles, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press pp.251-261. (1987). Discussion of “Stochastic Complexity” by J. Rissanen and “Estimation and Inference by Compact Coding”, C.S. Wallace and P.R. Freeman, Jnl of Royal Stat. Soc. Series, Series A. (1987). with K.E. Chong, “Real-time inductive inference for analysing human behaviour”, Proc. Aust. Joint Artificial Intelligence Conference, Sydney, pp.305-322. (1986). with M.J. McKenna, “A generalised computer system for sports analysis”, Aust. Jnl of Science and Medicine in Sport, 18,3, pp19-23, Sept. (1986). with M.J. McKenna, “Computerized analysis of handball in Australian Rules Football”, Aust. Jnl. of Science and Medicine in Sport, 18,3, pp.24-6, Sept. (1986). with B. Lowdon, “Computer controlled video replay of player activity in sport”, Sports Coach, 10,3, pp.20-2. (1985). “The CABER System”, Aust. Comp. Sci. Comm., Vol.7, No.1, pp.10.1- 10.12. (1985). with Ho, L.T., John, E., “A Generator of LR(1) Parsers for real-time Capture of Narratives”, Aust. Comp. Sci. Comm., Vol.7, No.1, pp.11.1- 11.11. (1985). with V.N. Tran & P. Horan, “High Speed Data Experiments using ATS-1 Satellite”, IREECON, Proc. IEEE, pp.1-3, Melbourne. (1985). “The CABER Project: The Capture and Analysis of Behavioural Events in Real-time”. Proc. ACM Annual Conf., pp92-98, Denver. (1983). with P.R. Freeman, “Revised surveys of Cork-Kerry stone circles”, Jnl.Hist.Astron, pp.S50-S56. (1983). “The use of information encoding in scientific methodology”, Aust. Comp. Sci. Comm., Vol.5, No.1. (1983). with G. Altmann, “Software Science: Metrics for Evaluating Applications Software”, Proc. 10th Aust. Comp.Conf. pp.864-885. (1983). “A Relational Data Model for Behavioural Systems”, Proc. 10th Aust. Comp.Conf. pp.43-51. (1979). “A Reassessment of the Lunar Observatory Hypothesis for the Kilmartin Stones”, Jnl. Hist. Astron., X, pp.S78-S85. (1978). with Orchiston, D.W., Davies, W.D., Gallus, A., Ferguson, A.K., “Problems in Artefact Identification: Edge-ground Axe’ from the Dry Creek Archaeological Site near Keilor”, The Artefact, Vol. 13(1), pp.17-27. (1976). Discussion of “A Bayesian Analysis of the Megalithic Yard”, by Prof. P.R. Freeman, paper, Jnl Royal Statistical Society, Series A, Vol. 139, Pt. 1, pp.20-55. (1976). “On the Interpretation of the Carnac Menhirs - A reply to A. & A.S. Thom’s Defence”, Irish Archaeological Research Forum, III(1), pp.33-35. (1975). “Megalithic Exegesis: A Comment”, Irish Archaeological Research Forum, II(2),Dec., pp.9-14. (1974). “Midwinter’s Sunrise at Newgrange”, NATURE, 1974, Vol. 249, pp.517- 519. (1974). with C.J. Butler, “On the Interpretation of the Carnac Menhirs and Alignments”, Irish Archaeological Research Forum, Dec., I(2) pp.29-44. (1973). “Photogrammetry and some Recent Results from the Boyne Valley”, Perspectives in Irish Archaeology, Belfast, pp.84-91. AUTHORED BOOKS (2001). A Student Grammar of Euskera, xv+pp400+xxv, Lincom Europa: Munich. EDITED BOOKS (2003). with Cunningham, H. Proceeding of the Workshop on the Software Engineering and Architecture of Language Technology Systems, North American Association of Computational Linguistics, Edmonton, Canada, pp 88. (2002) with Hossain, L and Rashid, M.A. Enterprise Resource Planning: Opportunities and Challenges, Idea Group Publishing, ISBN:193070836X. (1997). Successful Practice in Family Violence in New Zealand, (Eds.) J. Patrick, H. Foster, B. Tapper, Palmerston North: Manawatu Men Against Violence, pp 244. CHAPTERS IN BOOKS (2005) with Zappavigna-Lee, M. “Tacit Knowledge and Discourse Analysis.” Encyclopaedia of Information Science and Technology, M Khosrow-Pour (Ed.) Hershey, USA:Idea Group Reference, pp2724-2729. (2005) with Whitelaw, C. &Herke-Couchman, M. “Characterising Interpersonal Distance using Systemic Features”. Computing Attitude and Affect in Text. (Eds.) James G. Shanahan, Yan Qu, Janyce Wiebe. