Assignments and Points Possible

Course: Comm 432
Case Studies in Public Relations
Spring 2006
MWF, 11-12:25 pm
Location: CB 104
Professor: Donna Simmons
Office Hours: W, 12:30-2 pm; TH, 9-11:30 am
Office: BDC 224
Office Phone: 654-6232
This course is designed to give you the opportunity to learn and apply the principles, process,
strategies, and tactics that are expected and required to plan and implement effective public
relations campaigns or programs.
This is a case study course in which you will learn how to develop and present public relations
campaigns/programs by (1) reading case studies or examples of actual public relations
campaigns, (2) presenting an example of a type of campaign to the class, and (3) developing a
campaign proposal for a client. The CLIENT CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL requires a significant
commitment of time outside of the scheduled class time. The university expects that students
who spend four hours a week in class are spending 8 hours a week outside of class. This may be
the case in this class during some weeks, especially when teams are working to meet deadlines.
The CLIENT CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL includes conducting research to learn about the client,
strategic planning that identifies the goals and objectives for a public relations campaign for the
client, development of a plan for implementing the campaign that includes measures of campaign
effectiveness (methods of evaluation), a comprehensive formal written campaign proposal that
will be given to the client, and a formal oral presentation of the proposed campaign given to the
client. Class members will be assigned to one of 3 teams (Team 1 – Objectives, Strategies,
Theme and Key Messages, Evaluation; Team 2 – Programming, Timeline, Budget and Evaluation;
Team 3 – Formal Written Proposal and Formal Presentation).
Objectives of the Course
If you complete the readings, attend and participate in class, complete class assignments, and
fully participate in the development of the campaign proposal, at the end of this course you
should be able to
1. identify, describe, and explain the steps involved in the development of public relations
2. conduct research to understand an organization, its audiences, and its potential
public relations problems and opportunities.
3. plan an effective strategy and develop measurable, effective objectives for a public
relations campaign.
4. recognize the types of public relations campaigns and which types of campaigns are
appropriate in various circumstances.
5. recognize the types of audiences/publics for whom organizations develop
6. develop a public relations campaign proposal.
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7. prepare a formal written and oral presentation that includes a significant audio
visual element.
Text and Other Reading Material
Hendrix, J.A., (2004). Public Relations Cases, 6th Ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Additional case readings as assigned.
Course Policies
Attendance: Attendance is required. Failure to attend will affect your ability to contribute to the
work we do for the client in the course. Most of the decisions we make regarding the client
campaign proposal will be done in class. Much of the learning in the course is related to
discussions that will take place in class regarding the client campaign proposal. If you miss more
than 2 classes during the quarter, your final grade will be lowered by one full grade. A pattern of
missed classes and late arrival or early departure from class will also affect your final grade.
NOTE: Failure to attend the following two classes without an appropriate, documented excuse
and prior notification will affect your course grade:
Client Meeting on Wednesday, 4/5
Formal Campaign Proposal to client on Thursday, June 8 (day of final for class)
Readings: You are expected to complete all readings PRIOR to class and be prepared to
participate in class presentations and discussions of cases.
Course Information: If you miss a class in which an announcement was made that affects the
class or class assignments, you are still responsible for knowing this information. It is your
responsibility to find out about and track all information presented in class. This is
especially important for the campaign proposal.
Exam: The midterm is the only exam in this course. If you do not have an appropriate and
documented excuse for missing it, you will not be allowed to take a make-up exam and will
receive a score of zero. If permitted to make up the midterm, the make-up exam must be
completed within one week of the original date of the exam.
Presentation Policy: Presentations must be made when scheduled. If not presented when
scheduled, the grade for the presentation will be reduced by a minimum of one grade.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism is copying others’ work and/or using their ideas or language and claiming
it as your own. Plagiarism will result in a failing grade.
E-Mail Account: You must use your runner e-mail to communicate with your team and with me.
Course Evaluation and Grading
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Assignment and Course grades will be determined based on the following criteria:
“A” uniformly excellent fulfillment of assignment/course requirements including spelling,
grammar, and format accuracy and a creative and imaginative handling of the material and
assignments which indicates new learning and insights.
“B” substantially good work beyond the level of acceptable or satisfactory.
