WHERE EARTHQUAKES OCCUR WHERE EARTHQUAKES OCCUR •Three general belts –CIRCUM-PACIFIC –ALPIDE OR TRANSASIATIC OR MEDITERRANEAN- TRANSASIATIC –MID-OCEAN RIDGES CLASSIFICATION •Depth of Focus –SHALLOW (NORMAL)—0-70 KM (●) –INTERMEDIATE—70-300 KM (●) –DEEP—>300 KM (●) •In fact, no earthquakes are known from depths much greater than 700 km EARTHQUAKE DISTRIBUTION CIRCUM-PACIFIC BELT •Virtually all deep focus earthquakes •Most larger, intermediate focus earthquakes –>90% •90% of the large normal focus earthquakes •At least 80% of the world’s seismic energy released each year EARTHQUAKE DISTRIBUTION TRANS-ASIATIC BELT •The rest of the large intermediate focus earthquakes •The rest of the large normal focus earthquakes EARTHQUAKE DISTRIBUTION MID-OCEAN RIDGES •Small, normal focus earthquakes •Occur along the ridge •Also occur on transform faults offsetting ridge segments EARTHQUAKE DISTRIBUTION VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION •Most earthquakes are shallow (normal focus) •In places in the ocean Hugo Benioff noted a pattern of increasing focal depth KURILE-KAMCHATKA ARC CROSS SECTION ALEUTIAN ARC SOUTH PACIFIC ANDEAN ARC CONCLUSIONS •Earthquake foci get deeper under volcanic island arcs •Earthquake foci also get deeper under continents where trenches are adjacent to continents •Volcanoes are present at all of these sites •There must be a connection among ocean trenches, earthquakes of increasing focal depth, and volcanism ANNUAL EARTHQUAKE FREQUENCY WORLD EARTHQUAKES SUMMARY •Larger earthquakes are less common than smaller earthquakes •Deeper earthquakes are less common than shallow earthquakes