Hcs herald - Heritage Christian School



A weekly newsletter of Heritage Christian School

P. O. Box 400 Jordan Station, Ontario L0R 1S0

905 562 7303 (office) 905 562 0020 (fax)

WEBSITE: www.hcsjordan.ca heritage@hcsjordan.ca

March 28, 2013



Tomb, thou shalt not hold Him longer,

Death is strong, but Life is stronger;

Stronger than the dark, the light,

Stronger than the wrong, the right;

Faith and hope triumphant say,

Christ will rise on Easter Day.

Philips Brooks

And He departed from our sight that we might return to our heart and there find Him.

For He departed, and behold, He is here.

Saint Augustine


In September 2012 Cardus, a think tank dedicated to the renewal of North American society, released an educational survey that sought to measure the effects that graduates of non-government schools have had on society. A number of conservative reformed high schools across the country are doing a follow-up survey to compare the results of our graduates specifically. All Heritage Christian School graduates between the ages of 21

(graduated in 2009) and 38 (graduated in 1992) are invited to participate in an online survey at


The deadline for completing the survey is April 19, 2013. There have been no participants from HCS graduates to the Cardus survey to date. Please help us by taking part and/or by sending this information to eligible grads.




We would be pleased to receive applications for a maternity leave position for the 2013/2014 academic year. We seek qualified teachers for an assignment at the junior grade level and would consider either full-time or a shared part-time arrangement. Please submit an application at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your consideration. ABH

Mar 29 Good Friday

Apr 1 Easter Monday

Apr 2 Gr. 6A to Albright Manor

Apr 3 Hep B Vaccinations

Promotion Comm Mtg

Apr 6 Vendor Fair/Fundraising Brkfst

Apr 9 Gr. 4/5 to United Menn Home

BOD Meeting

Apr 10 Elem Pizza Day

HCS Calendar

Apr 11 Gr. 10 Lit Test

Redeemer Science Fair

SpecEd Open House

Apr 12 Redeemer Science Fair

Apr 13 GST Auction

Apr 15 PTA Meeting

Gr. 9 Information Evening

Apr 16 Gr. 4A to Shalom Manor

Maintenance Comm Mtg

Apr 19 Grandparents Day

Secondary Midterm Reports

Apr. 22 Fundraising Meeting

Apr. 24 Secondary Chapel

Gr. 7/8 Secret Agent Day

Apr. 25 Sec P/T Conferences

Apr 26 Primary Div Book Character Day

Vendor Fair/Fundraising Breakfast Mark your calendars to come enjoy a hearty breakfast and shop at the vendor fair Saturday,

April 6 . The yearbook committee is putting on a great morning event. There are over 20 vendors signed up to share their wares.

Breakfast will be served from 7 – 11 a.m., and the vendor fair runs until 1 p.m. Bring the whole family and come on out to enjoy

Vendors, Food, and Fun.

Due to a road race that same morning being organized at the arena, please enter the school driveway by coming down 19th and turning onto Fourth Avenue into our driveway. You may be redirected that way if you attempt to come to the school by Jordan Road and Fourth Avenue.

General School News

Directory Update The Donoghue family is moving this weekend to 111

Elmview, in Welland. Phone 289-820-

7851. Please update your directories.

GST Auction It's not too late to get your items in for Heritage Christian

School's Annual GST Auction, on Sat.

April 13!

Please consider any gifts, services or talents you could donate to help make this year another great success! Please notify your church's

Fundraising Committee representative

ASAP of your donated items, or send an email to: scottmiedema@hotmail.com


Grandparents Day: On April 19,

2013 we are excited to celebrate

Grandparents Day!! Please invite all grandparents, adopted grandparents, and seniors to join with us for this special day!! The doors will be open for classroom visits any time between

9:15 am – 10:25 am with refreshments in the gym afterwards. The program will begin at 10:45 am followed by a hot lunch at Noon. Parents, please return your volunteer forms and don’t forget to send out your invitations!

General Elementary News

Primary Division….Dress-Up Days:

FYI, Parents, for those who like a lot of notice, we are going to be having 1 more dress-up days for Primary

Division this year! The day is April

26 th Book Character Dress-up Day (for this day, your child’s teacher will send home more details as we near the date)

Grades 2 and 3…Grandparent’s

Day: Just a head’s up…For

Grandparent’s Day we will be asking the boys to wear suspenders with their normal school uniform (white tops, navy pants) and tuck their pants into their socks. We hope that finding suspenders will not be too big of a hassle. Please try to borrow them and/or check out the second hand stores. For the girls, we are asking them to wear knee socks (navy or white) with their normal program uniform (white tops, navy skirts).

