Writing skills

+31 224 56 4641
Personal webpage
Date of birth
Lydia Fryda works as a researcher at ECN, Unit Biomass, Coal and
Environmental research, group of Heat and Power. As a researcher, her
main focus of work is advanced coal combustion and co firing coal with
biomass. Since her joining ECN in May 2007 she has worked on EU projects
on oxyfuel combustion of coal/biomass, and on the national EOS LT Co
firing program. From 2009 she is project manager of two RFCS projects.
Lydia graduated in Mechanical Engineering at NTUA, Greece, where she
obtained her PhD in biomass gasification and evaluation of energy systems
using exergy analysis, in cooperation with the TU of Munich. She has been
working as a research associate at the National Technical University of
Athens until may 2007.
• Dates (from - to)
• Name of employer
• Type of business or
• Occupation or
position held
• Dates (from - to)
• Name of employer
• Occupation or
position held
• Dates (from - to)
• Name of employer
• Occupation or
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of Dr. Lydia Fryda
May 2007 - present
Energy research Centre of the Netherlands
Unit Biomass and Coal, Group of Heat and Power
Researcher position
December 2000 until May 2006
Laboratory of Steam Boilers and Thermal Plants, Thermal Section,
Mechanical Engineering Department, National Technical University of
PhD student in the Laboratory of Steam Boilers and Thermal Plants.
May 2006 – May 2007
Laboratory of Steam Boilers and Thermal Plants, Thermal Section,
Mechanical Engineering Department, National Technical University of
Research Associate
12 February 2016
position held
• Dates (from - to)
• Name of
• Title of qualification
• Dates (from - to)
• Name of
• Title of qualification
December 2000 until May 2006
Laboratory of Steam Boilers and Thermal Plants, Thermal Section,
Mechanical Engineering Department, National Technical University of
PhD in Utilisation of biomass in advanced power systems
September 1995 July 2000
National Technical University of Athens.
M Sc Mechanical Engineering, specialisation Energy Technology
Seminar: Euro Summer School Short Course ‘Sustainability Assessment of
Hydrogen Energy Systems’, Lisbon, 15 – 19 April 2002, organised by the
Research Group on Sustainable Energy Development, Instituto Superior
Tecnico (IST), Lisbon, Portugal (in English).
Seminar: Einführungskurs in die Kraftwerktechnik (Introduction in the
Technology of Power Production), Essen, 29.07 – 9.08 2002, Germany,
organised by VGB Power Tech e.V., Germany.
Seminar: ‘3rd European Summer School on Electrochemical Engineering’,
14– 19 September, Patra, 2003, under the auspices of the EFCE Working
Party on Electrochemical Engineering (in English).
Diploma in Basic Elements of Safety SCC (certificate 9644270/1/EN/620675
Life Cycle Analysis course with SimaPRO, Amsterdam, October 6-8, 2010
• English
• Dutch
• French
Verbal skills
Writing skills
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of Dr. Lydia Fryda
Reading skills
For academic years 1998 and 1999 during my studies at NTUA I received
awards for excellence from the State Scholarships Foundation. For
academic year 1999 during my studies at NTUA I received award for
excellence from the Technical Chamber of Greece.
PhD Scholar of the public benefit foundation «Alexander S. Onassis» for
3 ½ years.
Award of the VGB Heinrich-Mandel Prize for Power Plant Technology,
2006, based on doctoral thesis.
12 February 2016
2003 – 2006
2002 – 2005
2001 - 2004
2001 - 2004
Title: BIOCELLUS - Biomass fuel cell utility system (funded by EU - DG TREN FP6 STREP).
Participation in the proposal writing. Planning of experiments including the use of
hot product gas from biomass gasification in an experimental SOFC test rig, study
of the effect of this on the anode, planning of hot and intermediate temperatures
gas cleaning, studies of integrated gasification SOFC systems and project
administration, representation of NTUA in project meetings.
Scientific responsible: Prof. Dr. E. Kakaras.
Title: PENED 2001 (National project) – Development of advanced energy
systems with biomass gasification and fuel cells. Co-funded by the General
Secretary for Research and Development, Ministry of Development and Center
for Research and Technology Hellas/ Institute for Solid Fuels Technology and
Applications (CERTH/ISFTA).
Ranged 4th among more than 100 proposals. Conduction of biomass gasification
experiments with parallel measurement of tar, energy and exergy analysis of
biomass gasification systems with solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC).
