A. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Signature & seal of the Bidder INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION / SITE INFORMATION The address of the site as follows: M/s. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd., 1st Floor, DEO Gratias Building Chilimbi, Urwastore, Mangalore – 575 006. The area of the floor is approximately 3,600 sqft. The proposed layout of the floor is given along with the tender. 1.1 SCOPE OF WORK The brief scope of work comprises of, but not limited to, the following (i) Providing Fixed furniture like partition, skinning etc., (ii) Providing loose furniture like cables etc (iii) Providing soft furnishing like blinds etc. (iv) Providing light fixtures, point wiring & cabling. (v) Providing main electrical panels & Distribution board. (vi) Related Civil jobs like tiling etc., In case of any clarification regarding the scope of work, the same shall be obtained from Shri Sushil Kumar Shukla, Officer- Engg. & Projects, M/s. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Mangalore Retail Regional Office, Mangalore POL Terminal Premises, Village Bala, Via Katipalla, Mangalore. Tel. No. 08242279784, 2279132. Fax 0824 - 2279087 The prospective bidders are requested to thoroughly read and comprehend the various sections of this tender document and visit the site before quoting for the tender. All sections of this tender document are to be read in conjunction with each other and accordingly quote in the priced bid. The descriptions of the items in the priced bid have been abridged and the bidder has to quote in the Priced Bid after Signature & seal of the Bidder thoroughly comprehending the Schedule of quantities in conjunction with all other sections of this tender document. 2.0 SITE VISIT & BIDDING DOCUMENT 2.1 The bidder is advised to visit and examine the site of works and its surrounding and obtain for himself on his own responsibility all information that may be necessary for preparing of the bid and entering into the contract. The cost of visiting the site shall be at bidder’s own expenses. No extra claim on account of non- familiarity of site conditions shall be entertained during execution of works. 2.2 The bidder and any of his personnel or agents will be granted permission by the Owner to enter upon his premises and lands for the purpose of such inspection, but only upon the explicit condition that the bidder, his personnel or agents will release and indemnify the Owner and his personnel and agents from and against all liabilities in respect thereof and will be responsible for personnel injury (whether fatal or otherwise), loss of or damage and expenses incurred as a result hereof. 2.3 All expenses towards site visit shall be to the bidders account. 3.0 SPLIT- UP OF WORK Total work shall be awarded to single agency and the scope of work shall not be split. 4.0 SUBMISSION AND OPENING OF BID 4.1 4.2 4.3 This is only a Price Enquiry (Invitation of Offer) and not an Order. The bidder shall take utmost care of the following: The bid shall be submitted in two parts namely, UNPRICED and PRICED Part, respectively. Bid shall be submitted in a sealed cover (sealed envelope –I) super scribed tender No. and “BID – DO NOT OPEN”. The Bid shall contain separately sealed envelopes super scribed as below. Name of work, Tender Document No., due date and name of bidder shall also be clearly written out side the sealed envelopes. 4.4 Signature & seal of the Bidder PAFRT – I PART – II “ TECHNO- COMMERCIAL PART “ or UNPRICED BID Unpriced bid shall be kept in an envelope (No 2), duly sealed and legibly printed on the top of envelop”, Part I - UNPRICED BID for Tender No.------------------PRICE PART – DO NOT OPEN WITH PART – I Priced bid shall be kept in an envelope ( No. 4), duly sealed and legibly printed on the top of envelop” Part II – PRICE BID for Tender No. -------------- 4.5 PART – 1 ( Sealed envelop – 2) of offer shall contain 4.5.1 Earnest Money Deposit in a separately sealed envelope (Sealed envelope- 3) for the amount specified. In case of PSU the self declaration and in case of SSI units registered with NSIC, the copy of the valid registration certificate shall be enclosed in this envelope for being eligible for EMD exemption. 4.5.2 Bidding Document marked “ORGINAL” duly signed and stamped on each page No cutting or overwriting should be done. Pro Forma of schedule of rates forming part of this shall not be filled in. 4.5.3 Covering letter, technical submission & any other details in accordance with tender conditions. 4.6 PART- II of offer, i.e. “Priced Bid” shall be submitted in separately sealed envelope (Sealed envelope -4) clearly super scribing on top of the envelope as “PRICE – PART’. This shall contain only the Priced Bid, with all rates (in figures & in words) and amounts duly printed/ typed in the respective column. Conditions, additions, deletions or modifications in PRICE – PART are not permitted. All corrections must be stamped and signed. Bidders are requested to quote their best prices considering the fact that price negotiation, if required may be held with the lowest Bidder only. Any claim of whatsoever nature shall not be considered at a later date. Any condition mentioned in PART- II shall not be taken into account either for evaluation or for award of work and shall render the offer liable for rejection. Signature & seal of the Bidder 4.7 The sealed Cover (Sealed envelope -1) and all the respective sealed envelopes (envelopes -2,3, and 4) shall all bear the address given below : M/s. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Mangalore Retail Regional Office, POL Terminal Complex, Village Bala, Via Katipalla, Mangalore-575030 If the priced bid is found in open condition or Part I and Part II are wrongly marked such offer will be rejected. 4.8 4.9 Technical and Un priced Part of the Offer will be opened by HPCL as per the due date and time mentioned in the tender notice in the presence of Bidders / Bidder’s duly authorized representative. The Priced part of the offer will be subsequently opened in the presence of techno – commercially qualified bidders after appropriate intimation. The bidding document shall be read in conjunction with any amendment issued subsequently. 5.0 VALIDITY OF EMD 5.1 Earnest Money Deposit shall be in the form of Original Bank Guarantee for the amount given in the tender notice and issued by any Scheduled bank (other than Co- operative Bank). Performa of BG for EMD is given in this tender document. EMD in any other form will be treated as offer without EMD. No adjustment shall be made with EMD submitted earlier with other tender of HPCL or any outstanding amount with HPCL. Earnest Money Deposit furnished by the bidder shall be valid for a period of 06 (SIX) MONTHS from the date of submission of the bid. EMD of the unsuccessful bidders shall be returned as promptly as possible upon award of contract. EMD of successful bidder will be returned upon the bidder’s accepting the contract, and furnishing the requisite Security Deposit. EMD may be forfeited for: 5.2 5.3 5.4 i). If a bidder withdraws its bid during the validity period of the bid. Signature & seal of the Bidder ii). If a bidder does not accept the relevant clause no 14.0 of instruction to bidders iii) If the successful bidder fails within the specified period to furnish the requisite Security Deposit. 5.5 Any bid not in accordance with above clauses will be rejected as nonresponsive. 6.0 6.1 VALIDITY OF OFFER Bid submitted by Bidder shall remain valid for a minimum period of 06 (SIX) MONTHS from the due date / extended due date for submission of Bids. Bidders shall not be entitled during the said period of six months, without the consent in writing of the Owner, to revoke or cancel their Bid or to vary the bid given or any term thereof. In case of bidders revoking or canceling their bid or varying any of the terms in regard thereof without the consent of Owner in writing, owner shall reject such offers and forfeit Earnest Money paid by them along with their offers. 6.2 Bidders are advised to refrain form contacting by any means HPCL and / or their employees/ representatives on their own, on matters related to Bids under consideration. HPCL, if necessary, will obtain clarification on the bid by requesting for such information / clarifications from any or all Bidders, either, in writing or through personnel contact. Bidders will not be permitted to change the substance of Bids after opening of Bids. 6.3 Notwithstanding sub-clauses 6.1 and 6.2 above, HPCL may solicit the bidder’s consent to an extension of the period of validity of offer. The request and the response shall be made in writing. If the bidders agree to the extension request, the validity of Bank Guarantee towards Earnest money shall also be suitably extended. Bidders may refuse the request without forfeiting his EMD. However, bidders agreeing to the request for extension of validity of offer will neither be permitted to revise the price nor to modify the offer. Signature & seal of the Bidder 7.0 BID CLARIFICATIONS / AMENDMENTS BY HPCL 7.1 HPCL may issue clarifications /amendments in the form of addendum/ corrigendum during the bidding period and may also issue amendments subsequent to receiving the bids. For the addendum / corrigendum issued during the bidding period, bidders shall confirm the inclusion of addendum / corrigendum in their bid. Bidder shall follow the instructions issued along with addendum/ corrigendum. 7.2 Bidders shall examine the bidding document thoroughly and submit to HPCL any apparent conflict, discrepancy or error. HPCL shall issue appropriate clarifications or amendments, if required. Any failure by Bidder to comply with the aforesaid shall not excuse the Bidder from performing the Services in accordance with the contract if subsequently awarded. 8.0 CONFIDENTIALITY OF DOCUMENTS Bidder shall treat the Bidding Document and contents therein as private and confidential and shall not use the bidding document for any other purposes. 9.0 APPLICABLE LANGUAGE The bid prepared by the bidder, all correspondences and documents related to this bid shall be written in English language only. For document submitted in any other language, an English translation shall also be submitted, in which case, for the purpose of interpretation of the bid, the English translation shall govern. 10.0 CAUTION AND DISCLAIMER Transfer of bid document by the bidder is not permitted. Bidder shall make his own interpretation of any and all information provided in the Bidding Document. HPCL shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of such information and / or interpretation. Although certain information’s are provided in the Bidding document, however, bidder shall be responsible for obtaining and verifying all necessary data and information as required by him. HPCL reserves the right to accept or reject any /all tender in whole or in part without assigning any reason whatsoever. HPCL shall not be bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept any or more tenders in part. Decision of HPCL in this regard shall be final. Signature & seal of the Bidder 11.0 EVALUATION OF TECHNO COMMERCIAL BIDS. Prior to detailed evaluation of bids the owner shall determine whether each bid is (1) Accompanied by EMD as specified in the Tender Notice (a) Bids without EMD as specified in the Tender Notice or with EMD not as per prescribed proforma as per Bidding Document shall be rejected. (b) EMD if placed inside the price bid envelope then the offer will be treated as bid without EMD and will be rejected. However Public Sector Enterprise / Undertaking (Self Declaration required along with Un priced Bid) and SSIs registered with NSIC (copy of valid registration certificate should be submitted along with the Unpriced Bid) are exempted from submitting EMD. (c). Prospective bidders who are SSI registered with NSIC shall provide a declaration in writing along with their un priced bid whether they have succeeded in securing orders for same items, in completion ( i.e. without price preference) with large scale units during the preceding 12 months. (ii) Totally complying with the requirement of the tender document. 12.0 RECEIPT OF BID Bids received late i.e. after due date and time, due to any reason (s) whatsoever shall be rejected. Late and rejected bid and representative of such bidders shall not be allowed to attend the bid opening. Unopened bids shall be returned to the bidder. 13.0 DEVIATIONS TO TENDER REQUIREMENTS 13.1 The bidders are required to submit offers strictly as per the terms and conditions/ specifications given in the bidding document and not to stipulate any deviations. The offer of bidders stipulating deviations to any of the following terms / conditions of the bidding document shall not be considered for price bid opening. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Security Deposit ( Clause No. 4(B) of GCC Defect liability period (Clause No. 5.n of GCC) Suspension & Termination (Clause No. 5e & 12 of GCC) Increase in time Schedule of completion Liquidated Damages (Clause No. 10 of GCC) Force Majeure (Clause No. 13 of GCC) Signature & seal of the Bidder vii. Scope of work viii. Validity of offer ix. Retention Money (Clause No. 7.c of GCC) x. Deviation in payment terms xi. Firm Price (Clause 3.3 & 3.4 of SCC) 13.2 In case Bidders wish to stipulate any deviation to Bidding Document requirements other than those stated above, they shall indicate the same as per the proforma enclosed in the Bidding Document. Bidder shall note that clarification / queries / deviations mentioned elsewhere in the offer shall not be given any cognizance. However HPCL reserves their right to reject bids containing deviations to any of the bidding document stipulations. 13.3 UNSOLICITED POST BID MODIFICATION Bidders are advised to quote strictly as per terms and conditions of the Bidding Document and after submission of offer not to stipulate any deviation / exceptions. Once, quoted the bidders shall not make any subsequent price changes, whether resulting or arising out of any technical / commercial clarifications sought / allowed on any deviations or exceptions mentioned in the bid unless discussed and agreed by HPCL in writing. 13.4 COMPLETE SCOPE OF WORK The complete scope of work has been defined in the bidding document. Only those bidders who take complete responsibility for the complete scope of work as contained in the bidding document shall be considered for qualifying. 14.0 EVALUATION OF PRICE BIDS 14.1 The “PRICE BIDS” of only substantially responsive bidders shall be considered for opening. 14.2 Bidders shall quote the prices in Indian Rupees only. 14.3 The quoted prices shall be checked by the bidder to determine the arithmetical correctness of the same before submitting his price bid. 14.4 HPCL reserves their right to extend price / purchase preference to NSIC / Public Sector Enterprises as admissible under the prevailing policies of Government of India. 14.5 HPCL reserves their right to negotiate the quoted prices with L! Bidder before award of work. Signature & seal of the Bidder 14.6 HPCL reserves the right to delete any of the items in the schedule of quantities (SOQ) at the time of placement of fax of intent / Purchase order. The decision of HPCL shall be final and binding. 14.7 The bidder shall quote for all the items of the Price Bid. In case any bidder fails to quote for more than 10 items then the bid shall be treated at non responsive and shall be rejected. For bids to be responsive, it may be noted that any items(s) left unquoted, then such offer will be loaded with the highest quote re\ate for those items(s) for evaluation purpose. If such bidder happens to be the successful bidder, price of unquoted items shall be negotiated before award of work. 14.8 In the event of error in quoting the rate in figures and in words for any item(s) then the lower shall prevail. The bidder shall have to accept the same and shall be binding on the bidder. 14.9 While evaluating item(s) amount, in case of multiplication error by bidder, the following shall prevail: Lower of following shall prevail and be binding on the bidder “Amount mentioned against item(s) by bidder” AND “The amount calculated by multiplying the items(s) quantity with the lower of the rate in figures and in works for that item(s).” 14.10 In case of error in adding up the amount column then the following shall prevail : Lower of following shall prevail and be binding on the bidder Amount written by the bidder as total (Contract Value) AND The total calculated as per 14.08 and 14.9 above. In the event of the bidder’s total being lower than the total arrived at as per 14.8 & 14.9, then the rates quoted by bidder shall be proportionately (equally apportioned to all items) reduced to arrive at total ( Contract Value ) the bidder shall have to accept the same and shall be binding on the bidder. Signature & seal of the Bidder 15.0 REBATE No suo-moto reduction in prices quoted by bidder shall be permitted after opening of the bid. If any bidder unilaterally reduces the prices quoted by him in his bid after opening of bids, the bid(s) of such bidder(s) will be liable to be rejected. Such reduction shall not be considered for comparison of prices but shall be binding on the bidder in case he happens to be a successful bidder for award of work. 16.0 CONTRACT AGREEMENT Purchase Order (PO) shall be prepared after award of works. Successful bidder shall be intimated regarding award of works through Fax/ Letter of intent. Until the final PO documents are prepared and executed, this Bidding Document together with the annexed documents, modification , deletions agreed upon by the HPCVL and Bidder’s acceptance thereof shall constitute a binding contract between the successful bidder and the HPCL based on terms contained in the aforesaid documents and finally submitted and accepted prices. In case the successful bidder wishes to sign a contract document then he or she may clearly specify in the cover letter of his un priced bid that he or she intends to enter in to contract with HPCL. No clause / terms in contract document shall be in contradiction to PO / tender terms or accepted deviations. Such contract will be executed after issuance of PO and all cost towards execution of the contract shall be to the bidders account. All documents of the PO shall also become a part of the contract and the date of LOI / Po (whichever is earlier) shall be considered as the date of commencement of job 16.2 The contract documents / PO shall consist of the following: a) Original Bidding Document along with its enclosures issued b) Addendum / Corrigendum to Bidding Document issued, if any c) Fax / Letter of Intent d) The detailed Letter of award / Acceptance along with Statement of agreed variation (if any) and enclosures attached therewith. Signature & seal of the Bidder B.DECLARATION Signature & seal of the Bidder DECLARATION (to be submitted along with un priced bid ) M/s ------------------------------------------here by declare / clarify that we have not been banned or delisted by any Government or quasi Government agencies or Public Sector Undertakings. Stamp & Signature of the Bidder Note: If a bidder has been banned by and Government or quasi Government agencies or PSU’s, this fact must be clearly stated with details. If this declaration is not given along with the un priced bid, the tender will be rejected as non – responsive. CONTRACT PARTICULARS NAME OF PERSON TEL. NO. OFFICE TEL. NO. RES. MOBILE NO. EMAIL ID Signature & seal of the Bidder C. PREAMBLE TO SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES Signature & seal of the Bidder PREAMBLE TO SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES IMPORTANT NOTE: IF ANY DEVIATION IS FOUND WHILE ON EXECUTION BETWEEN, THE SPECIFICAITON AND THE DRAWIGNS IT IS TO BE EXPRESSELY NOTED THAT THE SPECIFICATION WILL HOLD GOOD AND SUPERSEED THE DRAWINGS. THE BIDDER IS REQUIRED TO PERUSE CAREFULLY ALL PARTS OF TENDER DOCUMENTS AND DRAWIGNS IF ANY DIFFERENCE / INCONSISTANCY IS NOTICED, HE SHALL BRING IT TO ATTENDTION OF HPCL BEFORE SUBMISSION OF TENDER AND SHALL GET CLARIFICATION REQUIRED. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL NOT ENTITL E THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER FOR ANYU CLAIMS FOR EXTRA PAYMENTS LATER. 1. GENERAL This preamble is to be read in conjunction with the description of various items given in the schedule of quantities (SOQ). These items are deemed to be a part of the SOQ and shall be read along with the same. The rates quoted for various items in SOQ are deemed to include the various provisions made herein. Whether specifically mentioned or not in the SOQ , the requirements given below shall be deemed to be included. 1. Abbreviations BWP MS O.B.T. Wood B.T.W C.P. Teak Wood Rmt Sqm Cum T.W. Boil Water Proof Mild Steel Old Burma Teak Wood Burma Teak Wood Central Province Teak Wood Running Meter Square Meter Cubic Meter Teak Wood Signature & seal of the Bidder Q.R.O C/C C.M M.T C.P NO. MM G.I. A.C C.I. Quote Rate only Centre to Centre Cement Mortar Metric Ton Chrome Plated Number / Each Millimeter Galvanized iron Asbestos Cement Cast Iron. All dimensions are in mm unless otherwise stated. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The quoted rate shall be all inclusive and cover the cost of material including wastage, freight all types of taxes, duties, royalties, erection, constructions, testing of materials, samples brought for approval, tools and tackles: plant and equipments, supervision, overheads, profit and any other expenditure incurred for completion of work as per drawings specifications and to the full satisfaction of HPCL/ Consultants. The rates quoted shall be valid for working at all heights, depths and on all floor levels. No. extra payment shall be made for scaffolding, staging, ladders, etc., for transportation of men and material at higher or lower levels. The contractor will have to carryout the work in accordance with the drawings, technical specifications and / or other conditions laid down in tender document and to the full satisfaction of HPCL / Consultants. HPCL / Consultants reserve right of operating any item for any work on any floor. Rates for doors shall include all hardware brass / stainless steel Heavy duty hardware, locks, special door handles, door buffers etc as specified in relative items. Size and type of door closer / floor – spring shall be suitable for types of door. The contractor shall give guarantee for performance of door closer / floor spring form himself as well as form manufacturer. Rates for painting and polishing shall include cleaning of glass panels, fans, floor, etc., After completion of work the site shall be handed over absolutely clean, after ensuring that all laminates, floor, walls, etc., are spotless clean. Rates of all items shall remain constant irrespective of floor level and no extra shall be paid for handling and stacking of material, removing debris etc from the site. Signature & seal of the Bidder 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Contractor shall clean the site and mark the lining out on the floor for partition / table etc with brown adhesive tape for approval. The same shall not be paid separately. The rates for all grades of concrete shall include cost of mixing by mixer machine, compaction by mechanical vibrator, cost of mix design and testing cubes etc., Grades of concrete are specified in Newton per sq. mm. Unless otherwise mentioned explicitly in this tender document, the method of measurement will be as per I.S. 1200. All pipes and fittings shall emerge at tile joints preferably. No fittings or pipe shall be taken out by breaking tiles. Wherever contractor proposed to use “equivalent “makes (i.e. other than specified) he shall obtain corporation’s prior approval. Corporation may consult consultants before giving approval to the same. Any additional cost and time lost due to this will be on contractor’s account and no claims will be entertained. The back of marble slab should be applied with white cement paste before fixing. The contractor should take approval for make & manufacturer from the consultants / HPCL before using any material which does not appear in the list of approved manufacturers. Wood to be used shall be of following species for all items of works unless otherwise specified. i. For exposed wood work – OBTW / 1st class T.W. as specified in items ii. For covered woodwork – 2nd class T.W. as specified in the specification. All internal frame work to be coated with wood preservative & fire retardant paint from approved make. Only Marine grade plywood confirming to relevant IS specification (IS-7101976) should be used unless otherwise specified. All external woodwork such as moldings, facia, jamb lining, skirting, etc., and veneers shall be finished with minimum 3 coats of melamine polish unless otherwise specified. Veneer to be used shall be following species unless specified otherwise: Teak, Indian Mahogany, African mahogany, Walnut, and white beech, Golden Cedar, Red Cedar, French Birch, and Cherry or approved equivalent. Only natural veneers should be used unless specified otherwise. Signature & seal of the Bidder 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Rate for all items include materials, labour, testing of materials at laboratory or site, tools & tackle, lift & lead charges, transportation charges, loading – unloading charges insurance cover as per tender , all taxes & duties including works contract Tax. VAT Service tax etc., Polishing & paining charges wherever applicable, arranging in position, cleaning making mock-up etc. up to the entire satisfaction of project in charge. Rate of frame work for partitions should include cost of cutting slots & providing additional supports for electrical conduits, switches, accessories or fixtures, A.C. ducts, monument boxed etc., as per marking given by respective contractors. All rates should be inclusive of providing & fixing. T.W edge binding strips of 6 mm thickness for exposed edges of plywood & polishing the same. Rate of all types of false ceiling should include fixing required wooden sleeves or supports & making openings for ducts, grills, light fixtures, speakers, all types of detectors, indicators, CCTV cameras; finishing of joints, making grooves in required profile as per details in the false ceiling or between false ceiling & wall / partition with required wooden strips , etc., for which no extra payment shall be made Rate of fixing plywood of any thickness should be for skinning, boxing, paneling, facia, ledges etc, and shall be valid for all widths. The basic rates excluding taxes for some main items are mentioned in the schedule of quantities. Any actual variation in basic rates on & above shall be paid extra after producing necessary bills / invoice after amendment of the PO. Any rate difference shall be reimbursed by adding rate difference to the quoted rates of the respective items after duly certified by Engineer-incharge/ consultants and after obtaining necessary approval form the competent authority for the same. If the basic rates of items procured are less than the basic rate, the difference in the basic rate will be recovered from the contractor RA/FINAL bill for the quantity executed under the same item after duly certified by the EIC/ Consultant. All exposed wooden & plywood unfinished work shall be finished with 3 coats of melamine polished of approved shade & color unless otherwise specified. All material which shall be brought on site shall be of approved make & manufacturers failing which payment shall be deducted suitably from every running bills/final bill. Percentage of the same shall be assessed by EIC / Consultants and they at their discretion either to ask contractor to remove / rectify the same or to decide the new proper rate of that particulars item. Signature & seal of the Bidder 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Colours, Shades of laminate, Veneer, Paints, Polish shall be exclusively approved by Consultants / EIC only. No. Violation, deviation shall be accepted in the case. Laminate shall be used of 1.5 mm thk only for exposed sides unless otherwise specified. Veneer shall be used of 3.5 mm to 4 mm thk. Unless otherwise specified. Hardware such as locks, Handles, Hindles, Tower Bolts. Ball Catches etc., shall be as per approved list of makes & Manufacturers. Alternative makes shall be used for these accessories after getting approval of consultants / owner in case of non –availability in market. All the drawers & trays of Desk units & credenza units shall have telescopic drawer’s fittings including stoppers systems. The color shades of melamine polish shall be as approved by consultants. No violation shall be permitted in any of the items. 3 or more coats of melamine polish shall be applied wherever specified. Items of flush doors such as laminated doors, glass paneled doors and glass doors shall be including the rates of handles, locks, springs, hinges, wooden door frames as per the instructions given by EIC Consultants. The rates for storage units shall be all inclusive of hardware such as locks, handles, demountable hinges / normal but hinges, tower bolts, ball catches, etc. The mode of measurements for storage units shall be front elevation area only unless otherwise mentioned in the item. The similar design of glass doors & glass partitions should be adopted unless otherwise specified. Rate of glass doors / rate of glass partitions shall be all inclusive of hardware that of mentioned in clause no 36 above. The payment shall be made based on actual work measured on site by Owner / consultants representatives. The rates of wire managers to be quoted including making holes on table, glass surface tops and in side units if required to take the cable out to the table top. No extra payment shall be made for additional aluminium / wooden supports required to be provided for glass partitions where only front elevation area including the support finished surface shall be measured and paid accordingly. All ply woods, ply boards, shall have edge binding strips finished with melamine / was polish as applicable. The inside surfaces for all storage area shall be finished with 2 or more coats of enamel paint unless otherwise specified. Signature & seal of the Bidder 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. All drawers to furniture should have sliding drawer channels of approved make. All rates should be inclusive of providing & fixing T.W. Edge Binding strips of 6mm thickness for exposed edges of plywood & polishing the same. Basic rates of materials – wherever specified -a re Exclusive of all taxes and transportation. All sizes of wooden sections specified in the items state under are with permissible tolerance & for best quality teak wood. All items mentioned in the SOQ are for providing, supplying and fixing commissioning and shall be inclusive of all taxes and duties unless otherwise clearly specified. All brass fittings / fixtures shall have oxidized finish except Knobs & magnetic catches unless specified catches. All shutters with locking arrangement shall be provided with brass shoe for key holes and magnetic catches. All wooden frameworks shall be treated with fire retardant paint & anti termite treatment. All internal faces of skinning & other wood work shall be treated with both the above mentioned treatment form inside. Quoted rate against the item specified with Veneer of basic rate Rs. 50/- sq.ft should include the cost of finishing the veneer surface with 2 or more coats of melamine polish unless specified otherwise. The basic rate mentioned does include only the cost of veneer and not of any type of finish on the basic material. Quoted rate against the item specified with Veneer of basic rate Rs. 160/should include the cost of finishing the veneer surface with 1 or more coats of poly coating unless specified otherwise. The basic rate mentioned does include only the cost of veneer and not of any type of finish on the basic material. Basic rate of 1.5mm laminate should be considered as Rs. 40/- per Sq.ft while quoting. Basic rate of 1 mm laminate should be considered as Rs. 25/- per sq.ft while quoting. Laminate to be used for all internal surfaces shall be 1.0 mm thk unless specified otherwise. For items of painting & polishing the rate quoted shall be valid for any width. All materials and workmanship shall comply with relevant latest BIS standards, whether the reference nos. are specifically mentioned or not. Signature & seal of the Bidder 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. The plywood of various thicknesses i.e. 4mm and above shall be of marine ply variety bonded by phenol formaldehyde resin by hot pressing conforming to I.S. 710 – 1976. The flush door shall be 35mm thick and solid core of block board type bonded with phenol formaldehyde synthetic resin thermo pressed with 8 mm thick teak wood external lipping. The finish of shutter shall match the adjoining partitions and shall be either laminate or decorative veneer to match the adjoining partition. Wherever the side of the flush shutter abuts plastered surfaces, it shall be finished with matt finish laminate. The rate quoted in flush doors shall include finishing all surfaces to design patterns as in drawing. Wherever edges of polished ital an Marble / Granite either in cladding or in table tops are exposed, the quoted rate shall include chamfering of edges and polishing of edges. Wherever polished granite is specified in floor or in cladding, the quoted rate shall include laying according to patterns or designs required by the Consultants. No extra payments will be made towards cutting and wastage in formation of patterns and designs. All hardware fittings shall be of best quality stainless steel of approved make and design unless specified otherwise in the item specification The electrical installation shall be carried out through a Licensed Contractor who possesses valid License to work in Mangalore issued by the Electrical Licensing Authority. The bidder is required to inspect the site of the work and ascertain for himself site conditions, facilities available and other aspects before quoting for the work. The bidder is also required, before quoting, to carefully peruse the tender documents, the tender drawings and connected details so as to understand clearly the scope and intent of the tender. Any claims by the successful bidder at a latter date on account of his failure to comply with the above instructions will not be entertained. The bidder should note that the furniture and connected works are to be carried out and installed in the existing building. The bidder should note that he should execute his part of the work without causing any damage to any component of the building or services. Any damage so caused shall be made good at the cost and risk of the successful bidder. The successful bidder shall protect all other items of work of other agencies, such as flooring, electrical work, aluminum windows/ doors etc., from any damage and shall be responsible for final clearing of the floor, wall etc. before handing over. No extra is payable towards this the successful bidder shall Signature & seal of the Bidder 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. include in their bid the rate all minor civil works such as chasing wall, drilling hooks etc and making good and no extra is payable towards this. Neat house keeping at all shapes of work is the responsibility of the successful bidder, who shall also ensure that removal of debris, wood shaving, waste materials etc. from the site at his own cost is organized at regular basis. The successful bidder shall also be responsible for safety and security of all his materials and also for ensuring fire prevention steps are taken at all times. The bidder should note that the tender drawings and other documents describing each item of the schedule are only indicative in nature and cannot be taken as complete in detail and finishes Being tender for interior works which calls for workmanship and finish including use of good quality materials of high standard, it is expected that the bidder should understand the intent of the tender drawings and specifications and provide for materials, workmanship, finishes and accessories appropriately so as to deliver the product of high standards in keeping with the function for which furniture is being specified . No claim from the contractor at a later date will be entertained for his failure to understand this condition. The decision of HPCL / Consultants in respect of the quality of materials, type of construction, fabrication / assembling, workmanship, finish, etc., shall be final and binding and the contractor’s claim for not providing in his tender for such materials, construction, workmanship and finish cannot be entertained. HPCL / Consultants reserve the right to insist on selection of materials, workmanship, detailing and finishes which the consider are appropriate, and suitable for the intended use. The contractor is not eligible for claims to extra on this account. HPCL / consultants reserve the right to insist on prototype / mock – up to be made for each item of work for approval before starting the full fledged manufacture of each type of furniture. HPCL/ consultants reserve the right to suggest or make modification at the prototype / mock –up state which the contractor shall comply with without and extra cost. HPCL / Architect will require the contractor to produce samples of all materials, accessories / finishes prior to procurement / manufacture. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in rejection of the work. All the works done under this contract shall be guaranteed for a period of one year from virtual date of completion of works certified by HPCL / Consultants covering, materials, workmanship and finish.. Any defects or Signature & seal of the Bidder 72. 73. 74. shrinkage, warping or other forms of deterioration shall be made good by the contractor at his own cost within the guarantee period, immediately on being informed of such defects. Failure to comply will entail HPCL to unilaterally decide on getting the repair done through other agency at the cost and risk of the contractor. The contractor should use only the best material. Teak wood or other timber specified shall be of the best quality, free of defects of any kind. All plywood, particle board, veneer, laminate etc., shall comply with respective Indian Standard (BIS). If required by HPCL/ Consultant, the contractor will be required to arrange for testing products and produce test certificate from recognized test houses to establish the quality of materials at his own cost . Any defective material not meeting with the standard shall be replaced at the contractor’s own cost. The bidder shall indicate the makes of all the finishing materials with catalogues in his tender, based on which rates have been quoted. The bidder shall be prepared to produce samples when called for before consideration of the tender further at his own cost and responsibility and without any liability on HPCL. Testing of various materials should be carried out as per the relevant IS standards mentioned in the technical specifications attached to the tender . The following will have to be compulsorily tested by drawing random samples from materials brought to site by the party in every lot of procurement. a). Aluminum Section : 1 Sample each b). Teakwood sample : 1 Sample each c). Veneer : 1 Sample each d). Marine ply 19 mm, 12 mm & 8mm : 1 Sample each thickness e). vitrified ceramic tiles / Granite tiles : 1 Sample each f). Electrical wring : 1 Sample of each grade of wire used in concealed wiring. Party should submit manufacturer’s certificates for the various materials and the above tests will be carried out in addition to the certificates submitted. Cost of testing should be borne by the party. In case of delay in testing materials, HPCL reserves the right to have the same tested at party’s cost. Signature & seal of the Bidder 75. Samples of all the following material and required for the work shall be got approved by HPCL / Consultant . The list is not exhaustive and if found that any other materials are required during the progress of work samples of the same shall be got approved before using it in the actual work. (a). Ceramic Tiles, Vinyl tiles, Cavity floor tile (b). Aluminum box frames, Carpets .