Kindergarten A – Mrs. Emmanuel

Now that we have finished the alphabet we will start our Rhyme

Time show and tell. On your child's leader day, please send 2 items that rhyme and fill in the page in the book. You should have received new memory work pages. On Wednesday we will say our Easter passage and then we will begin Psalm 23. Bag-abooks did not come home for the long weekend. Keep practising all those poems and books your child has made. Please return all Reading

Incentive sheets next week

Wednesday. Have a blessed Easter!

Kindergarten B – Mrs. Harsevoort

1. We had beautiful sunny weather at the Sugar Bush on Tuesday. Thanks, parents, for driving. 2. Some people wondered if KB would be at

Grandparents’ Day. Yes. Both

Kindergarten classes will participate in the program so please invite the

Grandparents. Even though

Grandparents’ Day is not a KB day students will be able to ride the busses in the morning but will have to be picked up at 12:00 noon. You will find more details in a later Herald. 3.Please remember that Reading Racetrack record sheets are due on Tues., April

2. 4. Show & Tell for April 2 & 4 may start with any letter of the alphabet.

Please be sure your child knows the beginning sound. Memory Work for

April 9 is Matt. 28: 5 AND 6. Have a blessed Easter.

Grade 1A – Miss Wierenga Spring has arrived and so have ants in some pants. It takes increasingly more effort for some students to buckle down to work. Please help out by having your children get enough sleep and exercise. Thank you to all who sent in book orders. We are still asking for styrofoam trays. If you have not yet done so, please return report cards as well as socks used for soaked feet. Some race car reading sheets for March have already been returned!! That's great! Next week marks the end of this program, and rewards will be given. Please be sure to see the blue sheet about the last three reading activities in our class this year. Ask your child about

'Easter', betray, tomb, the day that was the best and the worst at the same time, esophagus, intestines, and what happens to the sandwiches we eat. Reminders for next week: Bible stories # 77 - 79. MON: Easter

Monday TUES: NO library, Race car reading sheets due WED: gym clothes

FRI: spelling test on lesson

22; memory work: Ps. 34:13. May our Lord bless you richly in this Easter weekend.

Grade 1B– Miss Boonstra Greetings,

Parents. Memory Work: Psalm 8:1;

Tues. March Reading Race Track calendar due; gym; Thurs. gym In

Bible we will complete our Easter

Unit with a test on Tuesday and continue our lessons from the Old

Testament. (II Kings 4, 5 & 6) A new

Math letter will be coming home on

Tuesday. We enjoyed learning about

Fish and are looking forward to our next unit on Insects.

Grade 2A – Mrs. Geerlinks Dear

Parents, it was a joy to see your children, along with students from the other Grade 2 class, singing praises to

God at our Easter Assembly. Their hard work practicing paid off! A big thank-you to all parents who volunteered to accompany us on our class trip to the post office next week.

I will be calling you with more information. Please remember to send in an address with your child for their letters by Monday . Next week, we will be finishing up our

Easter Bible stories (First 3 appearances, Jesus’ Ascension,

Pentecost). We will also begin a new math unit on two-digit subtraction with regrouping and we will be starting our first uppercase cursive letters. Has your child been reading?

Next week is their last chance to meet their reading goal for March. Prizes will be handed out the following week. I wish you and your family a blessed Easter break as we remember the amazing sacrifice made by our triumphant Saviour. Reminders for next week: Monday: NO SCHOOL

Tuesday: Show & Tell Row 3 (Justin,

Lianne, Will, Dylan)

Wednesday: Gym Thursday: Field

Trip: Post Office , Show & Tell Row

4 (Nadia, Lucas, Josina, Kiera) Friday:

Spelling Test Unit 27, Memory Work:

Galatians 5: 25-26

Grade 2B – Miss Hultink Dear parents, once again we have had a short week but have also been working hard. We have had a busy and different week with Grandparents

Day practices, Easter Assembly practice, and Easter assembly. With this we were unable to get to our

Esther stories. We also had a Bible test to wrap up our stories from

Solomon to Elijah. Next week, we will be doing stories 60-61a. Next week, we will also be having our math test on adding double digits. Please send your forms to school for the Post

Office trip. It would be great to have some of you join us! Also, please remind your child to bring the address needed for their letters. I hope you enjoy a long and wonderful Easter weekend as we celebrate the death and resurrection of our Saviour!

Reminders for next week: Tuesday:

NO LIBRARY; Thursday : Post Office

Trip; Friday: Spelling Test: Unit 27,

Memory work: Psalm 100: 1-3 .

Grade 3A - Mr. Wensink Greetings.

