(A company limited by guarantee)
“For the benefit of Mitcham Cricket Green Conservation Area and its Environs”
Draft Notes of meeting held at Mitcham Cricket Club
On Tuesday 25th November 2008 at 6.00 p.m.
Present: John Strover (JYRS)(Director),(Chairman),Russell Humphreys (RH)(Director)
Richard Bellamy (RB), John O’Sullivan (JO’S), Barbara Adkin (BA), Lucy Hedden (LH),
Audrey Heyhoe (AHe), John Mansfield (JM), Janet Manusod (JMa), Eric Pillinger (EP),
John Davis (JD), Gwyn Williams (GW) (Director), Lilian Long (LL)
A Hutchings (AHu), Barbara Adkin (BA), Keith Parsloe (KP), Jack Sims (JS)
Apologies:), Joyce Bellamy (JB) (Director), Cllr. Geraldine Stanford (GS), Cllr. Russell
Makin (RM), Melanie Nunzet (MN), Mags Alexander (MA), Cllr. Maurice Groves (MG),
Paul Carter (PC), Monica Carter (MC), Mike Maberly (MM), Anthony Wilson (AW)
(Members denoted in BOLD - Action Points (AP))
1. JYRS welcomed everyone to the meeting, which would be the last of
2. Notes of Last Meeting and Action Point list (28th Oct 2008)
These were agreed.
3. Matters arising (Action point List)
Any outstanding points in the notes were covered by individual reports.
RH reviewed the Action Points List (AP) The following have been done:
Cllr. Wm Brierly has met with representatives of the of Mitcham Society
EP and GW have had meetings regarding the cataloguing of old
photographs of the Cricket Club..
The items “Photographs of dogs attacking trees” and “Bid for Awards for
All” are both ongoing.
JYRS has not been able to provide a contact in TFL.
Eric Montague has yet to be contacted regarding the Museum.
JYS to provide contact in TFL.
Ideas for Open House Weekend - MA has forwarded suggestions to RH RH
attached to the notes of meeting.
Lyn carpenter has identified individual in her department to contact
regarding Conservation Area – Chris James.
Letter re SITA site has been sent
Cllr GS is following up status of Cricket Memorial with the Council before
restoration Companies are approached for estimates.
MCGCH 25.11.08
4.1) Public Open Spaces (JB)
08/11/4.1.1 The deterioration of the cricket memorial stone is becoming
urgent. However it must be done by a qualified restorer. It was locally
listed as an item of ‘Architectural and Historic interest’ in December
2003.JB suggested other grant givers who may finance the restoration. RH
GS would ask any contribution could be made by the Council.
08/11/4.1.2 There was an excellent turnout at the armistice parade at the
War memorial. JB asked if MCCG&H could be represented in future
08/11/4.1.3 The planters in Fair Green have been filled with winter
pansies and new turf has been laid on the dug up surfaces.
4.2) Trees (JD).
08/11/4.2.1 JD reported that there were new funding streams which had
been identified, one of which is grassroots. The Mayor of London is going
to spend £400,000 on ten parks. This final choice will be subject to a vote
on line at
RH will circulate details
08/11/4.2.2 The posts opposite the Church have still not been completed,
thus cars are still able to park on the green opposite the Church. It was
noted that this had been named the Police Green on a notice board at
the entrance to the Canons. This needs to be followed up.
08/11/4.2.3 18 people turned up at the initial meeting of the Friends of the
Canons representing London Wildlife, the Tree Wardens group and
MCGC&H. More butchering has taken place, and large quantities of
mulch have been spread over the grounds. This is inhibiting growth in
areas. Apart from general clearing up other tasks were identified
Removing ivy
Renovate the overspill car park(nature reserve)
Management of the wild area
Hedge maintenance - removal of sycamores and suckers
The management of decomposing leaves in the pond. The margins can
be tackled by the friends, though the main part of the pond will need to
be tackled professionally. The next meeting of the Friends will be on the
21st December 2008 at 10am. They will try to meet every third Sunday of
the month
08/11/4.2.4 There has been no action on the trees outside Tescos,
though they were supposed to have been replaced in the autumn. There
are other major tree works planned in the borough, though not in Cricket
Green. It is the borough policy to leave dead trees in situ, providing they
are not dangerous, to promote wild life etc.
MCGCH 25.11.08
08/11/4.2.5 AH commented on the block paving stones around Three
Kings Piece pond, which was being forced up by the tree roots. The
pavement is becoming dangerous. Not sure who would have to be
4.3) Fund Raising & Publicity. (AW)
There was no report.
4.4) Planning applications - Buildings / Licensing / Trees. (J O’S)
08/11/4.4.1 JOS listed the applications which had been submitted during
the previous month. These included:
203-205 London Road, Abinger House,
6 Cricket Green, a further application
82-84 Mitcham Park, Asking for the restriction to be removed in order to
increase the size of the nursing home.