(c) Fabric / Leatherette (upholstery) (d). Vertical Blinds / horizontal blinds (e) Cylindrical locks, SS Handles (f) Fabric for pin up board / Sofas (g) Laminate /Veneer (h) Hardware fittings, lock, sanitary fittings (i) Pre-polished Granite, Vitrified tiles, Marble (j). Toughened Glass 76. One No. of each item of the bill of Quantities shall be made first and got approved before proceeding with the remaining quantum of items and work. The dimensions of furniture provided in the schedule as well as in drawing are likely to vary according to the size of space available in the respective rooms where they are to be provided or placed. HPCL / Consultants have the right to slightly modify the dimensions of furniture items to suit the site for which no extra claim shall be entertained. Wherever decorative plywood is specified it must be ensured that the plywood shall be of matching veneer and grains and of uniform colour. HPCL / Consultants shall have right to reject if the above specifications are not adhered to. Wherever polishing is specified it shall be of high quality of melamine finish, sprayed to high class / matt finish as directed. Melamine shall be of approved make. Melamine finish shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. If, at the time of handing over any scratches or deterioration of the finish is observed, HPCL/ Consultant shall have all rights to insist application of another coat and it shall be binding on the bidder to carry such coating without extra cost. All hardware shall be of high quality finish conforming to IS specifications,. Samples of hardware fittings shall be shown to HPCL / Consultants in advance and approval obtained before procurement,. Rates shall include fixing of mortise locks/ dead locks and odor closers of best quality make doors of cabins, executive rooms etc. besides all hardware 77. 78. Signature & seal of the Bidder 79. 80. 81. fittings. All exposed teakwood members shall be given melamine finish / white cedar finish wherever necessary. All wood work concealed or covered by other materials shall be given approved wood primer coating. In all cases measurement will be made on net items in complete shape as manufactured, supplied and installed. Wherever areas are furnished in sqm for items such as false ceiling, carpet , curtains, etc., measurements and payment will be made on actual area laid to suit the shape and size of the room. The bidders should note that all cutting wastage, stitching, jointing and several special features such as pleats, overlaps, hem etc., shall be absorbed by them within the quoted rates and no separate payment will be make for the above and similar items. The bidder should make sure that they should protect their materials and hand them over in good shape satisfactory to HPCL /consultants. At the time of handing over any damages, scratches, dents or such other defects shall be got rectified as directed without any extra charge by the bidder / contractor to the satisfaction of HPCL Consultants. All carpets shall be protected by plastic sheet till handing over. The time of completion of the entire work shall be Three Months from the date of LOI/ PO The rate quoted shall include the following i. High quality Hardware fittings and specials such as (as per approved list) hinges, handles, mortise locks, multipurpose locks, aldrops, tower bolts, drawer slides, drawer pulls, drawer sliding accessories, sliding door gears and specials, screws of best quality of approved make etc., wherever necessary. (Samples of all hardware fittings shall be got approved by HPCL /Consultants well in time before procurements. ii. Providing openings for switches, plug points provision for taking wires, cables , conduits inside partitions. iii. Removal and carting away all the debris from the premises after cleaning the floors etc., with water and removing all parts of stains by using any approved stain remover to the satisfaction of the Employer. Unless and until all the stains on floor, walls, ceilings, glasses etc., are removed satisfactorily by the contractor , the work will not be certified complete. iv. Scaffolding to any height wherever required internally to the floor height in each floor. v. Rectification of damage(s) to flooring, plastering etc., caused during the execution of work. Signature & seal of the Bidder vi. 82. 83. Unless otherwise specified all hidden surface shall have sealer polish and other exposed wooden and decorative veneer surface shall have melamine matt finish of approved shade. vii. Rate shall include proper protection of finished and semi finished works such as providing Gypsum covering over marble / granite flooring polythene sheet covering over wooden and metal items, furniture etc., viii. Binding granite / marble to plywood with industrial Quality adhesive of extra bonding strength such as Araldite etc., and also stainless steel angle brackets for fixing granite for vertical over hanging surface of the counter ix. Edge polishing of all glass, to be used in counter, low level partitions etc. Wherever plywood veneer, laminate is mentioned, it shall be of the best quality and shall be of matching grains, specially selected. The contractor shall provide and retain the following at site, during course of project to take care of any fire exigencies. ï‚· Fire extinguisher – 10 nos. DCP/ 10 nos. CO2 ï‚· One FIRST – AID box 84. The normal working hours for carrying out the interior job shall be from 10.00 A.M up to 5.30 PM on working days (from Monday to Friday) and shall be 8.00 AM to 6.30 PM on Saturdays and Sundays and all holidays However the work can be continued during the night hours subjected to permission given by the EIC and no complaints received from neighbors and police etc in line with the prevailing statutory regulation. It may be noted that the floors above and below are occupied by other corporate and sound making work may have to be limited during the office hours in order to avoid stoppage of work for which no extra claim form the party will be entertained. II . SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1. The various works described in the Schedule of Quantities and in the drawings shall be executed in strict accordance with the specifications and drawings to the entire satisfaction of the Consultants and the HPCL. The quality of materials and workmanship shall be of high quality and shall conform to the relevant I.S. specification wherever applicable. The successful bidders will be required to produce for Consultants approval samples of all materials and procurement shall be arranged only after specific approval. Samples of finished work shall also be shown for Signature & seal of the Bidder 2. 3. 4. consultant’s approval wherever directed and finished work shall conform strictly to the approved samples. The decision of the consultants in this matter will be final. The bidders shall ensure that the place of work is kept neat and tidy during the progress of work and also clean at the end of each days work. The contractor shall also ensure that the site is cleared of all rubbish, and other unwanted materials and handed over in a neat and satisfactory conditions as may be directed by HPCL / Consultants. The bidders shall take maximum precaution in protecting persons, things and properties belonging to the HPCL, public and also their own during the progress of work. The bidders will be solely responsible for any damage caused during the progress of work and the successful bidder shall indemnify the HPCL: by suitable guarantee / insurance cover from any claims on any account due to damages caused during their work. Pre- measurements to be recorded for the dismantling items, if any, before starting of work. 5. Site meetings will be held regularly once in a weak, if necessary meeting will be held in between also. The contractor or their authorized representative would be present for the meeting to take instruction and carry out the same for execution. 6. The contractor should maintain measurement books in which he should record measurement of work done form time to time and checked by the Architect Site Engineer. There should be no corrections or over writing in the measurement book. A register should be maintained at the site which should contain the instructions issued at site by the Consultants or Employer and the instructions are properly made and recorded. Cement register shall be maintained at site. The contractor on starting the work shall herewith furnish to the consultants a program for carrying out the work stage by stage with in the stipulated time. A graph or chart on individual work shall be maintained showing the progress week by week The contractors shall submit to the Architect a weekly progress report stating the number of skilled and unskilled laborers employed on the works working hours done, quality of cement used, place, type and quality of work done during the period. 7. 8. Signature & seal of the Bidder 9. b) c) d) e) f) a) The contractor shall provide at his own cost for all nessarry storage on the site in a specified area for all materials such as timber, cement, lime and other materials, which is likely to deteriorate by the action of sun, rain or other causes due to exposure, in such a manner that all such materials, tools, etc., shall be duly protected from damage by weather or any other cause. All such stores shall be cleared away and the ground left in good good and proper order on completion of this contract unless otherwise expressly mentioned therein. The contractor shall provide at his own cost temporary works as per drawings / specification approved by the consultants. The contractors should obtain approval of local authorities, if required for the same. The contractor shall be responsible for removal and disposal of the temporary works before handing over the completed works to the HPCL. The contractor shall enclose the work place by providing temporary partitions and segregate the HPCL Zone separately such that no hindrance or inconvenience is caused to the Employees / Records. Also this would enable dust free environment within the floor. All formalities including permission required to be obtained from any competent authorities for making the provisions in (a), (b) and (c) above would be done by the contractors at his cost. The contractor shall erect a display board on site at his cost in accordance with the drawings issued by the consultants for display of the names of the various agencies involved on the project including the HPCL and the Architect. Contractor should soon after the commencement of work make prototype / Mock – up samples of items as required by the Consultants for the approval. HPCL / Consultants have the liberty to modify the design in such case the contractor should follow the approved samples very strictly as no extension in contract time will be granted by the HPCL / Consultants in respect of the modification of the design. 10. All the toilets in the floor will be kept under lock and key, out of which toilet shall be earmarked for use by workers. After completion of work, the toilet will be thoroughly cleaned including replacement of broken fittings etc., by the contractor and handed over to HPCL. Any cost incurred in such cleaning, modifications etc. will be proportionately recovered form various contractors engaged in the work. 11. The contractor shall engage an independent House keeping- debris removal agency on a day to day basis. Hence contractor would be responsible for Signature & seal of the Bidder cleaning up the debris and waste materials accrued from his work and dispose the accumulated debris on a daily basis. If the contractor fails to comply with this requirement, the Employer will be at liberty to direct the cleaning agency to do the regular cleaning responsibility. 12. HPCL/ Consultants reserve the right to delete all / any of these associated works from the scope or include them prior to placement of work order. If awarded, the main agency shall get the associated works carried out only through approved sub specialist in each trade if specified in the SOQ. Such works shall be done to satisfactory standards of HPCL / Consultants and also to meet the requirements and specifications of HPCL. Any suggestions / modifications suggested by HPCL / Consultants for integrating these associated works with the main systems of HPCL shall also be got done by the main agency to the satisfaction of HPCL / Consultants. No extra cost is payable on account of executing works through the approved agency for integrating the same with HPCL’s overall scheme or implementing the suggestions given by HPCL / Consultants. The contractor may note that they have to do day to day coordination with other agencies already mobilized in site for execution other related jobs. 13. The contractor shall strictly follow and comply with the guidelines (which are applicable to them) given in HPCL during execution. III. MODE OF MEASUREMENTS : Unless otherwise stated in the Schedule of Quantities the method of measurement for various items in the tender shall be generally in accordance with the I.S. 1200 Subject to the following. a) DEMOLITION WORK Pre – measurements to be recorded for all dismantling items before starting of the works. b) WOOD WORK : Non extra measurements will be given for the shape, joints of the partitions counter, tables work etc., All work shall be measured net as fixed, no extra measurement will be given for shape, joints, played meeting styles of doors and windows and shall be measured in unit of square meter. Signature & seal of the Bidder Areas over one face inclusive of exposed frame thickness (excluding width of cover mould) shall be measured in case of T.W. Doors, windows and Ventilators, Louvers. Portions in masonry or flooring shall not be measured. c) PAINTING, WHITE DISTEMPERING WASHING, COLOUR WASHING & d) All painting work shall be measured in Sq. Meters. Net area of the surface painted shall be measured. No deductions will be made for unpainted surfaces of ends of joints, beams, posts, etc., and opening not exceeding 0.5 sq.metres each and no addition shall be made for reveals, jambs, soffits, sills, etc., of these openings. The following multiplying factors for obtaining equivalent areas shall be adopted Panelled, Framed, ledged, braced and Battened Measured flat (not girthed) Including Frames, edges, Checks, Cleats, etc., shall be Deemed to be including in the item 11/3 (for each side) Flush, Part Paneled and part Glazed or glazed. ----do--- Partition, Paneling Sq.m. Area – one side only. Storage Units Sq.m area RM as specified – front elevation Staff desk units Per number Single unit–Double unit. Refer specific item in SOQ Facia, Band, Skirting Sill board facia skirting Total running length in metres measued Along bottom edge, regardless of the shape on top A.C Facia Running meter- running length of the Facia. 1(for each side) Signature & seal of the Bidder False Ceiling Sq.m area- finished length finished width. No deduction for A.C. grills , lights & Cut –outs drops to be measured separate in sq.m Soffit Sq.m total finished length x total finished Depth (width including drop of pelmet, if any.) Side units Sqm /RM same as specified in storage item (Height x Elevation length) Venetian Blinds Total Sqm area covered. Carpet and other floor As laid sqm area No wastage coverings to be added Window sill Total RM along the finished edge for the specified thickness. Rounding off measurement: All measurement shall be rounded off to nearest second decimal point e.g. 21.465 m will be recorded as 21.47 m or 21.464 m will be recorded as 21.46m Signature & seal of the Bidder D. UN PRICED BID Signature & seal of the Bidder UNPRICED BID SL.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 DESCRIPTION Frame work – 50 x 35 mm Frame work – 50 x 25 mm Frame work – 50 x 12 mm Fixing 12mm Mdf Board Fixing 6 mm Plywood Fixing 19 mm plywood 10 mm glass partition 10 mm glass partition in clamp Etching with 3 m film Etching type design in glass Laminate Finish Metalic laminate Veneer finish -Rs. 50/Sqft Veneer finish -Rs. 70/Sqft Veneer finish -Rs. 160/Sqft Vinyl wall finish Gyspum Boad wall finish 180 mm x 180 mm glass block Decorative MS Grill ( 25 kgs pe) T.W. Mouldings – 19 mm x 50 mm T.W. Mouldings – 40 mm x 75 mm T.W. Mouldings – 19 mm x 75 mm T.W. Mouldings – 12 mm x 38 mm T.W. Mouldings – 19 mm x 38 mm T.W. Mouldings – 25 mm x 25mm T.W. Mouldings – 12 mm x 12mm T.W. Mouldings – 38 mm x 150mm Soft board Writing Board Corksheet wallpaper UNIT QUANT ITY SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT SM SM SM 780 180 35 1360 23 15 30 10 55 30 600 10 370 305 160 20 20 10 60 100 60 60 40 40 75 75 75 20 10 25 Signature & seal of the Bidder 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Door frames for partitions Door jambs Soffits Glass top for table In out trays AC Facia TW skirting Pelmets Toilet flush door Flush doors – Veneer Glass paneled door Entrance glass Door P/F hinges P/F Brass hinges S/F dead locks Door closures – TS 71 EN ¾ Door closures- JTS 96 Floor spring BTS 75 Windows Jambs Lourved windows Filing system –fils Stainless steel pipes Staff table 600 x 1200 mm Officer table 1500 x 750 mm Manager Table – 1500 mm x 750 mm Sr. Mgr table DGM Table GM table SEcratery table – GM/ ED Table for Drafts man Table for mail Pegion hole for mail Reception table Side units with sliding Side units – veneer finish Side units – veneer finish 70 MT MT SM SM SM MT MT MT SM SM SM SM EA EA EA EA EA EA MT SM EA MT EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA MT MT EA SM SM SM 20 40 20 40 20 60 50 50 15 10 60 10 30 18 40 3 8 30 25 10 2500 200 18 16 4 8 3 3 3 3 5 5 1 20 12 5 Signature & seal of the Bidder 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 Side units – veneer finish 160 Multipurpose unit laminate Multipurpose credenza unit - 50 Multipurpose credenza unit - 70 Multipurpose credenza unit - 160 High storage Laminate High storage – Veneer Low storage - Laminate finish Low storage PL finish Storage Above Storage compactors Shelves Centre Table / Side table 450 x 750 CENTRE TABLES / SIDE TABLE 750 X 750 CENTRE TABLES / SIDE TABLE 750 X 750 CENTRE TABLES / SIDE TABLE 750 X 750 Conference room table Meeting table Canteen table 2 seated sofa leather 3 seated sofa leather 1 seater sofa fabric finish 2 seater sofa fabric finish 3 seater sofa fabric finish False ceiling 600 mm x 600 m 225 mm false ceiling Gypsum Board ceiling Calcium silicate board ceiling Coffered type ceiling Vertical Blunds Silhouette blinds False Flooring Frame work for windows AC Phenotherm Insulation Painting – Lustre paint SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM LS SM EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM EA SM SM 6 5 23 7 5 15 16 30 2 4 1 31 1 4 2 3 1 1 6 1 1 1 5 4 125 190 340 45 30 100 30 7 6 110 500 Signature & seal of the Bidder 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 Stipple paint – texture only Synthetic Enamel paint Plastic Emulsion paint Duco Paint Plaster of paris punning Bust bins Murals / Pictures – Murals / Pictures – Rs 10000 Murals /Pictures- Rs 5000 Pop Moulding – 75 mm x 25 mm POP Moulding – 150 mm x 758 mm FRP planters – 350 mm dia FRP planters - 225 mm x 225 mm x 2 Brass planters Wooden Planter Artificial SMALL Plants Artificial BIG Plants Medium Bushes & Creepers Demolition - Flooring Demolition brick work Demolition – water proofing Demolition - Granite / marble SM SM SM SM SM EA EA EA EA MT MT EA EA EA EA EA EA EA SM SM SM SM 40 50 50 10 100 70 1 4 5 50 50 15 10 4 5 10 10 10 685 300 50 10 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 Demolition – RCC 100 mm thk Demolition – cement concrete Demolition plaster Demolition – plumbing work Removal of MS windows Removal of wooden doors Removal of electric fittings Removal of sanitary fittings Brick Wall – 150 mm thk 230 mm thk brick wall Internal plastering SM SM SM LS SM SM LS LS SM M3 SM 30 20 100 1 20 35 1 1 90 10 200 Signature & seal of the Bidder 135 136 137 138 139 1140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 20 mm thk plaster Structural repair with Rustic Structural repair with – Nito zin Structural repair with Nitiban Structural repair with Rendoro Water proofing toilet Additional siporex coba Vitrified tile flooring – 600 mm Vitrfied tile flooring – 450 m Granite slab flooring Italian marble flooring Italian marble dado Glass mosaic tiles Wooden flooring Carpet Finish with tapestry cloth Ceramic tile dodo – 200 x 300 mm Bisazza tiles Vitrified tile skirting Granite slab skirting Pantry counter Stainless steel sink Washbasin counter Granite partition Lockers in toilets EWC Bidet Urinals GI pipes – concealed – 12 mm dia GI pipes concealed – 20 mm dia GI pipes concealed – 25mm dia GI pipes concealed – 32mm dia C I Pipes – 100 mm dia SM KG KG KG KG SM M3 SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM MT MT MT EA MT SM SM EA EA EA MT MT MT MT MT 20 4 4 30 2500 25 1 500 45 30 30 50 10 120 15 25 50 20 45 30 4 1 4 2 4 3 1 2 15 30 30 15 10 Signature & seal of the Bidder 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 C.I Pipes – 75 dia GI Pipes – 50m dia C I special fittings – 100 mm dia C.I. Special fittings – 75 mm dia C.I. Special fittings – 50 mm dia Floor Traps Stop Cock Gate value – 50 mm NB Gate Value 32 mm dia Two way bib cock One way bib cock BASIN Mixer Sink Mixer Toilet Roll Holder Glass Shelves Towel rails Coat hooks Mirror Soap dish Grab rail SS Signage – Size 298 x 58 mm SS Signage – Size – 147 x 147 Soap Dispenser Point wiring on point Point wiring – two point Point wring – three point Point wiring – four point Call bell buzzer Exhaust fan point Circuit wiring 2 x 2.5 Sq.m Circuit wiring 2 x 2.5 Sq.m – 2no Circuit wiring 2 x 4 Sq.m 3 c x 2.5 sm cu flexible cable MT MT EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA MT MT MT MT 10 10 10 10 10 10 7 3 2 4 2 4 1 4 6 6 6 3 1 4 25 6 4 90 47 21 5 2 6 1000 500 600 1000 Signature & seal of the Bidder 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 6 A switch 16 a switch 6/16 a along with SB Work station points 20 A industrial socket Spot light 2 x 18 W Spot light 2 x 18 W Dimmable Twin dark lighter 2 x 18 w Twin dark lighter 2 x 36 w Twin dark lighter 2 x 36 w Halaogen spot light Mirror light Single patti fixture Picture light Exhaust fans Chandlier Wall mounted picture light Cat. 6 cable for data I/O dual type I/O SINGLE type Dual face plates. Single face plate Blank inserts for face plates Cat. 5 cable for telephone 2 Pair telephone cable 0.5 mm 20 pair telephone cable 50 pair, telephone cable 100 pair, telephone cabel Dual telephone socket Single telephone socket 100 pair crone connector 50 pair crone connector 30 pair crone connector EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA MT EA EA EA EA EA MT MT MT MT MT EA EA EA EA EA 50 60 40 70 10 85 15 60 65 35 10 2 35 15 5 1 2 2500 40 54 100 50 60 1200 500 100 60 10 100 40 3 4 6 Signature & seal of the Bidder 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 Co-axial TV Socket RG 11 co axial cable 3 way – 4 way splitters for cable 20 mm PVC conduit 25 mm PVC conduit 32 mm PVC conduit S/C of main ele panel Distribution Boar Distribution Board UPS Distribution board. UPS main DB 4 Core x 6 sq.mm cu cable 4 Core x 10 sq.mm cu cable 4 Core x 16 sq.mm cu cable 3.5 x x 120 sq.mm AYFY Cable 3.5 x x 240 sq.mm AL Cable Termination 2-16 sqm Termination of 3.5 c x 120 sqm Termination of 3.5 c x 240sqm 1c x 6 sqm cu cable S/I 25 x 3 mm earth strip Plate Earthing Masonry Pit Earth wire – 8swg Raceway – al -80 mm x 38 mm GI J box 200 x 200 mm GI J box 280 x 280mm G.I. covers for junction boxes Stainless steel cover for jb Spike guards Bsoe Model 8 loudspeaker Bose E4 II Power amplifier Speaker cable EA EA EA MT MT MT EA EA EA EA EA MT MT MT MT MT EA EA EA MT MT EA EA MT MT EA SM EA EA EA EA EA MT 8 200 5 50 100 50 1 4 2 3 1 110 100 250 20 210 50 6 6 30 50 1 1 50 860 10 84 90 10 10 44 1 600 Signature & seal of the Bidder 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 Shure 262 mixer AT 10 volume control AT 35 volume control AT 100 volume control Shure make SL 550 microphone Denon DCM make 500 AE Multi 19’’ Equipment Rack Installation and commissioning EA EA EA EA EA EA EA LS 1 26 2 3 1 1 1 1 NOTE: SM – Square Meter MT – Running Meter KG – Kilogram EA – Each / Number LS – Lump sum M3 – Cubic meter Signature & seal of the Bidder E. SPECIAL CONDITION OF CONTRACT (SCC) Signature & seal of the Bidder 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) shall be read in conjunction with the General conditions of contract (GCC) also referred to as General Terms & Conditions of works contract , schedule of quantities, Specifications of work, drawings and any other document forming part of this Contract wherever the context so requires. 1.2 Not withstanding the sub-division of the document in to these separate section and volumes, every part of each shall be deemed to be supplementary of every other part and shall be read with and into the contract so far as it may be practicable to do so. 1.3. Where any portion of the GCC is repugnant to or at variance with any provisions of the Special Conditions of contract, then unless a different intention appears, the provision(s) of the special conditions of contract shall be deemed to override the provision(s) of GCC only to the extent that such repugnancy or variations in the Special Conditions of Contract are not possible of being reconciled with the provisions of GCC. Wherever it is stated in this bidding Document that such and such a supply is to be affected or such and such a work is to be carried out, it shall be understood that the same shall be affected and / or carried out by the contractor at his own cost, unless a different intention is specifically and expressly stated herein or otherwise explicit from the context. Contract price shall be deemed to have included such cost. The materials, design & workmanship shall satisfy the applicable relevant Indian Standards, the job specifications contained herein & codes referred to. Where the job specifications stipulate requirements in addition to those contained in the standard codes and specifications, these additional requirements shall also be satisfied. In the absence of any Standard/ Specifications / Codes of practice for detailed specifications covering any part of the work covered in this bidding document, the instructions/ directions of Engineer –in-charge will be binding upon the contractor. In case of contradiction between relevant Indian Standards, GCC , special condition of contract, Specifications, Drawings and schedule of Rates, the following shall prevail in order of precedence. Signature & seal of the Bidder i) Detailed Purchase Order along with Statement of Agreed Variations, If any, and its enclosures. ii) Fax of Intent (FOI) Letter of Intent (LOI) iii) Schedule of Quantities iv) Preamble to the Schedule of Quantities v) Special Conditions of Contract vi) Instructions to Bidders vii) General Conditions of Contract viii) Technical Specifications ix) Relevant Indian Standards & Specifications x) Drawings / Data Sheets SAFETY, FIRE FIGHTING AND SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF HPCL 1.7.1 Contractor shall provide adequate number of IS Stamped DCP fire extinguishers, fire buckets with sand and nozzles. These items can be taken back by the Contractor after completion of work. Sand shall also be maintained dry by the Contractor with fresh supply, whenever required. Work permit may not be issued by HPCL in the absence of above items. 1.7.2 Safety Helmets shall be provided to all the employees of Contractor including that of his labour contractor. 1.7.3 Safety Belts and Harness shall be provided by the contractor in adequate number for the workers working at heights. 1.7.4 Proper earthing shall be provided for all equipments and generators. 2.0 THE WORK 2.1 SCOPE OF WORK & SCOPE OF SUPPLY. 2.1.1 The scope of work and scope of Supply covered in this contract will be as described in scope of work provided in the Instructions to bidders, Preamble to the Schedule of Quantities , Schedule of Quantities , Technical Specifications, Drawings, etc., 2.2 Time Schedule The Completion period for this job shall be 3 (Three) Months 2.2.1 Time is the essence of this Contract. The Period of completion given includes the time required for mobilization as well as testing, rectifications, if any, retesting, demobilization and completion in all respects to the satisfaction of the Engineer –in-charge. Signature & seal of the Bidder 2.2.2 A joint programme of execution of work will be prepared by the Engineer-in-charge and Contractor. This programme will take into account the time of completion period of the contract. 2.2.3 Monthly execution programme will be drawn up by the Engineer-incharge jointly with the contractor based on availability of materials, work fronts and the joints programme of execution as referred to above. The contractor shall scrupulously adhere to the Targets/ Programme by deploying adequate personnel, construction Equipment, Tools and Tackles and also by Timely supply of required materials coming within his scope of supply as per contract. In all matters concerning the extent of target set out in the monthly programme and the degree of achievement, the decision of the Engineer in-charge will be final and binding upon the Contractor. 2.2.4 Contractor shall give every day category-wise labour and equipment deployment report with the progress of work done on previous day in the proforma prescribed by the Engineer –in-charge. 2.3 Measurement of works 2.3.1 Mode of measurement will be as specified in specifications or SOR 2.4 PAYMENT TERMS 2.4.1 Payment will be released within 15 days of submission of duly certified running Account bills at Disbursement section at Mangalore after deduction of WCST (Work Contract Sales Tax) or VAT whichever is applicable, IT (Income Tax) and any other statutory deduction as applicable form time to time, any MRR (Material Received Report – An internal document forwarded by HPCL site in charge / Engineer to Disbursement Section along with Contractor’s Bill and duly certified measurement sheets for release of payment ) deductions, LD , etc. In case of Final Bill, Payment will be released within 45 days of submission of duly certified Final bill along with all requisite documents, drawings ,etc. Payment break up for various items covered in SOR/ PRICED BID is as indicated as Appendix 1 of SCC . No further alteration is permitted in approved payment break up. 2.5 Temporary Works 2.5.1 All temporary works, enabling works, preparation and maintenance of approaches to working areas, adequate lighting, wherever required, for execution of the work, shall be the responsibility of the contractor and all costs towards the same shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted prices. 2.6 Quality Assurance Signature & seal of the Bidder 2.6.1 Detailed quality assurance programme to be followed for the execution of contract under various divisions of works will be mutually discussed and agreed to . 2.6.2 The contractor shall establish, document and maintain an effective quality assurance system as outlined in the specifications and various codes and standards. 2.6.3 The Owner / consultant or their representative shall reserve the right to inspect/ Witness, Review any or all stages of work at shop/ site as deemed necessary for quality assurance and / or timely completion of the work. 2.6.4 The contractor has to ensure the deployment of quality Assurance and Quality Control Engineer(s) depending upon the quantum of work. This QA / QC group shall be fully responsible to carry out the work as per standards and all codes requirements. In case Engineer in charge feels that contractor’s QA/QC Engineer(s) are incompetent or insufficient, contractor has to deploy other experienced Engineer(S) as per site requirement and to the full satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. 2.6.5 In case contractor fails to follow the instructions of Engineer-in-charge with respect to above clauses, next payment due to him shall not be released unless and until he complies with the instructions to the full satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. 2.7 LEADS 2.7.1 For the various works, in case of contradiction, leads mentioned in the schedule of quantities shall prevail over those indicated in the Technical Specification. 3.0 ROYALTY, INCOME TAX, SERVICE TAX AND PRICES Royalty All royalties etc, as may be required for any borrow areas, including right of way etc., to be arranged by contractor shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted prices. Contractor’s quoted rates should include the royalty on different applicable items as per the prevailing state government rates. In case, owner is able to obtain the execution of royalty from the state government the contractor shall pass on the same to owner for all the items involving royalty. Any increase in prevailing rate of royalty shall be borne by the contractor at no extra cost to the owner. Signature & seal of the Bidder INCOME TAX : Income tax at the prevailing rate as applicable from time to time shall be deducted form contractor’s bills as per Income Tax Act and quoted rates shall be inclusive of this. Owner will issue the TDS (Tax Deduction at Source) Certificate. FIRM PRICES: The contract price shall remain firm and fixed till the completion of work in all respects and no escalation in prices on any account shall be admissible to the contractor. TAXES, Duties, Octroi, Levies etc., The quoted prices shall be deemed to be inclusive of all taxes including works, contract Sales Tax or VAT, Sales Tax, Service Tax, Duties , Octroi, Levies, etc., and contractor shall not be eligible for any compensation on these accounts. Any statutory variation / liability on account of taxes, duties, Octroi etc shall also be to Contractor’s account. 4.0 PROVIDENT FUND, LABOUR, LABOUR LAWS AND SITE REQUIREMENTS 4.1.1 Provident Fund 4.1.1 The contractor shall strictly comply with the provisions of Employees Provident Fund Act and register himself with regional Provident Fund commissioner (RPFC) before commencing work. The Contractor shall deposit Employees and Employers contributions to the RPFC every month. The contractor shall furnish the code number allotted by the RPFC Authority to the engineer –in-charge before commencing the work. 4.1.2 In case the RPFC Challan / receipt, as above, is not furnished, owner shall deduct 16% (Sixteen percent) of the payable amount form contractor’s running bill and retain the same as a deposit. Such retained amounts shall be refunded to contractor on production of RPFC Challan /Receipt for the period covered by the related running bill. 4.2 Labour Licence 4.2.1 Before starting of work, contractor shall obtain a licence from concerned authorities under the contract labour (Abolition and Regulation) Act 1970, and furnish copy of the same to owner. Signature & seal of the Bidder 4.3. 4.3.1 Labour Relations In case of labour unrest / labour dispute arising out of nonimplementation of any law the responsibility shall solely lie with the contractor and they shall remove/ resolve the same satisfactorily at his cost and risk. 4.3.2 The contractor shall at all times take all reasonable precautions to prevent any unlawful, riotous or disorderly conduct by or amongst his staff and labour and to preserve peace and protection of persons and property in the neighborhoods of the works against such conduct. 4.4 Employment of Local Labour 4.4.1 The contractor shall ensure that local skilled and / or unskilled to the extent available shall be employed in this work. In case of nonavailability of suitable labour in any category out of the above persons, labour from outside may be employed. 4.4.2 The contractor shall not recruit personnel of any category from among those who are already employed by other agencies working at site but shall make maximum use of local labour available 4.5 4.5.1 Site Cleaning The contractor shall clean and keep clean the work site from time to time to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge for easy access to work site and to ensure safe passage, movement and working. The contractor shall dispose off the unserviceable materials, debris etc. to the earmarked area within the premises or any other location outside the premises as decided by the Engineer-in-charge. No extra payment shall be paid on this account. Review / Approval of Drawings, Design and other documents submitted by contractor. 4.5.2 4.5.3 HPCL / consultant will normally require and utilize a maximum time frame of seven (07) working days from the date of Receipt for Review / approval of Drawings, Design and other documents submitted by Contractor. Upon review of the submitted documents, HPCL may give their comments and ask for redesign / resubmission after Signature & seal of the Bidder necessary rectifications / modifications and the time frame of 7 working days will be applicable for same. 4.6 4.6.1 4.6.2 4.6.3 4.6.4 Protection of Existing Facilities Contractor shall obtain all clearance (work permit) from the owner, as may be required from time to time, prior to start of work. Work without permit shall not be carried out within the existing premises. Contractor shall obtain plans and full details of all existing and planned facilities / services/ utilities from the owner and shall follow these plans closely at all times during the performance of work. Contractor shall be responsible for location and protection of all facilities / utilities and structures at his own cost. Despite all precautions, should any damage to any structure / utility etc. occur, the contractor shall contact the owner / authority concerned and contractor shall forthwith carry out repair at his expenses under the direction and to the satisfaction of Engineer-incharge and the owner / concerned authority. Contractor shall take all precautions to ensure that no damage is caused to the existing facilities etc., during construction. Existing structures /Facilities / utilities damaged / disturbed during construction shall be repaired and restored to their original condition by Contractor after completion of construction to the complete satisfaction of owner. 4.7 4.7.1 WORK FRONT : The work involved under this contract may include such works as have to be taken up and completed after other agencies have completed their jobs. The contractor will be required and bound to take up as and when the fronts are available for the same and no claim of any sort whatsoever shall be admissible to the contractor on this account. Only extension of time limit shall be admissible , if the availabilities of work fronts to the contractor are delayed due to any reason not attributable to the contractor and the same is clearly recorded. 4.8 Site Facilities Signature & seal of the Bidder 4.8.1 4.9 4.9.1 4.9.2 4.10 4.10.1 4.10.2 The contractor shall arrange for the following facilities at site, for workmen deployed/engaged by him / his sub-contractor , at his own cost. i) Arrangement for first Aid ii) Arrangement for clean & potable drinking water iii) Any other facility/ utility as may be required under the contract as per the existing legislation / regulations. CONTRACTOR’S SITE OFFICE AND STORES Due to the space constraints owner cannot provide any space for contractor’s site office and stores and fabrication yard, if any at site. The contractor shall remove all temporary facilities etc., before leaving the site after completion of works in all respect. Construction power and water Owner shall not provide power and the contractor shall be exclusively responsible to make his own arrangements for supply of power, without any extra cost to the owner. Water required for the works, shall be arranged by the contractor. The contractor has to make all necessary arrangement for drawing water including making temporary storage, pumping etc., 4.10.3 Cement & Steel Cement and steel required for executing the work as per tender document shall be supplied by the contractor and rates quoted shall be inclusive of the same. Cement shall be OPC Grade 43/53 conforming to relevant IS standards of reputed manufacturer and shall be got approved by EIC before procurement. All running account bills and final bill shall be accompanied by Cement Consumption statement giving the detailed working of cement used vis a vis theoretical consumption. Permissible wastage shall be 3% of theoretical consumption. However this wastage shall be considered in excess of the theoretical quantity required for the various items of work. No extra payment will be made towards this wastage and the same will be on contractors account. The contractor shall be penalized for any under consumption of cement @ Rs. 7000/- per MT. Signature & seal of the Bidder 4.11 Construction 4.11.1 Rules and Regulations 4.11.2 Contractor shall observe in addition to codes specified in respective specification, all national and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations and requirements pertaining to the work and shall be responsible for extra costs arising from violations of the same. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.2.1 PROCEDURES Various procedures and method statements to be adopted by contractor during the construction as required as per the respective specifications shall be submitted to Engineer-in-charge in due time for approval. Security As the premises at Mangalore is a protected area, entry into the area shall be restricted and may be governed by issue of photo gate passes. The contractor shall arrange to obtain through the Engineer in charge, well in advance, all necessary entry permits / gate passes for his staffs and laborers and entry and exit of his men and materials shall be subject to vigorous checking by the security staff. The contractor shall not be eligible for any claim or extension of time whatsoever on this account. 5.2.2 It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to safeguard all his materials /owned from theft, damage etc. For this purpose the contractor shall be allowed to keep his own security inside HPCL premises. 5.3 5.3.1 Drawings and Documents Drawings accompanying the Bidding Document are indicative of scope of work and issued for bidding purpose only. Purpose of these drawings is to enable the bidder to make an offer in line with the requirements of the owner. 5.3.2 The contractor as per ‘Scope of work’ shall carry out preparation of detailed and working drawings. Detailed construction layout drawings as needed shall be prepared by contractor and got reviewed/ approved by Engineer-in-charge consultant before taking up the work. Signature & seal of the Bidder 5.4 5.4.1 Rounding off All payments to and recoveries from the contractor shall be rounded off to the nearest rupee. Wherever the amount to be paid / recovered consists of a fraction of a rupee ( Paisa), the amount shall be rounded off to the next higher rupee if the fraction consists of 50 (fifty) paisa or more and if the faction of a rupee is less than 50 (fifty) paisa, the same shall be ignored. 5.5 Contractor’s Billing System 5.5.1 HPCL will provide an approved format for measurement sheets, bills summary and Bill Abstract. Contractor has to ensure that these data are updated for each subsequent RA and final bill. 5.5.2 HPCL will utilize these data for processing and verification of the Contractor’s bill. 5.6 5.6.1 Site Organization The contractor shall without prejudice to his overall responsibility to execute and complete the works as per specifications and time schedule progressively deploy adequate qualified and experienced personnel together with skilled / unskilled manpower and augment the same as decided by Engineer-in-charge depending on the exigencies of work to suit the construction schedule without any additional cost to owner. 5.6.2 The contractor shall provide all necessary superintendence during the execution of the works and as long thereafter as the Engineer-incharge may consider necessary for the proper fulfilling of the contractor’s obligations under the contract such superintendence shall be given by sufficient persons having adequate knowledge of the operations to be carried out (including the methods and techniques required, the hazards likely to be encountered and methods of preventing accidents) for the satisfactory and safe execution of the work. The workmen deployed by the contractor should also possess the necessary license etc., if required under the existing lows, rules and regulations. Signature & seal of the Bidder 5.7 Additional / Extra works Owner reserves the right to execute any additional works / extra works, during the execution of work, either by themselves or by appointing any other agency, even though such works are incidental to and necessary for the completion for works awarded to the contractor. 5.8 5.8.1 Responsibility of contractor. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to obtain the approval for any revision and / or modifications decided by the contractor from the owner /Engineer-in-charge before implementation. Also such revisions and /or modifications if accepted / approved by the owner / Engineer-in-charge shall be carried out at no extra cost to the owner. Any change required during functional requirements or for efficient running of system , keeping the basic parameters unchanged and which has not been indicated by the contractor in the data / drawings furnished along with the offer shall be carried out by the contractor at no extra cost to the owner. 5.8.2 All expenses towards mobilization at site and demobilization including bringing in equipment, work force, materials, dismantling the equipment, clearing the site etc., shall be deemed to be included in the prices quoted and no separate payments on account of such expenses shall be entertained. 5.8.3 It shall be entirely the contractor’s responsibility to provide, operate and maintain all necessary construction equipment, steel scaffoldings and safety gadgets, cranes and other lifting tackles, tools and appliances to perform the work in a workman like and efficient manner and complete all the jobs as per time schedule. 5.8.4 Preparing approaches and working area for the movement of his men and machinery. 5.8.5 The procurement and supply in sequences and at the appropriate time of all materials, and consumables shall be entirely the contractor’s responsibility and his rates for execution of work will be inclusive of supply of all these items. Signature & seal of the Bidder 5.9 Coordination with other agencies 5.9.1 Contractor shall be responsible for proper coordination with other agencies operating at the site of work so that work may be carried out concurrently , without any hindrance to others. The Engineer-incharge shall resolve disputes, if any in this regard, and his decision shall be final and binding on the contractor. 5.10 Underground and overhead structures 5.10.1 The contractor will familiarize himself with and obtain information and detail from the owner in respect of all existing structures, and utilities existing at the job site before commencing work. The Contractor shall execute the work in such a manner that the said structures, utilities, etc., are not disturbed or damaged, and shall indemnify and keep indemnified the owner from and against any destruction thereof or damages thereto 5.11 5.11.1 5.11.2 Documents required with final bill Statement of final bills-issue of No Claim /No Due Certificate The contractor shall furnish a No- Claim / No Due declaration indicating that there are no balance dues to his sub-Vendor /SubContractors / labour contractors along with the final bill. WORKING HOURS Depending upon the requirement, time schedule / drawing/ programme and the target set to complete the job in time, the works may also have to continue beyond normal working hours/ right hours / holidays or during such periods with out causing any inconvenience to the neighbors/ others with due permissions form EIC, for which no extra claim shall be entertained. However for all such working contractor’s responsible representative shall be available at site to receive the work permit to be issued by HPCL with out responsible representative of the contractor, no work shall be allowed inside the premises. 5.12 5.12.1 6.0 6.1 TESTS, INSPECTION AND COMPLETION Tests and Inspection Signature & seal of the Bidder 6.1.1 The contractor shall carryout the various tests as enumerated in the technical specification of this bidding document and technical documents that will be furnished to him during the performance of the work at no extra cost to the owner. 6.1.2 All the tests either on the field or at outside laboratories concerning the execution of the own and supply of materials by the contractor shall be carried out by contractor at his cost. 6.1.3 The work is subject to inspection at all time by the Engineer-incharge . the contractor shall carry out all instructions given during inspection and shall ensure that the work is being carried out according to the technical specifications of this bidding document, the technical documents that will be furnished to him during performance of work and the relevant codes of practice. 6.1.4 For material supplied by Owner (if any) , contractor shall carry out the tests, if required by the Engineer-in-charge, and the cost of such tests shall be reimbursed by the owner at actual to the contractor on production of documentary evidence. 6.1.5 All results of inspection and tests will be recorded in the inspection reports, proforma of which will be approved by the Engineer-incharge. These reports shall form part of the completion documents. Any work not conforming to execution drawings, specifications or codes shall be rejected and the contractor shall carry out the rectifications at his own cost. 6.2 Final Inspection. After completion of all tests as per specification the whole work will be subject to a final inspection to ensure that job has been completed as per requirement. If any defect is noticed, the contractor will be noticed by the Engineer-in-charge and he shall make good the defects with utmost speed. If however, the contractor fails to attend to these defects within a reasonable time (time period shall be fixed by the Engineer-in-charge) then engineer-in-charge may have defects rectified at contractor’s cost. 6.3 Inspection of supply Items Signature & seal of the Bidder 6.3.1 All inspection and tests on bought out items shall be made as required by specifications forming part of this contract. Various stages of inspection and testing shall be identified after receipt of Quality Assurance Programme from the contractor / manufacturer. 6.3.2 Inspection calls shall be given for association of Owner, as per mutually agreed programme in prescribed proforma, giving details of equipment and attaching- relevant test certificates and internal inspection report of the contractor. All drawings, general arrangement and other contract drawings, specifications, catalogues etc., pertaining to equipment offered for inspection shall be got approved by owner and copes shall be made available to owner before hand for undertaking inspection. 6.3.3 The contractor shall ensure full and free access to the inspection engineer of Owner at the contractor’s or their sub-contractor’s premises at any time during contract period to facilitate him to carry out inspection and testing assignments. 6.3.4 The Contractor / sub-Contractor shall provide all instruments, tools, necessary testing and other inspection facilities to inspection engineer of owner free of cost for carrying out inspection. 6.3.5 Where facilities for testing do not exist in the contractor’s / sub contractor’s laboratories , samples and test pieces shall be drawn by the contractor / sub contractor in presence of inspection Engineer of Owner and duly sealed by the later and sent for tests in Government approved test house or any other testing laboratories approved by the Inspection Engineer at the contractor’s cost. 6.3.6 The contractor shall comply with the instruction of the Inspection Engineer fully and with promptitude. 6.3.7 The contractor shall ensure that the equipment / assemblies / Component of the plant and equipment required to be inspected are not assembled or dispatched before inspection. 6.3.8 The contractor shall not offer equipment for inspection in painted conditions unless otherwise agreed in writing with the owner. 6.3.9 The contractor shall ensure that the parts once rejected by the inspection engineer are not used in the manufacture of the plant and equipment. Where parts rejected by the inspection engineer have been rectified or altered, such parts shall be segregated for separate inspection and approval. Before being used in the work. 6.3.10 On satisfactory completion of final inspection and testing, all accepted part of the work and equipment shall be stamped suitably and inspection certificate shall be issued in requisite copies for all accepted items. For Signature & seal of the Bidder stage inspection and for rejected items, only inspection memo shall be issued indicating therein the details of observations and remarks. 6.3.11 All inspection and tests shall be made as required by the specifications forming part of this contract. Contractor shall advise HPCL in writing at least fifteen days in advance of the date of final inspection / tests. Manufactures inspection or testing certificate for equipment and materials supplied may be considered for acceptance, at the discretion of Engineer-in-charge. All costs towards testing etc. shall be borne by the contractor within their quoted rates. 6.4 6.4.1 6.4.1 7.0 7.1.1 7.1.1 Documentation Completion Documents The following documents shall also be submitted by the contractor in triplicate as part of completion documents: a) Test certificate for materials supplied by the contractor b) Certified records of field tests on materials /equipment, as applicable. c) Material appropriations statement as required d) Two sets of drawings showing therein the as built conditions of the work duly approved by the Engineer-in-charge along with one set of reproducible on polyester film (drawings prepared by contractor) along with soft form of the same. e) Other documents as mentioned in Technical Specification. “AS BUILT “ Drawings Upon completion of work, the contractor shall complete all drawings to “ AS built “ status ( including all vendor / Sub – Vendor’s drawings for bought out items) and provide the owner , the following a) One complete set of all original tracings / reproducible along with the soft form of the same. b) Two complete sets of prints. OTHERS Dispute Settlement between Govt. Dept. / PSU & PSE In the event of any disputes or differences between the contractor and the owner, if the contractor is a Government department, a Government company or an undertaking in the public sector, then such disputes or differences shall be resolved amicably by mutual consolation or through the good offices or empowered agencies of the Government. If such resolution is not possible, then the unresolved disputes or differences Signature & seal of the Bidder shall be referred to arbitration of an arbitrator to be nominated by the Secretary. Department of legal affairs (low Secretary) in terms of the Office Memorandum No. 55/1/75- CF dated 19 th December 1975 issued by the cabinet Secretariat (Dept. of cabinet Affairs) as modified from time to time. The Arbitration conciliation Act 1996 shall not be applicable to the arbitrator under this clause. The award of the arbitrator shall be binding upon parties to the dispute, provided, however any party aggrieved by such award may make a further reference for setting aside or revision of the award to low secretary whose decision shall bind the parties finally and conclusively. 7.2 7.2.1 Project Scheduling and Monitoring The following schedules / documents/ reports shall be prepared and submitted by the contractor for review/ approval at various stages of the contract. 7.2.2 After placement of purchase order. 7.2.3 1 THE CONTRACTOR shall present the programme and status at various review meetings as required. Monthly Review Meeting Level of Participation Senior Officers of Owner & contractor. Agenda a) Progress Status / Statistics. b) Completion Outlook c) Major hold ups / Slippages. d) Assistance required. e) Critical Issues f) Client query / approval. Venue Site 7.2.5 Progress Reports 1) Monthly Progress Report This report shall be submitted in three copies on a monthly basis within Ten calendar days from Cut –off date as agreed upon, covering overall scenario of the work. The report shall include but not be limited to the following ; a) Brief introduction of the work b) Activities executed / achievements during the month. Signature & seal of the Bidder c) d) e) f) Scheduled vs actual percentage progress and progress curves for subordering manufacturing / delivery, sub- contracting, construction activities and overall quantum wise status of purchase orders against scheduled Areas of concern / problems / hold ups, impact and action plans Resource deployment status Annexure giving status summary for Material requisitions and deliveries , sub- contracting and construction Distribution : Owner 7.3 Two copes & one at site DIFECTS LIABILITY PERIOD / WARRANTY PERIOD As per clause No. 5 n of GTC. Signature & seal of the Bidder APPENDIX – 1 TO SCC TERMS OF PAYMENTS 1.1 1.2 1.3 The basis and terms of payment without prejudice to any other mode of recovery available to owner, shall be as given below. The contractor shall be paid monthly running account bills at stages of completion of individual item/ work, based on the joint measurement in the following manner after deductions of necessary dues payable by contractor to the owner such as retention money, taxes duties etc in accordance with various provisions made elsewhere in this document. SPECIAL PAYMENT TERMS Following payment shall be made to the contractor against the running bills subject to the rate awarded to him and the clause regarding retention money as per general terms and condition. CIVIL WORKS 50 % 45% & INTERIOR WORKS Item NO. 65 to Tiling / flooring On delivery at 100% 69 works / floor site completion finish / False the item floor/ Dado Item No. 49 False ceiling On delivery at 100% site completion the item Item No. 36 – Desk unit / Total structure 100% to 48 loose furniture / without laminate completion Fixed furniture / veneer & the item moulding + polish Item No. 50 ELECTRICAL Blinds On delivery at 100% site completion the item 60% 35% 5% of of of of Upon acceptance and completion of the job as envisaged in the contract Upon acceptance and completion of the job as envisaged in the contract Upon acceptance and completion of the job as envisaged in the contract Upon acceptance and completion of the job as envisaged in the contract. 5% Signature & seal of the Bidder WORKS Item No. 113 to Main power Up on delivery 115 & 143 to control centre, 146 switch board, panels and distribution boards Up on installation and commissioning of the item Item No. 106, Point wiring Up on delivery 111, 116 and connected accessories/ Race ways Up on installation and commissioning of the item Item no- 118 to Light fixtures / Up on delivery 122 other fixtures / public address system Up on installation and commissioning of the item Item No. 112, 123 to 142 & 150 to 152, 153 to 156 Up on installation and commissioning of the item Cables / Up on delivery accessories/ earthing / lan cables, / AC Up on Integrations of all facilities and completion of the job as envisaged in the contract Up on Integrations of all facilities and completion of the job as envisaged in the contract Up on Integrations of all facilities and completion of the job as envisaged in the contract Up on Integrations of all facilities and completion of the job as envisaged in the contract Balance jobs as per Schedule of quantities 95% on completion of the items 5% on completion of acceptance of all jobs as per contract. Signature & seal of the Bidder F. SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES Signature & seal of the Bidder G. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Signature & seal of the Bidder TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS A. INTERIOR & CIVIL WORKS The scope of work covers execution and completion of the work consisting of Interior Furnishing and Minor Civil works for Regional Office at URWA STORE, Mangalore in accordance with the drawings and specifications given along with the tender document: 1. GENERAL: This specification is for work to be done, item to be supplied and materials to be used in the works as shown and defined on the drawings and described herein, all under supervision and to the satisfaction of the EIC/ Architects. The workmanship is to be the best available and of a high standard, use must be made of a special trades men in all aspect of the work and allowance must be made in the rates for so doing. The materials and items to be provided by the contractor shall be approved by the HPCL / Architects in accordance with any samples which will be submitted for approval by contractor and generally in accordance with the specifications. Also if products are specified in the specification and / or bill of brand, trade name or catalogue reference, the contractor will be required to obtain the approval of the Architects before using the materials. The contractor shall produce all in voices, Vouchers or receipts for any materials if called upon to do so by the HPCL / Architects. Samples of all materials are to be submitted to the Architects for approval before the contractor orders or deliver the materials at site. Samples together with their packing are to be provided free of charge by the contractor and should any materials be rejected, they will be removed from the site at the contractor’s expense. All samples will be retained by the HPCL / Architects for comparison with materials which will be delivered at the site. Also the contractors will be required to submit specimen finishes of Colours, fabrics etc for the approval of the architects before proceeding with the work The contractor shall be responsible for providing and maintaining and boxing or other temporary coverage required for the protection of dresses or finished Signature & seal of the Bidder work if left unprotect. He is also to clean out all shelving, out ends and other waste from all pairs of the works before coverage’s or in fillings are constructed. Templates, boxes and moulds shall be accurately set out and rigidly constructed so as to remain accurate during the time they are in use. All unexposed surface of timber e.g. false ceiling, backing fillets, backs of door frames, cupboard framing, grounds, etc. are to be treated with two coats of approved timber preservative before fixing or converging. Only first class workmanship will be accepted. Contractor shall maintain uniform quality and consistency in workmanship throughout. If directed , materials shall be tested in any approved Testing Laboratory and the test certificate in original shall be submitted to the Architects and the entire charges of testing including charges for repeated tests if orders shall be borne by the contractor. It shall be obligatory for the contractor to furnish certificate , if demanded by the HPCL/ Architects, from manufacturer or the material supplier that the work has been carried out by using their material and as per their recommendation. All materials supplied by HPCL / if any / other specialized firms shall be properly stored and the contractor shall be responsible for its safe custody until they are required on the works and till the completion of work. Unless otherwise shown on the drawings or mentioned in the Schedule of Quantities or Special specifications the quality of materials, workmanship, dimensions, etc., shall be as specified herein under. All equipment and facilities for carrying out field tests on materials shall be provided without any extra cost. 2. PLYWOOD Marine plywood shall generally conform to I.S. 710 – 1980 or latlest, bonded with phenol formaldehyde, treated with wood preservative. 3. TEAK WOOD Timber shall be well seasoned and of the best quality, Indian Teak wood specified (viz) Bandeli, Ballarshah, Malabar , etc., Signature & seal of the Bidder Timber shall be Considered as well seasoned, if its moisture content does not exceed the following limits i) Timber for frames --- 14% ii) Timber for planking , shutters, etc ---- 12 % The moisture content of timber shall be determined according to method described in paragraph 4 of IS: 287 for “Maximum Permissible Moisture content of Timber used for different purposes in different climatic Zones’ First class Indian Teak wood means locally available best quality and well seasoned. It shall have uniform colour , reasonably straight grains and shall be free from large loose dead knots, or defects of any kind. No individual hard and sound knot shall be more than 2.5 cm in diameter and aggregate area of all knots shall not exceed 1% of the area of the piece. There shall not be less than growth rings per 2.5 cm width. All the wood shall be properly seasoned, natural growth and shall be free form worm holes, loose or dead knots cracks, shakes, twists, bends, saw wood or other defects, saw die square and shall not suffer warping, ting or other defects. All internal frame work shall be treated with approved wood preservative. All wood brought to site should be clean shall not have any preservative. All rejected decayed, bad quality wood shall be immediately removed from site. All wood brought to site must be stacked stored properly as per instructions. 4. ALUMINIUM BOX FRAMES The Aluminium Box frames for the Solid partitions shall be made out of Aluminium sections of 50 x 25 mm size with 1.5mm thickness. The aluminium sections shall conform to IS: 9833. 5. GLAZING: Glass used for glazing shall be float glass of best approved quality free from flaw, specks, bubbles and shall be of thickness specified in the schedule of Quantities. All glass to be of approved manufacturer complying with I.S. 3548- 1966 as per approved quality and sample to be of the selective quantities specified and free from bubbles, smoke, air holes and other defects. Polished plate glass shall be “Glazing Glass” (G.G) conforming to IS 3438 -1965 or as per approved sample and quality. Signature & seal of the Bidder The compound for glazing to metal is to be a special non-hardening compound manufactured for the purpose and of a brand and quality approved by the HPCL / Architects. While cutting glass, proper allowance be made for expansion, Each square of glazing to be in one whole sheet. On completion of work clean all glass inside and out, replace all cracked scratched and broken panes and leave in good condition. 6. WOOD WORK Timber used shall confirm to specifications described under materials, shall be in accordance with the drawing in every detail and all joiner’s work shall be accurately set out , framed and finished in a proper workman like manner. Frames of partitions and opening etc., shall be of accurately planned smooth and rebates, rounding and Mouldings shall be made as shown on the drawings. Patching or plugging of any kind shall not be allowed. Joints shall be simple, neat and strong. Framed joints shall be coated with suitable adhesive like glue or synthetic resin before the frames put together. All mortise and tenon joints shall fit in fully and accurately without wedging or filling. The joints shall be pinned with hardwood or rust resisting star shaped metal pints of 8 mm dia, after the frames are put together and pressed in position by means of a press. The frames shall be protected during the progress of work by providing suitable boxing. All portion of timber abutting against or embedded in masonry or concrete shall be treated against termites by giving a coat of any approved wood preservative. All T.W. work should be painted with a coat of approved wood primer Frames and shutters shall not be painted or erected before being approved by the EIC/ Architects. 7. JOINERY Joinery is to be prepared immediately after the placing of the contract framed up, bonded and waged up. Any portions that are warped or found with other defects are to be replaced before wedging up. The whole of the work is to be framed and finished in a workmen like manner in accordance with the detailed drawings wrought and whenever required , fitted with all necessary metal ties. Straps, belts, screws, glue etc Running beaded joints are to be cross tongued with teak tongues wherever 1(1/2) thk. Double cross tongued. Joiners work generally to be finished with fine sand / glass paper. Signature & seal of the Bidder Joints All joints shall be standard mortise and tenon, dowel, dovetail, and cross halved. Nailed or glued but joints will not be permitted, screws, nails etc., will be standard iron or wire of oxidized Nettle fold tenons should fit the mortises exactly. Nailed or glued but joints will not be permitted, exceptional cases with approval of Architects/ HPCL . Where screws shown on a finished surface, those will be sunk and the whole plugged with a wood plug of the same wood and grain of the finished surfaces will be neatly punched and the hole filled with wood filler to match the colour. Should joints in joiner’s work open, or other defects arise within the period stated for defects liability in the contract and the clause thereof be deemed by the Architects to be due to such defective joinery shall be taken down, and refilled, redecorated and / or replaced if necessary and any work disturbed shall be made good at the contractors expense. Nails , spikes and bolts shall be of lengths and weights approved by the HPCL/ Architects. Nails shall comply with IS 1959-1960. Brass headed nails are to comply with B.S. 1210. Wire staples shall comply with B.S 1494 or equivalent. The contact surface of dowels, tennons, wedges etc shall be glued with an approved adhesive. Where glued, joinery and carpentry work is likely to come into contact with moisture, the glue shall be waterproof grade. 8. GYPSUM BOARD PARTITION: Metal stud partition which includes two layers of tapered edge 15.0mm thick fire line board screw fixed with drywall screw of 25 mm for first layer and 45mm for second layer at 300 mm centres to either side of 70mm studs (0.55mm thick having one flange of 34mm and another flange of 36mm made of G.I. Steel) placed at 610 mm centre to centre in 70 mm floor and ceiling channel (0.55 mm thick having equal flanges of 32 mm made of G.I. steel) with joints staggered on each layer to avoid leakage through joints. Finally square and tapered edges of the boards are to be jointed and finished so as to have a flush look which includes filling and finishing with jointing compound. Joint paper tape and two coats of Signature & seal of the Bidder Drywall top coat suitable for Gypboard ( As per recommended practices of India Gypsum) Note: ï‚· Angle bead to be used at external angles to get straight line finish & protection from normal impacts. It should be charged extra. ï‚· Edge bead to be used to protect the exposed Gypsum core of gypboard specially at cut edges of the openings for doors / windows / glazing or any other unprotected core. It should be charged extra. ï‚· Control joints to be used in excess of 10 Mtr. Long partitions / walls for which no extra will be payable. 9. FLUSH DOORS: All flush doors shall be solid core unless otherwise specified. It shall conform to the relevant specifications of I.S.2202 and shall be obtained from approved manufacturers. The finished thickness of the shutter shall be as mentioned in the item. Face veneers shall be of the pattern and colour approved by the EIC/ Architects and an approved sample shall be deposited with the EIC / Architects for reference. The solid core shall be of wood laminate prepared from battens of well seasoned and treated good quality wood having straight grains. The battens shall be of uniform size of about 2.5 cm width. These shall be properly glued and machine pressed together with grains of each piece reversed from that of adjoining one. The longitudinal joints of the battens shall be staggered and no piece shall be less than 50 cm in length. Alternatively, the core shall be of solid teak particle board. Edges of the core shall be lipped with first class teak wood battens of 4 cm (1 ½ ) minimum depth, glued and machine pressed along the core The core surface shall then have two or three veneers firmly glued on each face. The first veneer (called cross Bond) shall be laid with its grains at right angles to those of the core and the second the third veneer with their grains paralled to these of the core. The under veneers shall be of good quality, durable and well seasoned wood. The face veneer shall be of minimum one mm thickness and of well matched and seasoned first class teak, laid along with grains of the core battens. The combined thickness and of well matched and seasoned first class teak, laid along with grains of the core battens. The combined thickness of all the veneers on each face shall not be less than 4 mm. Thermo setting synthetic resin Signature & seal of the Bidder conforming to IS 303 for moisture proof plywood grade M.P.F.I shall be used in manufacture. In addition all doors shall have external lipping all round 8 mm thick. II. HARDWARE All hardware fittings and fixtures shall be made with structural properties to sustain safety and withstand strains and stresses to which they are normally subjected to such as opening and closing, wind pressure etc., the fittings shall generally conform to relevant specifications. They shall be made true, clear, and straight with sharply defined profiles and unless otherwise shown or specified with true smooth surfaces and edges, free form defects. Screw holes shall be counter sunk to suit the head of wood screws. The hardware throughout shall be of approved manufacture or supplier well made and equal to in every respect to the samples to be deposited with the Architects. The Contractor may be required to produce and provide samples from many different sources before the HPCL / architects take decision and he should allow his rates for doing so. Fittings generally shall be brass polished & lacquered / stainless steel unless otherwise specified and shall be suitable for their intended purpose. In any case, it will have to be approved by HPCL and Architects before the contractor procures it at site of work. Screws are to match the finish of the article to be fixed, and to be round or flat headed or counter sunk as required. The contractor should cover up and protect the brass and bronze surfaces with thick grease or other suitable productive material, renew as necessary and subsequently clean off away on completion. Aluminium and stainless steel shall be of approved manufacturer and suitable for its particular application. Generally the surface of aluminum shall have an anodized finish and both shall comply with the samples approved by the HPCL / architects. All stainless steel sheets shall be 304 SS Japan or equivalent with gauge as specified by not thinner than 16 G. Signature & seal of the Bidder All steel, brass, bronze, aluminum and stainless steel articles shall be subjected to a reasonable test for strength if so, required by the HPCL / Consultants at the contractor’s expense. All brazing and welds are to be executed in a clean and smooth manner rubbed down and left in the flattest and tidiest way, particularly where exposed. Chromium plating shall be in accordance with xx I.S. Standard or as per approved specification for normal outdoor conditions and shall be on a base material of copper or brass. 12. BUTT HINGES: These shall be of stainless steel (14 gauges) of sizes specified in the schedule of quantities / drawings of approved make. 13. DOOR CLOSER: These shall be of approved quality conforming to IS : 3562 as specified in the schedule of quantities. 14. PAINTS : All material required for the works like lime for lime wash, dry distemper, oil bound distemper, cement, primer, oil paint, enamel paint, flat oil paint, plastic emulsion paint, anti-corrosive primer, red lead, water proof cement paint shall be of specified and approved manufacturer, delivered to the site in the manufacturer’s containers with the seals etc., unbroken and clearly marked with the manufacturer’s name or trade mark with a description of the contents and colour shall conform to the latest Indian Standards for various paints. All materials are to be stored on the site of the work. Spray painting with approved machines will be permitted only if written approval has been obtained from the HPCL / Architects prior to painting. No spraying will be permitted in the case of priming coats nor where the soiling of adjacent surfaces is likely to occur. The buzzle and pressure to be so operated as to give an even coating throughout to the satisfaction of the HPCL/ Architects. The paint used for spraying is to comply generally with the satisfaction concerned and is to be specially prepared by the manufacturer for spraying. Thinning of paint made for brushing will not be allowed. Signature & seal of the Bidder Wood preservative shall be boson or other equal and approved impregnating wood preservative and all concealed wood work shall be treated with wood preservative. All brushes, tools, pots, kettles etc. used in carrying out the work shall be clean and free from foreign matter and are to be thoroughly cleaned out before being used with a different type of class of materials. All iron or steel surfaces shall be thoroughly scraped and rubbed with wire brushes and shall be entirely free from rust, mill scale etc. before applying the priming coat. Surfaces of new wood work which to be painted are to be rubbed down, cleaned, down to the approval of the Architects. Surfaces of previously painted woodwork which are to be cleaned down with soap and water, detergent solution or approved solvent to remove dirt, grease etc., while wet surfaces shall be flatted down with a suitable abrasive and then rinsed down and allowed to dry. Minor areas of defective paint shall be removed by scraping back to a firm edge and the exposed surface touched in with primer as described and stopped with putty. Where wood work has been previously painted or polished and is to be newly polished, scrapping, burning off or rubbing down. Surfaces of previously painted metal which shall be painted are to be cleaned down and flattened down as described in surfaces of any rust and loose scale shall be removed completely by chipping, scrapping and wire brushing back to the bare metal and touched in with primer as described. 15. PAINTING OIL / ENAMEL / PLASTIC EMULSION ETC., Ready mixed oil paint, plastic emulsion paint, ready mixed synthetic enamel paint, Aluminium paint, etc., shall be brought in original containers and in sealed tins. If for any reason thinner is necessary the brand and quality of thinner recommended by the manufacturer or as instructed by the HPCL / Architects shall be used. The surface shall be prepared as recommended by the manufacturers and as instructed by HPCL /Architects and primer of approved brand/make Signature & seal of the Bidder shall be applied. After 24 hour of drying, approved specified quality paint shall be applied evenly and smoothly. If required, filler putty coating may be given to give smooth finish. Each coat shall be allowed to dry out thoroughly and then lightly rubbed down with sand paper and cleaned of dust before, the next coat is applied. Number of coats shall be as specified in the item and if however the finish of the surface is not uniform additional coats as required shall be applied to get good and uniform finish at no extra coast. After completion no hair marks from the brush or clogging of paint puddles in the corners of panel angles of Mouldings shall be left on the work. The glass panes floor etc shall be cleaned of stains. When the final coat is applied, if directed , the surface shall be rolled with a roller or if directed it shall be stippled with a stippling brush. 