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. (2003) with Zappavigna, M. & Stern, A. “Knowledge Management as Social Semiotic: discourse analysis as a measure of quality”. The Role of Quality in Knowledge Management. (Eds.) Burstein F. & Linger, H. Kew:Australian Scholarly Publications. pp150. (2003) with Palko, D., Munro, R., & Zappavigna, M. “Inferring Semantic Structure from Format”. Computing Arts 2001: Digital Resources in the Humanities (ed.) C. Cole & H Craig, The University of Sydney:Sydney, pp150-168. (2002). with Hossain, L and Rashid, M.A. “The Evolution of ERP Systems: A Historical Perspective”, in Enterprise Resource Planning: Opportunities and Challenges, (eds) Hossain, L, Patrick, J. & Rashid, M.A. Idea Group Publishing. pp1-18. (2002). with Hossain, L and Rashid, M.A. “A framework for assessing ERP Systems’ functionality for the SMEs in Australia” in Enterprise Resource Planning: Opportunities and Challenges, (eds) Hossain, L, Patrick, J & Rashid, M.A. Idea Group Publishing. pp160-187 (1997). with A. Raman, “Linguistic similarity measures using the Minimum Message Length principle”, Archaeology and Language I: Theoretical and Methodological Orientations, (eds.) R. Blench & M. Spriggs. London: Routledge. pp 262-279. (1996). “A Minimum Message Length Model for Software Measures”. Information, Statistics and Induction in Science. (eds) S. Dowe, J. Oliver, K. Korb. London: World Scientific, pp 385-394. (1996). with J.F. Roddick, “Temporal Semantics in Information Systems: The Artificial Intelligence and Data Modelling Approaches”, in Encyclopedia of Microcomputers, 18, Teaching Critical Thinking and Problem Solving to Truth-Functional Logic. (eds.) A. Kent, J.G. Williams. New York: Marcel Dekker, pp 111-138. (1995). with J.F. Roddick, “Perspectives on the accommodation of temporal semantics in Information Systems: The Artificial Intelligence and Data Modelling approaches”, in Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, 33. (eds.) A. Kent, J.G. Williams. New York: Marcel Dekker, pp 279-306. (1993). with R. Frank, “The geometry of pastoral stone octagons: the Basque sarobe”, in Archaeoastronomy in the 1990’s. (ed.) C.L.N. Ruggles. Loughborough: Group D Publications, England. (1993). “Astronomical and geometrical designs of Irish passage grave cemeteries”, in Archaeoastronomy in the 1990’s, (ed.) C.L.N. Ruggles. Loughborough: Group D Publications, England. (1991). with J. F. Roddick, “Adding temporal support to the RM/T Model”, in Database in the 1990’s, (eds.) B. Srinivasan, J. Zeleznikow. London: World Scientific, pp. 45-57. (1982). with C.S. Wallace, “Stone circle geometries: an information theory approach”, in Archaeoastronomy in the Old World, (ed.) D.C. Heggie, pp.231-264, Cambridge: Cambridge Uni.Press. (1981). “Reassessment of the solstitial observatories at Kintraw and Ballochroy” in Astronomy and Society in Britain during the period 4000-1500 B.C., (ed.) C.L.N. Ruggles and A.W.R. Whittle, Cambridge: British Archaeological Reports British Series 88, pp 211-20. ARTISTIC WORKS (1997). with A. Barnes, A Play - “Walking into the Light”, in Successful Practice in Family Violence in New Zealand, (Eds.) J. Patrick, H. Foster, B. Tapper, Palmerston North: Manawatu Men Against Violence, pp 220-244. Performed on 30th August, 1997 at Palmerston North Conventions Centre. NON-REFEREED PUBLICATIONS (2004). Text Categorisation, 2nd Australasian Language Technology Summer School. http:// (2004) with Zappavigna-Lee, M.(2004). Literacy, Tacit Knowledge and Organisational Learning. 