Mitcham Cricket Green Community and Heritage
(A company limited by guarantee)
“For the benefit of Mitcham Cricket Green Conservation Area and its Environs”
Notes of meeting held at the Vestry Hall, Tuesday, September 26th 2007
At 6.00 pm.
Present: John Strover (JYRS) (Chair), Russell Humphreys (RH) Richard
Bellamy (RB), Joyce Bellamy (JB), Tom Dimmock, (TD), John Davis (JD),
John Mansfield (JM), John O’Sullivan (JO’S), Phyllis Derbyshire (PD), Lucy
Hedden (LH), Gwyn Williams (GW), Kristine Buglear (KB), Marion Hyde
(MH), Melanie Nunzet (MN), Eric Pillinger (EP)
1. Apologies Eric Montague (EM), Mike Maberley (MM), Anthony Wilson
(AW), Chris Frost (CF), Jeannie Benson (J Bn), Geraldine Stanford (GS)
(Members denoted in BOLD)
JYRS welcomed Melanie Nunzet and Eric P9illinger to the
meeting. RH said that there had been a problem with the post,
and it was possible that some had not received the agenda and
2. Notes of Last Meeting (August 28th 2007)
These were agreed
3. Matters arising
RH had received an email from Lyn carpenter acknowledging
our communication regarding the sea cadet hut. It had been
referred to the appropriate person.
Any other outstanding points would be covered by individual
Reports in item 4 below.
4.1) Public Open Spaces (JB & RB)
Progress was being made on the Morden Hall Park
lottery grant.
07/9/4.1.2 JB reported that bulb planting was taking place on the
north side of Mitcham Park. There was reference also made to
the tree planting policy in King George VI Avenue.
4 .2) Trees (JD).
07/9/4.2.1 JD said that now the derelict chalet had been
demolished in Ravensbury Park, there was a need for everyone
to be vigilant regarding the safety of the existing trees. Any
adverse action should be reported to the Tree wardens group.
MCGCH 26.09.07
Three were due to be felled, one of which is insignificant.
However some of the trees in the park are very rare, and need to
be protected.
07/9/4.2.2 The Tesco trees. Lou Block was aware of the
situation. No one was prepared to take responsibility for the
trees, once they had been planted. The replacement silver birch
was now dead as well.
07/9/4.2.3 The Cricket Green was ‘ripe’ for extra tree planting. It
would be an extra buffer to the traffic and outside interference.
The Tree wardens would talk with the Cricket Club committee,
regarding budget etc. JYRS said that it might be something that
MCGC&H might be involved with.
07/9/4.2.4 JD was asked about the removal policy for dead/felled
trees. JD said that they were left until considered dangerous.
They were not normally moved until Spring as they were a
breeding ground for insects etc.
4 .3 Fund Raising & Publicity. (AW)
07/8/4.3.1 No report on fundraising
07/9/4.3.2 RH repeated the announcement that C&H have a web
site on the MVSC community web. The various pages can be
found at www.mertonconnected.com then look for Community RH
and Heritage site in the index.
07/9/4.3.3 LH reminded everyone of the fundraising event on
November 2nd at Vestry Hall. The proceeds would be in aid of
the Cricket Club.
4 .4 Planning. (J’OS)
07/9/4.4.1 J’OS reported that the Church would be tidying up the
churchyard. It was not known if there were any TPO’s on the
trees in the churchyard
07/9/4.4.2 There was a short discussion regarding 10 Mitcham
Park. Regulations regarding article 4 had been ignored, and yet
nothing seems to have been done to redress this.
07/9/4.4.3 360-364 London Road – Further applications have
been turned down.
07/9/4.4.4 The meeting was updated on the process of a review
for the licence for the licensing permit for the Burn Bullock
several local people had appealed against the decision and had
started keeping a diary of disruptive events. MCGC&H had also
written an objection. Incidents had included poles being thrown
at cars, fighting and rowdiness. Though the Police had been
called, many of the incidents had taken place away from the
pub, though it was evident that the people involved had been
drinking there.
4.5) Mitcham Cricket Club. (GW)
All three teams were relegated, after the final
weekend results. JB asked if this meant that there might be a
fixture against Beddington. GW said it might be possible.
MCGCH 26.09.07
07/9/5.2 Teams of South Africans had hired the pitch for and 8 a
side tournament, which had proved highly successful.
07/9/5.3 GW said that the club is considering extending the
4.6) Mitcham Hall of Fame. (MM/FD)
JYRS showed the meeting a book written by local
man Bill Eales, which relates of his experiences as a taxi driver.
4.7) Finance. (RH)
Funds remain the same as last month. RH said
that monies would be transferred into COIF deposit fund.
4.8) Membership (RH)
07/9/8.1 Phyllis Derbyshire had become a member.
4.9/10 Mitcham Centre Regeneration Proposals (LH), Cricket
Green Transport Proposals (LH)
BH had replied to RH regarding the drainage of the
hard standing in Upper Green. He reported that the engineers
had taken the drainage situation into consideration and that the
hard standing should not add to any potential flooding in the
area. Drainage as an issue would be discussed at the meeting of
the partnership and the Mitcham Society on November 20 th.
Drainage and flooding is still a main cause of concern to all
residents in the town centre.
07/9/4.9.2 JD asked if anyone knew what was happening
regarding the notice, which advised of 7 days disruption in
reference to the bus lanes being introduced as nothing is
happened. RH to ask TFL.
4.11 South Mitcham Residents Association (KB & TD)
07/9/4.11.1 No report
4.12 Mitcham Society (LH/MA)
07/9/4.12.1 The fundraising evening for the Cricket Club to be
held at Vestry Hall on November 2nd was confirmed. Members
were asked to contribute to the raffle as well as buying tickets.
1. 5. Correspondence. (RH)
07/9/5.1 Nothing to report
6. Review of Conservation Area. (ROCA,- JD)
No report, still awaiting outcome of submission to
7. Events
MCGCH 26.09.07
November 2nd Fundraising event for Cricket Club
Vestry hall 7.30pm.
07/8/7.2 Wimbledon Arts will be holding a Bookfest from October
7th – October 16th at various venues, including readings in
Mitcham Schools.
8. Any other business
07/9/8.1 JYRS asked if attendees had seen the latest MY
MERTON, which featured Cricket Green. Also, the firm which is
dealing with the clock in Upper Green has been commissioned
by Punch Taverns to work on the clock above the Princess of
Wales in Wimbledon.
07/9/8.2 The pollution of the River Wandle, in which hundreds of
fish had died, was discussed. All the members of the Wandle
Trust were involved in discussions with Thames Water. JYRS
hoped that the national trust might take a strong lead in those
9. Date of Next Meetings.
1) Tuesday 25th September 2007 at 6.00pm
2) Tuesday 30th October 2007 at 6.00pm
3) Tuesday 27th November 2007 at 6.00pm
NB. There is no meeting in December.
Meetings are normally held on the last Tuesday of each month
at Vestry Hall.
Meetings will usually commence at 6.00pm. (To finish by
Contact No. for communications
R Humphreys (Company Secretary)
Wimbledon Guild
30 -32 Worple Road
London SW19 4EF
Fax 020 8296 0042
Tel 020 8946 0735
Email rhumphreys@wimbledonguild.co.uk.
Registered Office (For postal collection)
c/o MVSC, Vestry Hall, London Road Mitcham, Surrey
MCGCH 26.09.07