Pupil Achievement and Attainment

Pupils’ achievement and attainment 2014-15
Our aims
Monitoring progress and attainment to identify children needing support and challenge.
Set challenging targets for all pupils (6+APS progress at KS1 and 4+ APS progress at KS2)
Ensure expectations in writing are consistently used across the curriculum.
Ensure more rapid progress and good attainment, particularly in Literacy and Phonics at KS1.
Development of Independent Learning Skills.
Foundation Stage:
The entry profile (starting points) for F1 children varies from year to year but is generally below to
slightly below age related expectations, particularly in PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional
Development) and CL(Communication and Language).
Within the Prime Areas 96% of the cohort achieved Early Learning Goal in CL, 100% in PD (Physical
Development) and 100% in PSED.
Within the Specific Areas 88% of the cohort achieved Early Learning Goal in Literacy, 92% in Maths,
100% in Understanding the World and !00% in Expressive Arts and Design.
88% of the Cohort achieved GLD (Good Level of Development) which is above the County (66%) and
above the National (66.3%) Levels.
Key Stage One:
Pupils continue to make excellent progress in KS1, particularly in Year 2 where progress and
attainment results have been consistently well above national and local results.
In 2014 the end of KS1 results show that the average point scores were 17.4 in Writing, 19.6 in
Reading and 19.2 in Maths 18.6 which is well above the county expected APS (Average Point Score)
and national levels published for 2013-14 (new levels not yet published).
100% of the cohort achieved Level 2+ in Maths, Reading and Writing. 67% achieved Level 3+ in
reading, 63% in Maths and 29% in Writing.
89% of the cohort passed the Phonic Screening Test in Year 1 and 100% of the Year 2 children who
were re-tested passed the test.
Progress in writing, reading and maths from end of FS to the end of Key Stage One was outstanding
in 2014 (APS progress varying from 13.09-15.15).
Key Stage 2:
Pupil achievement at the end of KS2 is consistently above local and national expectations with a high
percentage attaining L5+.
In 2014 KS2 SATs:
93% in Reading, Maths and Writing
96% Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling.
Reading 69%; Writing 41%, Maths 48% and 67% Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
Writing 11%, Maths 19%