ED 414 P-9 CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Fall, 2012 Education Building, Room 121 T/R 8:00-9:15 Carol Garrison, Ed. D., Professor Office: EB 101 E-MAIL: cagarrison@campbellsville.edu Office Hours: Posted Office Phone: 789-5284 UPO 867 Campus Security numbers: Office: (270) 789-5555 Cell Phone: (270) 403-3611 Conceptual Framework of Teacher Education: THEME: “EMPOWERMENT FOR LEARNING” Empowerment processes: Content, process and self-efficacy MODEL: MISSION: Campbellsville University’s School of Education, in keeping with the spirit of Campbellsville University, seeks to prepare teachers by providing an academic infrastructure based on scholarship, service, and Christian leadership. The primary aim of the program is to advance scholars who are competent and caring educators committed to life-long learning in a diverse society. TEXTBOOKS: Classroom Management, A Proactive Approach, 2nd Ed. by Martin Henley. Columbus, OH: Pearson, 2010, Supplementary Materials (This text deals with P-12 scenarios.) 1 Accompanying Book: Teacher Tested Classroom Management Strategies, 3rd Ed. OTHER REQUIREMENTS: CAP 3 Portfolio: LiveText account. Students will need electronic copies of all artifacts for the ePortfolio. Students are required to take the Praxis II exams for CAP 3 approval. Students are required to be a member of KEA-SP with documentation of liability insurance. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course supports the mission of Campbellsville University and the School of Education through a focus on servant leadership. It is designed for candidates to learn about and reflect upon differing classroom management theories and techniques with the expressed purpose of creating classroom environments that focus on ways of empowering students to become self-regulated learners. This course also explores various teaching strategies and assessment strategies that improve student learning. PreRequisites: CAP 1 & 2 and ED 310/325. Includes field experiences: 15 hours in each placement. COURSE OBJECTIVES: Specific Course Objectives Develop a portfolio 1. based on the KTS; reflect on growth to write rationales. _____________ 2. Establish a classroom climate conducive to student learning. _____________ 3. Evaluate, act upon and report student progress related to classroom climate. _____________ 4. Analyze/develop instructional strategies that positively impact student learning. _____________ KY Teacher Standards 1-10 Demonstrate collaborative abilities. _____________ Conceptual Framework Diversity, Assessment, Literacy Education, Closing the Achievement Gap Theme: C, P, SE Model: All Components ____________ ____________ ____________ 3, 4 Diversity, Assessment Theme: C, P, SE Model: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 ____________ ___________ Diversity, Assessment, Closing the Achievement Gap Theme: C, P, SE Model: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 _____________ 4, 5 __________ _____________ 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 Diversity, Assessment, Closing the Achievement Gap Theme: C, P, SE Model: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 ____________ _____________ ____________ 5. EPSB Themes 8 Assessment ____________ Theme: C, P, SE Model: 7 2 6. Demonstrate leadership capability. ____________ ____________ 10 Diversity, Assessment _____________ ____________ 7, 9 Diversity Assessment _____________ 7. Exhibit professional behaviors, ethics and values. _____________ Theme: C, P, SE Model: 1, 5, 6, 7, 8 _____________ Theme: C, P, SE Model: 1, 2, 6, 7, 8 Conceptual Framework: Empowerment Theme: Content, Process, Self-Efficacy Model: 1-Student Learning; 2-Learning Theory; 3-Pedagogy; 4-Technology; 5-Assessment; 6-Diversity; 7-Partnerships/Learning Community; 8-Knowledge, Skills, Dispositions EPSB Themes: Diversity, Assessment, Literacy Education, Closing the Achievement Gap Diversity Proficiencies: 1.2 Connects content to life experiences of student 2.2 Uses contextual data to design instruction relevant to students 2.4 Plans instructional strategies and activities that address learning objectives for all students. 3.3 Values and supports student diversity and addresses individual needs. 4.2 Implements instruction based on diverse student needs and assessment data. 5.4 Describes, analyzes and evaluates student performance data to determine progress of individuals and identify differences in progress among student groups. 6.3 Integrates student use of available technology into instruction to enhance learning outcomes and meet diverse student needs. 