Scientific responsible: Prof. Dr. E. Kakaras.
Title: Co-combustion of meat and bone meal in coal power plants (funded by EU
Conduction of experiments of co combustion of coal and Meat and Bone Meal
(remains of slaughterhouses) in the experimental bubbling fluidised bed set up,
evaluation of results, co-ordination and administration of project (NTUA was the
coordinator of the project), representation of NTUA at project meetings.
Scientific responsible: Prof. Dr. E. Kakaras.
Title: CoalCombOptimising - Measures to improve availability and reduction in
operating costs of coal and biomass burning power plants. (funded by EU - DG
Conduction of co combustion experiments of coal and biomass in the lab scale
bubbling fluidised bed set up.
Scientific responsible: Prof. Dr. E. Kakaras.
Title: Βiomass gasification using a heat pipe reformer (BioHPR) (funded by EU DG TREN – 5th FP).
Participation in the design and construction of the experimental fluidised bed set
up, conduction of biomass gasification experiments, evaluation of results, market
study on small scale biomass gasification CHP units based on a small scale
gasifier, research on the legal framework in South Europe and Basic Engineering
of a pilot plant in Greece. Representation of NTUA at project meetings and
administrative work
Scientific responsible: Prof. Dr. E. Kakaras.
2001 -2002
Title: Biomass residues utilisation as fossil fuel substitute for power generation
and district heating in the Mediterranean region. (funded by EU, Altener
Composition of studies concerning the feasibility of co combusting biomass with
coal in the Mediterranean countries.
Scientific responsible: Prof. Dr. E. Kakaras.
1 May 2007 –
December 31 2009
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of Dr. Lydia Fryda
Title: BOFComb Biomass - OxyFuel, and Flameless Combustion
for the utilisation of pulverised coals for electricity generation (funded by EU 12 February 2016
1 May 2007 –
1 December 2009 –
RESEARCH DIRECTORATE-GENERAL, Research Fund for Coal and Steel).
Scientific responsible: Ir. Willem van de Kamp/ Dr L.E.Fryda
Title: ECOSCRUB Enhanced Capture with Oxygen for Scrubbing CO2
(funded by EU - RESEARCH DIRECTORATE-GENERAL, Research Fund for
Coal and Steel).
Scientific responsible: Dr. L.E. Fryda.
CATO2: ‘CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage in the Netherlands’,
National (Dutch) project
Scientific responsible: Dr. Dan Jansen.
EOS-LT: ‘Long Term Energy Research Stategy’ EOSLT Consortium Biomass
Co-firing, Programme-Owner: Ministry of Economic Affairs, management
organization: SenterNovem
WP4: 2.4 Biomass co-firing in oxy-fuel combustion
Scientific responsible: Dr. Ir Jaap Kiel.
Final Report 2006 – 2009, Confidential Report ECN-X-10-097
ECN Reports
Final Report 2006 – 2009, Confidential Report ECN-X-10-097
Peer reviewed articles
Study on ash deposition under oxyfuel combustion of coal/biomass blends
Original Research Article, Fuel, Volume 89, Issue 8, August 2010, Pages 18891902, L. Fryda, C. Sobrino, M. Cieplik, W.L. van de Kamp
Comparison between two methane reforming models applied to a quasi-twodimensional planar solid oxide fuel cell model, Energy, Volume 34, Issue 12,
December 2009, Pages 2151-2157, P. Hofmann, K.D. Panopoulos, L.E. Fryda, E.
Design and optimization of carbon-free power generation based on coal
hydrogasification integrated with SOFC, Fuel, Volume 88, Issue 8, August 2009,
Pages 1365-1375, N. Perdikaris, K.D. Panopoulos, L. Fryda, E. Kakaras
Integrated CHP with autothermal biomass gasification and SOFC–micro Gas
Turbine” L.E. Fryda , K.D. Panopoulos, E. Kakaras. VGB PowerTech, April 2008.
Integrating biomass gasification with solid oxide fuel cells: Effect of real product
gas tars, fluctuations and particulates on Ni-GDC anode, International Journal of
Hydrogen Energy, Volume 33, Issue 11, June 2008, Pages 2834-2844, Ph.
Hofmann, K.D. Panopoulos, L.E. Fryda, A. Schweiger, J.P. Ouweltjes, J. Karl
Agglomeration in fluidised bed gasification of biomass” L.E. Fryda, K.D.
