Nominations 080114 - Bromsgrove Hockey Club

Bromsgrove Cricket Hockey and Tennis Club
Annual General Meeting
To be held in the Clubhouse on Wednesday 08 January 2014
commencing at 7.30 pm
Election of Officers
The management of the Club is deputed to not more than six members, two each from the Cricket, Hockey and
Tennis Sections. The Club President and Trustees are ex officio members of the committee.
The vacancies to be filled are listed below showing the current post holder and the section they represent.
General Secretary
Membership Secretary
Bar Treasurer
House manager
David Gower
Ken Buckley
David Bower
Jane Corbett
Carol Cornelissen
Paul Munn
Paul Munn, Cricket Section, is retiring and has indicated that he will not be standing for re-election. The remaining
current post holders have all indicated that they are willing to stand for re-election.
Election Procedure
Proposals for each vacancy from the relevant section naming the proposer and seconder are required in writing to
the General Secretary by 23 December 2013.
The General Committee will also nominate members to fill the vacancies by 23 December 2013.
Any two members may propose any other candidate(s) in writing to the General Secretary at least seven days before
the meeting.
All nominations will be posted on the Club notice board.
Where more than one nomination for a vacancy is received a private ballot at the AGM shall determine the issue.
Nominations from the floor at the AGM shall only be accepted in the event that no written proposals are received.
K J Buckley
General Secretary BCHTC
04 Dec 2013