16th Euro-International Systemic Functional Linguistics Workshop, (2001). with Balnaves, E., Kam, T., Ler, D., Yeates, T., “A Case Study of Workflow and Version Control for Regeneration of Multimedia Systems”, Computing Arts 2001: Digital Resources for Research in the Humanities, Uni. Sydney, (2001). with Balnaves, E. “Managing Multimedia Content Databases: toward a Model for Content Management”, Computing Arts 2001: Digital Resources for Research in the Humanities, Uni. Sydney, (2001). with Palko, D. & Khan, A. “The Inductive Inference of Structure in Text Streams”, Computing Arts 2001: Digital Resources for Research in the Humanities, Uni. Sydney, http:// (2001). with Anthony, S. “Discourse Semantics for the Analysis of Change in Language”, Computing Arts 2001: Digital Resources for Research in the Humanities, Uni. Sydney, http:// (1998). with P. Carter and F.P. Deane, “Managing and analysing multiple expert commentary of videotaped psychodrama sessions using FERAL”, CIP98 Computers in Psychology, 15-17th April, York, UK. (1998) with E. Heinrich & E. Kemp, “A multimedia information system to support the analysis of human behaviour recorded on video”, CIP98 Computers in Psychology, 15-17th April, York, UK. (1997). with P. Carter and F.P. Deane, “Investigations of psychodrama using EXCOVE and FERAL”, Tech Report, 10/97, Department of Information Systems, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. (1997). with P. Carter, “An Information System for Qualitative Data Analysis. Flexible Environment for Research And Learning (FERAL).”, Tech Report, 9/97, Department of Information Systems, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. (1997). with P. Carter, “A Review of Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS) Systems.”, Tech Report, 8/97, Department of Information Systems, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. (1997). with P. Carter, “Knowledge Elicitation by Expert Commentary of Videotaped Expertise (EXCOVE).”, Tech Report, 7/97, Department of Information Systems, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. (1997). “From philosophy to praxis - Program development at Manawatu Men Against Violence”, in Successful Practice in Family Violence in New Zealand, (Eds.) J. Patrick, H. Foster, B. Tapper, Palmerston North: Manawatu Men Against Violence, pp 153-162. (1997). with B. Tapper, H. Foster, “An overview of issues and practitioner methods in family violence in New Zealand”, in Successful Practice in Family Violence in New Zealand, (Eds.) J. Patrick, H. Foster, B. Tapper, Palmerston North: Manawatu Men Against Violence, pp 34-55. (1997). with D. O’Neill, “A Review of the literature on violence”, in Successful Practice in Family Violence in New Zealand, (Eds.) J. Patrick, H. Foster, B. Tapper, Palmerston North: Manawatu Men Against Violence, pp 11-33. (1997). with C. Atkins, “NaLER: A natural language method for interpreting entity-relationship models”, Tech. Report 6/97, Department of Information Systems, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. (1997). with A. V. Raman, “A heuristic using cross-entropy for sk-strings”, Tech Report, 5/97, Department of Information Systems, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. (1997). with A.V. Raman, “Coding Probabilistic Automata”, Tech Report, 4/97, Department of Information Systems, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. (1997), with A.V. Raman, “Beam search and simba search for {PFSA} inference”, Tech Report, 2/97, Department of Information Systems, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. (1997). with J. Zhang & X. Artola-Zubillaga, “An Architecture and Query Language for a Federation of Heterogeneous Lexical and Dictionary Databases”, 1997 Australasian Natural Language Processing Summer Workshop, Macquarie University, Australia, 8th Feb. (1996). with C. Atkins, “Evaluating conceptual data models: An investigation of frameworks, methods and measurements”. Tech Rep. 4/96, Dept. of Information Systems, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. (1995). with A. Raman, “Inference of stochastic finite state automata using sk-strings method”. Tech Rep. 2/95, Dept. of Information Systems, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. (1994). with