I pray that your Easter weekend be meaningful and enjoyable. I have looked forward to visiting with parents at the conferences, and I invite

parents who could not attend to call or visit if you desire. In our Bible studies we move from Good Friday to Easter, with John 11:22 as the Bible Memory.

Our Spelling is Unit 26. We complete at multiplication unit soon and plan to do division for our Math fact drills.

We are practicing for Grandparents

Day and "The hills are alive with the

Sound of Music." The reading racetrack goal of 200+ pages for

March is due on Tuesday for the prize.

Some students still need daily multiplication fact practice. Our Plant unit in science is going well. Yes, we move to the next challenging recorder song for Friday. Look for more information and completed work on

Tuesday. Blessings.

Grade 3B – Miss Petersen Students wrote their Chapter 8 math test and problem solving test on time and money today. We spent an extra day of review beforehand, on Wednesday.

On Tuesday we hope to start our 2 nd chapter on multiplication. By the end of this unit, we will be multiplying a

1-digit by a 3-digit number. This chapter will be a challenge for some students, who are still not practicing their times tables at home! Our

“bird’s eye view” paintings received their final touches today! Look for them in the hallway outside our classroom next week! The students did a fantastic job! They are beautiful! We had a lot of fun reading about the antics of Wol and Weeps with Mutt, while learning some new words like “tolerate”. We had our last

“roll” practice and the last game of

“redball” this week. Next week we will begin some early track and field practice in preparation for Field Day.

Please see the note about

Grandparent’s Day for Grades 2 and 3, at the beginning of the newsletter.

Ask your child about Peter

Tchaikovsky and “graffiti”! I wish you all a blessed Easter Weekend as we celebrate our risen Redeemer!

Reminders: Monday: No library this week, due to Easter Monday

Tuesday: Last day to hand in

“Reading Racetrack” forms! Thanks for all the dedication with this,

Parents! Wednesday: Show and

Tell for Girls Thursday: Show and

Tell for Boys; Friday: Recorder Test on Song # 26 “Bouffons”; Memory

Work: Philippians 3:16;

General….Math Facts: Please practice times tables 0-8 at home.

Students MUST practice at home for at least 5 minutes/day on a regular basis. From Mrs. Korevaar

Our week has been busy and very full even though it was a short one! We are looking forward to remembering the death of our Saviour on Good

Friday and celebrating His victory over death on Easter. It was good to meet with some of you about your child's progress as we head into this final term of the school year. The support our students receive at home is so important and beneficial to their success here at school. Here is a look at next week. Bible Stories- The First

Five Disciples, Rejected at Nazareth, and Sabbath Miracles. Spelling will be Dictionary Skills, so no Spelling words to study this weekend. We will finish our Musculoskeletal System unit in Science. The students can expect a test on Thursday. We will work on Concrete poems in Writer's

Workshop. Have a Blessed Easter.

Grade 4A – Mrs. Baartman This week we said good-bye to Miss

Burggraaf, who has been helping in our classroom since October! Miss

Burggraaf, thank you for committed help and French teaching! :) We are well into our Geography unit, learning and memorizing many maps! For the most part, the students are doing an outstanding job memorizing each map.

Next week there will be a Canada quiz on Thursday, for which the students will need to memorize all provinces and capitals; as always, spelling counts! Bookworm calendars are already coming in; they are due by

Tuesday. A note will be sent home soon letting parents know who will be driving for our upcoming Service

Trip. Please send in signed progress reports by next week Friday. Next week's Memory Work: Matthew

13:31-32; Spelling Unit 27. Have a wonderful weekend!

Grade 4/5 – Mrs. Zwiep Greetings,

Parents! Students had another enjoyable week and have earned a restful long weekend. Some gym clothes that were not washed over

March Break were sent home today.

Please make sure they are back on

Tuesday for Phys. Ed. Thank you for your continued support of the bookworm reading program. March


Tuesday, April 2. Our next service trip to United Mennonite Home will be on Tuesday, April 9. Driver forms will be coming home early next week.

Thank you in advance for your assistance in this trip. Coming up next week: Monday: holiday Tuesday:

Phys. Ed., no library Wednesday:

Phys. Ed., Friday: MW Hebrews 11:

21-22, Spelling Test Lesson 26. Have a blessed Easter weekend.

