Boston Saint Thomas CE Primary School 2015 SAT and YR1 phonics results (Cohort size- 56 ) total of entered YR1 Phonics (% made/exceeded pass mark) National Results 2013 84 68% 2014 2015 92 86 74% KS1 (60 cohort- 7 PP ) Percentage Reading (2014)(2015) Cohort PP Writing (2014) (2015) Cohort PP Maths (2014) (2015) Cohort PP Below L2 (5) (0) (7) (0) (3) (0) L2c L2b (5) (25) (0) (33) (15) (23) (11) (33) (8) (28) (0) (67) L2a L3 APS (32) (33) (17.3) (44) (22) (17.0) (32) (22) (16.3) (56) (0) (15.8) (32) (28) (17.1) (33) (0) (15.8) KS2 Attainment (Cohort size 57- 9 PP ) Percentage Reading (14) Writing (14) L6 Cohort (93) 91 (52) 43.7 (0) 0 PP (100) 89 (71) 22 (0) 0 Cohort (89) 84 (37) 42 (0) 2 PP (100) 89 (14) 33 (0) APS 29.17 27.1 28.93 27.66 L4 L5 Government 2014 KS2 Floor Targets L4 English and Maths: 2 levels progress English and Maths: Maths (14) SPAG (14) Cohort (87) 93 (35) 37 (7) 0 28.75 Cohort (76) 84 (50) 58 (2) 2 29.73 PP (86) 89 (14) 33 (0) 0 27.4 PP (86) 78 (43) 44 (0) 0 26.9 English & Maths (14) (R, W & M Cohort PP (94)94 (86)78 (31)31 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 28.88 27.38 65% 92% and 90% respectively EAL There are 60 YR6 children, of which 4 have been in the UK for 2 years or more, and 3 are not be included in our data. Achievement ( 50 have match data) Reading Writing Maths Overall Cohort PP Cohort PP Cohort PP Cohort PP KS1 APS (YR2 in 2012) 14.9 13.57 13.6 12.42 14.5 13.9 14.3 13.3 KS2 APS Value Added 28.96 14.06 27.1 13.53 28.93 15.33 27.66 15.24 28.75 14.25 27.4 13.5 28.88 14.5 27.38 14.08 2 levels progress (%) 47% 71% 34% 57% 58% 43% 3 levels progress 50% 14% 56% 29% 32% 57% 4 levels progress 0% 0% 6% 0% 4% 0%