Standard Seven: The pre-service teacher models effective verbal

Standard Seven: The pre-service teacher models effective verbal, nonverbal,
and media communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and
supportive interaction in the classroom.
Performance Indicator 7.3: supports and expands learner expression in
speaking, writing, listening, and other media.
Artifact: Explorers Presentation
Course: Student Teaching
Rationale: Standard 7.3 requires the pre-service teacher to support and expand
learner expression in speaking, writing, listening, and other media. This artifact
was a culminating project for the explorers unit in social studies. The students
were required to choose an explorer to present to the class. Written expression
was utilized as the students completed the presentation outline and composed a
rough draft of the presentation. Spoken expression was utilized as the students
presented their information to the class. Effective listening behavior such as
making eye contact with the speaker, refraining from talking, keeping hands
folded on the desk, and applauding were discussed prior to the presentations.
Students who did not demonstrate effective listening behavior lost five points on
their presentation grade.
Reflection: As a teacher, it is important to remember that communication arts
include reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Too often speaking and
listening seem to be overlooked as literacy takes precedence. Through my
student teaching experience, I learned that speaking and listening skills can be
assessed in other content areas besides communication arts. This artifact is an
example of how speaking and listening skills can be assessed in social studies.
Cross curricular applications enable teachers to assess skills such as speaking
and listening in meaningful situations. To improve, I would have distributed the
scoring guide to the students when assigning the presentation. Although I
explained the information on the scoring guide, it would have been beneficial for
the students to have a hard copy to refer to. In addition, I would like student to
create a visual aid for the presentation. A visual aid would help students better
understand the information being conveyed so as to facilitate listening skills. In
my classroom, I will use the scoring guide as a template to create rubrics for
other presentations. Furthermore, I will utilize the interdisciplinary approach to
authentically assess the four aspects of communication arts.