Panopoulos, E. Kakaras, Powder Technology, Volume 181, Issue 3, 12 February
2008, Pages 307-320
Integrated CHP with autothermal biomass gasification and SOFC–MGT” L. Fryda,
K.D. Panopoulos, E. Kakaras, Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 49,
Issue 2, February 2008, Pages 281-290
Exergetic analysis of solid oxide fuel cell and biomass gasification integration with
heat Pipes” L. Fryda, K.D. Panopoulos, J. Karl, E. Kakaras, Energy, Volume 33,
Issue 2, February 2008, Pages 292-299
High temperature electrolyte supported Ni-GDC/YSZ/LSM SOFC operation on
two-stage Viking gasifier product gas” Ph. Hofmann, A. Schweiger, L. Fryda, K.
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of Dr. Lydia Fryda
12 February 2016
Panopoulos, U. Hohenwarter, J.D. Bentzen, J.P. Ouweltjes, J. Ahrenfeldt, U.
Henriksen, E. Kakaras Journal of Power Sources, Volume 173, Issue 1, 8
November 2007, Pages 357-366
Atmospheric fluidised bed gasification of promising biomass fuels in southern
European regions”, Kyriakos D. Panopoulos, Lydia E. Fryda, Emmanuel
Kakaras. THERMAL SCIENCE, Volume 11, Issue 1, Pages 5 - 15
Meat and bone meal as secondary fuel in fluidized bed combustion” L. Fryda, K.
Panopoulos, P. Vourliotis, E. Kakaras, E. Pavlidou. Proceedings of the
Combustion Institute, Volume 31, Issue 2, January 2007, Pages 2829-2837
High temperature solid oxide fuel cell integrated with novel allothermal biomass
gasification: Part I: Modelling and feasibility study” K.D. Panopoulos, L.E. Fryda,
J. Karl, S. Poulou, E. Kakaras. Journal of Power Sources, Volume 159, Issue 1,
13 September 2006, Pages 570-585.
High temperature solid oxide fuel cell integrated with novel allothermal biomass
gasification: Part II: Exergy analysis” K.D. Panopoulos, L. Fryda, J. Karl, S.
Poulou, E. Kakaras. Journal of Power Sources, Volume 159, Issue 1, 13
September 2006, Pages 586-594.
Experimental investigation of fluidised bed co-combustion of meat and bone meal
with coals and olive bagasse” Fryda, L., Panopoulos, K., Vourliotis, P., Pavlidou,
E., Kakaras, E. Fuel, Volume 85, Issues 12-13, September 2006, Pages 16851699. Fuel, Volume 85, Issues 12-13, September 2006, Pages 1685-1699.
Conference Papers
Ash deposition under oxyfuel combustion of coal/biomass blends, L. Fryda, M.
Cieplik, W. L. van de Kamp, poster presentation in the 1st Oxyfuel Combustion
Conference, 8th -11th September 2009, Radisson Hotel, Cottbus, Germany
Comparative Study of Ash Deposition under Air and Oxyfuel Combustion of
Coal/Biomass Blends, L. Fryda, C. Sobrino, M.Cieplik, C. Bertrand, W. de Jong,
W. L. van de Kamp, accepted for presentation in the 4th European Combustion
Meeting, ECM-2009 14th - 17th April 2009, Vienna.
Study of deposition under oxyfuel combustion of coal / biomass blends, L. Fryda
L., C Sobrino, C. Bertrand, W. L. van de Kamp , W. de Jong , Poster presentation
on on-going work in Combustion Research and Application, COMBURA 2008,
October 10, 2008 Nieuwegein, The Netherlands
Study of Oxyfuel Combustion of Coal and Biomass in a Lab-scale Pulverised Fuel
Combustor, L.E. Fryda, M. Cieplik, H. Jacobs, W.L. van de Kamp, presented in
the 16th European Biomass Conference in Valencia, Spain, 2-6 June 2008
Study of In-Situ Desulphurization with Sorbent Addition in ABFBC, Spyrakis, S.,
Fryda, L., Panopoulos, K., Vourliotis, P., Koukouzas N., Kakaras, E., European
Combustion Meeting ECM 2007, 11-13 April 2007, Chania – Hellas
EOS LT Symposium, ARISTO Amsterdam: Biomassa Meestook Symposium,
Amsterdam, 27 mei 2010 , ‘The effects of co-firing biomass under oxyfuel
conditions - Lab and Pilot Scale results’
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of Dr. Lydia Fryda
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