A.Raman, “Linguistic Similarity using the Minimum Message Length Principle”, Tech Rep. 1/94, Dept. of Information Systems, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. “A View of NLP from Outside English”, Anchor Point, April, 1994, pp1-8. “The Role of Computer Technology in Sport Improvement”, 4th Elite Coaches Seminar, “Beyond Barcelona”, Canberra: Australian Coaching Council, 1992. “The marriage of mathematics and computer technologies for sport improvement”. Proc. of Mathematics and Computing in Sport Conference, Bond Uni., July, 1992 with J.F. Roddick, “Temporal Semantics - A Survey”, Tech. Rep. 1-91, Department of Computing and Mathematics, Deakin University, March 1991. “Snob: A program for discriminating between classes”, Tech.Rep. 91-151, Dept. of Computing Science, Monash Uni. 1991. with C.S. Wallace, “Coding Decision Trees”, Tech. Rep. 91-153, Dept. Computer Science, Monash Uni. 1991. “Astronomical and geometric designs of Irish passage-graves”, Tech. Rep. 5-91, Department of Computing and Mathematics, Deakin University, March 1991. with B. J. Lowdon, “The CABER waterpolo System”, 3rd Report on the National Sports Research Program, (ed) J. Draper. Australian Sports Commission. Oct. 1990. _______________, reprinted in 4th Elite Coaches Seminar, “Beyond Barcelona”, Canberra: Australian Coaching Council, 1992. with J.F. Roddick, “On the properties and facilities of temporal modelling systems”, Tech.Rep. 2-89, Dept. of Computing and Mathematics, Deakin Uni., Geelong, 1989. with B.J. Lowdon, “The CABER Waterpolo System”, Tech.Rep. 1-89, Dept. of Computing and Mathematics, Deakin Uni., Geelong, 1989. “An Explication of Halstead’s Measures”, Tech.Rep. 3-89, Dept. of Computing and Mathematics, Deakin Uni., Geelong, 1989. with Bond, J.W. and Lowdon, B.J., “Attentional and interpersonal styles in elite surfboard riders: Is there a performance relationship?”, Tech.Rep. 1/88, Division of Computing and Mathematics, Deakin Uni., Geelong and Aust.Instit. of Sport, Canberra, 1988. “The Role of Computer Technologies in Sport”, Proc. 16th Nat. ACHPER Biennial Conf., 1986 with H. Seward, “VFL Injury Survey for Season 1985", Melbourne, June 1986. “The Capture and Analysis of Football in Real-time”, ACS Bulletin, pp.9-11, May, 1985. “Systems Development”, Australian Personal Computer, Vol.1,8, January pp.15-18, 1981. “Systems Development - Design of System Components & Processing Sequences”, Australian Personal Computer, Vol.1,9, February, 1981. “Software Development Techniques on Microcomputers”, Proceedings of A.C.S. Victorian Branch Conference, pp.1-13, 1981. “Systems Development: Systems components and processing sequences”, Australian Personal Computing, Vol.1,10, March, pp.32-34, 1981. “Microcomputers Sneak In”, The Herald, 13th June, 1981, pg14. “Selecting Your First Microcomputer System”, Australian Personal Computer, Vol.1,3, July, pp.37-38, 1980. “Marketing Strategies of Microcomputer Manufacturers”, Australian Personal Computer, Vol.1,5, September, pp.15-17, 1980. with Coutts, P.J.F., Witter, D., Cochrane, R.,’Coastal Survey of Victoria’, Victorian Archaeological Survey, 1976. CONFERENCE PAPERS & PRESENTATIONS (* invited papers) *(2004) with Inman, K. “Securing the Online Environment”. 2nd International Policing Conference, Adelaide, 1-2nd Nov. (2001) with Palko, D., Munro, R., & Zappavigna, M. “Inferring Semantic Structure from Format”. Conference on Digital Resources in the Humanities (ed.) C. Cole, University of Sydney, Aug. (2001) “Computational semantic analysis for appraising change in language usage”, (Eds.) H Bunt, I van der Sluis, E. Thijsse, 4th International Workshop on Computational Semantics, Tilburg Univ, Tilburg, 9-12th Jan, 2001. *‘Regeneration of Integrated Language Reference Resources for Multiple Modes s of Publication”, 2nd Multimedia and Minority Languages International Congress. Donostia, Basque Country, 8-9 Nov., 2000. “Tagging Psychotherapeutic interviews for linguistic analysis”. Proc of Workshop on Towards Standards and Tools form Discourse Tagging. Assoc for Comp Linguistics. MAryland Univ, Maryland, 1999. with C. O’Connor, “Talking specifically about Violence, Abuse and Control”, New Zealand Psychological Society Annual Conference, Massey University, Palmerston North, 30th Aug.