Professional Involvement Log

Campbellsville University
School of Education
Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education
Source of Evidence-7: Professional Involvement Log
Modified from K-TIP SoE
You will use this evidence to evaluate your performance on the following.
Kentucky Framework for Teaching Components
IECE Kentucky Teacher Standards
4A- Reflecting on Teaching
7- Reflects on and Evaluates Professional Practices
4B- Maintaining Accurate Records
10- Provides Leadership within School/Community/Profession
4D- Participating in a Professional Community
SoE-7 is an artifact to support IECE KTS 10 in CAP 3 and CAP 4
4E- Growing and Developing Professionally
Portfolios and may be referenced in rationales to support other
4F- Showing Professionalism
IECE KTS standard indicators.
Guidelines for Developing the Source of Evidence: Professional Involvement
Effective schools are more than aggregations of effective classrooms. They are professional communities in which teachers are
actively involved in collaboration with colleagues and others to improve instruction and student/child learning and seek ways to
contribute to the quality of life for both students/children and teachers in the school and district. As a teacher candidate you will
have the opportunity to identify ways during student teaching in which you can become actively involved in your school or agency’s
professional community.
Your initial involvement in the professional community of your school should be discussed with your Cooperating Teachers and/or
Developmental Interventionists prior to and in preparation for student teaching. Consideration should be given to the teacher
candidate’s Professional Growth Plan. The Professional Involvement Log should then be used to document your professional
involvement activities during the course of your student teaching, providing a brief description of your contributions to/involvement
in each activity noted. Your Log should be updated as your involvement in some activities ends, involvement in other activities
continues and involvement in new activities is initiated.
Your professional involvement will be evaluated on the extent to which you have actively participated in a range of activities and
have, over time, made a contribution to the professional community of your school.
Following completion of SoE-5 Professional Growth Plan at CAP 2, document Pre-Professional Development attended with direct
impact on Growth Goals.
During your pre-student teaching field experience, discuss with your cooperating teachers ways you can be actively involved in the
professional life of your school, district, and/or professional agency (e.g. involvement in instructional collaboration with colleagues
such as PLCs or departmental/grade level groups to identify and address student/child needs, participation in school
events/activities and student clubs or groups, service on school and/or district committees and projects, involvement in a
professional book study, engagement with parent and community groups with a school focus, etc.). Examine your Professional
Growth Plan (SoE-7) and agree on your initial professional involvement activities for student teaching.
At the start of your first placement, use the Professional Involvement Log to document the ways you are presently involved in the
professional life of your school, district, and/or professional agency providing a description of your contributions to/involvement in
each activity noted. This log should be continuously updated to reflect continued and new involvement.
At the conclusion of the first placement, review your professional involvement reflecting on your contributions to/involvement in
the activities and the impact of your involvement on you, the students/children, and the school or professional community. Identify
activities that will be continued and any possible new opportunities for involvement during your second placement.
Following your second placement, reflect on the impact of your professional involvement during both of your student teaching
placements, the students/children and the school/professional community. Identify the activities that directly contributed to your
Professional Growth Plan. What experiences were most beneficial? Identify any activities in which you would like to continue to be
involved in the future. Identify any new activities in which you would like to be involved.
Campbellsville University
School of Education
Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education
Source of Evidence-7: Professional Involvement Log (4D)
Modified from K-TIP SoE
Your updated Professional Involvement Log should be available for review before each Student Teaching Placement.
Description of your Contributions/Involvement
Professional Growth Goals (CAP 2):
b) Disposition
c) Domain
Professional Growth Goals (CAP 3):
b) Disposition
c) Domain
Professional Growth Goals (CAP 4):
b) Disposition
c) Domain
2. CAP 2 Involvement Review and Reflection (include impact on SoE-5 Growth Plan)
3. CAP 3 Involvement Review and Reflection (include impact on SoE-5 Growth Plan)
4. CAP 4 Final Involvement Review and Reflection (include impact on SoE-5 Growth Plan)