“C” acceptable work which meets the requirements but demonstrates low evidence of new
learning/understanding. This is average, okay, or acceptable work.
“D” work that is below satisfactory or acceptable in quality and/or quantity.
“F” unacceptable work, non-fulfillment of the requirements or task descriptions.
Course Assignments
Assignments and Points Possible
1. Campaign Analysis
2. Midterm
3. Major Audience Case Presentation (Team Project #1)
4. Client Campaign Proposal Research Findings Written/Oral Report
5. Client Campaign Proposal Section Report (Team Project #2)
6. Team Participation/Class Involvement
Total Points Possible: 300
Each of the assignments or class criteria, except for participation/class involvement, will be
graded based on the following scale:
95-100% = A 90-94% = A- 87-89% = B+
83-86% = B
80-82% = B77-79% = C+ 73-76% = C
70-72% = C67-69% = D+
63-66% = D
60-62% = D- below 60% = F
Assignments are weighted in value. See specific assignments for point values.
1. Campaign Analysis. (50 points) You will analyze a public relations campaign using
the 4-step (ROPE) process described in the text. You will be expected to demonstrate your
understanding of the 4-step process of public relations in your case analysis.
2. Midterm. (100 points) The midterm will cover the entire textbook, class lectures, and
any assigned readings.
3. Major Audience Case Presentation (team project #1). (50 points) Teams will be
assigned to discuss one type of major audience campaign, i.e., media relations campaign, to
the class. The team will be responsible for (1) discussing the elements of ROPE as each
element relates to this type of campaign, (2) using one case to illustrate this type of
campaign, and (3) preparing a 5-6 page, double-spaced, typed analysis of the case. Your
team is expected to use Appendix I (p. 423-425), Questions for Case Discussion and Case
Analysis, to write your analysis of the case.
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All team members must participate in the presentation.
Each member of the team MUST turn in an evaluation of each team member
(including a self-evaluation) the day of the presentation. See the last page of the
syllabus. You will need to download and complete this form.
GRADING NOTE: While the team will receive a grade for this report, each member will
receive an individual grade for the assignment based on the individual contribution
evaluations turned in by team members (see last page of syllabus).
Individual Grade = Team Grade multiplied by % from Mean Scores of IC
Scores on the individual contribution evaluations range from 1-4 with 4 being the highest
score. Mean Scores (mean is determined by adding the scores given by each team member
and dividing by the number of team members)
Mean Score
3.8 to 4.0
Below 2.0
50 pts (team grade) x 1 (100%) (mean for range 3.8-4) = 50 pts (individual grade)
50 pts (team grade) x .9 (90%) (mean for range 3.51-3.79) = 45 pts (individual grade)
50 pts (team grade) x .8 (80%) (mean for range 3.0-3.5) = 40 pts (individual grade)
50 pts (team grade) x .7 (70%) (mean for range 2.5-2.99) = 35 pts (individual grade)
4. Client Campaign Proposal Research Findings Written/Oral Report (30 points)
You will receive an assignment to conduct research for the client campaign proposal. You are
to plan and conduct your research, then prepare a written and oral report to give to the
class. Individual reports will be used by the Objectives Team to develop objectives and
strategies for the campaign. You may do this with a partner, but no more than two people
can work together for this assignment.
5. Team Client Campaign Proposal Section Report. (50 points)
You will be assigned to one of three teams:
Team 1. Objectives, Strategies, Theme and Key Messages
Team 2. Programming, Timeline, Budget and Evaluation
Team 3. Formal Written Proposal and Formal Presentation
Teams 1 and 2 are expected to produce a formal written report and give an oral presentation
to the class. Their reports and presentations will be used by subsequent teams to develop
their portion of the campaign proposal. Team 3 will prepare the formal written proposal to be
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given to the client and prepare and present the formal oral presentation of the proposal to
the client.
As with the major audience team presentations, you will be graded individually on
this project. See #3 above.
6. Participation/Involvement. (20 points)
Since you will work with a team on two major assignments for this class, your active,
accommodating participation and contribution to your team is expected. I will determine your
participation grade as follows:
Team Contribution (10 points) A significant part of your learning in this class is tied to
your participation in this team. You will be evaluated by the members of your team and you
will evaluate yourself on your contribution to the team effort. I will review these evaluations
carefully. Everyone must turn in evaluations when due. If you fail to turn in evaluations as
specified and on the due date, you will not receive any credit for this portion of the
participation grade.