16. MELAMINE FINISHES A) GLOSSY As specified in the Approved make of materials natural wood finish clear glossy is a premium quality melaminised coating specially formulated as a protective a nd decorative finishing clear for wood. TECHNINAL DATA Method of application :Brushing at 25- 30 seconds by ford Cup b 4 at 30 degree C .Spraying at 20-25 seconds by ford cup at 30 degree C Thinner recommended : Brushing – Thinner 106 Spraying – Thinner 124 Thinner intake : 20- 25 % by volume Mixing ratio : Base to hardener in 10:1 by volume Drying Time : 8 hours Surface dry – less than 30 minutes Signature & seal of the Bidder Hard dry – 16 -20 –hours Recording period – Overnight Finish : 25 microns film thickness smooth and glossy Flash Point : Above 14 degree C ( 57 degree F) Sand the surface along the grains with Emery paper No. 180 or with a suitable grade sand paper. Brush the surface free of loose dust. Fill the wood using wood filler of approved make. Remove excess filler immediately after applications. Allow 2-3 hours of drying, before sanding with emery paper no 240 – or 280. if desired, apply wood stains by ragging after filling step or mix it in Natural wood finish of approved make up to 20 % by volume and apply by spraying after sealer coat. In application by ragging allow a drying time of 5 – 10 minutes in between coats and 30- 60 minutes before over coating with finish coats. Apply a coat of Natural wood finish clear sealer. After overnight drying, smooth sand with Emery paper no 320 and wipe the surface free of loose dust. Apply natural wood finish clear glossy of approved make as follows. Ensure that the surface to be coated is free from loose matter. Natural wood finish clear Glossy of approved make is a two component system consisting of base and hardener. These should be mixed in the recommended ratio. The two components should be mixed in a glass, plastic or enameled container. Allow the mixture to stand for 30 minutes and then apply by brushing or spraying using the recommended thinner for consistency adjustment. The mixture of base and hardener should be used within 8 hours to enhance gloss and decorative value natural wood finish clear glossy of approved make can be buffed using suitable buffing mops but only after 48 hours of application. b) MATT : Natural Wood finish clear matt of approved make is a premium quality melaminised coating specially formulated as a protective and decorative finishing clear coating for wood. TECHNICAL DATA Method of Application : Brushing at 25-30 seconds by Ford Cup B4 at 30 degree C Signature & seal of the Bidder Spraying at 20-25 Seconds by ford Cup at 30 degree C Thinner recommended Thinner intake : Brushing – Thinner 106 Spraying – Thinner 124 : 20-25% by volume Mixing ratio : Base to hardener in 10:1 by volume Drying Time : 8 hours Recoating period – Overnight Finish :25 microns film thickness smooth and matt Flash point : Above 14 degree C ( 57 degree F) Sand the surface along the grains with Emery Paper No. 180 or with a suitable grade sand paper. Brush the surface free of loose dust. Fill the wood using wood filler of approved make. Remove excess filler immediately after applications. Allow 2-3 hours of drying, before sanding with Emery paper No 240 or 280. If desired, apply wood stains of approved make by ragging after filling step or mix it in Natural Wood Finish of approved make up to 20% by volume and apply by spraying after Sealer Coat. In application by ragging allow a drying time of 5-10 minutes in between coats and 30-60 minutes before over coating with finish coats. Apply a coat of Natural Wood Finish Clear Sealer of approved make. After overnight drying, smooth sand with Emery Paper No 320 and wipe the surface free of loose dust. Apply Natural Wood Finish Clear matt of approved make as follows. Ensure that the surface to be coated is free from loose matter. Natural Wood Finish clear matt is approved make is a two component system consisting of base and hardener. These should be mixed in the recommended ratio. The two components should be mixed in a glass, plastic or enameled container. Allow the mixture to stand for 30 minutes and then apply by brushing or spraying using the recommended thinner for consistency adjustment. The mixture of base and hardener should be used within 8 hours. Signature & seal of the Bidder c) VARNISHING: Surface shall be cleaned. All unevenness shall be rubbed down smooth with sand paper and well dusted. Knots visible shall be covered with a preparation of red lead and Glue. Resinous or loose knots and gaps filled with seasoned timber pieces made level with rest of the surface. Holes and indentations on surface shall be filled with putty made of whiting and linseed oil. Surface shall be given a coat of filler made of 2.25 kg of whiting of 1.5 litre of methylated spirit. When it dries surface shall again be rubbed down perfectly smooth and sand paper and wiped clean. After preparation of surface, two coats of clean boiled linseed oil shall be applied at sufficient interval of time. After the linseed oil has dried two coats of varnish obtained from approved manufacturer shall be applied at sufficient interval of time. If the surface fails to produce the required gloss an additional coat shall be applied without any extra cost. 17. LIGHT WEIGHT CALCIUM SILICATE GRID CEILINGS : The true horizontal level imported false ceiling grid using hot dipped galvanized steel section exposed surface chemically cleaned capping pre- finished in baked polyester paint main tee size of 24 x 38 x 033 mm at every 12000 mm c/c maximum and rotary stitched cross ‘T’ of size 24 x 30 x 0.28 mm at every size of 600 mm c/c max and 22 x 22 x 0457 mm wall angle all round the wall to form a grid of size 600 mm x 600 mm and suspending the grid using suitable support system at every 1200 mm intervals at the main T and laying Light Weight Calcium Silicate Ceilings as per the manufacturers specification. The calcium silicate boards shall conform to BS 476 Part 4 1970. 18. PLAIN ACOUSTIC PANEL CEILING CLIP IN SYSTEM Acoustic Panel tile size 600 x 600 mm Grid size : 600 x 600 mm Surface of the tile : Plain / perforated steel tiles ( Perforation 2.5 mm dia at 5.5 mm cc staggered) The tile shall be made out of 0.5 mm thick polyester coil coated stove enameled galvanized steel in approved colour with beveled edges or 90 degree turned edges. Coil coating to be 20 microns on exposed side and 5 microns proper on the back side. Two sides of each tile to be raised and piped and stopped to ensure positive Signature & seal of the Bidder engagement with spring clip in profile. Tiles shall be suspended by means of 0.5 mm galvanized steel clip in carrier profile top width of 24 mm bottom width of 10 mm and height of 29 mm. These carriers are fixed at 600 mm centre to centre spacing on the intermediate runner of top width of 19 mm bottom width of 27 mm and a height of 40 mm. The intermediate runners shall be provided at every 1200 mm centre to centre. Suspension profiles suspended from roof grid structure by GI suspension angle @ 1200 mm c/c , ceiling brackets expansion fasteners etc., of suitable size as per requirements and hold wall angle of size not less than 19 x 19 x 0.5 mm thickness perimeter angle shall be polyester coil coated as per manufacturer’s specification. On clamp wall angle of size not less than 19 x 19 x 0.5 mm thickness perimeter angle shall be polyester coil coated as per manufacturer’s specification. 19. ACOUSTIC MINERAL FIBRE GRID FALSE CEILING : The true horizontal level false ceiling grid of prelude Supraframe XL system of approved manufacturer using hot dipped galvanized steel section, exposed surface chemically cleaned capping pre – finished in baked polyester paint wall angle of size 3000 x 19 x 19 mm used in the periphery of the ceiling fixed to the wall partition R.C. Column band walls with the help of screws at 600 mm c/c. Main runner of size 3000 x 15 x 32 mm suspended at a 1200 mm c/c by using 2 mm dia. G.I wire hanger securely fixed to the structural soffit of RC slab by using 6mm nylon rawl plug at every 1200 mm (max) and 1200 mm long cross tee of size 15 x 32 mm to be interlocked between in Main runner at 600 mm c/c (max0 to form a grid of 1200 x 600 mm . 600 mm long cross tee of size 15 x 32 mm fixed in between 1200 mm long cross tee for forming a grid of 600 x 600 mm. Finally laying approved manufactured 15 mm thick MICROLOOK EDGE MINERAL FIBRE ACOUSTIC CEILING TILES of approved manufacturer having fire rating of 60 minutes asper BS 476/23 of 1987, Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) of 0.50 to 0.55, sound attention of 34 DB, Thermal Conductivity K- 0.052 – 0.057 W/m K, weight of 3.5 kg/ m2 and Humidity Resistance of RH – 95 20. METAL FLASE CEILING False ceiling with lay in tile system with G.I. Coil coated tiles – Boxer type VT – 15 mm box type panels with Non- Metallic Finish as approved manufactured as per the details given below : Frame work : Suspension System consists of parametrical channel of 24 mm x 24 mm , which is fixed on to the wall and main tees o f24 x 38 mm height and cross Signature & seal of the Bidder tees of 24 mm x 38 mm high forms a pattern of 600 x 600 mm grid and further this work is supported by G.I Rod of 4 mm and height adjustable steel clips or ‘J’ Bolt system. Tiles: G.I. Coil coated false ceiling perforated / plain tile of size 600 mm x 600mm 35 H- non combustible fire proof- class “ MO” humidity proof, Aseptic, fabricated from imported enameled finish aluminum of Grade 3003 (Al. Mn) and having a thickness of 0.50mm, painted by coil coating process with one coat of primer, two coats of polyester paint and one coat of primer at the back of the aluminium boxer type panel and this panel shall facilitate for fabricating in different solutions / models, such as the panels drop down by 35 mm , the panels goes up by 35mm etc complete, as directed. Rate shall include for providing the tile covered with non woven “SOUNDTEX” fabric inside of the panels as enhancing the acoustic properties etc complete as directed 21. 22. All framework & accessories, spring steel clips, hanger, tee Runner, Ultra Look Tee. Runner and edge trim, anchor fasteners to fix suspension rod etc., complete as directed. Rate shall include to make suitable provisions for providing openings for light fittings, diffusers and cut-outs in any shape & profile all materials scaffolding, tools and plants, work at all levels etc complete and as directed . CARPET Approved make 100% optimum SD/ Wear on Nylon tufted, Textured , Loop pile carpet tiles of 20 oz/ sq.yd of size 609 x 609 mm permanent static control solution dyed, pile height to a maximum of 0.101 inches with synthetic non-woven Glasbac backing of Vinyl cushion with glass reinforcement / PVC free underscore cushion including colorfastness > or = 4 after 100 hours, moth proof, stain resistant etc., complete, over existing flooring as per manufacturer’s specification. The rate shall be inclusive of the PVC free under score cushion backing for entire area to be covered by carpet. (Note : Volatile organic compound free adhesive of approved make shall be used for laying the Carpet) ANT-STATIC VINYL FLOORING PVC based vinyl Tiles and Rolls / Tiles set with adhesive on to a concrete or masonry base shall conform to latest IS:3462 or its Equivalent British Standard a) Materials TILES : Signature & seal of the Bidder The tiles should be calendared laminated solid resilient unbreakable and homogeneous flexible quartz reinforced PVC Vinyl tiles composed o f100% vinyl from face to back with alkaline resisting colour pigments and other plastic compounds in different shades and designs and in different sizes and thickness and shall conform to IS : 3462 or its Equivalent British standard. Unless otherwise mentioned the tiles shall be squares of approved dimensions. Tiles shall have properties of a high wear resistance and resilience, designed to withstand high traffic and abrasion . The face of these tiles shall be free from porosity, blisters, cracks embedded foreign matter, or other physical defects, which affect the appearance or impair the service ability of the tiles. All edges shall be cut true and square. The colour shall be non-fading and uniform in appearance, insoluble in water and resistant to alkalis cleaning agents and usual floor polishes. Cove base shall be extruded PVC (100% putty) with moulded top set cove colour and the height of the base shall be as indicated on the drawings, scheduling and / or as approved by client / architect. b) Samples of tile and cove base shall be submitted to the client / Architects along with test certificate for approval. Rolls It should be calendared laminated solid resilient unbreakable and homogeneous quartz reinforced flexible PVC Vinyl Flooring in different shades and designs and in different width and thickness with inherent characteristics of wear resistance, dimensional stability, elegance etc and shall conform to IS : 3462 or its Equivalent British Standard. Each packet of tile or roll shall be legibly and indelibly marked with the manufacturer’s trade mark thickness , size batch number and date of manufacture. Tiles shall be delivered securely packed and store in clean dry well ventilate places. c) Adhesive Synthetic rubber based adhesive to be used for fixing tiles shall be Dunlop S-758 or Fevicol SR-998 or equivalent or as recommended by the manufacturer. The adhesive shall have a short drying time and long life. Each container shall show the self life, date of manufacture and over age container shall be immediately removed form the site. Signature & seal of the Bidder d) Sub- Floor The surface of sub-floor to receive this finish shall be firm, hard, smooth even textured, without undulations and other deficiencies. The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned. All loose dust particles shall be removed. Oil grit and grease, if any shall be removed completely by the use of detergent and sub-floor should be carefully dried prior to laying e) Laying : The tiles shall be stored in the room for at least 24 hours to bring them to the same temperature as the room. In air conditioning spaces, the air conditioning shall be fully operational before the tiling is laid. The adhesive shall be applied uniformly at the rate recommended by the Manufacturer to the fully dry surface in the desired thickness. The adhesive shall also be applied to the backs and edges of the tiles and surface shall be allowed to “ touch dry” before fixing . The tiles shall then be placed neatly on the surface exactly to the approved pattern and set firmly with a suitable tool. After it has adhered, vinyl tiles shall be rolled in two directions with a roller weighing 45 kg. or more. If the edges tend to curl up, weights are to be applied to keep the edges down. Special care shall be taken to avoid the formation of air pockets under the tiles. The joints shall be very fine. Any adhesive squeezed out through the joints shall be removed and cleaned immediate. Rolls are to be stacked on the sub floor following the grain directions of the rolls. Joint welding can be provided where ever the PVC rolls are installed in order to avoid dust accumulation leakage of water and prevention from wear and tear in joints. In this , a PVC cord is put into the joint after making grooves with machine and is welded with hot thermo welding machine. Adhesives and other materials used must have resistance against the corrosive chemicals. Any defective surface must be capable of easy replacement. Joints shall be finished smooth and will not be a source of accumulation of dust, poll of liquid etc. Tile shall be fitted to and around all permanent fixtures. Borders shall be fitted accurately. Exposed edges or tile at door sills etc shall be protected with metal moulding. Cove base shall be firmly cemented to the walls and accurately scribed to trim and plinth Signature & seal of the Bidder f) FINISHING Any adhesive marks on the surface shall be removed by wiping with a soft cloth soaked in solvent. The surface shall be cleaned with soft soap, dried and then polished with approved type of acrylic base emulsion polish using a soft cloth. A time interval of at least 60 minutes must be given between the applications of each coat of polish. After the polishing is done duration of eight hours must be provided for the adhesive and polish to set before the area is put into regular use. Protection – The surface shall be protected by covering with a plastic sheet over which, Gypsum powder / pop shall be provided. The same shall be removed before handing over the area for use of work. 23 ACCESS FLOOR SYSTEM System : Access floor system to be installed shall provide a maximum finished floor height of 600 mm from the existing floor level. The system shall provide for suitable pedestal and under structure designed to withstand various static loads and rolling loads subjected to it in an office / Server / DCS/ panel / rack area. The entire Access floor system shall provide for adequate fire resistance, acoustic barrier and air leakage resistance. Panels: Panels shall be made from steel. The bottom of the panel shall be embossed in 49 hemispherical shape of 60 mm dia and 12 reverse conical of 25 mm dia to give strength and flexural rigidity. The top sheet shall be plain and resistant welded at various locations after the top and bottom sheets have been degreased and phosphate. The above hollow panel shall have an infill of light weight cementations materials. The entire panel shall be coated with epoxy coating on the exposed surface. Panels shall remain flat through and stable unaffected by humidity or fluctuation in temperature throughout its normal working life. Panels shall provide for impact resistance top surfaces minimal deflection, correction resistance properties and shall not be combustible or aid surface spread of flame. Panels shall be insulated against heat and noise transfer. Panels shall be 600 x 600mm fully interchangeable with each other within the range of a specified layout. Panels shall rest on the grid formed by the stringers which are bolted on to the pedestals. Panels shall be finished with anti-static Laminate of colour and PVC beading / trimming along the edges. Signature & seal of the Bidder Pedestals: _ Pedestal installed to support the panel shall be suitable to achieve a finished floor height of 75 to 600 mm. Pedestal design shall confirm speedy assembly and removal for relocation and maintenance. Pedestal base to be permanently secured to position on the sub floor. Pedestal assembly shall provide for easy adjustment of leveling and accurately align panels to ensure lateral restrain. Pedestals shall support an axial load of 200 kgs, without permanent deflection and an ultimate load of 3500 kgs pedestal head shall be designed to avoid any rattle or squeaks. Pedestal Assembly : Consisting of 100 x 100 x 2mm thick galvanized epoxy polyester coated MS Base plate die pressed orbit ally riveted to a 21 mm. O.D. 2.5 mm thick epoxy coated MS pipe to engage the pedestal head assembly. The pedestal head assembly consists of an embossed steel plate having 4 holes with ¼ th tapping for fastening and locating of tile; orbit ally riveted to a corresponding threaded stud 16 mm dia. (O.D) length 100 mm which is designed to engage the pedestal base assembly. The assembly shall provide a range of height adjustment up to 25 mm with the help of check nuts. Under Structure : Under Structure system consists of stringers of size 575 x 30 x 20 x 1.5 mm to form a grid of 600 x 600 mm . these stringers are locked into the pedestal head and run both ways. The US system shall provide adequate solid, rigid and quiet support for access floor panels. The US system shall provide a minimum clear, uninterrupted height of 550 mm between the bottom of the floor and bottom of the access floor for electrical conduiting and wiring. Stringers : Stringer system is all steel construction, rectangular channels 30 x 20 x 1.6 mm thick with pre-punched counter sunk holes at both ends for securing the stringers onto the pedestal head ensuring maximum lateral stability in all directions. The grid formed by the pedestal and stringer assembly shall receive the floor panel. Lifting hook : 2 nos shall be given to HPCL free of cost and necessary cutting for supply / return Air Grills and for Grommet of required size, of for electrical supply wires wastages, lead & left , grouting the system with anchor fastener, removing all debris from the premises etc complete as directed shall be in the scope of the work. 23. CIVIL WORKS A) CEMENT : Signature & seal of the Bidder The cement used throughout the work shall be to the approval of the EIC and a Certificate shall be obtained from the manufacturers and produced to EIC for each delivery of cement and it shall comply with the requirements of as mentioned in the “ Technical Specification – Materials”. The contractor shall store the cement in storage sheds to be provided by him for this purpose at site. The cement shall be delivered to the site in bags sealed with the manufacturer’s seal and different types of cement shall be stored separately. The storage sheds with watertight walls and roof, shall be maintained in a perfectly dry and wall ventilated condition, 12 ‘’ above ground level and the cement shall be stored a per instructions issued by EIC. It shall be turned over form the bottom as and when required by the EIC. Any cement which has been deteriorated caked or which has been damaged due to any reason whatsoever shall not be used . No cement shall be used for the works that has been stored at site for more than three months. Test samples of cement may be drawn form each consignment as delivered and tested by the EIC. Should the results of such test show that nay samples does not comply with the specified requirement the whole consignment form which the sample was taken, shall be rejected and forthwith removed entirely from the site and replaced with cement of satisfactory quality. B) SAND Sand to be used for concrete shall be well graded mixture from coarse to fine grains, complying with the requirements of IS 383 latest edition. It shall be clean, hard and free from salt earth, clay and other impurities. Fine sand confirming to Zone- iv shall not be used. It will comply with sieve analysis in accordance with IS 2386 Part I & II. Unless initially clean, all sand shall be thoroughly and carefully cleaned by screening and washing in fresh and clean water. The screened and washed sand shall not contain more than 8% by volume of clay, dust and silt immediately after allowing it to settle for 3 hours in water. Field tests shall be carried out regularly to ensure the suitability of sand. Sample loads shall be available at site for inspection of the EIC and if approved by him all sand in the work shall be of quality at least equal thereto. In case of sand containing moisture the proportions of concrete materials shall be adjusted to give the correct mixture. C) COURSE AGGREGATE : The coarse aggregate for the reinforced concrete work shall consist of crushed gravel, black trap, granite or other stone to the approval of the EIC and shall be free from dust confirming to IS – 383 latest edition . If considered necessary by Signature & seal of the Bidder the EIC, the aggregate shall be washed specially until an approved cleanliness is obtained. The use of laminated stone, flat or flaky material will not be permitted. The combined coarse aggregate shall in all respects be so graded as to allow 95% to 100% by weight to pass a 20 mm I.S. sieve 25% to 55 % by weight to pass a 5mm I.S. Sieve and 0% by weight to pass a 5 mm I.S. Sieve. The aggregates of different sizes shall be stored in separate stacks in clean state and free from all dirt. The coarse aggregate where absorption of water after 24 hour immersion is more than 5% by weight shall not be used. When required by the EIC the tests indicated in I.S. 383 or IS – 2386 ( all parts) shall be got carried out by the contractor at his cost to show the acceptability of the materials. Stowage piles of aggregate shall have good drainage, preclude inclusion of foreign matter and preserve the gradation. D) WATER : Water used for all purpose in this contract shall be free from oil, acid, vegetable matter, salts or dirt of any kind which will have adverse effect on cement or steel in the case of reinforce concrete. Whenever called for , the contractor shall produce test results for water being used on work. The water quality shall confirm to IS -456-2000. E) ADMIXTURES Admixtures or cement containing additives (such as accelerators, retreads water proofing agents etc., ) shall not be used unless specified or otherwise directed or approved by the consultants) the Admixtures shall confirm to IS – 9103 latest edition. F) FORM WORK The form work shall be designed and constructed in such a manner that all concrete work shall be true to line, level and size , and free form honeycombing pinholes surface irregularities and every other defect whatsoever. All form work shall be adequately propped braced and framed to prevent deformation under Wight and pressure of wet concrete constructional loads, Signature & seal of the Bidder wind, vibrations and other forces. All joints in shuttering shall be close fitting to prevent the loss of cement paste or mortar form the concrete. All form work shall be carefully cleaned and coated with approved proprietary mould oil before use, care being taken to keep all reinforcement away form contact with such oil . All moulds shall be free iron sawdust , shavings, dirt, mud or other debris by housing with water or oil free compressed air. Shuttering for beams and slabs shall be erected so that the shuttering on the sides of the beams and of the soffits of the slab can be removed without disturbing the beam bottoms. For beams having spans greater than 6 meters and for cantilevers, the form work shall be given adequate upward camber as directed by the consultant. Details of all temporary work (Timbering, staging etc) are to be submitted for the approval of the consultant and the form work shall be inspected and approved by the consultant before concrete is placed within it . Notwithstanding such approval, any damage or consequences arising there form shall be the contractor’s entire responsibility. 25. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE. 1S 269 :- Specification for ordinary, cement. rapid hardening and low heat Portland IS 8112:- Specification for high strength ordinary, Portland cement. IS 1489:- Specification for Portland – Pozzolona cement. IS 383:- Specification for course and find aggregates from natural source for concrete. IS 3025:- Methods of sampling and test (Physical and chemical) water used in industry. IS 1200 :- Method of measurement of building works. In the event that state, city or other Government bodies have requirements, more stringent than those set forth in this specification, such requirements shall be Signature & seal of the Bidder considered part of this specification and shall supersede this specification where applicable. The quality of materials , method and control of manufacture and transportation of all concrete works irrespective of the mix, whether reinforced or otherwise, shall conform to the applicable portion of this specification. Engineer shall have the right to inspect the source/s of material/s, the layout of operations of procurement and storage of materials, the concrete batching and mixing equipment and quality control system. Such an inspection shall be arranged and approval of Engineer-in Charge shall be obtained prior to starting of concrete work. a) The bricks shall be of table moulded first quality of regular and uniform size, shape and colour, uniformly well burnt throughout but not over burnt. They shall have plane rectangular faces with parallel sides and sharp, straight and right angled edges. They shall be free form cracks or other flows. They shall have a frog of 10 mm depth on one of their flat faces. They shall give a clear metallic ringing sound when stuck They shall show a fine grained uniform , homogeneous and dense texture on fracture and be free form lumps of lime, lamination, cracks, air holes, soluble, salts causing efflorescence or other defects which may in any way impair their strength, durability, appearance or usefulness for the purpose intended. They shall not have any part under- burnt. They shall not break when thrown on the ground on their flat face in a saturated condition form a height of 60 cm After immersion in water , absorption by weight shall not exceed 20 per cent of the dry weight of the brick when tested according to I.S. S No. 1077 -1957. Unless otherwise specified the load to crush the brick when tested according to I.S.S no. 1077 – 1957 shall not be less than 35 kg./ sq.cm b) MORTAR Unless otherwise specified, mortar for brick work shall be composed of 1 part of cement to 5 parts of course approved sand for walls of one brick thick ( i.e. 23 Signature & seal of the Bidder cms) and over and one part of cement to 4 parts of coarse approved sand for half brick thick wall. Other specifications for mortar in brick work shall be as per I.S.S No. 2116 – 1965. c) CONSTRUCTION DETAILS i.) SOAKING : All bricks shall be immersed in water for two hours before being put into work so that they will be saturated and will not absorb water from the mortar. ii.) BATS : No bats or cut bricks shall be used in the work unless absolutely necessary around irregular openings or for adjusting the dimensions of different and for closers, in which case, full bricks shall be laid at corners, the bats being placed in the middle of the courses. iii.) LAYING ; The bricks shall be laid in mortar to line level and shapes shown on the plans slightly pressed and thoroughly bedded in mortar and all joints shall be properly flushed and packed with mortar so that will be completely filled with morta and no hollows left any where bricks shall be handled carefully so as not to damage their edges they should not also be throws from any height to the ground but should be put down gently all courses shall be laid truly horizontal and all vertical joints made truly vertical Vertical joints in one course and next below shall not come over one another and shall not normally be nearer than quarter of brick length. For bettered faces bending shall be at right angles to the face. Fixtures, s and k, frames etc. if any cell be built in at place show in the plans while laying the courses only and not latter by removal of brick already laid. Care shall be taken during construction to see that edges of brick at quoins, wills, heads etc. are not damaged. The vertical of the walls horizontality of the courses shall be checked very often with plum bob and spirit level respectively iv) BOND: Unless otherwise specified, brick work shall done in English bond Signature & seal of the Bidder v) JOINTS: Joints shall not exceed 10mm (about 3/8”) in thickness and shall be uniform throughout. The joints shall be racked out not less than 10mm (about 3/8”) deep when the mortar is green where pointing is to be done. When the brick surfaces are to be plastered, the joints shall be racked to a depth of 5mm when the mortar is green, so as to provide good key to plaster. vi) UNIFORM RAINING: Brick work shall be carried up regularly in all case where the nature of will admit, not leaving any part 60cm. lower than another. But where building at different levels is necessary, the breaks shall be stepped so as to give later uniform level and effectual bond. Horizontal course should be line and level and even and face plumb or to better as shown on the plan. The rate laying masonry may be up to height of 80cm per day. If cement is used and 45cm (about 18”) if lime mortar is used. SCAFFOLDING: Scaffolding will be double or single as is warranted for the particular work put log holes shall be made good by bricks to match the face work when put logs are removed after ensuring that the holed behind are solidly filled in with 1:4:8 cement concrete. vii) viii) CURING: All brick work shall be kept well watered for 14days after laying. Where Pozzolona cement is used for mortar, curing shall be extended by one week at the contractor’s expense. ix) EXPOSED WORK Where exposed brick is specified, the usual specification for the ‘Brick work’ as mentioned above will be applicable for exposed brick work but in addition specially selected brick shall be used for facing, ensuring and clean face of uniform colour. No brick which are broken, chipped, wrinkled on which have irregular edges or corners shall be used. Depending on the quality of bricks and if instructed by the site engineer, the exposed face of every brick shall be rubbed before laying without extra charges. Wooden filter 10mm thick and 10 mm wide shall placed at the edge of joint so that no mortar comes on the surface of the brick and the regular thickness of joints is maintained. The surface shall be rubbed down with brushes of brick is necessary, and thoroughly washed. No mortar hall be allowed to stick to the surface. Which shall be left. clean to the site engineer’s satisfaction with all joints even and true to a straight line. Double scaffolding shall be used in exposed brick work. Signature & seal of the Bidder x) REINFORCEMENT IN HALF BRICK THICK WALLS: Half brick thick and brick on edges walls shall be provided with reinforcement consisting of 2 nos. of 6mm M.S bars embedded in mortar 15 mm thick at every fourth course and shall be anchored at the end. The cost of M.S bar shall be included in rate of partition walls unless otherwise stated in the schedule of quantities. xi) RATES TO INCLUDE: A part from other factors mentioned elsewhere in this contract the rate for items of brick work shall include for following: All labour materials use of tools equipment and other items incidental to the satisfactory completion of brick masonry at all heights and levels Erecting and removing of all scaffolding ladders and plan required for the execution of the work to the height and depths and shapes as shown on the plan or as ordered by the engineer Constructing brick work to lines levels batters pillars curves and to any position or shape to any levels including racking of joints and housing frames etc Curing the brick work Recurring of all stains and adhering mortar lumps on the brick work surfaces cost of reinforcement in half brick walls. xii ) MEASURMENTS: One brick thick wall and half brick thick on edge walls shall be measured in sqft unless otherwise mentioned. No deduction or addition shall be made on any account for: Ends of dissimilar materials (i.e. joints, beams, lintels, posts, girders, rafters, purling, trusses, corbels, steps etc )up to 500 cm2 in section. Signature & seal of the Bidder Opening up to 1sft in section. NOTE In calculating the area of openings, any separate lintels or sills to be included along with the size of the opening but the end portion of the lintels shall be excluded and the extra width of rebated reveals, if any shall be excluded. Wall plates and bed plates and bearing slabs, chajjas and the like which the thickness does not exceed 10cm and the bearing does not extend over the full thickness of the wall. 27 WHITE / COLOURED GLAZED TILES IN FLOORING AND DADO a) FLOORING: i) TILES White / colored glazed tiles including special shall be of approved make and quality and shall conform to I.S 777-1961 in all respects. Sample of tiles shall have to be approved by the EIC / architect, who will keep them in his office for verification as to whether the materials brought for use conform to the approved samples. ii) MORTAR BEDDING: Cement mortar for bedding shall be prepared of proportion as mentioned in the BOQ. The amount of water added shall be minimum necessary to give just sufficient plasticity for laying and satisfactory bending. Care shall taken in preparing the mortar to ensure that there are no hard lumps that would interfere with even bedding of the tiles. Before spreading mortar, sub-floor or base shall be cleaned of all dirt, scum. Loose materials and laitance if any, by scrubbing with coir or steel wire brush or by hacking if necessary and then well wetted without forming any pools of water on the surface. Before laying the mortar, the sub grade shall be got approved by the site engineer in case R.C.C floors, the top shall be left a little rough. All points of level of the finished paving surface shall be marked out. The mortar shall then be evenly and smoothly spread over the base by the use of screed batons only over so much area as well be covered with tiles before the setting of the mortar. The thickness of the mortar bed shall be as mentioned in BOQ. iii) LAYING, FINISHING, CURING & CLEANING: Signature & seal of the Bidder The tiles before laying shall be soaked in water for at least 2 hours. The tiles which are fixed in the floor adjoining the wall shall be so arranged that the surface of the round edge tiles shall correspond to the skirting of dado. Net cement grout of honey like consistency shall be spreaded over the mortar bedding just to cover the area that can tiled within half an hour. The edges of tiles shall be smeared with neat white cement slurry and fixed in this grout one after the other. Each tile being well pressed and gently tapped a wooden mallet till it is properly bedded and leveled with adjoining tiles. There shall no hollows in bed or joint. The joints shall be kept as close as possible and in straight lines. The joints between the tiles shall not exceed 1.5 mm wide. After fixing the tiles finally in even plan, the flooring shall be covered with wet saw dust. The tile floor shall be cured for 14 days. After the tiles have been laid in a room or the day’s fixing work is completed, surplus cement grout that may have come out of the joints, shall cleaned off before it sets. Once the floor has set, the floor shall be carefully washed, cleaned and dried.. When dry, the floor shall be covered with oil free dry saw dust, which shall be removed only after completion of the construction work and just before the floor is occupied. iv) RATES TO INCLUDE: Apart from other factor mentioned elsewhere in this contract, contractor’s quoted rate shall include for the following. Cleaning the base and providing and laying bedding mortar and leveling. Providing and fixing the tiles including all special like round edges corner cups, angles etc. in neat cement float over the bedding mortar. Filling the joints of tiles with neat white / coloured cement slurry. Finishing, curing and cleaning. All labour, materials and tools for carrying out the item as specified above. v) 28. MODE OF MEASURMENT: Measurement for flooring tiles shall be square meter basis for the finished area.,as provided. WHITE / COLOURED GLAZED TILES DADO: Signature & seal of the Bidder i) Tiles: white / coloured glazed tiles shall be same as described under white / coloured glazed tiles flooring ii) Mortar backing: all joints in the face work shall be racked out to a depth equal to not less than the width of joints or as directed by the site engineer. Concrete surfaces shall be properly hacked. All dirt, soft oil, or any other material that might interfere with satisfactory bond shall be removed. The surface shall be cleaned and scrubbed with fresh water and kept wet for 6 hours prior to applying backing mortar. The dado work shall be commenced unless the preparatory work is passed by the Site Engineer. The proportion for of mortar for backing shall be 1:3 cement mortars. Send in mortar bedding shall be from approved surface, and shall conform to IS 1542 -1960 as applicable to internal wall and ceiling plastering and external wall plastering. The thickness of mortar backing shall not be less than that is mentioned in the BOQ. iii) Fixing dado tiles: dado work shall be done only after fixing tiles on the floor. The white / colour glazed tiles shall be soaked in water for at least 2 hours before using for dado work.. Tiles shall be covered with thin layer of neat cement paste and the tile shall then be pressed in the mortar and gently taped against the wall with a wooden mallet. The fixing shall be done from button of wall up words without any hallow in the bed or joints. Each tile shall be fixed as close as possible to the one adjoining. The tile shall join with white cement slurry. Any difference in the thickness of the tiles shall be even out in cushioning mortar so that all the tiles faces are in one vertical plan. The joints between the tiles shall not exceed 1.5 mm in width and they shall be uniform. While fixing tiles in dado work, care shall be taken to break joints vertically. After fixing the dado, they shall be kept continuously wet for 14 days. If doors windows or other openings are located within the dado area, the tiles, jambs, angles etc. shall be provided with white glazed tiles and appropriate specials according to the foregoing specification and such tiles area shall be measured net along with the dado. iv) Cleaning: after the tiles have been fixed surplus cement grout that may have come out of the joints shall be cleaned off before it sets. After the complete curing the dado or skirting work shall be washed thoroughly clean. v) RATES TO INCLUDE: Apart from other factor mentioned elsewhere in this contract the rates for the item of dado and skirting shall include the following. Signature & seal of the Bidder vi) Backing mortar: Providing and fixing tiles including all special like round edges, angles, capplings etc. in neat cement float over backing mortar. Joints of the tiles with white cement slurry. Curing Cleaning All labour, material, tools and equipments for carrying out the items as specified above. vii) MODE OF MEASUREMENT: Dado shall be measured in square meter of finished area. 29 POLISHED KOTAH / SHAHABAD / TANDUR STONE FLOORING DADO / LINING AND SKIRTING FLOORING i) Stone slabs: The stone slabs shall be hard, sound, durable and resistant to water. Unless other wise specified, stone slabs shall be square in shape 12”x12” size and 1” thick. The stone slabs shall be without any veins, cracks, flaws and shall have uniform colour. A tolerance of 3mm in thickness at any point shall be permitted. The exposed surface of stone slab shall be machine polished to smooth even and true plan and the edge to be chiseled to half its depth, true and square to ensure uniform width joint. The edge of stone slabs shall be machine cut square the required shape if necessary. The stone slabs shall be of approved Colours and shades. A few approved samples of stone slabs to be used, shall be deposited by the contractor in the office of the site engineer. ii) Mortar bedding: Lime mortar shall be prepared in mortar mill or pan. The amount of water added shall be the minimum necessary to give just sufficient plasticity for laying and satisfactory bedding. Care shall be taken in preparing the mortar to ensure that there are no hard lumps that would interfere with the even bedding of the stone slabs. Before spreading the mortar the sub floor or base shall be cleaned of all dirt, Signature & seal of the Bidder scum, loose materials and laitance if any by scrubbing with coir or steel wire brush or by hacking if necessary, and then well wetted without forming any pools of water on surface. Before laying the mortar, the sub grade shall be got approved by site engineer. In case R.C.C floors, the top shall be left little rough. All points of level of the finished paving surface shall be marked out. The mortar shall then be evenly and smoothly spread over the base by the use of screed battens, only over so much area as will be covered within half an hour. The thickness of the mortar bedding shall not be less than ½” and not more than 1”. The required slope shall be given to the bed. Unless otherwise specified, the proportion of mortar bedding shall be 1:1:1 (1 lime putty: 1 surkhi: 1 sand). Sand for mortar bedding shall be from approved source, and shall conform to IS 21165-1965 as applicable to un reinforced masonry work. iii) Laying curing polishing finishing and cleaning Before laying the stone slabs shall be thoroughly wetted with clean water, neat cement grout of honey like consistency shall be spread on the mortar bed over as much area as could be covered with the slabs within half an hour the stone slabs be laid on the neat cement float and shall be evenly and firmly bedded to the required level and slope in the mortar bed the stone slabs shall be laid in the approved pattern in single or two tone colour each stone slab shall be gently tapped with a wooden mallet till it is firmly and properly bedded there shall be no hollows left if there is a hollow sound on gently tapping of the stone slabs such stone slabs shall be removed and reset properly the mason shall make the joint of uniform thickness and straight lines the thickness of joints shall not exceed 1.5mm the joints shall be grouted with neat cement slurry no border stone slabs shall be less than 4’in width unless otherwise approved by the Architect. When the bedding and joints of the flooring have been completely set the surface shall be machine polished to give a smooth, even and true plane to the floor and thoroughly cleaned. iv) Rates to include Apart from other factor mentioned elsewhere in this contract the contractor’s rate quoted shall include for the following Cleaning the base and providing and laying bedding mortar and leveling Providing and fixing the stone slabs in the cement float on the bedding mortar Signature & seal of the Bidder Filling joints of stone slabs in neat cement slurry of required colour to match the color of the stone slabs Chiseling polishing finishing and cleaning All labour materials and use of tools for carrying out the item as specified above 30. Dado / lining and skirting The stone slabs shall be as specified above for flooring unless otherwise mentioned the stone slab shall be in approved lengths to match the flooring the exposed edges of stone slabs such as in dado / lining and skirting jams soffits cills etc shall be machine cut and polished smooth i) Mortar backing All joints in the face work shall be raked out to a depth equal to and not less than the width of the joints or as directed by project engineer. Concrete surfaces shall be properly hacked. All dirt, oil or any other material that might interfere with satisfactory bond, shall be removed. The surface shall be cleaned and scrubbed with fresh water and kept wet for 6 hours prior to applying backing mortar. The dado/ lining or skirting work shall not be commenced unless the preparatory work is passed by the Project Engineer. The proportion of mortar for backing shall be1:3 cement : mortar. The Sand in mortar bedding shall be from approved sources and shall conform to IS 1542-1960 as applicable to internal wall and ceiling plastering and external wall plastering. The thickness of mortar backing shall not be less than ½ ’’and not more then ¾ .’’ ii) Fixing dado / lining or skirting stone slabs: Dado/ lining or skirting shall be done only after fixing stone slabs on the floor. The stone slabs be thoroughly wetted in water before being used for dado / lining or skirting work. The stone slabs shall be fixed when the backing mortar is still plastic and before it gets stiff. All the stone slabs shall be covered with an additional layer of neat cement paste and stone shall then be pressed in mortar and gently tapped the wall with wooden mallet. The fixing shall be done from the bottom of wall upwards without any hollows in the beds of joints. Each stone slab shall be fixed as close as possible to the adjoining stone slab. The stone slab shall be jointed in neat cement slurry to match the colour of the stones. The joints shall not exceed 1.5mm width and they shall be uniform. While fixing the stone slabs in dado / lining or in skirting work, care shall be taken to see that the joint in the adjoining flooring below matches with the joints in the dado/ lining or in skirting as the case Signature & seal of the Bidder may be, or shall be staggered as directed. When specified, brass cramps and pins etc. of approved size shall also be used for fixing dado /lining. iii) Polishing: When the stone slabs are completely set, polishing shall be done by hand with approved type of polishing stone. A smooth polished surface shall be obtained to match the finished surface of the flooring. iv) Curing: The dado / lining or skirting shall be kept wet for 14 days v) RATES TO INCLUDE: Apart from other factors mentioned elsewhere in this contact, the rate for the item of dado / lining or skirting shall include the following. vi) Backing mortar: Providing and fixing stone slab with exposed edges machine cut including all specials tiles and finishing the edges with plaster. Providing and fixing brass cramps and pins etc. for dado /lining wherever specified. Joining of the stone slabs filled with coloured cement slurry to match the stone slabs. Curing, polishing and cleaning the dado / lining and skirting All labour, materials, use of tools and equipment for carrying cut the items as specified above. 31 PLAIN OR COLOURED CEMENT TILES OR TERRAZZO TILE I. FLOORING, DADO AND SKIRTING a) FLOORING: i) TILES: Plain or coloured cement tiles and terrazzo tiles shall be manufactured as per I.S.1237 – 1959 using grey or white cement and marble chips of sizes as required. Tiles shall be of size 10” x 10” x7/8” or any other approved size. Tiles shall be of approved colour, shade and make. A few approved samples of tiles to be used shall be deposited by the contractor in the office of the Project engineer. Signature & seal of the Bidder ii) CONCRETE BASE AND MORTAR BEADING: The base of cement or lime concrete shall be laid and compacted to a reasonably true plain surface and the required slopes and below the levels of the finished floor to the extent of the thickness of the tiles and mortar bedding. Cement concrete or lime concrete base shall be paid under a separate item. Lime surkhi mortar for beading shall be prepared in mortar mill. The amount of water added shall be minimum necessary to give, just sufficient plasticity for laying and satisfactory bedding. Care shall be taken in preparing the mortar to ensure that there are no hard lumps that would interfere with the even bedding of the tiles. Before spreading mortar, sub- floor or base shall be cleaned of all dirt, scum, laitance and all loose materials and then well wetted without forming any pools of water on the surface. In case of R.C.C. floors, the top shall be left a little rough. All points of level for the finished paving surface shall be marked out. The mortar shall then be evenly and smoothly spread over the base by the use of screed battens only over so much area as will be covered with tiles before the setting of the mortar. The thickness of the mortar bed shall not be less than 15mm and not more than 25mm. Unless otherwise specified the proportion of mortar bedding shall be 1:1:1 ( 1 line putty : 1 surkhi : 1 sand ) Sand for mortar bedding shall be as per I.S.S No 2116 – 1965 as per applicable to under reinforced masonry work. iii) LAYING, CURING, POLISHING, FINISHING AND CLEANING: Before laying, the tiles shall be thoroughly wetted with clean water. Tiles shall be laid as per approved pattern on the mortar bed and neat slurry. The joints of the tiles shall be more than 1.5 mm wide and shall be filled with neat cement slurry of required colour to match the colour of the tiles. If required, the border tiles shall be cut to proper size and the rate quoted shall cover for the same. No border tile shall be of less than 4” in width, unless otherwise approved by the project engineer. Flooring shall be kept wet for 14 days. Polishing and cleaning of the whole floor shall be done according to IS 1443-1959. iv) RATE TO INCLUDE: Apart from the other factors mentioned elsewhere in this contract, the contractor’s quoted rate shall include for the following. Cleaning the base , providing and laying bedding mortar and leveling. Providing and fixing the tiles in neat cement float on the bedding mortar. Filling the joints of tiles with neat cement slurry of required colour to match the colour of the tiles Signature & seal of the Bidder Projecting, finishing and cleaning. All labour, materials and use of tools for carrying out the item as specified above. vi) DADO AND SKIRTING: Tiles shall be as specified above for flooring. Except that in the case of skirting the height of tiles may be less than the height of one full tile. vii) Mortar Backing: The proportion of mortar shall be 1:3 cement mortar. Sand in mortar bedding shall be as per I.S 1546 -1960 as applicable for under coat of internal plastering. viii) Fixing dado or skirting tiles: Dado skirting shall be done only after fixing the floor. The tiles shall be soaked in water before being used for dado or skirting work. The tiles shall be covered with an additional layer of neat cement paste and tiles shall then be pressed in mortar and gently tapped against the wall with wooden mallet. The fixing shall be done from the bottom of wall upwards without any hollows in the beds or joints. Each tile shall be fixed as close as possible to the adjoining tile. The tile shall be jointed in neat cement slurry to match the colour of the tiles. The joints shall not exceed 1.5mm in width and they shall be uniform. While fixing tiles in skirting or in dado work care should be taken to see that the tile joints in the flooring tile below matches with the joints in the skirting or the dado tiles, as the case may be, or shall be staggered as directed. ix) x) xi) Polishing: Polishing may be done by hand with approved type of polishing stone. A smooth and even polished surface shall be obtained to match the finished surface of the flooring. Curing:- The dado or skirting shall be kept wet for 14 days. RATES TO INCLUDE: Apart from other mentioned elsewhere in this contract the rate for the item of dado or skirting shall include the following: Backing mortar Providing and fixing the tiles including all special tiles and finishing the edges with plaster filled . Joints of the tile filled with coloured cement slurry to match the tiles. Signature & seal of the Bidder Curing Polishing and cleaning the dado and skirting. All labour, material, use of tools and equipment’s for carrying out the items as specified above. II. MARBLE FLOORING i) Marble Slabs: The marble flooring shall be of approved shade and sources as mentioned in the schedule of quantities and their size and thickness shall be shown in the drawings and as approved by the Architect. They shall be of selected quality, dense, uniform and homogeneous in texture and free from cracks or other structural defects. It shall have even and crystalline grains. The surface shall be machine polished to an even and perfectly plain surface and edges machine cut true and square. The rear face shall be rough enough to provide a key for the mortar. No slab shall be thinner than the specified thickness at its thinnest part. The dimensions of the slabs shall be as specified. A few approved sample of finished slabs to be used shall be deposited by the contactor in the office of the EIC. ii) Concrete Base and mortar Bedding: The base of cement or lime concrete shall be laid and completed to reasonably true plain surface to the required slopes and allow the level of the finished floor to the extent of thickness o the slabs and mortar bedding. Cement concrete or lime concrete base shall be paid under a separate item. Cement mortar for bedding may be mixed manually or by a mechanical mixer as directed. Lime mortar shall be prepared in a mortar mill. The amount of water added shall be the minimum necessary to give just sufficient plasticity for laying and satisfactory bedding. Proper care should be taken in preparing the mortar to ensure that there are no hard lumps that would interfere with the even bedding of the stones. Before spreading the mortar , sub floor or base shall be cleaned of all dirt, scum or laitance and loose materials and then well wetted without forming any pools of water on the surface .In case of R.C.C floors, the top shall be left a little rough. All points of level for the finished paving surface shall be marked out. The mortar shall then be evenly and smoothly spread over the slabs with in half an hour. The thickness of the mortar bedding shall not be less than 12mm (about ½”) not more than 25mm ( about 1”) Unless otherwise specified the proportion of mortar bedding shall be 1:2 lime mortar or 1:4 cement mortar and for mortar bedding shall be as per I.S.S No 2116 – 1965 as applicable to un reinforced masonry work Signature & seal of the Bidder iii) Laying marble slabs: Before laying marble shall be thoroughly wetted with clean water. Neat cement grout of honey like consistency shall be spread on the mortar bed over as much area as could be covered with the slabs within the half an hour. The specified type of marble slabs shall be laid to pattern as directed on the neat cement float and shall be evenly and firmly bedded to the required level and slope in the mortar bed. Each slab shall be gently taped with a wooden mallet till it is firmly and properly bedded. There shall be no hollows left. If there is a hollow sound or gentle tapping on the slabs, such slabs shall be removed and reset properly. The joints shall be hair fine in width and in straight line grouted with neat coloured cement slurry to match the colour of the marble. The joints shall be struck smooth but there shall be no smearing of the mortar over the slabs. The edges of the adjoining slabs shall be in one plane. The flooring shall be kept undisturbed at least seven days and wet for 14 days. Marble flooring shall be given a final coat of wax polish of approved make. iv) Rates to include: Apart from other factors mentioned elsewhere in this contract, the rate for item of marble flooring shall include for the following: All labour, materials and equipment’s, cleaning the sub- base, laying mortar bed and cement grout and fixing marble slabs as specified above and making up the joints and wax polishing. Any cutting and waste if required. Curing, Cleaning the floor from all stain etc. 32. i) INTERNAL CEMENT PLASTER WITH / WITHOUT NEERU FINISH Preparation of surface The wall to be plastered to have all joints raked out to a depth of 10mm, if not already done. R.C.C. surface shall be properly hacked to get good key to the plaster. All dust and oily matter, if any, shall be brushed and cleaned and the surface to be plastered shall be kept wet for 6 hour before plastering is commenced. ii) Proportion of mortar: Signature & seal of the Bidder Unless otherwise mentioned, the proportion of internal cement plaster of walls and ceiling shall be as mentioned in SOQ shall be from approved source, free from foreign matter and shall be as per IS: 1542- 1960 as applicable to internal wall and ceiling plastering. No more cement mortar shall be prepared than that can be used within half an hour. iii) Application of plaster: The mortar shall be applied evenly with force on the surface to be plastered. The mortar surface shall be finished at once by rubbing over it with a trowel till the cement appears on the surface. All corners, angles and junctions shall be truly vertical and horizontal as the case may be carefully and neatly finished. Rounding of corners and junctions where required shall be done without extra charges. The mortar shall adhere to the surface intimately when set and there should be no hollow sound when struck. The thickness of plaster shall be minimum 12mm over the proudest part of the surface of brick wall and R.C.C surface and 20mm over stone walls. Plaster for ceiling shall not be more than 12mm. iv) Nero finish: If the plaster surface is to be given neeru finish the surface shall be combed slightly with wire brush or nails before it is completely set to from key for neeru. The under coat be only damped but not soaked before the application of neeru. The lime for preparing neeru shall be fat lime and shall be of approved quality and source. Lime shall be slaked and mixed with sufficient water to form a thick paste. It shall be reduced to a fine paste by grinding. It shall then be passed through a fine sieve (3mm mesh ) to remove all unslaked particles and foreign matter and allowed to mellow under water for at least 10 days in large slaking tanks. The surplus water on the top shall be allowed to run off. The slaked lime paste thus formed shall be used for preparing neeru. The neeru shall be prepared by mixing together 4 parts of this lime paste and 1 part of approved fine sieved sand by volume. Jute fibers finely chopped shall be added to the above mortar at the rate of 4 kg of jute to every cubic meter of lime sand mixture. The mixture shall- then be properly grouted to a fine paste between two stones or a mill. The neeru thus prepared shall be kept moist until used and no more than what can be consumed in 15 days shall be prepared at a time. Neeru shall be applied to the prepared and partially set but some what plaster surface with steel trowel to thickness slightly exceeding 1.5mm ( about 1/16”) rubbed down to 1.5(1/16”) thickness and polished to perfectly smooth and even Signature & seal of the Bidder finish, working from top to bottom while trowel ling is going on soap powder contained in thin muslin bags shall be dusted over the surface and worked in Moistening shall be commenced as soon as the plaster has hardened sufficiently and is not susceptible to injury. Soaking of wall shall be avoided and only as much water as can be readily absorbed shall be used the surface shall be kept sprinkled with water for 14 days When neat cement finish is specified over the plaster surface a coat of pure Portland cement slurry of 15mm thick shall be applied and well rubbed to the plaster surface while the plaster itself fresh When no finish is specified the plastered surface shall be rubbed well to an even plane with a wooden float for external surface and finished smooth with a steel trowel for internal surface. v) Rates to include Apart from other factors mentioned elsewhere in this contract rates for the item of plaster shall include for the following: Erecting dismantling and removing the scaffolding. Preparing the surface to receive the plaster . Providing cement plaster of the specified average thickness. All labour materials use of tools and equipment to complete the plastering as per specification. Curing for 14 days. Any moulding work if shown on the drawing or as specified unless separately provided in the tender. Plaster works in hands, arises, rounded angles, fair edges, narrow returns, quirks, v joints, splays, drip mouldings, making good to metal frames, junction with skirting or dados, narrow widths and small quantities, marking good around pipes, conduits, timbers, sills, brackets, railing, etc, and making good after all the subcontractor or nominated sub-contractor have done their work. Signature & seal of the Bidder Neeru or cement finish when specified in the item. vi) Mode of measurement: Plaster shall be measured in square meter. vii) Walls The measurement of wall plastering shall be taken between the walls or partition (the dimensions before plastering shall be taken )for the length and from the top of floor skirting /dado(as the case may be)to the ceiling for the height viii) Deduction For jambs, soffits, cills, etc for openings not exceeding 0.5m2 each in area ends of joists, beams, posts, girders, steps, etc, not 0.5m2 each in area and opening not exceeding 3m each deduction and addition shall be made in the following manner: No deduction shall be made for ends of joists beams posts etc and openings not exceeding 0.5m each and no addition shall be made for reveals jambs soffits cills etc of these opening not for finishing the plaster around ends of joist beams posts etc. Deduction for openings exceeding 0.5m but not exceeding 3m each shall be made as follows and no addition shall be made for reveals, jambs, soffits, etc, of these opening when both faces of wall are plastered with the same plaster deduction shall be made for one face only. When two faces of wall are plastered with different plasters or if one face is plastered and the other pointed, deduction shall be made from the plaster or pointing out the side of frames for doors windows etc on which the width reveals is less then that on the other side but no deduction shall be made on the other side. In case of opening of area above 3m each deduction shall be made for the opening but jambs, soffits, and cills shall be measured. ix) Ceilings Ceilings shall be measured between walls or partitions and the dimensions before plastering shall be taken. Signature & seal of the Bidder Ceilings with projected beams shall be measured over beams and the plastered sides of beams shall be measured and added to plastering on ceilings. Note : Any things over and above pertaining to measurements if requited shall be done as per is 1200 33. a) i) Distempering Powdered /dry distemper Material: The powdered / dry distemper shall be of approved colour and shade ii) Scaffolding: This shall be double or single as required and directed iii) Preparing the surfaces: The surfaces to be distempered shall be cleaned and all cracks holds and surface defects shall be repaired with gypsum and allowed to set hard. All irregularities shall be sand prepared smooth and wiped clean. The surface so prepared must be completely dry and free from dust before distempering is commenced. In the case of walls newly plastered, special care shall be taken to see that it is completely dry before any treatment is attempted. For the old surface, which had earlier been distempered the surface shall be cleaned of grease dust etc. The flaking of previous coatings if any shall be taken off. All cracks, holes and surface defects shall be repaired with gypsum and allowed to set hard and then sand paperd smooth and wiped clean. But, in case, the surface are coloured or white washed the wash must be removed thoroughly first. iv) Priming coat: The priming coat shall be applied over the completely dry surface in the manner recommended by the makers. In the case of patent distemper when no priming coat is specified by the manufacturer, a finely powdered chalk mixed with a thin solution of glue shall be applied to prepare a good hard background, the coating when dry being sand papered as clean and smooth as possible v) Application of distemper : The instruction of the makers shall be followed regarding the preparation of the surface and application of priming and finishing coats. Distemper shall not be mixed in a larger quantity than is actually required for a day’s work. Hot water should be used to prepare the mixture. Distempers shall be applied in dry weather with a broad stiff brush in long parallel strokes. The treated surface shall be allowed to dry and harden. Second or succeeding coast shall not be applied until the proceeding coat has been passed by the project Signature & seal of the Bidder engineer. Two more coats of distemper shall be given in exactly the same manner as the first one but only after the earlier coat laid has thoroughly dried. vi) Rates to include: the rates shall include all labour, equipment and tools for carrying out the following operation. Providing of primer and distemper and mixing the distemper. Scaffolding. Preparing the surface to receive the priming and finishing coats Applying the priming coat. Applying the distemper in 3 coats minimum. If a proper even surface is not obtained to the satisfaction of the project engineer in 3 coats, contractor shall carry out additional coats of distemper to approval at contractor s expense vii) Mode of measurement: The painting work shall be measured in square meter and as per IS -1200. However, the surface area measured only shall be paid without any coefficient multiplied to the net surface area measured b) Oil bound distemper The specification and condition for this shall be the same as that applicable for dry distemper above expect that oil bound distemper of approved make shade and colour shall be used after applying priming coat of petrifying liquid or other primer as may be recommended by the manufacturer of distemper or as directed. c) i) Plastic emulsion paint Materials : The emulsion paint and primer shall be of approved quality, colour and shade Scaffolding : This shall be double or single as required and directed. If ladders are used pieces of old gunny bags or cloth rags shall be tied on their tops to avoid damages or scratches to the plastered surfaces etc proper stage scaffolding shall be created when painting the ceiling Preparation of the surface New surface : the surface to be painted shall be cleaned and all cracks, holes defects shall be repaired with plaster of paris for spot filling and when filler prepared with whiting, water and a little quantity of paint for filling and leveling the wider areas. ii) iii) Signature & seal of the Bidder Old surfaces: The surfaces which had been previously pained with emulsion paint shall be lightly rubbed and washed with clean water .The surfaces which had been painted with oil bound distemper or oil paint shall be cleaned, washed and sand papered.The surface finished with lime/colour wash powder distemper shall be completely scrapped off to the bare surface. In case after scrapping the surfaces any cracks, holes or other surface defects are noted the same shall be repaired before applying priming coat with plaster of Paris for spot filling and with filler prepared with whiting, water and a little quantity of paint for filling and leveling the wider areas. iv) PRIMING COST The priming coat of the approved shade shall be applied over the completely dry surface in the manner as recommended by the paint manufacturers. The emulsion paint, in the priming coat may be thinned down with 20% water or as recommended by the paint manufacturer. Turpentine or any other solvent shall be used for thinning the paint. V) APPLICATION OF EMULSION PAINT The recommendation of approved paint manufactures, whose product is used shall be followed regarding the preparation of the surface and the application of the priming and finishing coats the contractor shall arrange for technical assistance and supervision from the paint manufactures during the execution of the painting work. After the priming coat has been applied and is perfectly dried all holes, scratches, if any shall be repaired as mentioned in “preparation of surface” and then the second coat of approved shade and manufacture shall be evenly applied and allowed to dry. The third coat shall be carefully applied to achieve smooth and even surface after the previous coat has dried up. Minimum 3 coats of paint shall be applied inclusive of primer coat. If a proper and even surface is not obtained to the satisfaction of the Architect in 3 coats, contractor shall carry out additional coats of painting to approval at contractor’s expense. Care shall be taken that dust or other foreign materials do not settle or disfigure the various coats vi) Rates to include Apart from other factors mentioned elsewhere in this contract the rate for the item of plastic emulsion paint shall include for the following: All labour materials and equipment necessary to carry out the work. Signature & seal of the Bidder Supplying the approved emulsion paint for priming and finishing coats. Preparing surfaces for receiving the primer and finishing coats. Scaffolding including its erection and dismantling. Application of one primer coat and minimum two coats of finishing. If a proper and even surface is not obtained to the satisfaction of the Architect, additional coats of painting to the approval, at contractor’s expense. Protection to painted surface till dried and handed over. Expenses if any for supervision and technical assistance supplied by the approved paint manufacture. vii) Mode of measurement All painting work shall be measured in square meter and as per IS 1200 however the surface area measured only shall be paid without any co- efficient multiplied to the net surface area measured. B. ELECTRICAL WORKS GENERAL 1.0 2.0 Electrical system details Incoming voltage - 433 V,3 PHASE LT SUPPLY BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF SCOPE OF WORK Design supply erection commissioning of the following i. Lt armoured cable from electrical room to various DB’s like UPS DB, Power DB and Lighting DB etc along with earthing. ii. Cable trays of various sizes for cable laying suitable fixed. iii. Supply &fixing of light fitting with suitable fixing accessories. iv. Wiring in conduit for various light fitting / plug points etc. v. Earthing for MPCC panel sub switch boards . vi. Preparing of drawing, scope covered in the BOQ), submission to the local electrical authorities and obtaining approval arranging inspection after completion Signature & seal of the Bidder of work and obtaining safety certificate etc. Necessary statutory fees will be paid by the HPCL against demand notice (scope covered in the BOQ) vii. HPCL will render necessary assistance to the successful tenderer in the form of furnishing letter and documents for obtaining above approval from statutory authorities but the responsibility for obtaining above approvals including arrangement for inspection etc is with the tenderer. The necessary statutory fees will be paid by the HPCL against demand notice viii Chipping, breaking, grouting and making good of damaged civil works for cable trays, conduit pipes, etc ix. Detailed shop drawing should be submitted by the successful vender before execution of work at site x. Supply and providing of floor trunking channels for workstation areas xi Supply and providing of plug points for work station like UPS sockets and raw power sockets etc 3.0 Approval The preliminary physical layout and schematic drawings and site plan will be furnished by the consultants . It is the responsibility of the contractors to prepare all detailed working drawings required for erection and by local Electrical Authorities approval. The contractor has to arrange for site inspection and get safety certificate to commission installation for the entire scope of work carried out by him Special condition to the contractors On the award of contract, the contractor / manufacture shall submit the following for approval: a) shop drawing on each piece o equipment provided in accordance with the specification –dimensional data sheet, wiring diagram, foundation detailed drawings etc b) Brief description of the system / equipment offered c) Installation, operation and maintenance data sheet / manuals d) Compliance statement with tender requirements Drawings and documents: All work shall be carried out on the basis of approved drawings. Drawings furnished shall include but not be limited to Signature & seal of the Bidder a) schematic diagram b) layout diagrams c) drawing of earthing layout d) drawings for lighting layout and circuit details e) cable routing details etc On completion of the installation 3 sets of (a)as-built drawings and (b) operating manual shall be furnished 4. PVC POWDER CABLES a. SCOPE: This specification covers the supply laying testing and commissioning of cables as mentioned in the SOQ. b. STANDARDS: The cable covered by this specification shall unless otherwise stated be designed manufacture and tested in accordance with the latest revision of relevant Indian standards IS-694 : PVC insulated cables for working voltages up to and including 1100 volts. IS 1554 : PVC insulated heavy duty cables for working voltages up to including 1100 volts IS 3961 : Recommended current ratings for PVC insulating and PVC Sheathed heavy duty cables IS 8130 : Conductors for insulated Electrical cable and flexible cords IS 5831 : PVC insulation and sheath of electric cables IS 3975 : Mild steel wires strips and tapes for armoring of cables IS 6130 : Conductor for insulated electric cables and flexible cords Signature & seal of the Bidder Conductor: The conductor shall be aluminium / copper as specified in the schedule of quantities. It shall be smooth, uniform in quality and free from scale and other defects. The standard conductor shall be clean and reasonably uniform in size and shape. The conductor shall be either circular or shaped. d. e. CABLE DRUMS: Cables shall be supplied in non-returnable drums of sturdy construction. All ferrous and other metal parts of drum shall be treated with a suitable rust preventive finish or coating to avoid rusting during transit or storage. Type of dust preventive finish and coating adopted may be mentioned. TESTS i) Routine Tests All tests as per relevant IS shall be conducted at factory and test certificate shall be furnished along with delivery of cables 5.0 PVC ARMOURED CABLE : All codes and standard mean the latest. Where not specified other wise the installation shall generally follow the Indian standard codes of practice or the British standard codes of practice where Indian standards are not available . a. Cables: All cables shall be 1100 volt grade PVC insulated sheathed with or without steel armoring as specified and with an outer PVC protective sheath. Cables shall be of high conductivity standard aluminum or copper conductors and cores shall be colour coded to the Indian standards. All cable shall be new without any kinds or visible damage. The manufacture’s name, insulating material, conductor size and voltage size and voltage class shall be marked on the surface of the cable at every 600 mm centers Installation: Cable shall be laid in the routes marked in the drawings. Where the route is not marked, the contractor shall mark it out on the drawings and also on the site and obtain the approval of the consultant / HPCL before laying the cable .Procurement of cable shall be on the basics of actual site measurement and the quantities shown on the schedule of work shall be regarded as a guide . Signature & seal of the Bidder Cable rising indoors shall be laid on the walls, ceiling inside shafts, or trenches. Single cables laid shall be fixed directly to walls or ceiling. All supports shall be at not more than 500 mm. Where number of cable runs, necessary cable trays shall be provided, wherever shown. Cables laid in built – up trenches shall be on steel supports. Aluminium identification tags shall be provided at every 20 m Cables shall be bent to a radius not less than 12 times the overall diameter of the cable, or in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations whichever is higher. In case of direct buried cables, the cable route shall be parallel or perpendicular to roadways, walls, etc., cables shall be laid in an excavated trench, over a sand cushion to provide protection against abrasion. Width of excavated trenches shall be as per drawings. Backfill over the cable shall be sifted earth 90 % compacted. Cables shall be buried with a minimum earth cover of 600 mm. The cables shall be provided with cable markers at every 20 meters. The general arrangement of cable laying is shown on drawings. All cable shall be full runs from panel to panel without any joints or splices. Cable shall be identified at end terminations indicating the feeder number and the panel/ distribution board from where it is being laid. All cable termination for conductors up to 4 sq.m, may be insertion type and all higher sizes shall have tinned copper compression lugs. Cable terminations shall have necessary brass glands. The end termination shall be insulated with a minimum of six – half- lapped layers of PVC tape. Cable armoring shall be earthed at both ends. e. Testing: MV cables shall be tested upon installation with a 500 V megger and the following readings established. 1) continuity on all phases 2) Installation resistance (a) Between conductors (b) All conductor and ground All test reading shall be recorded in the separate book and the same to be handed over to the site Engineer in charge. 6.0 DISTRIBUTION BOARD a SCOPE: Signature & seal of the Bidder This specification covers the design , manufacture, assembly, testing at works and supplying of Distribution Boards. Complete with all accessories for efficient and trouble free operation b CONSTRUCTION: The distribution boards shall be fabricated out of 2 mm thick sheet and shall be totally enclosed, dust vermin proof, dead front, with hinged door type of bolted / welded construction suitable for wall mounting. Each DB shall have individual hinged/ bolted gasket doors with cam lock, removable conduit entry plates shall be provided at top and bottom of the DB to facilitate drilling the conduit holes at suit individual requirements or knockout shall be provided. Protective insulated cover plate shall be provided inside the panel to shroud all the live parts. Only the operating handle of the switch and operating knobs of the miniature circuit breakers shall be projecting outside the cover plate. The unused outgoing gap of DB shall be suitably blanked with PVC plate at no extra cost . The incoming switch terminals should be suitably shrouded to avoid accidental contact. Each phase or way shall also be suitably shrouded with DMC/ SMC. The boards shall be factory wired and assembled. Circuit identification shall be provided on the cover. All lighting / power distribution boards shall be provided with double door arrangement with phase segregation type . All components in the distribution boards shall be of same make C. BUSBARS: The busbars shall be air insulated and made of high conductivity high strength copper busbars liberally sized with high safety factor for the required rating (both short circuit and continuous currents). The neutral busbars shall have adequate number of terminal for all outgoing single phase circuits. A copper earth bus of suitable size shall be provided in each DB for earthing of the power, lighting circuits and earthing of DB. D. MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKERS The miniature circuit breakers (MCBS) shall be heat resistant, moulded type, designed, manufactured and tested as per IS 8828. The MCBS shall have inverse– time tripping characteristic against over loads and instantaneous trip against short Signature & seal of the Bidder circuits. The MCBS shall be of fault current limiting type also. The MCBS shall be slip on type to the busbars. The ‘ON’ and ‘OFF’ machine of the switch handle shall be clearly marked the MCBS shall be suitable for operating in ambient of 450C without derating. The incoming and outgoing of the MCBS shall be suitable for 415V 3 phase 4 wire 50 Hz system with the fault level of 9KA RMS symmetrical. The terminals of MCBS shall be suitable for use with eye lugs the 4 pole 3 pole and 2 pole MCB knob shall be trunked with adequate strength tandem pin. E. EARTH LEAKAGE CIRCUIT BREAKERS Incomer of the DB shall be provided with current operated earth leakage circuit breakers with a sensitivity of suitable rating as indicated in the BOQ. The ELCB shall have trip free mechanism and shall operate even on neutral failure. The ELCB shall be provided with a Test Push Button to stimulate leakage and test the ELCB. The ELCB shall operate and switch off the circuit within 30 milliseconds in case of a fault. The enclosures of the ELCB shall be moulded from high quality insulating materials which shall be fire retardant anti-tracking non- hygroscopic and impact resistant and shall withstand high temperatures. F. GROUNDING The DBs shall be provided with two Nos. brass earthing stud terminals with suitable nuts washers etc for connection to earth bus outside the DB. G. PAINTING Care shall be taken in workmanship and selection of materials to prevent the occurrence of any form of damage or corrosion due to damp or highly humid conditions. The DB shall be prepared, primed, filled and painted to the highest standards. All items shall be cleaned and deburred after fabrication and welding is complete. External surfaces shall be filled and rubbed down as necessary to obtain a perfectly flat smooth surface free from blemishes and imperfection and the whole shall be powder coated with epoxy paint and the shade shall be indicated later. H. TESTS The necessary routine tests shall be performed on the equipment to demonstrate satisfactory performance to HPCL / consultant at works without any extra cost. Signature & seal of the Bidder Equipment shall not be dispatched without obtaining approval of test certificates for type routine and acceptance tests . I. i) ii. DRAWING &INSTRUCTION MANUALS Along with the offer the bidders shall submit the following document in Triplicate. i. General arrangement of DB. ii. Technical leaflets on DB, MCB, isolator, etc. iii. Type test reports as per IS 8828. iv. Tripping characteristic curves for MCB. After award of the order, the contractor shall submit the following document for approval in six copies: General arrangement drawing showing the construction feature, dimensions, installation details, etc Complete technical particulars of distribution boards, miniature circuit breakers, isolators, etc. Before taking up manufacturing of the equipment the bidders shall have to take the approval of the design and drawing. Any manufacturing done prior to approval shall be rectified by the bidder at his own cost and the equipment shall also be supplied within the stipulated period 7. 