8.1 Identifies students whose learning could be enhanced by collaboration. KY Curricular Standards: Program of Studies: For subjects other than English language arts and mathematics, students will continue using the Program of Studies until they are replaced by national standards. The new KY Core Academic Standards (KCAS): students in KY schools will be assessed over the new core standards in spring, 2012. The English Language Arts and Mathematics standards are mandated for use in KY schools beginning this fall. Students in ED 414 are expected to incorporate the KCAS into lessons/units. o KCAS--English/Language Arts: CCK-5-9 Conventions of Standard English; Vocabulary Acquisition; Reading Foundations; Reading Informational Texts; Reading Literature; Comprehension and Collaboration; 3 Writing. o KCAS Mathematics: CCK-5-9 Counting/Cardinality: CCK; Operations/Algebriac Thinking: CCK-1-2-3-4-5; Number & Operations base ten: CCK-1-2-3-4-5; Number & Operations-Fractions: CC4-5; Measurement & Data: CCK-1-2-3-4-5; Geometry: CCK-1-2-3-4-5 COURSE REQUIREMENTS: 1. ATTENDANCE/PUNCTUALITY/PARTICIPATION: Professional Dispositions _____Attend class regularly and punctually per School of Education Attendance Policy: Regular attendance in professional education courses is expected of all students. It is a professional responsibility that is a part of the disposition assessment of teacher candidates. No more than four (4) absences will be allowed for Tuesday/Thursday courses, six (6) absences for Monday/ Wednesday/Friday courses. Absences in excess of these numbers of days will result in an F for the course. Students will not be penalized for absences due to representing the university. However, all assignments must be submitted by due dates whether even if absent. _____ Tardies will be monitored and addressed. Three tardies= an absence. If habitual, a disposition referral will be made. _____ Please Notify the professor of expected absences and submit documentation. _____ Be responsible for assignments when absent. _____ An absence on days of presentations results in automatic lowering of assignment grade by one letter, unless the absence is documented with a doctor’s note. _____ Absences must be reserved for extenuating circumstances as illness, death in the family, etc. PARTICIPATION/PREPAREDNESS (40): Professional Dispositions o Class Participation (25 pts.): o Study assignments in advance: Come to class prepared to ask questions/answers over assigned readings. Include these in your class notebook, clearly labeled for each chapter and or supplementary readings. Participate actively in class discussions and activities o Class activities; Students are expected to participate actively in class experiences. o Class Notebook (15 pts.): o Use a 3 ring binder o Include syllabus, calendar o Have a section to record attendance/absences/tardies and to record grades for the course o Organize according to assignments in #4 & #5: include field/ppd forms & reflections completed 4 o o Have a section for taking notes/reflections each class period Submit at mid-term and week before finals 3. EXAMINATIONS (KTS 1) (150 Pts.) KTS 1 _____, _____, _____Three examinations based on readings, supplementary information. Exams will be include both objective and subjective items. 4. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT PROJECTS (150 Pts.) A. _____Theorist Presentation Handout (30) KTS 3 Research a management theorist using at least 3 sources Prepare a PowerPoint Presentation about the theorist Include a reference slide using APA format. Include citations for references in PPT (author, date, page numbers for direct quotes) Provide copies of the PPT and a separate fact handout for classmates with complete references; include appropriate citations for each fact. A rubric is provided. B. _____Classroom Management Plan (30) KTS 3 Use KTS 3 indicators. Reflect on personal philosophies of teaching and learning during theorist presentations Limit to a minimum of five pages Reference at least 3-5 major theorists Include citations for references (author, date, page numbers for direct quotes) Include a bibliography using APA style. A rubric is provided. C. _____Rules/Procedures Lesson (20) KTS 3 o Develop and teach a 10 minute lesson on a procedure per Harry Wong’s guidelines provided in class o Include a hands-on activity on issues as ‘giving complete instructions’ or ‘efficiently distributing materials’. o Submit written documentation of work. D. _____Behavior Intervention Strategy (20) KTS 3 o Select a behavior from the strategies text o Describe suggested ways to intervene o Model one suggestion. o Submit written documentation of work. E. _____ Mock Parent Conference (20) KTS 3 o Individual research: Select at least ten sites for ideas about effective and efficient parent teacher conferences. Prepare a written report of ideas you thought best at each site. o Group Work: In groups of 2-3, prepare for and conduct a mock parent conference in class. Submit a group report of your plan for this mock conference, including roles and responsibilities. 5 F. ______ School Safety Project (20) KTS 3 o Research at least five sources on the Internet, including the KY Safe Schools Center at www.kysafeschools.org. o Prepare a written report summarizing what you learned at each site and present in class. 