-4th Sept., 1997. with C. O’Connor, “Gendered Facilitation: Approaches to Healing Violence Histories”, New Zealand Association of Counsellors Annual Conference, Queenstown, NZ,1-4th April, 1997. with C. O’Connor, “Research as Therapy: Measuring Effectiveness of Men Against Violence Workshops”, New Zealand Psychological Society Conference, 24-28th Aug. 1996, Christchurch, New Zealand. “A Minimum Message Length Model for Software Measures”. ISIS: Information, Statistics and Induction in Science. Conference, Melbourne, 1996. “An Architecture for Federation of Heterogeneous Lexical & Dictionary Databases”, Assoc Literary & Linguistic Computing - Assoc for Computing in the Humanities,1996 Joint International Conference, Bergen, Norway, 25-29th June, 1996. with Tebble, H. “Discourse analysis of psychotherapy consultation”, 5th International Conference on Language and Social Psychology, Brisbane, Australia, 6-9 July, 1994. with Raman, A., “Linguistic similarity measures using the minimum message length principle”. World Archaeology Conference 3, New Delhi, December, 1994. with H. Tebble, “Discourse Analysis of Pyschotherapy Consultation”, 5th International Conf. on Language & Social Psych, Brisbane, Australia, 6-9 July, 1994. with Luix Zaldua, “A methodology for investigating the metrology of the Basque sarobe”, ‘Oxford 4’ International Conference on Archaeoastronomy, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, 23-27 August, 1993. * “The Role of Computer Technology in Sport Improvement”, Keynote address, 4th Elite Coaches Seminar, “Beyond Barcelona”, Canberra: Australian Coaching Council, November, 1992. * “Analysis of Team Sports: Stats Sheets, Videos and Computers”, Workshop, 4th Elite Coaches Seminar, “Beyond Barcelona”, Canberra: Australian Coaching Council, November, 1992 * “The Marriage of Mathematics and Computer Technologies for Sport Improvement”, Keynote address, Mathematics and Computers in Sport, Bond University., July, 1992. “Real-time inductive inference for analysing human behaviour”, IJCAI 91, Sydney, Oct., 1991. * “Around the world in 8400 leagues: Basque Navigation and geodesy in the Middle Ages”, 26th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, May, 1991. with R. Frank, “The geometry of pastoral stone octagons: the Basque sarobe”, ‘Oxford 3’ International Symposium on Archaeoastronomy, St. Andrews, U.K, 1990. “Astronomical and geometrical designs of Irish passage grave cemeteries”, ‘Oxford 3’ International Symposium on Archaeoastronomy, St. Andrews, U.K, 1990. “Rapid development of narrative data systems”, 5th Australian Software Engineering Conference, May, 1990. “A data model for retrieval and analysis in naturalistic behaviour studies”, Aust. Psych. Conf. 1990. “Attentional and Interpersonal styles in elite surfboard riders: is there a performance relationship”, Australian Psychology Conference, 1990. “The astronomy and geometry of Irish Passage grave cemeteries”, 3rd International Conference on Archaeoastronomy, St. Andrews, Scotland, Sept., 1990. with Robinson, L., “User Interface Development in Narrative Data Systems”, Annual CHISIG Conf., Clayton, 1989. * “Computer Technologies and Sport”, First Australian Triathalon, Melb. February, 1987. Australian Sports Medicine Annual Symposium, Geelong, March, 1987. * with Seward, H. “VFL Knee Injuries”, Australian Sports Medicine Annual Symposium, March, 1987. with Lowdon, B., Bond, J. “Attentional and Interpersonal Styles of Elite Surfers”, Medical Conference on the Sport of Surfing, Tavarua, Fiji, June 