7.1 EARTHING SCOPE This specification cover the supply installation testing and commissioning of earthing system from electrical /UPS room to respective DB location 7.2. STANDARDS IS 3043 : Indian electricity rules : Indian electricity act : 7.3 Code of practice for earthing. 1956 1910 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Signature & seal of the Bidder The DC shall be provided with complete earthing system comprising earth electrodes in conjunction with earth grid. 7.4 DETAILS OF EARTHING SYSTEM Unless otherwise specified main earthing shall not be less than 25 x 3mm Cu Flat for panel board and 8/10 Gauge bare copper wire as specified in the BOQ. 7.5 EARTHING LAYOUT Cable trays and supports shall be connected to the earth mat at every 10 meters interval . Wherever it passes through walls, floors, etc. GI sleeves shall be provided for the passage.. 7.6. EQUIPMENT EARTHING All electrical DBS shall be earthed by two separate and distinct earth connection from main earth bus. Earthing pads shall be provided by the Main Electrical Contractor (out side electrical vendor) of the electrical room level through earth bus. The connection between earthing bus and DBS shall be made by interior electrical vendor through copper flats/ bare wires. Cable end boxes, glands, etc, shall be connected to the earthing conductor running along with the supply cable which, in turn , shall be connected to earthing grid conductor at minimum two points. The metallic screens of the single core cable shall be connected to earth at one end only. 7.7 JOINTING Earthing connections with equipment earthing pads shall be bolted type. Contact surface shall be free from scale, paint enamel, grease, rust or dirt. Two bolts shall be provided for making each connection. Bolted connections, after being checked and tested shall be taped with PVC tape. Resistance of the joint shall not be more than the resistance of the equivalent length of the conductor. 8.0 WIRING a) Definition and conventional symbols: The definition of terms in I.E.E wiring regulation shall apply except the definition of a point. Signature & seal of the Bidder b) Point wiring shall include all works necessary in complete wiring of a Modular type switch circuit of any length from the tapping point on the distribution board (viz sub mains) to the following: 1) Socket outlet (in the case of socket outlet points). 2) Lamp holder (in the case of wall brackets, batten points, bulk head fittings and similar other points of fittings. The following shall be deemed to be included in the point wiring: i. Switches as required. ii. In the case of wall brackets, bulk head fittings and all other light fittings cable as required up to the lamp holder. iii. Bushed conduit or porcelain tubing or pilca pipe where cables pass through walls, etc., iv. Earth wire from three pin socket point to the common earth station. v. All metal blocks, boards and boxes sunk or surface type including those required for mounting fan regulator but excluding those under the distribution board and main control switch vi. All fixing accessories such as clips, nails, screws, phil plug, rawl plug, wooden plug, etc as required. vii. Joint for junction boxes and connecting the same as required. viii. Connection to socket outlet, lamp holder, switch , fan regulator etc., NOTE - 1 In the case of points with more than one light point controlled by the same switch, the complete item shall be considered as one point and the rate shall be accordingly quoted. NOTE - II A light point controlled by two nos. of two way switches shall be measured as one point from the fitting to the switches on either side. c) JOINTS & LOOPING BACK Unless otherwise specified, the wiring shall be done in the “Looping System”, phase and live conductors shall be looped at the switch box and neutral conductor can be looped either from the switch box or from the light, fan or socket outlet. d) WIRING OF DISTRIBUTION BOARDS Signature & seal of the Bidder In wiring a branch distribution board, the total of the consuming devices shall be divided as far as possible evenly between the numbers of ways of the board, leaving the spare circuit for future extension. All connections between pieces of apparatus or between apparatus and terminals on a board shall be neatly arranged in a definite sequence following the arrangement of the apparatus mounted thereon, avoiding unnecessary crossing. Cable shall be connected to terminal only by soldered lugs, unless the terminal is of such a form that they can be securely clamped without cutting cable strands. All bare conductors shall be rigidly fixed in such a manner that a clearance of a least 2.5 cm(1”) is maintained between conductors of opposite polarity or phase and between the conductors and any materials other than insulating materials. In a hinged board, the incoming and outgoing cables shall be neatly bunched and shall be fixed in such a way that the door shall be capable of swinging through an angle not less than 90 degrees. If required in the schedule of Quantities a pilot lamp shall be fixed and connected through an independent single pole switch and fuse to the bus bars of the board. e) CONDUIT WIRING SYSTEM ; Surface conduit wiring system: All conduit pipes shall be conforming to I.S. Specification, of approved gauge ( 16 SWG for sizes up to 32 mm – 14 SWG for arger sizes) All conduit accessories shall be of threaded type. No conduit less than 19 mm in diameter shall be used. The capacity of conduits shall be in accordance with the Table I. f) BUNCHING OF CABLES: Insulated conductors in D.C. supply or A.C. Supply shall be bunched in one conduit. In case of the latter, outgoing and retain cable shall be run in same conduit g) CONDUIT JOINTS Conduit pipes shall be jointed by means of screwed couplers and screwed accessories only. In long distance straight runs of conduit, inspection type couplers or running thread with couplers and jam nuts (bare threaded portion suitably protected with anti corrosive paint) shall be provided. Thread in all cases shall be between 11 mm to 27mm long sufficient to accommodate pipes to full threaded portion of couplers or accessories. Cut end of conduit pipes shall have no sharp edges or any burrs left to avoid damage to the insulation of conductors while pulling them through such pipes. h) PROTECTION AGAINST DAMPNESS : Signature & seal of the Bidder In order to minimize condensation or sweating in side the tube, all outlets of conduit system shall be properly drained and ventilated, but in such a manner as to prevent the entry of insect as far as possible. A breather – drainer may be required to be mounted in the lowest position of conduit. i) PROTECTION OF CONDUIT AGAINST RUST: The outer surface of the conduit pipes, including all bends, unions, tees, junction boxes, etc forming part of the conduit system shall be adequately protected against rust, particularly, when such system is exposed to weather. In all cases, no bare threaded portion of conduit pipe shall be allowed unless such bare threaded portion is treated with anticorrosive preservative or covered with approved plastic compound. j) FIXING OF CONDUIT: Conduit pipes shall be fixed by heavy gauge saddles, secured to suitable wood plugs or any other approved plugs with screws in an approved manner at an interval of not more than one meter, but on either side of couplers or bends, or similar fittings, saddles shall be fixed at a distance of 30 cm from the centre of such fittings. k) BENDS IN CONDUIT All necessary bends in the system including diversion shall be done by bending pipes, or by inserting suitable solid or inspection type normal bends, elbows or similar fittings, or by fixing cast iron inspection boxes whichever is more suitable. Conduit fittings shall be avoided as far as possible on conduit system exposed to weather. Where necessary, solid type fittings shall be used. Radius of such bends in conduits pipes shall be not less than 7.5cm. No length of conduit shall have more than three equivalent 90 degree bends from outlet to outlet, the bends at the outlets not being counted. l) OUTLETS ; All outlets for fittings, switches, etc shall be boxes of suitable metal of either surface mounting or flush mounting system. Wall thickness shall not be less than 1/8 ‘’ (3.175 mm ) with 1/8 “ ( 3.175mm) thick Perspex or bakelite sheet in front giving a minimum clear depth of 75 mm or above. m) CONDUCTORS : Signature & seal of the Bidder All conductors used in conduit wiring shall preferably be stranded. No single core cable of nominal cross sectional area greater than 130 mm shall be enclosed alone in a conduit and used for alternating current. n) ERECTION AND EARTHING OF CONDUIT: The conduit of each circuit or, section shall be completed before conductors are drawn in. The entire system of conduit after erection shall be tested for mechanical and electrical continuity, throughout and permanently connected to earth conforming to the requirements specified under section 15 by means of special approved type earthing clamp efficiently fastened to conduit pipe in a workmanlike manner for a perfect continuity between each wire and conduit. Gas or water pipes shall not be used as earth medium. If conduit pipes are liable to mechanical damage they shall be adequately protected. o) RECESSED CONDUIT WIRING SYSTEM: This system of wiring shall comply with all the requirements of surface conduit wiring system specified in the following clauses. p) MAKING THE CHASE: The chase in the wall shall be neatly made and be of ample dimensions to permit the conduit to be fixed in the manner desired. In the case of buildings under construction, chases shall be provided in the wall, ceiling, etc at the time of their construction and shall be filled up neatly after erection of conduit and brought to the original finish of the wall. q) FIXING OF CONDUIT IN CHASE The conduit pipe shall be fixed by means of staples or by means of saddles not more than 60cm. apart. Fixing of standard bends or elbows shall be avoided as far as practicable and all curves maintained by bending the conduit pipe itself with a long radius which will permit easy drawing in of conductors. All threaded joints of conduit shall be treated with some approved preservative compound to secure protection against rust. r) INSPECTION BOXES Suitable inspection boxes shall be provided to permit periodical inspection and to facilitate removal of wires, if necessary. These shall be mounted flush with the wall. Suitable ventilating holes shall be provided in the inspection box covers. 9) TEST CERTIFICATE AND MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE: Signature & seal of the Bidder a) I/ We certify that the installation details below has been installed by me/ us and tested and that to the best of my/our know edge and belief, it complies with Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 as well as IS. 732 1963 Code of Practice for Electrical Wiring Installations (System Voltage not exceeding 650 Volts ) (Revised); Electrical installation at ………………………………… Voltage and system of supply ……………………………. Total Type of system …………………………………. b) Particulars of work: Number load of wiring i..) ii) iii) iv) v) c) d) e) Light Points ………………. Fan points ………………… Plug points (3 pin)…………………… Motors ……………………….. Other plant …………………….. Overhead lines ……………………………. Underground cables ……………. Earthing ……………………. i) Type of material & Size of electrode:……………. II) Number of electrodes:- ………………… III) Size of materials of earth ware:…………………… f) Test results 1) Insulation resistance for the whole installations: i) Between Conductors ……………………….. ii) Between each conductor and earth………….. 2) Resistance of earthing electrode or system…………………… 3) Maximum earthing resistance of installation :4) Insulation resistance at U.G. Cables……………. 5 ) Polarity test…………… g. earthing I/We guarantee the installation for a period of twelve months against defective materials and workmanship, the guarantee commencing form Signature & seal of the Bidder h. the date the installation is taken over by the HPCL and during the period of guarantee I /we shall rectify or replace defects in material or workmanship free of cost to the HPCL. I/we submit herewith six sets of drawings showing the installation and conduit layout as actually executed. SIGNATURE OF SUPERVISOR CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF Name ………………….. Name ………………….. Address……………………. Address ………………….. 10 INSTALLATION a. GENERAL The electrical installation shall be complete in all respects and any items not included in the specification but essential for proper installation and functioning of the electrical system shall deemed to be included in the scope of the specification whether specifically mentioned or not. The system under the scope of work shall conform to the latest codes and standards as amended in the respective technical specification and schedule of works. Nothing in the specification shall be construed to relieved the successful tenderer from the responsibilities where specifically mentioned in the tender or not. The following standard as amended shall also be covered. Installation: All electrical works shall comply with following standards. Indian Electricity Rules --- 1956 Local State Code of Practice for Installation. CEIG Guidelines on electrical installation. IS- 732 –Code of Practice for electrical wiring installation. IS-5216- Guide for Safety procedures & practices in electrical work. IS-10118 – Code of practice for section, installation and maintenance of LT switch gears & Control gears. Workmanship shall be of highest standard and quality. Signature & seal of the Bidder EQUIPMENTS: All equipments shall be installed strictly in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction/ drawings. Distribution boards shall be erected on wall such that height of top of board will be at 1800 mm Switch box shall be erected at the height of 1200 mm as per the site condition. CABLES: Cable shall be taken on trays fixed on ceiling / wall. Cable tray shall be of Angle iron with welded runs and painted with block colour. All cable shall be provided with punched aluminium identification tags at every 100m interval at both ends. EARTHINGS: Earthing shall be as per IS 3043 All electrical power items shall be earthed by two separate and distinct earth connections from main earth bus. MCB DISTRIBUTION BOARDS: All DBs shall be phase segregated type as required by the Electrical inspectorate. All DBs shall be phase powder coated, double door type. All MCB breaking capacity shall be 9 KA B. CABLING No cable shall be laid along side a water main. Spacing equal to the diameter of the cable shall be maintained between adjacent power cables. Selection of cable drums for each run shall be so planned as to avoid straight through joints All due care shall be taken during unreeling, laying and termination of cable, to avoid damage due to twist, kink and sharp bends, etc. Wherever cables pass through floor or through wall openings, it shall be taken through Al. Pipe sleeves. The open ends of the sleeves shall be sealed by cold setting compound after cables are pulled through them to prevent entry of vermin and ingress of water. Each cable shall be provided with an identification tags at entrance and exit from any equipment. The tag shall be of aluminium, with the number punched on it and securely attached to the cable by not less than two turns of GI Wire. Single core cables shall be laid in trefoil formation and clamped with trefoil clamps at every 600 mm intervals. All multi core cables shall be secured to the cable tray by clamps at every 600 mm intervals. Signature & seal of the Bidder Cables from overhead cable trays to the equipment shall be taken in prefabricated cable tray. a. LAID ON CABLE TRAY The cables inside the buildings shall be taken on trays fixed on the ceiling. Galvanized angle supports for trays shall be welded to insert plates. The support shall be spaced at 1500 mm centers. Contractor shall include in their scope of supply all insert plates, Anchor fasteners, supporting MS Angle etc required for the laying of cable trays. Fastening on walls/ RCC columns shall be Anchor Fasteners only. b. CABLE TERMINATION Termination and jointing of PVC armoured cables shall be by means of compression method using double compression type glands and compression type lugs. Control cables are to be terminated by means of termination lugs, the same shall be of tinned copper compression type. Wherever it is connected to Aluminium and copper Bi-metallic lugs should be used. 11. TESTING AND COMMISSIONING a. GENERAL The testing and commissioning for all electrical equipment at site shall be according to the procedures laid down below: All electrical equipment shall be installed, tested and commissioned in accordance with the latest relevant Standards and Codes of Practices published by Indian Standards Institution wherever applicable and stipulations made in relevant general specifications. The testing of all electrical equipment as well as the system as a whole shall be carried out to ensure that the equipment and its components are in satisfactory condition and will successfully perform its functional operation. The inspection of the equipment shall be carried out to ensure that all materials, workmanship and installation conform to the accepted design, engineering and construction standards, as well as accepted codes of practice and stipulations made in the relevant general specifications. All tests shall be carried out by the contractor using his own instruments as well as any specific performance data guaranteed during finalization of the contract. Signature & seal of the Bidder a. PREPARATION OF THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM FOR COMMISSIONING After completion of the installation at site and for the preparation of Electrical system commissioning, the contractor shall carry out check and testing of all equipment and installation in accordance with the agreed standards, codes of practice of Indian Standards Institution and specific instruction furnished by the particular equipment suppliers. Checking required to be made on all equipment and installations at site shall comprise, but not be limited, to the following. i. Physical inspection for removal of any foreign bodies, external defects, such as damaged insulators, loose connecting bolts, loose foundation bolts etc., ii. Check for tightness of all-cable, bus bars at termination / joints ends as well as earth connection in the main earthing network. iii. Check for clearance of live bus bars and connectors from the metal enclosure. iv. Continuity checks in case of power cables. v. Check and calibrate devices requiring field adjustment/ calibration like adjustment of relay setting etc., vi. Check proper connection to earth network of all non-current carrying parts of the equipment and installation. vii. Test reports for all meters are to be furnished The tests that shall be carried out on the equipment shall include but not be limited to the above. b. LOW VOLTAGE SWITCHGEAR (UP TO 1000 V AC OR 1200 V DC) 1. Insulation resistance test with 1000v megger for main circuits. The minimum value of insulation resistance shall be 1 mega ohm. 2. Insulation resistance test with 500 v megger for control, metering and relaying circuits. The minimum value of insulation resistance shall be one mega ohm. 3. Functional tests of control circuit. D CABLES i. Insulation resistance test with 2,500v megger for high voltage power cables rated above 1.1 KV grade and 1,000v megger for cables rated up to 1.1 KV grade. Signature & seal of the Bidder ii. In each test, the metallic sheath / screen/ armour should be connected to earth. ii. Continuity of all the cores, correctness of all connections as per wiring diagram, corrections of polarity and phasing of power cables and proper earth connection of cable glands, cable boxes, armour and metallic sheath, shall be checked. E. EARTHING SYSTEM i. Tests to ensure continuity of all earth connections. ii. Tests to obtain earth resistance of the completed network by using earth tester. The test values obtained shall be within the limits. iii. All documents / records regarding test data, oscillographs and other measured values of important parameters finalized after site adjustment shall be handed over to the HPCL in the form of test reports for their future use and reference. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 ii. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) LIGHT FIXTURES Scope of work: supply and fixing of fixture with lamps/ tubes accessories. Specification: Relevant I.S. Specification shall be applicable for the lighting fixture and components. General Requirement for the Fixtures: i. All the fixtures shall be suitable for 230 + 10% volts, single phase, 50 cycles, AC supply. Sheet metal used in the fixture shall be treated as follows: Degreasing to eliminate the grease and oil on the metal surface which otherwise will present paint adhesion. Washing in running water. Rinsing in adequate strength of acid solution to get rid of the mill scales leaving a bright metal surface free of rust. A second wash in running water to remove the traces of acid. Phosphating to have excellent foundation paint. A third wash in running water. Passivating to have an excellent protective layer of paint to prevent moisture entry. Primer coat of vitreous enamel. Paint finish or vitreous enamel finish coat. Quality check shall be made at every stage of the manufacture. Signature & seal of the Bidder iii) iv) v) vi) Each fixture shall be provided with 4 way terminals for loop in and loop out The fixtures shall be provided with the earthing arrangements and shall meet with safety requirements of the various standard specification and safety codes and be approved by the Mangalore wire insurance Association / equivalent. All lamps supplied against this specifications shall be guaranteed for a period of one year from the date of their installation and commissioning for free repairs and free replacement. In case of 2 tube fixture internal wiring shall be done with suitable size, flexible copper conductor wires and the wiring near choke area fiber glass sleeves are to be provided. 12.4 BALLASTS: a) Ballast shall be built as per relevant IS 1534. b) Ballast should be supplied with low loss preferably around 9 watts for 36 w and 3 to 4 watt for CFL lighting fixture (the measurement shall be carried out with analog meters). c) Ballast shall be polyester filled or vacuum and copper wound or electronic as specified in schedule of quantities. d) Polyester resin filler shall have a good thermal conductivity and efficient electric insulation to ensure quick dissipation of heat. Polyester resin shall be vacuum filled into the ballast to ensure that there is no air gap between the winding core and ballast core. e) Ballast shall have small dimension and low working temperature and long life. f) Ballast shall be free from hum. g) If shall be tested for insulation resistance, operating current, short circuit current and leakage current. It shall be painted to prevent corrosion. h) All exposed M.S. parts shall be painted to prevent corrosion. i) The ballast should be guaranteed for satisfactory operation for a minimum period of 2 years from the date of handing over the system with operating voltage 240 v and frequency 50Hz. The guarantee shall also include for satisfactory operation of the ballast with voltage variation of plus/ minus 5% of rated voltage and plus / minus 3 % of rated frequency j) The ballast guarantee should also include for satisfactory operation with ambient temperature conditions varying from 10 Deg. C up to maximum 45 Deg. C k) Technical performance data or the ballast together with test certificate from recognized test house shall be furnished. Signature & seal of the Bidder 12.5 STARTERS: a) Shall conform to IS 2215. b) Shall ensure prompt and reliable starting. c) Shall operate above lamp voltage. d) Shall not interrupt the circuit during normal running e) Shall incorporate capacitor for suppression of radio interference. f) Shall be fixed such that replacement is easy. 12.6 CAPACITORS: a) Capacitors shall be electrolytic fixed type in sealed cover with terminal brought out. The dielectric of the condenser shall be polypropylene. b) Capacitor shall be suitable for operation in the enclosed wiring channel of the fixture without deterioration. c) The value of the capacitor shall be such that overall power factor of the fixture is not less than 0.85. 12.7 GUARANTEE: The lighting fixtures shall be guaranteed for satisfactory operation for 12 months form the date of acceptance. 13. LAN CABLING & TELEPHONE SYSTEM LAN CABLING: All work stations & cabins shall be linked to server with local area networking (LAN) with cat6 UTP cables supporting up to 1 GBPS speed laid in under floor trunking. LAN equipments will be provided by HPCL, however terminations at socket ends shall be provided by the contractor for UTP cables as listed in the Schedule of quantities. SPECIAL INSTRUCTION: 1. There should not be any joints in the Cat 6 wires. 2. All terminations must be “FERRULED “with identification codes. The codes shall be finalized in consultation with the consultant and site engineer. Signature & seal of the Bidder 3. 4. 5. All wires, sockets, instruments to be used should be as per tender specification. The Cat 6 UTP cables shall be of high speed, high performance, capable of carrying high bit rate signaling for extended distances in horizontal cabling & shall be terminated at RJ- 45 type outlets only. Location of HUB/ Switches & LAN points shall be as per drawings or as finalized by client / consultants. TELEPHONE SYSTEM: It is proposed to link up all work, station cabin &other areas with new telephone points as indicated in the drawings & schedule. For telephone system Cat 5 UTP wires will run inside under floor trunking up to all work stations/ cabins as shown in the layout plan. They will be duly terminated there with RJ II single or dual sockets. These wires will also originate from telephone junction box in the EPABX room. SPECIAL INSTRUCTION: 1. There should not be any joints in the telephone wires between any two connectors. 2. The diameter and make of every telephone wire should be of approved make only. 3. All terminations at connectors will be crone type and Telephone Junction boxes with Crone connectors in electrical room will be provided by client. 4. All terminations must be “FERRULED” with identification codes. The codes should be finalized in consultation with the consultant and site engineer. 5. All lines must be tested in the presence of the site engineer before handing over. 6. The Telephone wires should be terminated at RJ- II type outlets only. 7. The new network of telephone wires including telephone termination should be connected in such a way that, the extension nos. shall match the requirements as per the instructions given by client / Consultant. 8. Location of telephone sockets shall be as per drawings or as finalized by Client / consultants. 14.0 UNDER FLOOR TRUNKING; Specially treated corrosion proof, rectangular profile with single compartment Aluminium trunking as indicated in schedule of quantities shall be provided by the contractor in the flooring including necessary chasing in flooring wherever Signature & seal of the Bidder required & making surface good after laying of trunking junction boxes in the floor. Trunking shall be used for laying of clean power, LAN wiring and telephone wires from distribution boxes, telephone junction boxes & Hub for LAN system respectively. Junction boxes, monument boxes as indicated in the schedule of quantity , drawings & site requirements shall be provided with the trunking for termination of cables in sockets to be mounted on wall / partition. Signature & seal of the Bidder H. APPROVED MAKES Signature & seal of the Bidder LIST OF APPROVED AND NOMINATED MANUFACTURES/SUPPLIERS OF MATERIALS AND SUB - CONTRACTORS APPROVED MANUFACTURER / SL.NO MATERIALS SUPPLIER Firetard industrial grade of Noble / 1 Fire retardant paint/ primer Viper / Approved 2 Marine Plywood Anchor - 72 / Multyply / CenturyG 3 Laminate Formica / Decolam / Greenlam / Uro 4 Veneer Jacson / Anchor / Durian Century / Decowood / Uro 5 Wood Preservative STP Pentaphone pale / P C I / Wood guard / Termisil 6 Gypsum Board Gypsum India / Approved equivalent 7 Tempered / Toughened Glass Insothem / Sejal Glass / Gurian Glass / Goldplus / Glaverbal / approved equivalent 8 Float Glass Modigaurd / Saint Gobin / Emirates / Hindustan Pilkington 9 Adhesive Fevicol, Araldite, Pidilit Fevimate ( TL) 10 Door Closer Droma / Approved equivalent 11 Floor glass Droma / Approved equivalent Signature & seal of the Bidder 12 Cup board locks Godrej / CIEF / Vijayan / Efficient Gadget 13 Cylinderical Lock Europ, Godrej, Acme/ neki 14 Door handles Droma / D line / approved equivalent 15 Screws GKW Nettlefold / Janatha / App. Equivalent 16 Glass / Mirror Modigaurd / Saint Gobin / Thiwan / Float glass india 17 Ceramic Tiles Nitco / kajaria / MCL / Jonson & Johson 18 Hinges Droma / Approved equivalent ( Havey Dutty) Telescopic Sliding Drawer 19 Channels Efficient Gadget, Earl Bihari, Jyothi, Shalimar / Hettich 20 Carpet Transasia / Shalimar / Jupitar / milliken / Interface/shaw 21 Vertical blinds hunter douglas or app. Equivalent 22 Sun control flim Garware, Birla 3M 23 Polishes ICI, Asian Goodleas Nerolac / Berger 24 False ceiling Signature & seal of the Bidder 25 G.I power caoted false ceiling Hunter Douglas or app. Equivalent 26 Gypsum Board Gypsum India / Approved equivalent 27 Cement L&T, Ambuja, ACC 28 White cement Birla, JK 29 Vitrified porcelain tiles MCL, Jhonson, Nitco or approved equivalent 30 Water proffing compound MCL Bavucom.Roffe Chemicals, Pidilite 31 G.I. pipe TATA / Zenith or App Equivalent 32 SS sink Nirali or App Equivalent 33 Soft board Jolly Board or App Equivalent 34 Paints ICI, Asian /goodlac Nerolac / Jenson & Nicolson 35 Fabric soft board Seasons / Jagadeesh Fabric / Classic fabric or App Equivalent 36 Curtains Raymonds / Sham -Ahuja / Eden 37 Panic Device Droma / Ingersoll -Rand Fabric protection coating for 38 upholstery Scotchgard of Birla 3M Ltd Signature & seal of the Bidder 39 Foams in chairs / sofas MM Foam/ Foam product / Latex 40 Rolling shutter indo Germa / Dyna 41 White board White mark / Altop / Alko -sign 42 Texture paint Orient. Serling 43 ADhesive for tiles Roff. PAL , Pidilite, BAL 44 Multipurpose lock Efficient Gadget, Jyothi, Godrej Storage Locks / Handles / Hinges 45 Etc Efficient Gadget, Jyothi, Argent, CIEF ELECTRICAL ITEMS 1 P.V.C Pipe (Rigid) Precision / Avon Plast or equivalent 2 P.V.C fittings for rigidity Precision / Avon Plast or equivalent 3 MS conduit Wimco/ Bharath/ Guptha PVC ins. Flexible copper wire 4 (FRLS) Finolex/ Power Flex / RR kables / Q flex / Sandeep 5 Armoured Cables Nicco / Gloster / CCI /Universal / Havells/ Polycab 6 Light & power switch socket MK India / North West / Gewiss /Legrand 7 DB with MCB L&T Hager / Legrand / ELTEE Signature & seal of the Bidder 8 Tube light fixtures Tulip, Thorm, Philips, Wipro 9 Decorative light fittings Tulip/ Philips/ Throma/ App Equivalent 10 Lugs Dowels/ Commet / App. Equivalent 11 Terminals connector ESSEN / Elmex / Connect Wel 12 Exhoust fan Crompton/ GEC/ Khaitan / Almonard 13 Ceiling / wall fan Crompton/ Bajaj/ Polar 14 Metal clad socked Hager/ CG/ Legrend 15 SFU -SPN / TPN Havells/ L& T 16 Cable trays Profab/ Techno Fab or Eqquivalent 17 RCCB/ELCB Datar/ Simens/ Crompton/ GE/ ABB /MG 18 MCCB L&T /Simens/ Crompton/ GE/ ABB/ MG 19 MCB Legrand/ L&T hager/MG/Havells 20 Glands ECG/EMI 21 Flexible Conduct Tubflex / App equivalent 22 Race way channels Jindal / Balco / Hindalalco Signature & seal of the Bidder 23 Lamps Philips/ Osram 24 Telephone cable Deltron/ App Equivalent 25 Data Cables Systimax / Approved equivalent 26 Data socket Lucent, Tyco 27 Cable of public address system Finolex, Suntrack 28 Telephone Junctions Krone Signature & seal of the Bidder I.EMD FORMAT Signature & seal of the Bidder (SPECIMEN) BANK GUARANTEE FOR PERFORMANCE OF THE OBLIGATIONS OF SUPPLIER /CONTRACTOR (on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value) To, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd., (Address as applicable) IN CONSIDERATION OF THE HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. a Government of India Company registered under the Companies Act,1956, having its registered office at 17, Jamshedji Tata Road,Bombay - 400 020 (hereinafter called "the Corporation" which expression shall include its successors and assigns) having awarded to M/s ______________________________ ____________ a partnership firm/sole proprietor business/a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 having its office at______________________________ (hereinafter referred to as "the Supplier" which expression shall wherever the subject or context so permits includes its successors and assigns) a supply contract in terms inter alia, of "the Corporation's" Order No.____________ dated __________________ and the General purchaseconditions of "the Corporation" and upon the condition of "supplier's" furnishing security for the performance of "the Supplier's" obligations and/or discharge of "the supplier's" liability under and/or in connection with the said supply contract upto a sum of Rs. _______________ (Rupees_____________________) amounting to 10% (ten percent) of the total contract value. We, ______________________ (hereinafter called "the Bank" which expression shall include its successors and assigns) hereby jointly and severally undertake and guarantee to pay to "the Corporation" in rupees forthwith on demand in writing and without protest or demur of any and all moneys anywise payable by "the Supplier" to "the Corporation" under, in respect of or in connection with the said supply contract inclusive of all the Corporation's losses and damage and costs, (inclusive between attorney and client) charges, and expenses and other moneys anywise payable in respect of the above as specified in any notice of demand made by "the Corporation" to the Bank with reference to this Guarantee upto and aggregate limit of Rs.___________ (Rupees __________________________ ) and "the Bank" hereby agrees with "the Corporation" that: Signature & seal of the Bidder 1. This Guarantee/Undertaking shall be a continuing Guarantee /Undertaking and shall remain valid and irrecoverable for all claims of "the Corporation" and liabilities of "the Supplier" arising upto and until midnight of _______________. 2. This Guarantee/Undertaking shall be in addition to any other guarantee or security whatsoever that "the Corporation" may now or any time anywise have in relation to "the Supplier's obligation/liabilities under and/or connection with the said supply contract, and "the Corporation" shall have full authority to take recourse to or enforce this security in preference to the other security(ies) at its sole discretion and no failure on the part of "the Corporation" to enforcing or requiring enforcement to any other security shall have the effect of releasing "the Bank" from its full liability hereunder. 3. "The Corporation" shall be at liberty without reference to "the Bank" and without affecting the full liability of "the Bank" hereunder to take any other security in respect of "the Supplier's" obligation and/or liabilities under or in connection with the said supply contract and to vary the term vis-a-vis "the supplier" of the said supply contract or to grant time and/or indulgence to "the Supplier" or to reduce or to increase or otherwise vary the prices of the total contract value or to release or to forebear from enforcement of all or any of the obligations of "the supplier" under the said supply contract and/or the remedies of "the Corporation" under any other security(ies) now or hereafter held by "the Corporation" and no such dealing(s), variation(s) or other indulgence(s) or agreement(s) with "the supplier" or release of forbearance whatsoever shall have the effect of releasing "the Bank" from its full liability to "the Corporation" hereunder or of prejudicing rights of "the Corporation" against "the Bank". 4. This Guarantee/Undertaking shall not be determined or affected by the liquidation or winding up, dissolution or change of constitution or insolvency of "the supplier" but shall in all respects and for all purposes be binding and operative until payment of all moneys payable to "the Corporation" in terms hereof. 5. "The Bank" hereby waives all rights at any time inconsistent with the terms of this Guarantee/Undertaking and the obligations of "the Bank" in terms hereof shall not be anywise affected or suspended by reason of any dispute having been raised by "the suppliers" (whether or not pending before any arbitrator, officer, tribunal or court)or any denial of liability by "the Signature & seal of the Bidder supplier" or any otherorder of communication whatsoever by "the supplier" stopping or preventing or purporting to stop or prevent any payment by "the Bank" to "the Corporation" in terms hereof. 6. The amount stated in any notice of demand addressed by "the Corporation" to "the Bank" as liable to be paid to "the Corporation" by "the supplier" or as suffered or incurred by "the Corporation" on account of any losses or damages or costs, charges/and/or expenses shall be as between "the Bank" and "the Corporation" be conclusive of the amount so liable to be paid to "the Corporation" or suffered or incurred by "the Corporation", as the case may be, and payable by "the Bank" to "the Corporation", in terms hereof. 7. Not withstanding anything contained herein above : i) Our liability under this guarantee shall not exceed Rs.......... ii) This Bank Guarantee shall be valid upto and including ........ and………………… . iii) We are liable to pay the guarantee amount or any part thereof under this Bank Guarantee only and only if you serve upon us a written claim or demand on or before the expiry of 30 days from the date of expiry of this guarantee. 