Involvement (10 points) You will also be evaluated on your involvement in the class. Do
you show that you have read the chapters that are being presented by asking cogent and
appropriate questions? Do you participate in class discussions of team reports? Involvement
points are:
Excellent – 10 points
Good - 8 points
Satisfactory - 5 points
Poor - 0 points
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to give students the experience of preparing a
public relations campaign proposal for a “real” organization. Public relations
professionals often develop and implement campaigns.
Objectives: At the conclusion of this assignment students should at a minimum
1. be able to explain the four steps of the process of public relations and how they are
used in public relations campaigns.
2. understand how to conduct research to determine an organization’s public relations
needs and opportunities.
3. be able to identify and distinguish among the varied publics of an organization
4. be able to identify the unique needs, concerns, and expectations of each public of the
5. be able to write goals and objectives as defined by public relations management by
6. be able to create communication tactics (programming) designed to achieve the
objectives of the campaign.
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be able to develop techniques to evaluate public relations campaigns.
be able to write a public relations campaign proposal.
develop their ability to work in teams, one of the skills employers seek most in their
Use of 4-Step Process to Develop CLIENT CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL.
1. Research
Conduct research of the client by, at a minimum, doing the following:
review the organization’s past public relations efforts including previous campaigns,
community outreach activities, experiences with the media, etc.
develop an historical profile of the organization.
identify the various publics or audiences of the organization and their attitudes toward the
identify the mission, goals, and philosophies of the organization.
identify problems the organization faces.
identify potential opportunities to promote and present the organization to its publics.
2. Objectives (Step 2) and Evaluation (Step 4)
Using the research that was done, do the following to create objectives for the campaign:
1. Identify a type of public relations campaign that is appropriate for the organization that
will address the organization’s most pressing and most addressable public relations needs.
These campaigns are identified in your text and will be presented in class in the case
2. Strategically plan the campaign.
- Develop a goal for the campaign based on what the research suggests.
- Develop a set of specific objectives for the campaign.
- Develop a theme for the campaign.
- Develop key messages to be included in the communication tactics that are to be
implemented in the campaign.
3. Develop a preliminary evaluation plan based on proposed objectives.
3. Programming (Step 3) and Evaluation (Step 4)
1. Use the goal(s), objectives, theme, and key messages to create specific activities or
communication tactics that the campaign should develop and implement.
2. Create a time line and checklist for completion of the campaign that incorporates all
communication tactics.
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3. Develop a projected budget for the execution of the campaign.
4. Propose methods for evaluating the success of the campaign so that the campaign’s
effectiveness and results can be measured during and after the completion of the
campaign. Evaluation must be tied to objectives and communication tactics.
4. Formal Oral Presentation to Client and Formal Written Proposal for Client
This team will prepare a concise, 25-30 minute presentation of its proposal that includes time
for questions from the client. This professional presentation must use appropriate audiovisual materials, i.e., PowerPoint, and be well organized and presented.
This team also prepares a formal written proposal that incorporates the four phases/steps of
the development of the proposal. This proposal will be given to the client. It must be well
written and formatted so that it appears to be professionally prepared. The proposal must
Title Page
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Body of Proposal with subheadings for the four steps
Appendices to include
time line
research findings
examples of communication tactics to be used in the campaign
examples of evaluation methods
Powerpoint presentation slides (you may also copy the presentation to a disk)
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Individual Contribution Evaluation Report
(this form is to be printed out and completed for each team assignment)
Please respond to each question for each team member as:
4=excellent (went above and beyond the expected)
3=good (most of the time went above and beyond the expected)
2=okay (did the minimum)
1=poor (did not meet minimum expectations, i.e., missed most deadlines, didn't support group, etc.)
Name of
Team Member
Your Name:
supportive of
team decisions
was this team
and helpful
was this team
How do you
rate the team
member on
How do you
rank this
contribution to
this project?
Do not write in
this column
Professor’s use
Team Member:
Team Member:
Team Member:
Team Member:
Comments: (please explain your ratings for individual members – use back if necessary)
Attach (staple) a brief list/description of your contribution to this team project.
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