July 2008 - Langdon Parish Council

21 July 2008
Present: Cllr P Macintyre, Cllr C Shaw, Cllr M Andrews, Cllr J Beer, Cllr S Craft, Cllr R
Walters, The Clerk, District Cllr P Watkins, District Cllr I Ward, and four members of the
COUNCILLOR VACANCY It was proposed and agreed unanimously that Ms
Jane Watson be co-opted to fill the vacancy on the council.
Proposed: Cllr Shaw
Seconded: Cllr M Andrews
Carried unanimously
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Cllr Walters declared an interest in agenda
item 7, Langdon Court Farm, and took no part in the vote.
APOLOGIES There were no apologies for absence all members being present
MINUTES The minutes of 16 June 2008 were accepted as a true record.
Proposed: Cllr J Beer
Seconded:Cllr C Shaw
Phone Box at Martin Mill The phone box was removed before the end of the
consultation period. DDC have been advised.
Land at Roman Road off Archers Court Road The building has now reached the
second floor stage. Paul Francis has again been contacted and has said that he
expects to receive a planning application.
Standards Monitoring Officer It was agreed that a letter should be sent to Mr
David Randall inviting him to speak at the October Council meeting and that
other local Parish Councils should be invited to attend.
Footpath ER48 The owner of Reveille Cottage has refused to meet with the
Public Rights of Way Officer who will now have to visit the site on a number of
occasions to monitor the situation.
The Community Safety Partnership Plan 2008 -2011 has been received
Over 2000 responses have been received to the LDF. Any changes will be
made by the end of the year leading to a second round of public
consultation at the end of January 2009. The Core Strategy together with
any additional representations will be considered in public by an
Independent Inspector possibly in July 2009.
The meeting was advised that Dover has now been sited as a Growth Area
in the South East Plan and the baseline for housing has been increased
from 8,100 to 10,100. This has the potential to bring much needed
funding that can be designated across the area for a variety of purposes.
A newsletter has been produced by a new Senior Citizens Forum. (Given
to Cllr Macintyre)
A request for the name of a representative from the Parish Council on
Dover Neighbourhood Forum is to be challenged.
DDC is working with Mark Insulation of undertake a survey of their
housing stock and to ensure that adequate insulation is in place.
Copies of Explore Kent have been placed in the Village Hall.
Dover Neighbourhood forum is inviting applications for grants from the
Small Community Capital Projects fund. The closing date for applications
is 29 August 2009. Applications will be dealt with in the same way as last
year with scoring to be completed by 23 September 2008.
Future meetings will be held on 7 October 2008 and 21 January 2009.
CPRE - Countryside Voice (given to Cllr Macintyre)
KALC – Minutes of the AGM and ordinary meeting held on 24 April 2008 were
given to Cllrs Walters and Macintyre
NALC – Journal (given to Cllr Macintyre)
Groundwork – Newsletter (given to Cllr Shaw)
This item was discussed after agenda item 8, Windfarm.
Approval of payments
Clerk’s Salary (2 months)
Clerk’s expenses
Wind Farm Initial Appeal Fees
Wind Farm 2nd Stage Appeal Fees
£ 332.71
£ 13.77
Proposed: Cllr C Shaw
Seconded: Cllr M Andrews
DOV/08/00146 Retrospective application for change of use of Grain Store to
storage. Location: The Grain Store at Langdon Court Farm, The Street, East
Langdon (TR332:461)
The council objects to this application.
a) This is a sensitive site in a conservation area. It has established use for agriculture
and its potential use for commercial purposes is inconsistent with the listed
buildings in the area and the setting of the village green.
b) Langdon Parish Council has experience of small premises being granted
permission for use which, because of ambiguity over wording (i.e. “plant” at
Mutleys) has resulted in totally unacceptable sized delivery vehicles and plant
using the premises.
c) Langdon Abbey Farmyard, also part of a rural conservation area and under the
same ownership, has become industrialised. This is not acceptable in the heart of
East Langdon.
d) It is acknowledged that the current use appears to be for the storage of small items
but tight controls are required to prevent this escalating.
e) The council objects to the commercial use of the premises on Sundays.
f) If permission is given then restrictions need to be imposed on the size of vehicles
that are granted access. Hours should be restricted to Monday – Saturday only.
DOV/08/00546 Erection of porch.
Location: 17 Barley Close, Martin Mill (TR341:465)
Full planning permission has been granted.
DOV/08/00498 Retrospective application for change of use from hay barn to
Location: Old Files House, the Street, Martin (TR 339:468)
The meeting was advised of the outcome of consultations with legal
representatives that had taken place since the June Council meeting. The
following resolutions were then proposed:
1. This Council resolves that it will participate in the forthcoming Planning
Appeal for the Dover North Wind Farm and that it will be jointly represented at
the Dover North Wind Farm Planning Appeal with other Parishes, including
Guston and Whitfield Parishes.
2. This Council resolves that representation of the joint Parishes at the Dover
North Wind Farm Planning Appeal will be undertaken by one person representing
all the Parishes.
Proposed: Cllr R Walters
Seconded; Cllr C Shaw
Carried unanimously
Whitfield Parish Council has passed similar resolutions together with one
agreeing to contribute £2500 towards the legal fees. Guston Parish Council will
meet shortly and it is anticipated that they will also wish to be represented.
Following legal advice, the Council will be represented by James Burton of 39
Essex Street and it is hoped that a capped fee of £15,000 can be agreed. After an
initial consultation, there will be a site meeting on 4 August so that the Statement
of Case can be drawn up before the newly extended date of 18 August 2008. The
Inquiry is scheduled to start on 5 January 2009 and is expected to last six days.
Lengthman's report The lengthman will be contacting Roger Manning to report
that none of the complaints made during April, May and June have been dealt
Playing Field Committee Quotations have been requested for the preparation of
the football area before September.
Village Hall Committee Quotations are awaited for replacing the windows. The
Saturday market has been disappointing in recent weeks.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS There were no items under this heading
NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Monday 18 August 2008 in
East Langdon village hall.
The meeting closed at 8.47 pm after which refreshments were served.