8. "The Bank" has power to issue this guarantee in favour of "the Corporation" in terms of the documents and/or the agreement/contract or MOU entered into between "the supplier" and "the Bank" in this regard. IN WITNESS Where of __________________ Bank, has executed this document at ________________ on _______________ 199 . For____________________________ Bank (By its constituted attorney) (Signature of a person authorized to sign on behalf of "the Bank") Signature & seal of the Bidder J. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITONS OF CONTRACT (GTC) Signature & seal of the Bidder HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM COORPORATION LIMITED MANGALORE RETAIL REGIONAL OFFICE , POL TERMINAL COMPLEX, VILLAGE BALA, VIA KATIPALLA, MANGALORE-575030 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF WORKS CONTRACT 1. PRELIMINARY 1.1 This is a contract for execution of ------------------------------------------------ work at-----------------------------------------.(Please fill up blanks). 1.2 The Bidder for the above mentioned item of work is -------------------------------------____________________ (Please give the name and address of the Bidder). 1.3 The terms and conditions mentioned hereunder are the terms and conditions of the contract for the execution of the work mentioned under item 1.1 above. 1.4 It is the clear understanding between HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM COORPORATION LIMITED and the Bidder ______________________ that (name and address of the Bidder) in case the Bidder of ___________________________________is (name and address of the Bidder) accepted by HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM COORPORATION LIMITED and an intimation of that effect is so issued and also a purchase order is placed with ________________________(name and address of the Bidder) this document will be termed as a contract between the parties and terms and conditions here under would govern the parties interest. 1.5 Interpretation of contract documents: all documents forming part of the contract are to be taken mutually explanatory. Should there be any discrepancy, inconsistency, error or omission in the contract, the decision of the owner/Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge shall be the final and the contractor shall abide by the decision. The decision shall not be arbitrable. Works shown upon the drawings but not mentioned in the specification or described in the specifications without being shown on the drawings shall nevertheless be deemed to be included in the same manner as if they are shown in the drawings and described in the specifications. 1.6 Special conditions of Contract: The Special conditions of contract, if any provided and whenever and wherever referred so shall be read in conjunction with General Terms and Conditions of Contract, Specifications, Drawings and any other documents forming part of Signature & seal of the Bidder this contract wherever the context so requires. Notwithstanding the subdivision of the documents into separate sections, parts volumes, every section, part or volume shall be deemed to be supplementary or complementary to each other and shall be read in whole. In case of any misunderstanding arising the same shall be referred to decision of the Owner / Engineer – in – charge / Site – in – charge and their decision shall be final and binding and the decision shall not be arbitrable. It is the clear understanding that wherever it is mentioned that the Contractor shall do / perform a work and / or provide facilities for the performance of the work, the doing or the performance or the providing of the facilities is at the cost and expenses of the work not liable to be paid or reimbursed by the Owner. 2. DEFINITIONS In this contract unless otherwise specifically provided or defined and unless a contract Intention appears form the contract the following words and expressions are used in the following meanings. 2.1 The term “Agreement” wherever appearing in this document shall be “contract” 2.2 The “Authority” for the purpose of this contract shall be the Chairman and Managing Director or any other person so appointed or authorised. read as 2.3 The “Chairman and Managing Director” shall mean the Chairman and Managing Director of HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED or any person so appointed nominated or designated and holding the office of Chairman and Managing Director. 2.4 The “charge order” means an order given in writing by the Engineer-in-charge or by owner of effect additions to or deletion for, or alterations into the work. 2.5 The “Construction equipment” means all appliances and equipment of whatsoever nature for the use in or for the execution, completion, operation or maintenance of the work except those intended to form part of the permanent work. 2.6 The “contract” between the owner and the contractor shall mean and include all documents like enquiry, quotation submitted by the contractor and the purchase order issued by the owner and other documents connected with the issue of the purchase order and orders, instruction, drawings, change orders, directions issued by the owner/ Engineer-in-charge/ Site-in-charge for the execution, completion and commissioning of the works and the period of time for which the work is continued by the contractor for purposes of completion of the work. Signature & seal of the Bidder 2.7 “The contractor” means the person or the persons, firm or company whose quotation has been accepted by the owner and includes the contractor’s legal heirs, representative, successor(s) and permitted assignees. 2.8 The “Drawings” shall include all maps, plans tracings or prints thereof with any modifications approved in writing by the Engineer-in-charge and such other drawings as may, from time to time be furnished or approved in writing by the Engineer-in-charge. 2.9 The “Engineer-in-charge” or “Site-in-charge” shall mean the person appointed or Designated as such by the owner and shall include those who are expressly authorised by the owner to act for and on its behalf. 2.10 “The owner” means the HINDUSTAN CORPORATION LIMITED incorporated in India having its registered office at PETROLEUM HOUSE, 17, JAMSHEDJI TATA ROAD, BOMBAY – 400020 and Marketing office at BALA VILLAGE, MANGALORE or their successors or assigners. 2.11 The “permanent work” means and includes works, which form a part of the work to be handed over to the owner by the contractor on completion of the contract. 2.12 The “project manager” shall mean the project manager of HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM COORPORATION LIMITED or any person so appointed or nominated or designated. 2.13 The “site” means the land on which the work is to be executed or carried out and such other place(s) for purpose of performing the contract. 2.14 The “Specifications” shall mean the various technical and other Specifications attached and referred to in the quotation documents. It shall also include the latest edition, including all agenda/corrigenda or relevant Indian Standard Specifications and Bureau of Indian Standards. 2.15 The “Sub-Contractor” means any person or firm or company (other than contractor) whom any part of the work has been entrusted by the contractor with the prior written consent of the owner/ Engineer-in-charge/ Site-in-charge and their legal heirs, representative, successors and permitted assignees of such persons firm or company. 2.16 The “Temporary work” means and includes all such works which are a part of the contract for execution of the permanent work but does not form part of the permanent work conforming to practices, procedures applicable rules and regulations relevant in that behalf. 2.17 The “Tender”/ “Quotation” means the document submitted by a person or authority for carrying the work and the tenderer means a person or authority that submits the tender offering to carry out the work as per the terms and conditions. 2.18 The “Work” shall mean the works to be executed in accordance with the contractor or part thereof as the case may be and shall include extra, additional alteration subsisted works as may be required for the purposes of completion of the contemplated under the contract. Signature & seal of the Bidder 3. SUBMISSION OF QUOTATION 3.1 Before submitting the Quotation/ Tender, the Bidder shall at their own cost and expenses visit the site, examine and satisfy as to the nature of the existing roads, means and communications, the character of the soil, state of land and of the excavations, correct dimensions of the work facilities for procuring various constructions other material and their availability, and shall obtain information on all matters and conditions as they may feel necessary for the execution of the works as intended by the owners and shall also satisfy of the availability of suitable water for construction of civil works and for drinking purpose and power required for fabrication work etc,. Bidder, whose quotation may be accepted and with whom the contract is entered into shall not be eligible and be able to make any claim on any of the said counts in what so ever manner for what so ever reasons at any point of time and such a claim shall not be raised as a dispute and shall not be arbitrable. 3.2 The Bidder shall be deemed to have satisfied fully before tendering as to the correctness and sufficiency of his tender for the woks and of the rates and prices quoted in the schedule of quantities which rates and prices shall except as otherwise provided cover all his obligations under the contract. 3.3 It must be clearly understood that the whole of the conditions and specifications are intended to be strictly enforced and that not work will be considered as extra work and allowed and paid for unless they are clearly outside the scope, spirit, meaning of the contract and intent of the owner and have been so ordered in writing by owner and /or Engineer-incharge/ Site-in-charge, whose decision shall be final and binding. 3.4 Before filling the quotation the contractor will check and satisfy all drawings and materials to be procured and the schedule of quantities by obtaining clarification form the owner on all the items as may be desired by the bidder. No claim for any alleged loss or compensation will be entertained on this account, after submission of quotation by the Bidder /contractor and such a claim shall not be arbitrable. 3.5 No escalation in the quotation rates will be permitted throughout the period of contract or the period of completion of the job whichever is later on account of any variation in prices of materials or cost of labour or due to any other reasons. Claims on account of escalation shall not be arbitrable. 3.6 The quantities indicated in the quotation are approximate. The approved schedule of rates of the contract will be applicable for variations upto plus or minus 25% of the contract value. No revision of schedule of rates will be permitted for such variations in the contract value, including variations of individual quantities, addition of new items, alterations, additions/deletions or substitutions of items, as mentioned above quantities etc., mentioned and accepted in the joint measurement sheets shall alone be final and binding on the parties. Signature & seal of the Bidder 3.7 Owner reserve their right to award the contract to any Bidder and their decision in this regard shall be final. They also reserve their right to reject any or all quotations received no disputes could be raised by any quotation(s) whose quotation has been rejected. 3.8 The rates quoted by the Bidder shall include costs and expenses on all counts viz. cost of materials, transportation of machine(s), tools, equipments, labour, power, administration charges, price escalations, profits etc., except to the extent of the cost of material(s) if any agreed to be supplied by owner and mentioned specifically in that regard in condition of contract, in which case the cost of such material if taken for preparation of the contractor’s bill(s) shall be deducted before making payment of the bill(s) of the contractor. The description given in the schedule of quantities shall unless otherwise stated be held to include wastage on materials, carriage and cartage, carrying in and return of empties, hoisting, setting, fitting and fixing in position and all other expenses necessary in and for the full and complete execution and completion of works and in accordance with good practice and recognized principles in that regard. 3.9 Employees of the state and central Govt. and employees of the public sector undertakings, including retired employees are covered under their respective services conditions/rules in regard to their submitting the quotation. All such persons should ensure compliance to the respective/applicable conditions, rules etc., any person not complying with those rules etc., but submitting the quotation in violation of such rules, after being so noticed shall be liable for the forfeiture of the earnest money deposit made with the quotation, termination of contract and sufferance on account for forfeiture of security deposit and sufferance of damages arising as result of termination of contract. 3.10 Quotation submitted by Bidder shall remain valid for a period of 180 days from date of opening of the quotation. The Bidder shall not be entitled during the said period of 180 days, to revoke or cancel the quotation without the consent in writing from the owner. In case the tenderer revokes or cancels the tender or varies any of terms of the tender without the consent of the owner, in writing, the tenderer forfeit the right to the refund of the Earnest Money paid along with the tender. 3.11 The prices quoted by the bidder shall be firm during the validity period of 6 months and also during the period of contract including period(s) of extensions of stated earlier. Escalation in prices will not be permitted during the period. The bidder shall particularly take note of this factor before submitting their quotation(s). 3.12 The works shall be carried out strictly as per approved specifications. Deviations, if any, shall have to be authorised by the engineer-in-charge/site-in-charge in writing prior to implementing deviations. The price benefit, if any arising out of the accepted deviation shall be passed on to the owner. The decision of the engineer-in-charge shall be final in this matter. 3.13 The contractor shall make all arrangements at his own cost to transport the required materials outside and inside the working places and leaving the premises in a neat and tidy condition after completion of the job to the satisfaction of owner. All materials except those agreed to Signature & seal of the Bidder be supplied by the owner shall be supplied by the contractor at his own cost and the rates quoted by the contractor should be inclusive of all royalties, rents, taxes, duties, statutory levis, if any etc., 3.14 The contractor shall not carry on any work other than the work under this contract within the owner’s premises without prior permission in writing from the engineer-in-charge/site-incharge. 3.15 The contractor shall be bound to follow and ensure compliance to all the safety and security regulations and other statutory rules applicable to the area. In the event of any damage or loss or sufferance caused due to non-observance of such rules and regulations, the contractor shall be solely responsible for the same and shall keep the owner indemnified against all such losses and claims arising form the same. 3.16 At any time after acceptance of quotation, the owner reserves the right to add, amend or delete any work item, by bill of quantities at a later date or reduce the scope of work in the overall interest of the wok by prior discussion any intimation to the contractor. The decision of owner, with reasons recorded therefore, shall be final and binding on both owner and the contractor. The contractor shall not have the right to claim compensation or damage etc., in that regard. The owner reserves the right to split the wok under this contract between two or more contractors without assigning any reasons. 3.17 Contractor shall not be entitled to sublet, sub contract or assign, the work under this contract without the prior consent of the owner obtained in writing. 3.18 All signatures in quotation document shall be dated as well as all the pages of all sections of the quotation documents shall be installed at the lower position and signed, wherever required in the quotation papers by the bidder or by a person holding power of attorney authorizing him to sign on behalf of the bidder before submission of the quotation. 3.19 The quotation should be quoted in English, both in figures as well as in words. The rates and amounts entered by the bidder in the schedule of rates for each item and in such a way that insertion is not possible. The total tendered amount should also be indicated both in figures and words with the signature of bidder. 3.20 All corrections and alterations in the entries of quotation will be signed in full by the bidder with date. No erasures or over writings are permissible. 3.21 Transfer of quotation document by one intending bidder to another one is not permissible. The bidder on whose name the quotation has been sent only can quote. 3.22 The quotation submitted by a bidder if found to be incomplete in any or all the manners is liable to be rejected. The decision of the owner in this regard is final and binding. In case of any error/discrepancy in the amount written in words and figure, the lower amount between the two shall prevail. 4. A DEPOSITS Earnest Money Deposit: The Tenderer will be required to pay a sum as specified in the covering letter as Earnest money deposit along with the tender by a crossed demand draft in favour of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, from any Nationalised bank payable at Chennai in favour of Signature & seal of the Bidder Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, Chennai in the proforma enclosed. The Earnest money deposit will be refunded after finalisation of the Contract. Note: Public sector enterprises and small-scale units registered with National small scale Industries are exempted from payment of Earnest Money Deposit. Small-scale units registered with National small scale Industries should enclose a photocopy of their registration certificate with their quotation to make their quotation eligible for consideration. The registration certificate should remain valid during the period of the contract that may be entered into with such successful bidder. Such tenderer should ensure validity of the registration certificate for the purpose. B) Security deposit The bidder with whom the contract is delivered to be entered into or given, will have to make a security deposit of percent (1%) of the contract value in the form of account payee crossed demand draft drawn in favour of the owner payable at Mangalore within 15 days from the date of intimation of acceptance of their quotation, failing which the owner reserves the right to cancel the contract and forfeit the EMD 5. EXECUTION OF WORK All the works shall be executed in strict conformity with the provisions of the contract documents and with such explanatory details, drawings, specifications, and instructions as may be furnished form time to time to the contractor by the Engineer-in-charge/Site-incharge, whether mentioned in the contract or not. The contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that works throughout are executed in the most proper and workmanlike manner with the quality of material and workmanship in strict accordance with the specifications of the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge. The completion of work may entail working in monsoon also. The contractor must maintain the necessary work force as may be required during monsoon and plan to execute the job in such a way the entire project is completed within the contracted time schedule. No extra charges shall be payable for such work during monsoon. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to keep the construction work site free from water during and off the monsoon period at his own cost and expenses. For working on Sundays/holidays, the contractor shall obtain the necessary permission from the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge in advance. The contractor shall be permitted to work beyond the normal hours with prior approval of the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge and the contractors quoted rate is inclusive of all such extended hours of working and no extra amount shall neb payable by the owner on this account. 5.a Setting out of Works and Site Instructions 5.a.1 The Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge shall furnish the contractor with only the four corners of the work site and a level bench mark and the contractor shall set out the works and shall Signature & seal of the Bidder provide an efficient staff for the purpose and shall be solely responsible for the accuracy of such setting out. 5.a.2 The contractor shall provide, fix and be responsible for the maintenance of necessary stakes, level marks, profiles and other similar things and shall take all necessary precautions to prevent their removal or disturbance and shall be responsible for consequences of such removal or disturbance should be the same and take place for their efficient and timely reinstatement. The contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance of all existing survey marks, either existing or supplied and fixed by the contractor. The work shall be set out to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge. The approval thereof or joining in setting out the work shall not relieve the contractor of his responsibility. 5.a.3 Before beginning the works, the contractor shall at his own cost provide necessary reference and level posts, pegs, bamboos, flags ranging rods, strings and other materials for proper layout of the work in accordance with the scheme for bearing marks acceptable to the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge. Center longitudinal or face lines and cross lines shall be marked by means of small markers wherever required. No work shall be started until all these points are checked ad approved by the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge in writing. But such approval shall not relieve the contractor of any of his responsibilities. The contractor shall also provide al labour, Materials and other facilities, as necessary for the proper checking of layout and inspection of the points during construction. 5.a.4 Pillars bearing geodetic marks located at the sites of units of works under construction should be protected and fenced by the contractor. 5.a.5 on completion of works, the contractor shall submit the geodetic documents a according to which the work was carried out. 5.a.6 The Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge shall communicate or confirm his instructions to the contractor in respect of executions of work in a “work site order book” maintained in the office having duplicate sheet and the authorised representative of the contractor shall confirm receipts of such instructions by signing the relevant entries in the book. 5.a.7 All instructions issued by the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge shall be in writing. The contractor shall be liable to carry out his instructions without fail. 5.a.8 If The contractor after receipt of written instruction from the Engineer-in-charge/Site-incharge requiring compliance within seven days fails to comply with the drawings or instructions or both as the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge may issue the owner may employ and pay other persons to execute any such work whatsoever may be necessary to give effect to such drawings of “instruction” and all cost and expenses incurred in connection therewith as certified by the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge shall be borne by the Signature & seal of the Bidder contractor or may be deducted from amounts due or that may become due to the contractor under the contract or may be recovered as a debt. 5.a.9 The contractor shall be entirely and exclusively responsible for the horizontal and vertical alignment, the levels and corrections of every part of the work and shall rectify effectively any errors or imperfections therein. Such rectifications shall be carried out by the contractor, at his own cost. 5.a.10 In case any doubts arise in the mind of the contractor in regard to any expressions, interpretations, statements, calculations of quantities, supply of material rates, etc., the contractor shall refer the same to the Site-in-charge/Engineer-in-charge for his clarification, instructions, guidance or clearing of doubts. The decision of the Engineer-in-charge/Site-incharge shall be bound by such a decision. 5.a.11 “The contractor shall take adequate precautions, to ensure that his operations do not create nuisance or misuse of the workspace that shall cause unnecessary disturbance or inconvenience to others at the wok site”. 5.a.12 “All fossils, coins articles of value of antiquity and structure or other remains of geological or archeological discovered on the site of works shall be declared to be property of the owner and the contractor shall take reasonable precautions to prevent his workmen or any other persons form removing or damaging any such articles or thing and shall immediately inform the Owner/Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge. 5.a.13 “The contractor shall be entirely and exclusively responsible to provide and maintain at his expenses all lights, guards, fencing etc., when ad where even necessary or/as required by the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge for the protection of works or safety and convenience to al the members employed at the site or general public” 5.b Commencement of Work The contractor shall after paying the requisite security deposit, commence work within 15days from the date of receipt of the intimation of intent from the owner informing that the contact is being awarded. The date of intimation shall be the date/day for counting the starting day/date and the ending day/date will be accordingly calculated. Penalty, if any, for the delay in execution shall be calculated accordingly. The contractor should prepare detailed fortnightly construction programme for approval by the Engineer-in-charge within one month of receipt of letter of intent. The work shall be executed strictly as per such time schedule. The period of contractor includes the time required fro testing, rectifications, if any, re-testing and completion of work in all respects to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge A letter of intent is an acceptance of offer by the contractor. But the contractor should acknowledge a receipt of the purchase order within 15days of mailing of the purchase order or any delay in acknowledging the receipt will be a breach of contract and compensation for Signature & seal of the Bidder the loss cause by the breach will be recovered by the owner by forfeiting Earnest Money Deposit/bid bond. 5.c Subletting of Work 5.c.1 No part of the contract nor any share or interest thereof shall in any manner or degree be transferred, assigned or sublet, by the contractor, directly or indirectly to any firm or corporation whatsoever, without the prior consent in writing of the owner. 5.c.2 At the commencement of every month the contractor shall furnish to Engineer-incharge/Site-in-charge list of al sub-contractors or other persons, firms engaged by the contractor. 5.c.3 The contract agreement will specify major items of supply or services for the contractor proposes to engage sub-contractor/sub-vendor. the contractor form time to time propose any addition or deletion from any such list and with the proposals in this regard to Engineer-incharge/Designated officer-in-charge for approval well in advance so as not to impede the progress of work approval of the Engineer-in-charge/Designated officer-in-charge will not relieve the contractor form any of his obligations, duties and responsibilities under the contract. 5.c.4 Notwithstanding any sub-letting with such approval as resaid and notwithstanding that the Engineer-in-charge shall have received copies of any sub-contract, the contractor shall be and shall remain solely to be responsible for the quality and price and expeditious execution of the works and the performance of all the conditions of the contract in all respects as if such sub-settling or sub-contracting taken place and as if such work had been done directly by the contractor. 5.c.5 Prior approval in writing of the owner shall be obtained before any change is made in the constitution of he contractor/contracting agency otherwise contract shall be deemed to have been allotted in contravention of clause entitled “sub-letting of works” and all the same action may be taken and the same consequence shall ensure a provided in the clause of “subletting of works”. 5.d Extension of Time If the contractor does not complete the work within the contractual period he may apply in writing to the owner before two months of the period of expiry of the contract stating therein in detail, the reasons on which he desires to have extension and the period of extension, the contractor for such extension of time shall take decision after discussion with the contractor and communicate the same to the contractor before 30 days of expiry of the contract. The decision of the owner in this regard shall be final and binding. Signature & seal of the Bidder If the owner extends the time for completion of work as mentioned above, it shall be the understanding between the owner and the contractor that the contractor shall be liable to pay damages, costs and expenses to the owner at the rate of 1% per month of the value of the remaining portion of work to be determined on the last date of the original period of contract, such value being determined by the owner and accepted by the contractor. In case of any dispute arising in the determination of the amount, the owner shall be at liberty to terminate the contract, upon which event, consequences would follow according to the term and condition provided under the clause for termination of the contract. 5.e Suspension of work 5.e.1 Subject to the provisions of this contract, the contractor shall if ordered in writing by the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge for reasons recorded suspend the works of any part thereof for such period and such a time so ordered and shall not, after receiving such, proceed with the work therein ordered to unsuspended until he shall have received a written order to restart. The contractor shall be entitled to claim extension of time for that period of time the work was ordered to be suspended. Neither the owner nor the contractor shall be entitled to claim compensation for damages on account of such an extension of time. 5.e.2 In case of suspension of entire work, ordered in writing by the Engineer-in-charge/Site-incharge, for a period of 30days, the owner shall have the option to terminate the contract as provided under the clause for termination. The contractor shall not be at liberty to remove from the site of the works any plant or material belonging to him and the employer shall have lien upon all such plant or materials. 5.e.3 The contract shall, in case of suspension have the right to raise a dispute and have the same arbitrated but however, shall not have the right to have the work stopped from further progress and completion either by the owner or through other contractors appointed by the owner. 5.f 5.g Owner may do part of work Not withstanding anything contained elsewhere in this contract, the owner upon failure of the contractor to comply with any instructions given in accordance with the provisions of this contact, may instead of contract and undertaking charge of entire work, place additional labour force, tools, equipment and materials such parts of the work, as the owner may decide or engage another contactor to carry out the balance of work. In such cases, the owner shall have the right to deduct from the amounts payable to the contactor the difference in cost of such works and materials with 10% overhead added to cover all departmental charges. Should the total amount thereof exceed the amount due to the contractor, the contractor shall pay the difference to the owner within 15 days of making a demand for payment failing which the contractor shall be liable to pay interest of 24% on such amounts till the date of payment. Inspection Of Works Signature & seal of the Bidder 5.g.1 The Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge and officers from central or state government will have full power and authority to inspect the works at any time wherever its progress, either on the site or at the contractor’s premises/workshops of a person, firm or corporation where work in connection with the contract may be in hand or where the materials are being or are to be supplied, and the contractor shall afford or procure for the Engineer-in-charge/Site-incharge every facility and assistance to carry out such inspection. The contractor shall, at all times during the usual working hours and at all the other times at which reasonable notice of intention of the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge or his representative to visit the works shall have been given to the contractor, either himself be present to receive orders and instructions, or have a responsible agent, duly accreditation in writing, present for the purpose. Orders given to the contractor’s agent shall be considered to have the same force as if they had been given to the contractor himself. The contractor shall give not less than 7days notice in writing to the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge before covering up or otherwise placing beyond reach of inspection and measurement any work in order that the same may be inspected and measured. In the event of breach of above, the same shall be uncovered at contractor’s expense for carrying out such measurement and/or inspection. 5.g.2 No material shall be removed and despatched by the contractor from the site without the prior approval in writing of The Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge. The contractor is to proved at all times during the progress of the work and in maintenance period proper means of access with ladders, gangways, etc., and the necessary attendance to move and adapt as directed for inspection or measurements of the works by The Engineer-in-charge/Site-incharge. 5.h Samples 5.h.1 The contractor shall furnish to the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge for approval when required adequate samples of all materials and finishes to be used in the work. 5.h.2 Samples shall be furnished by the contractor sufficiently in advance and before commencement of the work so as the owner can carry out tests and examinations thereof and approve or reject the samples for the use in the works. All material samples, furnished and finally used/applied in actual work shall fully be of the same quality of the approved samples. 5.i Tests for quality of work 5.i.1 All workmanship shall be of the respective kinds described in the contract documents and in accordance with the instruction of the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge and shall be subjected from time to time to such at contractor’s cost as the Engineer-in-charge/Site-incharge may direct at the place of the manufacture or fabrication or on the site or at all or any such places. The contractor shall provide assistance, labour and materials as are normally required for examining, measuring and testing any workmanship as may be selected and required by the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge. Signature & seal of the Bidder 5.i.2 5.i.3 5.j All the tests that will be necessary in connection with the execution of the work as decided by the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge shall be carried out at the contractor’s cost and expenses. If any tests are required to be carried out in connection with the work or materials or workmanship to be supplied by the owner, such tests shall be carried out by the contractor as per instructions of the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge and expenses for such tests, if any, incurred by the contractor shall be reimbursed by the owner. the contractor should file his claim with the owner within 15das of inspection/test and any claim made beyond that period shall lapse and be not payable. Alterations and Additions to Specifications, Designs and Works. 5.j.1 The Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge shall have powers to make any alterations additions and/or substitutions to the schedule of quantities, the original specifications, drawings, designs, and instructions that may become necessary or advisable or during the progress of the work and the contractor shall be bound to carryout such altered/extra/new items of work in accordance with the instructions which may be given to him in writing singed by The Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge. Such alterations, omissions, additions, or substitutions shall not invalidate the contract. The altered, additional or substituted work which the contractor may be directed to carryon in the manner, as part of the work shall be carried out by the contractor on the same conditions in all respects on which he has agreed to do the work. The time for completion of such altered added and/or substituted work may be extended for that part of the particular job. The rates for such additional altered or substituted work under this clause shall be worked out in accordance with the following provisions. 5.j.2 If the rates for the additional altered or substituted work are specified in the contract for similar classes of work, the contractor is bound to carryout the additional altered or substituted work at the same rates as are specified in the contract. 5.j.3 If the rates for the additional, altered or substituted work are not specifically provided in the contract for the work, the rates will be derived from the rates for similar classes of work, as are specified in the contract for the work. In the opinion of The Engineer-incharge/Site-in-charge as to whether or not the rates can be reasonably so derived from the items in this contract, will be final and binding on the contractor. 5.j.4 If the rates for the altered, additional, or substituted work cannot be determined in the manner specified above, then the contractor shall within 7 days of the date of receipt of order to carry out the work, inform The Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge of the rate at which he intends to change for such class of work, supported by analysis of the rate or rates claimed and the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge shall determine the rates on the basis of the prevailing market rates for both material and labour plus 10% to cover overload and profit of labour rates and pay the contractor accordingly. The opinion of The Engineer-incharge/Site-in-charge as to current market rates of materials and the quantum of labour involved per unit of measurement will be final and binding on the contractor. Signature & seal of the Bidder 5.j.5 The quantities indicated in the quotation are approximate. The approved schedule of rates of the contractor will be applicable for variations upto +25% of the estimated contract value. No revision of schedule of rates will be permitted for such variations in the contract value, even for variations of individual quantities, addition of new items, alterations, additions/deletions or substitutions of items, as mentioned above. 5.j.6 In case of any item of work for which there is no specification supplied by the owner and is mentioned in the quotation documents, such work shall be carried out in accordance with the Indian standard specifications and if the Indian standard specifications do not cover the same, the work should be carried out as per standard engineering practice subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge. 5.k Provincial acceptance Acceptance of sections of the works for purposes of equipment erection, piping, electrical work and similar usages by the owner and payment for such work or parts of work shall not constitute as waiver of any portion of this contract and shall not be constructed as to prevent the engineer from requiring replacement of defective work that may become apparent after the said acceptance and also shall not absolve the contractor of the obligations under this contract. It is made clear that such and acceptance does not indicate or denote or establish to the fact of execution of that work or the contract until the work is completed in full in accordance with the provisions of this contract. 