18 Upper Green East, permission to change use from retail to fast food
Denham Crescent has been turned down. The committee were more
concerned on the development size, rather that the effect on the
4 Commonside an application has been reissued. They wish to build two
houses on the site
08/11/4.4.2 Permission has been granted for neon signs to be erected
outside 91-95 London road
08/11/4.4.2 An invitation to visit the SITA site had been sent to all
08/10/4.4.3 There was a brief discussion about the proposed planning
application from the Methodist Church. The opinion of the neighbours
had been sought, but there had been few responses. The proposal was
to move the church building to the left and build 14 flats housing 55
people. Posts have been erected on the Green near the church, but there
is still a gap as they ran out of posts to finish the job. (RH to recirculate
addendum notes with November agenda)
4.5) Mitcham Cricket Club. (GW)
08/11/4.3.1 It is a quiet period at the moment – the Green is being
worked on. A wheel has come off the sidescreen, which will be replaced.
08/11/4.3.2 The AGM is to be held on the last Thursday of November
(30th). JYRS said that he was disappointed that MCGC&H had not been
asked to contribute to the annual report as had been done last year.
MCGCH 25.11.08
4.6) Mitcham Hall of Fame. (EP)
08/11/4.5.1 EP and GW have begun work on restoring and classifying the
old photographs of the Mitcham Cricket Club. There was a shortage of
photographs from 1930 and 1947.EP has also corresponded with MM.
4.7) Finance. (JYS)
08/11/4.6.1 The current account stands at £668.28. The deposit account
stands at £2725.43. JYRS said that there would be two small donations
being made, one to MVSC and the other to the Wimbledon Guild for their
4.8) Membership (JYS)
08/11/4.8.1 The membership numbers remain the same as last month. It
was proposed and agreed that annual subscription rates remain the
same for the coming year.
4.9 & 10) Mitcham Centre Regeneration Proposals (LH), Cricket Green
Transport Proposals (LH)
08/11/4.6.1 Five stall holders had requested to stay in their current
positions. This had been discussed by the Council, who have decided
that all stallholders must move to the new position.
08/11/4.6.2 William Brierly came and met with those people interested in
the planned bus lanes. It had been a worthwhile meeting and it is
proposed that one bus lane will be removed.
08/11/4.6.3 IM said that the person to consult over Waste Management
was Chris James.
08/10/4.6.4 Mark Pennington, who was a property consultant, involved
with the regeneration programme, intimated at the meeting that Asda
were prepared to look at a smaller store.
08/11/4.6.5 SITA is having an open day at its site on . It will start at
08/10/4.6.6 The Mitcham Society had had a presentation regarding the
future of the Wilson Hospital. It is envisaged that a Polyclinic will be built
in the grounds, and the main hospital would have 60 beds. It would be
open from 8 am – 8pm on seven days a week. It is also proposed that
there will be a tram stop at the rear.
4.11) Civic Trust, South Warder and South Mitcham Residents Association
08/11/4.8.1 No report
4.12 Mitcham Society (LH)
08/11/4.12.1 The date of the next meeting is 3rd December 2008.
5. Correspondence. (JYS)
08/11/5.1 There was no correspondence other than planning applications
and replies, and those already mentioned.
MCGCH 25.11.08
6. Review of Conservation Area. (ROCA,- JD)
08/11/6.1 JD said that he had been unable to find out any information
regarding the ROCA. Lyn Carpenter has stated that Chris James is the point of
contact at the moment.
7. Events
November 27th 2008 The Cricket Club will be holding their AGM on the
last Tuesday of November.
1st December 2008 Wandle Valley regional Park forum 4-6pm.
3rd December 2008 Mitcham Society
12th December 2008, Mayors Carol Service _ Sacred Heart Wimbledon
17th December 2008, Mayors Xmas dinner – Gino’s
14th Feb 2009 – Mayors Gala Ball – All England T&C club.
13th June 2009 – Mitcham Fair
20th June 2009 Wimbledon Fair
8. Any other business
08/11/8.1 JYRS reminded contributors of the Annual review. Submissions to
Russell ASAP..
9. Date of Next Meetings.
1) January 27th 2009 will also contain the AGM.(Please note this will be
2) Tuesday February 24th 2009 at 6.pm (Cricket Club)
3) Tuesday March 31st 2009 at 6.pm (Cricket Club)
Meetings are normally held on the last Tuesday of each month at THE
Meetings will usually commence at 6.00pm (to finish by 7.45pm).
Contact for communications:R Humphreys (Company Secretary)
Wimbledon Guild
30 -32 Worple Road
London SW19 4EF
Fax 020 8296 0042
Tel 020 8946 0735
Email rhumphreys@wimbledonguild.co.uk.
Registered Office (For postal collection)
c/o MVSC, Vestry Hall, London Road, Mitcham, Surrey, CR4 3UD.
MCGCH 25.11.08