Indiana Campus Law Enforcement Administrators Campus Protection Officer Course July 12-17, 2009 At EARLHAM COLLEGE 801 National Road West Richmond, IN 47374 INDIANA CAMPUS LAW ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATORS Campus Protection Officer Course July 12-17, 2009 INDIANA CAMPUS LAW ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATORS Campus Protection Officer Course July 12-17, 2009 The Indiana Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (INCLEA) will be conducting a Campus Protection Officer (CPO) Course on July 12-17, 2009, Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana. This 41+hour course is specifically designed to prepare campus law enforcement and security professionals for the specialized function of meeting the unique police and security needs of an educational community. The six-day course provides an in-depth look at the non-traditional law enforcement security role of the Campus Protection Officer. It will provide insight into current topics of concern on our nation’s campuses, as well as providing up-to-date training in the area of patrol techniques, stops of individuals on foot and in vehicles, and verbal deescalation of critical incidents. The course is open to sworn and non-sworn campus protection personnel, including students in cadet programs, and sworn police officers from non-campus agencies. The curriculum will encompass the following topics: The following are reminders, rules, and housekeeping tips to keep in mind to make your stay at Hoerner Hall enjoyable. ETHICS HATE CRIME PHYSICAL SECURITY CONCEPTS DRUG RECOGNITION/EVALUATION CRIMINAL LAW – LIABILITY, SEARCH AND SEIZURE REPORT WRITING DE-ESCALATION & SELF DEFENSE STUDENT MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES VIOLENCE IN THE WORKPLACE DOMESTIC/DATING VIOLENCE INTERVIEW/INTERROGATIONS CRIME SCENE MANAGEMENT TRAFFIC CONTROL CRITICAL INCIDENT DE-ESCALATION There are no weapons permitted on campus. You will be furnished one blanket and linen for your bed. Additional pillows and blankets should be brought by you. Hoerner Hall is NOT air-conditioned. It is recommended that you bring a fan. You may purchase a $5.00 daily use pass to use the Sports and Recreation Center during the facility’s open hours. The facility includes an indoor swimming pool, walking/jogging track, and “power center” containing various weight and aerobic machines. Bring appropriate attire for your workout. Bring your work uniform for the first morning classes (class picture). There are no alcoholic beverages permitted on campus. Check-in is on Sunday, July 12, 2009 from 12– 1:45 inside Hoerner Hall main entrance. THE CONDUCT ARTICLES Article 1. Article 2. TOTAL IN-SERVICE CREDIT: 41 hours Refund Policy: The registration is refundable until 10 days prior to the first day of the course. Cancellations after that time are subject to a $100 late cancellation fee. Earlham and INCLEA are not responsible for costs incurred due to cancellation. Article 3. Registration Fees: INCLEA member fee is $550 per person – includes housing and meals or $300- NO housing, meals only Non-member fee is $610 per person – includes housing and meals For course content or registration information, contact: Cathy Anthofer Earlham College 801 National Road West Richmond, IN 47374 765-983-1400 email: Article 5. Article 4. Article 6. A student who takes an oath to support and uphold a Law Enforcement code of Ethics by so doing professes to accept those principles and the obligations therewith. A student will obey the laws of the land and the State of Indiana, and the laws or regulations made pursuant thereto, as well as department course regulations. A student will obey all lawful orders issued by superiors. A student will not shirk responsibility of duty when a duty is prescribed by law or regulation or order. A student will not be absent to avoid these responsibilities. While in the performance of duty, a student’s behavior shall not bring discredit upon the student’s department, the profession, or the INCLEA CPO Course, or which might be unbecoming an officer/student. While off-duty, a student will not behave in a manner which will reflect unfavorably upon the officer’s department, the profession, or the INCLEA CPO course. CPO COURSE DRESS CODE 1. PURPOSE It is INCLEA policy that all persons attending instruction (classroom or field exercise) be appropriately dressed in a manner that positively reflects the professionalism of the law enforcement career field and the individual’s employing department. 2. POLICY In-service Students will wear: 1. Department uniform; or 2. Clothing that reflects good taste, cleanliness, and is in good repair. (No shorts, tank tops, or halters.) (After Hours) All students are allowed to wear casual clothing suitable for the professional environment as long as the clothing is clean, in good taste, and good repair. (During Meals) A. The following WILL NOT BE WORN: 1. Cutoffs; 2. Sleeveless shirts; 3. Halter tops; 4. Sandals or bare feet; 5. Sweaty clothing (worn direct from athletic activities); 6. Shirts with offensive sayings or graphics; 7. Any other clothing determined by INCLEA staff to be inappropriate. INCLEA HOUSING EMERGENCY SERVICES 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to inform CPO course students of the availability of Health and Emergency services. EMERGENCY SERVICES (cont.) 2. A. B. 3. A. POLICY