1987. *”The Role of Computer Technologies in Sport and Recreation”, ACHPER 16th Nat. Biennial Conf., Launceston, Jan. 1986. with Seward, H. “A Three Year Survey of Victorian Football League Injuries”, 23rd FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine, Brisbane, Sept. 1986. “The Role of Technologies in Sport”, 23rd FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine, Brisbane, Sept. 1986. “A Generalised Computer System for Sports Analysis”, 23rd FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine, Brisbane, Sept. 1986. “The CABER System”, Aust.Comp.Sci.Conf., Jan, Melbourne, 1985 “The CABER Project”, Assoc. for Comp. Machinery Annual Conf. Oct., Denver, 1985. * “An Exploratory Discussion on a database model for Behavioural Studies”, 11th Experimental Psychology Conference, Geelong, May, 1984. “The Use of Information Encoding in Scientific Methodology”, Aust. Comp. Science Conf.6, Jan, Sydney, 1983. “A Relational Data Model for Behavioural Systems”, 10th Aust.Comp. Conf., Sept., Melbourne, 1983. with G.L. Altmann, “Software engineering”, Update Seminar, 10th Aust. Comp. Conf., Sept. Melbourne, 1983. “Software development on microcomputers”, Aust. Comp. Soc., Vic. Branch Annual Conf, Feb. Cowes, 1981 “The Future of archaeoscience studies - engineering design or scientific research”, Archaeoastronomy Symposium, Oxford, Aug. 1981. “An Information Measure Technique for Parameter Estimation and Hypothesis Comparison”, Conference on Applications of Multivariate Methods held by the Statistical Society of Victoria, 1978. * “Selection of microcomputer systems”, CETIA Conference, Melbourne, 1980. “A New Methodology for Analysing the Megaliths”, Proceedings of Conference on Megalithic Astronomy, Newastle-Upon-Tyne University, 1980. with Wallace, C.S., “Stone Circles: A Comparative Analysis of Megalithic Geometry”, 48th ANZAAS Conference, Melbourne, 1977. with Davies, D., Orchiston, W., “The Significance of the Dry Creek Archaeological Sites in Australian Prehistory”, 48th ANZAAS Conference Melbourne, 1977. *”Simple Photogrammetric Techniques Suitable for use in Archaeological Work”, Conference on Photogrammetry and Archaeology, Canberra, March, 1976. “A Reassessment of Megalithic Astronomy and Geometry”, Conference on Ceremonial Science & Society in Prehistoric Britain, Glasgow, 1975. “Some recent photogrammetric results from the Boyne Valley”, Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland Conference, Dublin, 1973. SEMINAR PRESENTATIONS (all presentations are the result of invitations) “Knowledge Management”, Australian Computer Society, Branch Meeting, 17th April, 2001 “A computational method for measuring the distance between natural languages“, Dept. of Linguistics, Univ of Texas at Austin, 20th Nov., 2000. “Workflow and Revision Control for the Regeneration of Multimedia Systems”, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ of Texas at Austin, 20th Nov., 2000. “A computational method for measuring the distance between natural languages”, CNRS, Paris, Nov. 2000. “The Development of Information Systems at the University of Sydney”, Dept. of Information Systems, University of Melbourne, June, 2000. “A Proposal to use Computational Linguistics to appraise the Effectiveness of Psychotherapy”, Dept. of Linguistics, University of Sydney, 14th May, 1999 “Information Systems for the Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Human Behaviour Captured on Videotape”, Dept. of Marketing, Univ of Sydney, 30th April, 1999. “Information Systems Failures and their Educational Ramifications“, Macquarie University, Sydney, March, 1999 “Computational linguistics Projects in Euskera“, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Gasteiz, Filologia Fakultatean, Basque Country, 12th Feb. 1999. ““,Lengoaia eta Sistema Informatikoak Saila, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Donostia, Basque Country, Feb. 