Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why a cart/commingle system?
a) The amount of recycling material collected is staying the same while the amount of
garbage is increasing. Making it easier to recycle will encourage more recycling.
b) Cart lids keep materials dry and contained so they don’t blow around neighborhoods.
c) Cart collection is safer for the drivers and will reduce injuries.
d) Carts are animal resistant, have attached lids and are sturdy.
e) They have a uniform look in our neighborhoods.
f) The carts have more room compared to the three bin system.
g) Sorting is reduced, therefore the cart system is more convenient to use. You also will
not have to put out the cart every week. You can put it out only when it’s full.
h) We tested the new system with customers last spring and they liked using carts more
than using bins.
2. Why do I have to separate my glass?
Broken glass gets in the paper mix and causes problems where materials are sorted and at paper
3. Do I have to use a cart that large?
Yes, please give it a try. If you are still having trouble, give us [Waste Connections, (360) 8925370] a call and we will see what we can do to help.
4. I don’t have room for a cart that size. What do I do?
The cart takes only a little more space than the bin system if you kept them stacked vertically.
The carts are very sturdy and can be kept outside.
5. Why do I have to have space between my cart and garbage containers?
The truck that services the cart has automated arms that wrap around the sides of the cart. Your
cart must be 3 feet from your garbage can and 5 feet from cars and other objects or it will not be
emptied. If we attempt to empty the cart, your garbage can may be knocked over, or we could
damage property that is near the cart.
6. Can I keep using my 3-bin system for recycling?
You will continue to use one of your bins for glass only. All other recyclables must go in the
cart and will not be collected from bins because the truck for your recycling service is designed
for use with the cart only.
However, you have the option to keep your bins to use them for other purposes.
Any bins you don’t want should be placed at the curb by 6 AM on the Saturday following your
cart delivery and will be removed over the weekend.
7. How often will my cart be emptied?
The frequency of pick up should be the same as your current schedule. But you only have to
place your cart out when it starts to get full.
8. What do I do with extra recyclables?
Please hold extra recyclables until your next pick up day. Everything except for glass must fit in
your cart. If you regularly have more recycling than the cart will hold, please call WCI 8925370 to discuss options.
Cardboard boxes must fit inside your cart. It may be necessary for you to flatten AND break
down boxes into smaller pieces to fit inside.
Please hold extra glass until your next pick up.
You can also take materials to the transfer station:
West Van Materials Recovery Center
(360) 737-1727
6601 NW Old Lower River Rd
Vancouver, WA
Central Transfer and Recycling Center
(360) 256-8482
11034 NE 117th Avenue
Vancouver, WA 98662
9. Can I use my own container for glass?
No, please put a GLASS ONLY sticker on one of your existing recycling bins and use it for
glass. If you have extra glass bottles and jars, please hold it until your next pick up.
10. I don’t recycle. Do I have to keep the cart?
Please keep it for a while before you decide you can’t use it. I will send information that explains
what material can go in the cart. It might save room in your garbage can and save you money. If
after a few weeks you request us to remove the cart, we will do so.
11. How does the driver know if there is garbage in the cart or not?
The drivers will not know at the time of pick up, but they will know when they take the load to
the transfer station. If there is garbage mixed in with the recyclables, the driver will know what
area the load is from and we will make every effort to educate the customers who may have
placed non-recyclable material in the cart.
12. Will my pick up day change?
No, your pick up day should not change.
13. Can I use my cart for yard debris or garbage?
No-yard debris, recycling, and garbage are separate services. Yard debris service is available in
most areas and it can also be taken to our transfer stations or to any of the facilities listed on under yard debris. (here:
West Van Materials Recovery Center
(360) 737-1727
6601 NW Old Lower River Rd
Vancouver, WA
Central Transfer and Recycling Center
(360) 256-8482
11034 NE 117th Avenue
Vancouver, WA 98662
14. What plastics can I put in my cart?
We accept clean plastic bottles, tubs (such as yogurt or butter tubs,) buckets and nursery pots no
larger than 5 gallons in size.
Plastic take-out containers, produce “clamshells” (such as cherry tomato or berry containers),
Styrofoam, and plastic bags cannot go in your bin. Some plastics not accepted at the curb can be
dropped off at one of the transfer stations. Check to find recycling options for
plastics not accepted at the transfer stations.
15. Where do I put my batteries, antifreeze, and motor oil?
Please place your motor oil or antifreeze in a 1-gallon, clear plastic jug with a screw cap and next
to your glass only bin. Batteries should be placed in a clear, sealable plastic bag and on the top
of your cart.
16. Where do I take material that you do not accept curbside? has listings for where to take hundreds of other items such as Styrofoam,
sports equipment, hazardous waste, and electronic devices. Many items can also be taken to the
transfer stations.
West Van Materials Recovery Center
(360) 737-1727
6601 NW Old Lower River Rd
Vancouver, WA
Central Transfer and Recycling Center
(360) 256-8482
11034 NE 117th Avenue
Vancouver, WA 98662
17. How much will this cost me?
Because the City of Camas has not raised the monthly recycling fee for 3 and ½ years, they are
considering a rate increase in 2010 to cover increased costs from operating a recycling program,
including the cost of this new one-cart collection system. You can expect to see a Consumer
Price Index increase at the beginning of each calendar year starting in 2011.
Program Roll Out and Timing
1. When will I get my cart?
We will implement the program at the beginning of December 2009.
2. When is my first pick up?
You will be notified by mail, then your cart will be delivered the week before your first pick up.
3. How often will the cart be emptied?
The frequency of recycling pick up should not change, however, we encourage you to only put
your cart out when it’s full.
4. What do I do with my old bins?
You will keep your green bin and continue using it for recycling your glass bottles and jars. You
have the option to keep the other two bins to use them for other purposes OR if you don’t want
the other two bins you should place them at the curb for pickup the Saturday following your cart
Follow up question: My cart was already delivered, I still have more than one bin,
will you pick that up?
You can drop off your extra bins at any transfer station or 9411 NE 94th Ave, Vancouver
WA (Waste Connections’ office.)