5. FIELD AND PRE-PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT HOURS PROJECTS (NCATE Standard 3, KTS 2, 3, 4, 5) (60 Pts.) _____FIELD HOURS (50) 15 hours in each student teaching placement for a total of 30 hours Include observation, tutoring of students, assisting of teachers, instruction of small groups and whole class, managing children in various activities, planning curriculum, and analyzing student learning. Specific class discussions will focus on these experiences (20 pts.) Reflections include: (30 pts.) o Diagram of school o School policies o Class schedules o Class demographic profiles o POS/KCAS for each grade o Discipline plan for each class o Reflections on critical incidents during field hours; Reflect rather than summarize. o Parent Letter o See new field hour guidelines attached to this syllabus. _____PRE-PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (10 Pts.) Match growth areas on the professional growth plan. Belong to and attend meetings for KEA-SP. Acquire at least 3 PPD related to classroom management and/or school safety. . 6. CAP 3 APPLICATION & PORTFOLIO (110 Points): _____Application for CAP 3 (10) —aim to secure at least one item for CAP 3 application each week. _____CAP 3 Portfolio –(100) due November …. KTS 1-10 _____Rationales (50)--write analyses about how the artifacts demonstrate all indicators for each standard; due on Tuesdays _____Artifacts/Organization (50)--submit for each standard _____All rationales, artifacts will be uploaded to LiveText e-Portfolio. POLICIES: A. Grading: Total Possible Points- 500 460-500 = A 410-449 = B 360-399 = C (92%) (82%) (72%) 6 325-349 = D Below 325 =F B. (65%) Field/PPD Hours: *Grades AND CAP 3 approval cannot be finalized until all Field and PPD hours are completed and submitted! Field hours must be recorded on the 2012-2013 field forms and conform to the revised field hour guidelines for procedure and reflection. C. Late Policy on Assignments: Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the date assigned. Assignments not turned in at that time will be penalized 20% daily. After 5 days, assignments will be given a 0. Students are strongly encouraged to seek assistance well in advance of due dates for assignments, if there are questions. If absent, the assignment is still due. D. Disability Statement: Campbellsville University is committed to reasonable accommodations for students who have documented learning and physical disabilities, as well as medical and emotional conditions. If you have a documented disability or condition of this nature, you may be eligible for disability services. Documentation must be from a licensed professional and current in terms of assessment. Please contact the Director of Disability Services at 270789-5192 to inquire about services. E. Plagiarism: Campbellsville University’s policy on Academic Integrity states: “Each person has the privilege and responsibility to develop one’s learning abilities, knowledge base, and practical skills. We value behavior that leads a student to take credit for one’s own academic accomplishments and to give credit to others’ contributions to one’s course work. These values can be violated by academic dishonesty and fraud.” (2009-2011 Bulletin Catalog, p. 33.) Plagiarism and cheating are examples of academic dishonesty and fraud and neither will be tolerated in this course. Plagiarism is quoting or paraphrasing a phrase, a sentence, sentences, or significant amounts of text from a web or print source, without using quotation marks and without a citation. The plagiarist submits the work for credit in a class as part of the requirements for that class. Examples of cheating include cheating on a test (copying off someone else’s paper) or an assignment (e.g., development of a lesson plan) and submitting the work as your own. If a student commits plagiarism or cheats in this course, the professor will decide on one of two penalties: (a) an F on that assignment or (b) an F in the course. The student’s Dean and the Vice-President for Academic Affairs will be notified of either consequence. F. Progress: It is the responsibility of the student to maintain records of his/her progress in class. Candidates are expected to complete all assignments in a professional manner. Grades are also posted online. Students will not be assigned a grade until all 7 course requirements, including CAP 3 application and portfolio, are submitted and approved. Course information will be added to TigerNet LMS for assistance with this. G. Praxis II: Passing scores on both Praxis II exams are required for certification: Elementary Education (0014 or 5014) and the PLT at the elementary level (0522). Middle grades majors will take a specified content area exam/s and the PLT (0523) Students must take all exams before student teaching. H. Pagers and cell phones should be turned off or at a minimum placed on “quiet mode” during class time. Texting and calls during class are NOT permissible. Bibliography of Websites: Text Website: www.prenhall.com/henley School Safety: www.ed.gov/offices/OSDFS/index.html www.kysafeschools.org www.pbis.org Literacy: www.c-b.e.org/PDF/KeystoLiteracy2002.pdf Assistive Technology: http://www.pluk.org/AT1.html Behavior Intervention Support Team: www.bist.org See attached course calendar. 8