Grade 5A – Mr. Jansen Packages have come home today containing tests and quizzes; please look at them and return them signed with your child on Tuesday. Bookworm calendars are due on Tuesday. The Science projects and presentations concluded yesterday. The students did a fine job on them; they have a renewed sense of awe of our Creator. The multiple choice test based on the projects will be written on Tuesday. On

Wednesday another vocabulary quiz will be written based on chapters 7-9 of our novel study. The recorder test for next week will be song #114,

Home, Sweet Home”. The novel study test will be on Thursday. The book talks and newscasts will be done on Tuesday by Valerie L., Ezra L.,

Emma M., Matthew M., and Natasha

O. The Memory Work for next week is Psalm 98: 1-2.

Grade 6A – Mr. Enter Blessings to you as we celebrate together the precious gift of life in the death of our

Saviour. When we return next week, students need to be prepared for a heavy end of the week as we find ourselves in the midst of a number of tests. Also, if you did not find an opportunity to speak to me about your child’s Report Card and would like to do so, feel free to call me. Coming up next week: Mon. – Off! No

Library this week; Tues.

– Albright

Manor 9:45 am (program uniform);

Wed . – Speech Outline and Speech

Research; Thurs . – BookTalk (AD,

WV, HG); Fri – Math Test; Socials

Test; Memory Work (Matt.24:30,31);

Spelling Test (L.25).

Grade 6B – Miss Nyhof I wish everyone a blessed Easter weekend.

This coming Tuesday we will be having a math test on adding and fractions. Last week Friday our class was given drawing lessons by my grandfather, Dave Bakker. We learned the importance of drawing, how to draw a variety of containers, and the importance of shading. The students

are looking forward to this Friday when he will be teaching them to paint using acrylic paint. Tuesday: Math

Test, Phys. Ed. Thursday : Phys. Ed.

Friday: Spelling: Lesson 26 (Review

Lesson), Memory Work: Luke 21: 13-


Grade 7B – Mr. Slingerland We are making our way through errors that impacted the early church in Church

History. We've learned about hermits, monks, relics, and the start of the papacy. Even in the midst of a crumbling empire and numerous doctrinal errors, the church was still upheld. The students have finished their speeches and did very well. In phys Ed, we are continuing without badminton unit. Some of the students are starting to show some real prowess on the court. We have begun studying the beginnings of Upper Canada

(Ontario) in History and have come across familiar names like Haldimand,

Brant, Simcoe, and some names that are not so familiar like

Konwatsi'tsiaienni. Our memory work for this week is Psalm 9:9-10.

Grade 8A – Mr. Blokhuis This week’s memory work, in connection to our study of the period of captivity in Bible, is Daniel 4:34b-35. We are on lesson 22 in spelling. In writing, we will be working on our speech outlines, which will be due for Friday.

In Math we are starting chapter 7 on percent. Have a blessed Easter. From

Mr. Isaac A short literature quiz was written this week with fairly good results all the way around. Topics covered included plot structure, setting, character, and conflict. Having just completed an in-depth study of the setting of The Bronze Bow , our time is now being spent on a careful examination of the characters of this story. In science, students have been introduced to two great scientists who were motivated in their work by their

Christian convictions – Blaise Pascal and Robert Boyle. Both of these 17 th century men contributed greatly to our understanding of fluids in motion, discovering important ‘laws’ that have enabled us to better carry out our cultural mandate as Christians. Next week will see us complete our subunit on laws of fluids before beginning the next portion of our study on atmospheric pressure.

Secondary News

From the Guidance Office

Upcoming Spring Open Houses at area Colleges and Universities include : April 6 , 9 – 1 p.m.–

Mohawk College (All p rograms represented at the Fennell Campus)

May 11 – “May at Mac” – info./tours/presentations on All programs.

Students can visit Any college/university for a tour with a few days notice but Open Houses offer a chance to speak with Profs. and

Students and find out more about programs. These are very important for Gr. 11s finding out what’s available and what programs might be of interest…and for Gr. 12s who are still making final decisions about next year. If at all possible, plan to go with your son/daughter.

Anyone who has applied to Brock is advised to go on-line and fill in their

One App for awards & bursaries no later than March 29. Do it today!

Many twelves are still waiting to hear re: offers and these will be largely dependent on mid-semester grades so every test/ assignment/essay/lab counts!

If Gr. 12s have already received an offer and decided to accept it, they should do so soon. If unsure, they can wait just a bit. Deadlines for acceptance are: May 1 - for

Community Colleges & June 3 - for

Universities. Christian Colleges/ universities have their own deadlines but tend to be more flexible.

Students are strongly advised to accept on-line at least a week before the deadline . If they haven’t heard from the program they really want or hear later than the deadline, they know what to do. (The twelves regularly receive emails or announcements in class on such things.

Have a wonderful Easter. He is risen indeed!