Any person who becomes injured or seriously ill will immediately notify a member of the INCLEA staff. The INCLEA will not pay for casts, bandages, x-rays, medications, prescriptions, or visits to hospitals. Personal or departmental insurance must be used. AVAILABLE RESOURCES BASIC FIRST AID SMOKING Name ____________________________________________________ GAMBLING Name to appear on certificate _________________________________ 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to provide students with information concerning gambling on campus property Business Address _________________________________________ 2. POLICY Students will not gamble on campus property State____Zip _____________________________________________ INDIANA CAMPUS LAW ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATORS Campus Protection Officer Course July 12-17, 2008 Registration Deadline June 25, 2009 City______________________________________________________ Work Phone ( 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to inform CPO students of the INCLEA’s rules governing smoking on campus. POLICY A. Smoking within buildings is PROHIBITED. B. Smoking is permitted a minimum of 20 feet away from outside of buildings. CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to provide students with information concerning the use and consumption of alcohol on campus. 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to inform all students residing in INCLEA housing of their responsibilities for room maintenance. 2. A. POLICY Students will not bring alcoholic beverages of any kind onto campus property. 2. A. 3. A. DISCIPLINARY ACTION Any student of INCLEA who has been determined to have brought alcoholic beverages onto Campus property, will be subject to the following disciplinary action: 1. Notification of the Chief Executive Officer of their respective department; 2. Dismissal from the CPO Course. POLICY All students will: 1. Maintain their assigned room in a clean and orderly manner. 2. Not place foreign objects in the toilet that might result in stoppage. 3. Not store food items, unless sealed. Once opened, these food items must be consumed or disposed of. The remainder will not be stored in the student’s dormitory room. 4. Not use appliances such as coffeepots, hot plates, or high amperage or heat generating devices. Registration Form 3. DISCIPLINARY ACTION Any student of the CPO Course who has in his/her possession drugs or controlled substances in violation of this policy will be subject to the following disciplinary action: 1. Notification of the Chief Executive Officer of the officer’s department; 2. Dismissal from the CPO Course; and 3. Possible arrest, incarceration and prosecution. USE OR POSSESSION OF DRUGS OR CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to provide students with information concerning the use or possession of drugs or controlled substances on campus property. 2. POLICY Students are prohibited from possessing and/or using drugs or controlled substances while at the CPO Course, except those prescribed for them by competent medical authority or those medicines recognizable as “over-the-counter.” 3. DISCIPLINARY ACTION Any student of the CPO Course who violates this policy will be subject to the following disciplinary action: 1. Notification of the Chief Executive Officer of the officer’s department; and 2. Dismissal from the CPO Course. )____________________ E-mail____________________________________________________ I require auxiliary aids or services due to a disability. Please contact me at the above address. Fees ETHICAL STANDARDS 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to provide students with information concerning the consequences of violation of ethical standards. 2. POLICY Students will: 1. Do their own work; 2. Not cheat or look upon another student’s test; 3. Not plagiarize or use case briefs or written material of another; and 4. Not have copies of test from previous classes in their possession. 5. If any student obtains possession of a guide that has supposedly been developed to aid in the study of any subject or course taught at the INCLEA, that student must immediately show the study guide to the CPO Course Facilitator. 3. DISCIPLINARY ACTION Any student of the INCLEA who violates any part of this policy will be subject to the following disciplinary action: 1. Notification of the Chief Executive Officer of the offending officer’s department and; 2. Dismissal from the CPO Course 3. Those students dismissed from the CPO Course for disciplinary, ethical, or alcohol or substance possession/abuse will not receive a refund for tuition, room, and board. INCLEA Member - $550. room and meals INCLEA Member- $300 NO housing, meals only Non-Member - $610 Total enclosed $ _________________________ Payment Method Enclosed is a check made payable to INCLEA. I will be paying with a company Purchase Order. PO #_____________________________________________________ Please charge to: Account Number __________________________________________ Expiration Date ____________________________________________ Signature _________________________________________________ Mail completed form with payment to: Attention INCLEA CPO Class Cathy Anthofer, Director of Campus Safety and Security Earlham College 801 National Road West Richmond, IN 47374 Telephone: 765-983-1400 Fax PO information to: 765-983-1877