1999. “Development of a multi-media system for access to dictionaries“. Dept. of Linguistics, University of Sydney, 1998 “A Data Structure for Dictionary Databases”, Courant Institute, New York University, New York, USA, 1996. “The Trance of the Information Society”, Royal Society of New Zealand, Manawatu Branch, March, 1995. “Minimum Message Length Encoding: A Quantification of Ockham’s Razor”, Dept. Computer Science, Massey University, 1994. “The Paradigm of NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP)”, Dept. Psychology, Massey University. with R. Frank “El Sistema Septenario Vasco-Cantabrico”, Informatika Fakultatea, Euskal Herriko, Unibertsitatea, Donostia, 1992. “The Crossroads of Data Modelling, Knowledge Representation and Database Systems”, Informatika Fakultatea, Euskal Herriko, Unibertsitatea, Donostia, 1992. “Mapping the Globe: The Basque System of Earthly Dimensions”, Project of Rhetoric of Enquiry, Uni of Iowa, 1992. “The Use of Computer Technologies for Performance Analysis”, 4th elite Coaches Seminar, Australian Coaching Council, Canberra, Nov., 1992. “NLP: Using your brain for a change”, Australian Psychology Society, Barwon Regional Group, March, 1991. “A Basque Unified Model of Time and Space”, Basque Studies Department, University of Reno, Sept., 1991. “The Basque Septarian System: Basque Metrology and Navigation in history and Prehistory”, Humanities Seminar Program, Deakin University, Aug. 1991. “An Explication of Halstead’s Measures”, Dept. of Computer Science, Purdue University, Oct. 1985, Lafayette; Dept. of Computer Science, Uni. of Queensland, Sept. 1986. “The Capture and Analysis of Football in Real-Time” Aust.Comp.Society meeting, Melbourne March, 1985. “Information Encoding as an Underlying Principle of Knowledge Processing”, Division of Cognitive Sciences, Deakin University, Sept., 1985. “The Recording and Analysis of Narrative Data,” Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, Nov. 1985. “Data Encoding as a Tool for Hypothesis Comparison”, Aust.Comp. Society meeting, July 1984, Melbourne. “The Scientific Method as a Process of Data Encoding”, Dept. of Philosophy, Leicester University, Jan. 1984, Leicester. “Capture and Analysis of Behavioural Events in Real-time”, Dept. of Statistics, Keele University, Jan. 1984, Keele. “Information Encoding for Discriminating Hypotheses”, Royal Infirmary, Jan. 1984, Leicester. “Data Encoding as a Tool for Hypothesis Comparison”, Statistical Laboratory, Cambridge University, Feb. 1984, Cambridge, U.K. “An Analysis of the Geometry of Irish Stone Circles”, Dept. of Statistics, Sussex University, Falmer, Feb. 1984. “Data encoding as a tool for hypothesis comparison”, Dept. of Statistics, St. Andrews University, Feb. 1984, St. Andrews and Dept. of Statistics Sheffield University, 1984 and Dept. of Statistics, Nottingham University, 1984. “A relational model for the study of behaviour”, Dept. of Computing, Leicester Polytechnic, Feb. 1984, Leicester. with H. Seward “VFL Injury Survey - Midyear Report for Season 1984", Melbourne, Aug., 1984, pp1-5. “The real-time capture and analysis of behaviour”, Dept. of Computer Science, Monash University, Aug. 1984, Melbourne; Dept. of Computer Science, Melbourne University, Sept. 1984. with H. Seward “VFL Injury Survey for Season 1984" Melbourne, Nov. 1984 pp1-12. with H. Seward “VFL Injury Survey for Season 1983", Melbourne, Nov. 1983, pp1-9. “The geometry of the stone circles of Ireland”, Dept. of Prehistory, Latrobe University, 1981, Bundoora. “An Information Measure Technique for the Comparison of Megalithic Geometry Hypotheses”, Colloquium, Department of Mathematics, Monash University, 1978. “A critical assessment of megalithic astronomy and geometry”, Dept. of Archaeology, Queens University, 1973, Belfast and Dept. of Archaeology, University College, Cork, 1974, and Dept. of Archaeology, University College, Dublin, 1974.