Mr. Bosch

Bible 9 As we are finishing the

Genesis ‘toledoth’ presentations we hope to be able to make a start this week with studying the Hebrew names of God and then on to the leadership of Moses. This will involve another essay assignment.

Chemistry 12C We are running through the unit on Quantitative

Chemistry and we have just finished our third test. This brings us to a new section on Stoichiometry and Limiting and Excess reagents.

Biology 11U This week we will be stretching to finish the micro-unit on

Plant structure and functions so that we will be ready for Mr. Harskamp’s entry on the scene with the Genetics unit. Welcome, Mr. Harskamp!!!

Mrs. Bouwers

Art 9 We finished our "Flipbooks" and are ready to start our new in class project using popsicle sticks. There will be a test on Units 2 and 3 on

Friday, April 5. Sketchbook #7 is a pencil sketch of a hand.

Mr. Huizenga

Biology 12 We are looking forward to some award winning group presentations next week. One group will teach us about the kidney and its role in homeostasis. The other group will teach us about the immune system and its role. The week will culminate with a test on this portion of the unit.

Chemistry 11 Individual presentations on applications of chemical reactions are ongoing. We’ve enjoyed learning about acid rain, liming lakes, isolating magnesium from sea water and so much more. The class is also working on several calculations involving chemical quantities.

Mr. Isaac

World Religions 11 Unfortunately, we did not get quite as far as we were hoping last week in concluding our study of animism as our in-depth study of First Nations native spirituality has taken up more time than expected. Nonetheless, with all the film reviews now in and major topics covered, next week will see us reviewing the entire unit before the writing of a culminating unit test late next week. After that... Judaism.

Physical Education 10 With the end of our first health unit on substance use and abuse on the horizon, a test has been scheduled for next

Wednesday, April 3. Following that, students will be back in the gymnasium, continuing on their next long-anticipated sports unit, badminton. Mr. Pols will be taking the grade 10 students through this unit while I shift over to teach our grade 12 physical education class lacrosse.

Mr. Koopman

SPH4U We are wrapping up our unit on Energy and Momentum. The test on this unit will be next week

Wednesday. Our next unit deals with

Gravitational, Electric and Magnetic fields.

MPM1D This week we have been studying linear relationships in math.

Students are becoming familiar with the way graphs, equations and tables of values all can be used to illustrate the same relationship.

MPM2D This week we have been working with factoring trinomials.

Students are becoming quite familiar with the different forms these equations can have. Next week

Wednesday we will be having a test on these concepts.

Miss Kralt

English 10D/P Students should have handed in their final draft of the essay should be on Wednesday. Next week we will begin a new unit looking at the literature of early American. There will be homework questions on the works we study in class. Students also have a list of literary terms and definitions they should be studying on a regular basis.

Art 10 Students should have completed their seven-circle or eight section kaleidoscope radial for

Tuesday. The sketch book assignment will be due Wednesday.

Art 11 Students should have completed their preliminary drawings and colour schemes for the sculpture project by Tuesday in order to begin working on a maquette. The sketch book assignment will be due for


Art 12 Students should be working away at the six art works needed for their exhibition. Next week we hope to visit several galleries in the U.S. This should help students complete the required number of gallery reports.

Mr. Pols

PPL4O The class will finish their

Badminton tournament and there be a test on Tuesday, April 2 on well-being and badminton.

CGW4U We continue to look at over population, hunger and Foreign aid.

There will be a test on Wednesday,

April 3.

CGCD We have now begun to look at land uses and the placement and efficiency of the land use. Quiz on

Wednesday, April 3.

Miss teBokkel

English 9 We have been learning proofreading and annotation skills this week and have also begun reading

Merchant of Venice . We will be starting our first assignment for the unit next week, an in-class research and presentation assignment.

Canadian History 10 We have spent this week looking at the Roaring

Twenties. Students will begin their

Radio Show assignment next week, learning more about life in Canada during this time. We will have a “halfunit” text next week Friday, April 5.

Canadian Geography 9 We have begun our unit on Physical

Connections with a look at the geology of the world. We will be moving on to look specifically at

Canada's geological structure and how it influences life in our country.

Students have a chapter summary assignment due on April 3.

Mr. Zylstra

English 12U We are halfway done our unit on "Restoration

Literature." Next week we will shift our focus more towards the preromantic writings of Blake and


English 9 Our reading of "The

Merchant of Venice" has been going very well! I greatly appreciate all of the enthusiasm that the class has demonstrated over the last few periods.

Speechcraft This week we had the opportunity to watch several different demonstration speeches. The presentations were very helpful in the way that they illustrated the positive and negative things that can occur during a demonstration speech. Next week students will be presenting a demonstration speech that the entire class will participate in.