5.l Completion of work and completion certificate a) b) c) As soon as the work is completed in all respects, the contractor shall give notice of such completion to the site in charge or the owner and within 30 days of receipt of such notice the site in charge shall inspect the work and shall furnish the contractor with a certificate of completion indicating: Defects, if any, to be rectified by the contractor. Items, if any, for which payment shall be made in reduced rates The date of completion 5.m Use of materials and return of surplus materials 5.m.1 Not withstanding anything contained to the contrary in any or all of the clauses of the contract, where any materials for the execution of the contract are procured with the assistance of government either by issue from government stocks or purchase made under orders or permits or licenses issued by government, the contractor shall use the said materials economically and solely for the purpose of the contract and shall not dispose them of without the permission of the owner. 5.m.2 All surplus (serviceable) or unserviceable materials that may be left over after completion of the contract or at its termination for any reason whatsoever the Signature & seal of the Bidder contractor shall deliver the said product to the owner without any demur. The price to be paid to the contractor, if not already paid either in full or in part, however shall not exceed the amount mentioned in the schedule of rates for such materials and in cases where such rates are not so mentioned, shall not exceed the scheduled rates. In the event of breach of the aforesaid condition the contractor shall become liable for contravention of the items have though contract. 5.m.3 The surplus (serviceable) and unserviceable products shall be determined by measurement. In case where joint measurement has failed to take place, the owner may measure the same and determine the quantity. 5.m.4 It is made clear that the owner shall not be liable to take stock and keep possessions and pay for the surplus and unserviceable stocks and the owner may direct the contractor to take back such material brought by the contractor and becoming surplus and which the owner may decide to keep and not to pay for the same. 5.n Defect Liability Period The contractor shall guarantee the work executed for a period of 12 months the date of completion of the job. Any damage or defect that may arise or undiscovered at the time of completion of the job shall be rectified or replaced by the contractor at his own cost. The decision of the engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge/Owner shall be final in deciding whether the defect has to be rectified or replaced. Equipment or spare parts replaced under warranty/guarantees shall have further warranty for a mutually agreed period from the date of acceptance. The owner shall intimate the defects noticed in writing by a registered A.D letter or otherwise and the contractor within 15 days of receipt of the intimation shall start the rectification work and completed within the time specified by the owner filing which the owner will get the defects rectified by themselves or by any other contractor and the expenses incurred in getting the same done shall be paid by the contractor under the provision of the contract. Thus, defect liability is applicable only in case of job/works contract (civil, mechanical, electrical maintenance etc.,) where any damage of defect may arise in nature (i.e., within12 months from the date of completion of the job) or lie undiscovered at the time of completion of the job. In other words, in case of service contracts (like car hire etc.,) where there is no question of damage or defect arising in future, the defect liability clause is not applicable. 6.0 DAMAGE TO PROPERTY The contractor shall be responsible for making good to the satisfaction of the owner any loss of and any damage to all structures and properties belonging to the owner or being executed or procured by the owner or of other agencies within the premises of the work of Signature & seal of the Bidder the owner, if such loss or damage is due to fault and/or the negligence or willful acts or omission of the contractor, his employees, agents, representatives or sub-contractors. The contractor shall indemnify and keep the owner harmless of all claims for damage to owner’s property or by reason of this contract. Duties and responsibilities of Contractor: Employment liability towards Workers Employed by the Contractor 6.a.1 The contractor shall be solely and exclusively responsible for engaging and employing or employing persons for the execution of the work. All persons engaged by the contractor shall be on contractor’s payroll and paid by the contractor. All disputes or differences between the contractor and his/their employees shall be settled by the contractor. 6.a.2 The owner has absolutely no liability whatsoever concerning the employees of the contractor. The contractor shall indemnify the owner against any loss or damage or liability arising out of or in the course of his/their employing persons or relation with his/their employees. The contractor shall make regular and full payment of wages and on any complaint by any employee of The contractor or his sub-contractor regarding non-payment of wages, salaries or other dues, the owner reserves the right to make payments directly to such employees or sub-contractors of the contractor and recover the amount in full from the bills of the contractor and the contractor shall not claim any compensation or reimbursement thereof. The contractor shall comply with the minimum wages act applicable to the area of work site with regard to payment of wages to his employees and also to the employees of the sub-contractor. 6.a.3 The contractor shall advice in writing or in such appropriate way to all of the employees and employees of the sub-contractors and any person engaged by him that their appointment/ employment is only in connection with the contractor and that their present appointment is only in connection with the construction of the contract with the owner and that therefore, such an appointment/ employment would not enable or make them eligible for any appointment/ employment with the owner either temporarily or/and permanent basis. 6.b Notice to Local Bodies. The contractor shall comply with and give all notices required under any government authority, instruction, rule or order made under any act of the parliament., state laws and regulations or by-laws of any local authority relating to the works. 6.c 6.c.1 First Aid And Industrial Injuries The contractor shall maintain first aid facility for his employees and those of his subcontractors. Signature & seal of the Bidder 6.c.2 The contractor will be fully responsible for complying, with all relevant provisions of the contract. Labour act and shall pay rates of wages and observe hours of work/conditions of employment according to the rules in force from time to time. 6.c.3 The contractor will be fully responsible for complying, with the provision including documentation and submission of reports on the above to the concerned authorities and shall indemnify the corporation from any such lapse for which the government will be taking action against them. 6.c.4 The owner shall on a report having been made by an inspecting office as defined in the contract labour regulations have the power to deduct from the money due to the contractor any sum required or estimated to be required for making good the loss suffered by a worker(s) by reasons of non-fulfillment of conditions of contract for the benefit of workers no-payment of wages or of deductions made from his or their wages which are not justified by the terms of the contract or non observance of the said contractor’s labour regulation. 6.d Insurance and Labour The contractor shall at his own expense obtain and maintain an insurance policy with a nationalized insurance company to the satisfaction of the owner as provided hereunder. 6.e Employees state insurance act i. The contractor agrees to and does hereby accept full and exclusive liability for the compliance with all obligations imposed by Employees state insurance act, 1948, and the contractor further agrees to defend indemnify and hold owner harmless from any liability or penalty which may be imposed on the central, state or local authority by reason of any asserted violation by the contractor, or sub-contractor, or sub-contractor of the employees’ state insurance act 1948 and also from all claims, suits or proceedings that may be brought against the owner arising under, suits or proceedings that may be brought by employees of the contractor, by third parties or by central or state government authority or any political sub-division thereof. ii The contractor agrees to file with the employees state insurance corporation, the declaration forms and all forms which may be required in respect of the contractor’s or subcontractor’s employee whose aggregate enumeration is within the specified limit and who are employed in the work provided or those covered by ESI act under any amendment to the act from time to time. iii The contractor shall make arrangements for ambulance service and for treatment of all types of injuries. Names and telephone numbers of those providing such services shall be furnished to the owner prior to start of construction and their names shall be prominently displayed in the contractor’s field office. iv All industrial injuries shall be reported promptly to the owner and a copy of the report covering each personal injury requiring the attention of a physician furnished by the owner. Signature & seal of the Bidder 6.d Safety Code 6.d.1 The contractor shall at his own expense arrange for the safety provisions which may be necessary for the execution of the work or as required by the Engineer-in-charge in respect of all labours directly or indirectly employed in performance of the works and shall provide all facilities in connections thereafter. In case the contractor fails to make arrangements and provide new facilities as foresaid, the owner shall be entitled to do so and recover thereof from the contractor. 6.d.2 From the commencement to the completion of the works, the contractor shall take the responsibility thereof and of all the temporary works (defined as all temporary works of every kind required in or for the execution, completion, maintenance of the works). In case damage loss or injury shall happen to the works or ay peat thereof or to temporary works or to any cause what repair at his (contractor’s) own cost and make good the same so that at the completion, the woks shall be in good order and condition and in conformity in respect with the requirement of the contract and Engineer-in-charge’s instructions. 6.d.3 In respect of all labour, directly or indirectly employed in the work performance of the contractor’s part of agreement, The contractor shall at his own expense arrange for all the safety provisions as per relevant safety code C.P.W.D Bureau Of Indian Standards, The Electricity Act /I.E Rules. The Act and such other Acts as applicable. 6.d.4 The contractor shall observe and abide by all fire and safety regulations of the Owner. Before starting construction work, the contractor shall consult the Owner’s safety engineer or Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge and must make the satisfaction of the owner any loss or damage due to fire to any portion of work done or to be done under this agreement or to any of the owner’s property. 6.d.5 The contractor shall deduct and secure the agreement of the sub-contractor to deduct the employee’s contribution as per the first schedule of the employee’s state insurance act from wages and affix the employee’s contribution cards at wages payment intervals. The contractor shall remit and secure the agreement of the sub-contractor to remit to the State bank of India, employee’s State insurance Corporation account, the employee’s contribution as required by the act. 6.d.6 The contractor agrees to maintain all records as required under the act in respect of employees and payments and The contractor shall secure the agreement of the subcontractor to maintain such records. Any expenses incurred for the contributions, making contributions, maintaining records shall be to the contractor’s or sub-contractor’s account. 6.d.7 The Owner shall retain such sum as may be necessary from the total contract value until the contractor shall furnish satisfactory proof that all contributions as required by the employees State insurance act, 1948, have been paid. Signature & seal of the Bidder 6.e. Workman’s Compensation and Employees Liability Insurance. Provide insurance for all the contractor’s employees engaged in the performance of this contract. If any of the work is sublet, the contractor shall ensure that the sub-contractor provides workmen’s and employer’s liability insurance for the latter’s employees who are not covered under the contractor’s insurance. 6.e.1 Automobile Insurance The contractor shall take out and insurance to cover the risks to owner for each of his vehicles plying on works of this contract and these insurances shall be valid for the total contract period. No extra payment will be made for this insurance. The owner shall not be liable for any damage or loss not made good by the insurance company, should such damage or loss result from unauthorized use of the vehicle. The provisions of the Motor Vehicle Act would apply. 6.e.2 Fire Insurance The contractor shall within two weeks after award of contract insure against plant and equipment and keep them insured until the final completion of the contract against loss or damage by accident, fire or any other causes wherein the insurance company to be approved by the employer/consultant in the names of the employer and the contractor (name of the former being placed first in the policy). Such policy shall cover the property of the employer only. 6.e.3 Any other insurance required under law or regulations or by owner. i. The Contractor shall also provide and maintain any and all other insurance, which may be required under any law or regulations from time to time. He shall also carry and maintain any other insurance, which may be required by the owner. ii. The aforesaid insurance policy/ policies shall provide that they shall not be cancelled till the engineer-in-charge has agreed to their cancellation. iii. The Contractor shall satisfy to the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge from time to time that he has taken out all the insurance policies referred to above and has paid the necessary premium for keeping the policies till the expiry of the defects liability period. iv. The Contractor shall ensure that similar insurance polices are taken out by the subcontractor (if any) and shall be responsible for any claims or losses to the owner resulting from their failure to obtain adequate insurance policies in connection thereof. The Contractor shall produce or cause to be proceed by his sub-contractor (if any) as the case may be , the relevant policy or polices and premium receipts as and when required by the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge. 6.e.4 Labour and Labour Laws Signature & seal of the Bidder i. The Contractor shall at his own cost employ persons during the period of Contract and the persons so appointed shall not be construed under the Circumstances to be in the employment of the owner. ii. All payments shall be made by the contractor to the labour employed by him in accordance with the various rules and regulations stated above. The contractor shall keep the owner indemnified form any claims whatsoever inclusive of damages/costs or otherwise arising form injuries or alleged injuries to or death of a person employed by the contractor or damages or alleged damages to the property. iii. No labour below the age of eighteen years shall be employed on the work. The contractor shall not pay les than what is provided under the provisions of the contract labour (regulations and abolition) act, 1970 and the rules made thereunder and as may be amended from time to time. He shall pay the required deposit under the act appropriate to the number of workman to be employed by him or through the sub-contractor and get himself registered under the act. . He shall produce the required certificates to the owner before the commencement of the work. The owner recognizes only the contractor and not his subcontractor under the provisions of the Act. The contractor will have to submit a daily list of his workforce. He will also keep the wage register at the work site or/and produce the same to the owner, whenever desired. A deposit may be taken by the owner from the contractor to be refunded only after the owner is satisfied that all workmen employed by the contractor have been fully paid for the period of work in the owner’s premises at rates equal to or better than wages provided for under the minimum wages Act. The contractor shall be responsible and liable for any complaints that may arise in this regard and the consequences thereto. iv. The contractor will comply with the provisions of the employee’s provident fund act and the family pension act as may be applicable and as amended from time to time. v. The contractor will comply with the provisions of the payment of gratuity Act, 1972, as may be applicable and as amended from time to time. vi. Implementation of Apprentices Act, 1961 The contractor will comply with the provisions of the Apprentices Act, 1961, and the rules and orders issued thereunder from time to time. If he fails to do so, his failure will be a breach of the contract and the Engineer-in-charge may, at his discretion, cancel the contract. The contractor shall also be liable for any pecuniary liability arising on account of any violation by him of the provision of the act. vii. The contractor shall at his own expenses comply with or cause to be complied with the model rules for labour welfare as appended to those conditions or rules framed by the government from time to time for the protection of health and making sanitary arrangements for worker employed directly or indirectly on the works. In case the contractor fails to make arrangements as foresaid. The Engineer-in-charge/site-in-charge shall be entitled to do so and recover the cost thereof from the contractor. Signature & seal of the Bidder 6.f Documents concerning works 6.f.1 All documents including drawings, blue prints, tracings, reproducible models, plans, specifications and copies, thereof furnished by the owner as well as drawings, tracings, reproducibles, plans, specifications, design calculations prepared by the contractor for the purpose of execution of works covered in connection with this contract shall be the property of the owner and shall not be used by the contractor for and other work but are to be delivered to the owner at the completion or otherwise of the contract. 6.f.2 The contractor shall keep and maintain secrecy of the documents, drawings etc., issued to him for the execution of this contract and restrict access to the documents, drawings etc., further The contractor shall execute a SECRET agreement from each or any person employed by the contractor having access to such documents, drawings etc. The contractor shall not issue documents, drawings etc., to any other agency or individual without the written approval of the Engineer-in-charge/site-in-charge. 6.f.3 The contractor will not give any information or document etc., concerning details of work to the press or a news disseminating agency without prior written approval from the Engineer-in-charge/site-in-charge. The contractor shall not take any picture of the site without written approval from the Engineer-in-charge/site-in-charge. 7.0 PAYMENT OF CONTRACTOR’S BILLS 1. Payments will be made against running accounts bills certified by the Engineer-incharge/Site-in-charge within 15 days from the date of receipt of certified bill by the Disbursement section of the Owner. 2. Running accounting bills and the final bill shall be submitted by the contractor together with the duly signed measurements sheet(s) to the Engineer-in-charge/ Site-in-charge of the Owner of the quadruplicate for certification. The bills shall also be accompanied by quantity calculations in support of the quantities contained in the bill along with the cement consumption statement, actual/theoretical, wherever applicable duly certified by the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge of the Owner. 3. All running account payments shall be regarded as on account of payments(s) to be finally adjusted against the final bill payment. Payment of running account bill(s) shall not determine or effect in any way the rights of the owner under this contract to make the final adjustments of the quantities of material, measurement of work and adjustment of amounts etc.in the final bill. 4. The final bill shall be submitted by the contractor within one month of the date of completion of the work fully and completely in all respects. If the contractor fails to submit the final bill accordingly Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge may make the measurement and determine the total amount payable fro the work carried out by the contractor and such a certification shall be final and binding on the contractor. The Owner/Engineer-inSignature & seal of the Bidder charge/Site-in-charge may take the assistance of an outside party for taking the measurement, the expenses of which shall be payable by the contractor. Payment of final bill shall be made within 7 days from the date of receipt of the certified bill of disbursement section of the owner. 8 .0 MEASUREMENT OF WORKS 1. All measurements shall be in metric system. All the works will be jointly measured by the representative of the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge and the contractor or their authorised agent progressively. Such measurement will be recorded in the measurement, Book/measurement sheet by the contractor or his authorised representative and signed in token of acceptance by the owner or their authorised representative. 2. For the purpose of taking joint measurement, the contractor/representative shall be bound to be present whenever required by Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge. If however they are absent for any reasons whatsoever, the measurement will be taken by the Engineer-incharge/Site-in-charge or his representative and the same would be deemed to be correct and binding to the contractor. 3. In case of any dispute as to the mode of measurement for any item of work, the latest Indian standard specifications shall be followed. In case of any further dispute on the same the same shall be as per the certification of an outside-qualified engineer/consultant. Such a measurement shall be final and binding to the owner and contractor. 8.a BILLING OF WORKS EXECUTED The contractor will submit a bill approved proforma in quadruplet to Engineer-incharge/Site-in-charge of the work giving abstract and detailed measurement for the various items executed during a months, before the expiry of the first week of the succeeding month. The Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge shall take or cause to be taken the requisite measurements for the purpose of having the bill verified and/or checked before forwarding the same disbursement office of the owner for further action in terms of the contract and payment thereafter. The Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge shall verify within 7 days of submission of he bill by the contractor 8.b Retention Money 5% of the total value of the running account and final bill will be deducted and retained by the owner as retention money of account of any damage/defect liability that may arise for the period covered under the defect liability period clause of the contract free of interest. Any damage or defect that may arise or lie undiscovered at the time of issue of completion certificate connected in any way with the equipment or materials supplied by the contractor or in workmanship shall be rectified or replaced by the contractor at his own expense failing which the owner shall be entitled to rectify the said damage/defect from the retention of money. Any excess of expenditure incurred by the owner on account of Signature & seal of the Bidder damage or defect shall be payable by the contractor. The decision of the owner on this behalf shall not be liable to be questioned but shall be final and binding on the contractor. Thus, deduction towards retention money is applicable only in case of job/works contracts (civil, mechanical, electrical, maintenance etc.,) where any damage/defect may arise in future (i.e. within 12 months from the date of completion of job) or lie undiscovered at the time of issue of completion certificate. 8.c Taxes, Duties, Octroi Etc., 8.c.1 The contractor accepts full and exclusive liability for the payment of any and all Taxes, Duties, Octroi, cess, Levis and statutory payments payable under all or any of the statues etc. now or hereafter imposed, increased form time to time in respect of works and materials and all contribution and taxes for unemployment, compensation and insurance and old age pensions or annuities now or thereafter imposed by central or state governmental authorities which are imposed with respect to or covered by the wages, salaries or other compensations paid to the persons employed by the contractor and the contractor shall be responsible for the compliance with all obligation sand restrictions imposed by the labour law or any other law affecting employer-employee relationship and the contractor further agrees to comply and to secure the compliance of all sub-contractors with all applicable central, state, municipal and local laws, and regulations and requirements of any central, state, or local government agency or authority. The contractor further agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless from any liability or penalty which may be imposed on central, state, or local authorities by reason of any violation by the contractor or sub-contractor of such laws, regulations or requirements and also from all claims, suits or proceedings that may be brought against the owner arising under, growing out of, or by reasons of the work provided for by this contract by third parties, or by central or state government authorities or any administrative sub-division thereof. The contractor further agrees that in case any such demand is raised against the owner, and owner has no way but to pay and pays/makes payment of the same the owner shall have the right to deduct the same from the amounts due and payable to the contractor. The contractor shall not raise any demand or dispute in respect of the same but may have recourse to recover/receive from the concerned authorities on the basis of the certificate of the owner issued in that behalf. 8.c.2 The rates quoted should be inclusive of all rates, cess taxes and sales tax on which contracts wherever applicable. However, wherever the sales tax on works contract is applicable and is to be deducted at source, the same will be deducted from the bills of eh contractor and paid to the concerned authorities. The proof of such payment of sales tax on works contract will be furnished to the contractor. 8.c.3 Income tax will be deducted at source as per rules at prevailing rates, unless certificate, if any, for deduction at lesser rate or nil deduction is submitted by the contractor form appropriate authority. 8.d MATERIALS TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE CONTRACTOR Signature & seal of the Bidder 8.d.1 The contractor shall procure and provide the whole of the materials required for construction including tools, tackles, construction plant and equipment for the completion and maintenance of the works except the materials viz. steel and cement which may be agreed to be supplied as provided elsewhere in the contract. 8.d.2 The owner may give necessary recommendation to the respective authority is so desired by the contractor but assumes no responsibility of any nature. The contractor shall procure materials of ISI stamp/certification and supplied by reputed suppliers borne on DGS&D list. 8.d.3 All materials procured should meet the specifications given in the tender document. The Engineer-in-charge may, at his discretion, ask for samples and test certificates for any batch of any materials procured. Before procuring, the contractor should get the approval of the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge for any materials to be used for the works. 8.d.4 Manufacture’s certificate shall be submitted for all materials supplied by the contractor. If however, in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge any tests are required to be conducted on the martial supplied by the contractor, these will be arranged by the contractor promptly at his own cost. 8.d.5 The contractor shall bear all the costs including loading and unloading, carting from issue points to work spot storage, unloading, custody and handling and stacking the same and return the surplus steel and cement to the owner’s storage point after completion of job. 8.e.1 MATERIALS TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE OWNER 8.e.2 Steel and Cement may be supplied by the Owner to the Contractor against payment by the Contractor from either godown or from the site or within work premises itself and the contractor shall arrange for all transport to actual work site at no extra cost. 8.e.3 The Contractor shall bear all the cost including loading and unloading, carting from issue points to work spot storage, unloading, custody and handling and stacking the same and return the surplus steel and cement to the Owner’s storage point after completion of job. 8.e.4 The Contractor will be fully accountable for the Steel and Cement received from the Owner and the Contractor will give acknowledgement / receipt for quantity of Steel and cement received by him each time he uplifts cement from the Owner’s custody. 8.e.5 For all computations purposes, the theoretical cement consumption shall be considered as per CPWD standards. 8.e.6 Steel and cement as received from the manufacturer / stockiest will be issued to the Contractor. Theoretical weight of the cement in a bag will be considered as 50 Kgs. Bag weighing upto 4% less shall be accepted by the Contractor and considered as 50 Kgs. Per bag. Any shortage in the weight of any cement bag by more than 4% will be to the Owner’s account only when pointed out by the Contractor and verified by the Engineer-in-charge / Site-in-charge at the time of Contract or taking delivery. 8.e.7. The Contractor will be required to maintain a stock register for received quantity of steel and cement at the site. Cement will be store in the warehouse at site. Requirement of Signature & seal of the Bidder 8.e.8. 8.e.9. 8.e.10. 8.e.11. 8.e.12. 8.e.13. 8.e.14. . 8.g. cement on any day will be taken out of the warehouse. Cement issued shall be regulated on the basis of the FIRST RECEIPT to go as FIRST ISSUE. Empty cement bag shall be the property of the Contractor. The contractor shall be penalized for any excess/ under consumption of cement. The penal rate will be twice the rate of issue of cement for this work. All the running bills as well as the final bills will be accompanied by cement consumption statements giving the detailed working of the cement used, cement received stock-on-hand. The Contractor will be fully responsible for safe custody of cement once received by him during transport. Owner will not entertain any claims of Contractor for theft, loss or damage to the cement while in their custody. The Contractor shall not remove from the site any cement bags at any time. The Contractor shall advise the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge in writing atleast before exhausting the cement stocks already held by the Contractor to ensure delays do not lead to interruptions in the progress of work. Cement shall not be supplied by the Owner for manufacturing of most pre-cast cement jelly and any other bought-out items which consume cement and temporary works. Cement in bags and in good usable condition left over after the completion shall be returned by the Contractor to the Owner. The Owner shall make payment to the Contractor at the supply rate for such stocks of cement they accept. Any refused stock of cement shall be removed by the Contractor from the site at his cost and expenses within 15 days of completion of the work. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS AND DAMAGES 8.g.1. Should the owner have to pay money in respect of claims or demands as afforded amount so paid and the costs incurred by the owner shall be charged to and by the contractor and the contractor shall not be entitled to dispute or question the right of the owner to make such payments notwithstanding the same may have without his consent or authority or in law or otherwise to the contrary. 8.g.2 In every case in which by virtue of the provisions of Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 or other Acts, the Owner is obliged to pay compensation to a Workman employed by the Contractor. In the execution of the works, the Owner will recover from the Contractor the amount of compensation so paid and without prejudice to the rights of the Owner under the said Act. The Owner shall be at liberty to recover such amount or any part thereof by deducting it from the security deposit or from any sum due to the Contractor whether under this Contract or otherwise. The Owner shall not be bound to contest any claim made under Section 12 Sub Section 1 of the said Act except on the written request of the Contractor and upon his giving to the Owner full security for all costs for which the Owner might become liable in consequence of contesting such claims. 8.g.3. Action and compensation in case of bad work: If it shall appear to the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge that any work has been executed with bad, imperfect or unskilled workmanship, or with materials, or that any materials or articles provided by the contractor for execution of the work are not standards Signature & seal of the Bidder specified/inferior quality to that contracted for, or otherwise not in accordance with the contract, the CONTRACTOR shall on demand in writing from the Engineer-in-charge/Sitein-charge or his authorised representative specifying the work, materials or articles complained of, notwithstanding that the same may have been inadvertently passed, certified and paid for, forthwith rectify or remove and reconstruct the work so specified and at his own charge and cost and expenses and in the event of failure to do so within a period of 15 days of such intimation/information/knowledge, the contractor shall be liable to pay compensation equivalent to the cost of reconstruction by the owner. On expiry of 15 days period mentioned above, the owners may by themselves or otherwise rectify or remove and re-execute the work or remove and replace with others, the materials or articles complained of as the case may be at the risk and expenses in all respects of the contractor. The decision of the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge as to any question arising under this clause shall be final and conclusive and shall not be raised as a dispute or shall be arbitrable. 8.g.4. Inspection and audit of contract and works This project is subject to inspection by various government agencies of government of India. The contactor shall extend full co-operation to all the government and other agencies in the inspection of the works, audit of the contract and the documents of contract bills, measurements sheets etc., and examination of the records of works and make enquiries interrogation as they may deem fit, proper and necessary. Upon inspection etc., by such agencies if it is pointed out that the contract work has not been carried out according to the prescribed terms and conditions as laid down in the tender documents and if any recoveries are recommended, the same shall be recovered from the contractors running bills/final bill/from ordered/suggested security deposit/retention money. The contactor shall not raise any dispute on any such account and the same shall not be arbitrable. 9.1.1 CONTRACTOR TO INDEMNIFY THE OWNER The contactors shall indemnify the owner and every member, officer and employee of the owner, also the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge and his staff against all the actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs expenses, whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the works and all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs, expenses which may be made against the owner for or in respect of or arising out of any failure by the contractor in the performance of his obligations under the contract. The contactor shall be liable for or in respect of or in consequence of any accident or injury to any workmen or other person in the employment of the contactor or his sub-contractor and the contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the owner against all such damages, proceedings, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation thereto. 10. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES In case of delay in completing the work beyond the period of contract the contactors shall be liable to pay liquidated damages at the rate of 0.5% of the total contact value for every week or part thereof of the delay subject to a maximum of 5% of the total contract value. The liquidated damages shall be recovered by the owner to of the amounts, payable Signature & seal of the Bidder to the contractor or from the guarantees or deposits furnished by the contactor or the retention money retained from the bills of the contractor. Should the amount of liquidated damages is not recoverable or recovered in any manner in part or in full, the same shall be payable by the contractor on demand by the owner with 24% P.A interest till the date of payment. 12 DEFECTS AFTER TAKING OVER OR TERMINATION OF WORK CONTRACT BY OWNER The contractor shall remain responsible and liable to make good all loses or Damages that may occur/appear to the work carried out under this contract within a period of 12 months from date of issue of eh completion certificate and/or the date of owner taking over the work, which ever is earlier. The contractor shall issue a Bank guarantee to the owner in the sum of 10% of the work entrusted in the contract, from any nationalized bank acceptable to the owner and if however, the contractor fails to furnish such a bank Guarantee the owner shall have the right to retain the security deposit and retention money to cover the 10% of the guarantee amount under this clause and to return/refund the same after the expiry of the period of 12 months without any interest thereon. 13 TERMINATION OF CONTRACT The owner may terminate the contract at any stage of the construction for reasons to be recorded in the letter of termination. The owner may terminate the contract for any or all of the following reasons that the contractor: a) Has abandoned the work/contract. b) Has failed to commence the works, or has without any lawful excuse under these conditions suspended the work for 15 consecutive days. c) Has failed to remove materials from the site or to pull down and replace the work Within 15 days after receiving from the engineer written notice that the said materials or wok were condemned and/or rejected by the engineer under special conditions. Has neglected or failed to observe and perform all or any to the terms and matters or things under this contract to be observed and performed but the contractor. d) e) Has to the detriment of good workmanship or in defiance of the engineers instructions to the contrary sub-let any part of the contract. f) Has acted in any manner to the detrimental interest, reputation, dignity, name and prestige of the owner. g) Has stopped attending to work without any prior notice and prior permission for a period of 15 days. Signature & seal of the Bidder h) Has become untraceable. i) Has without authority acted in violation of the terms and conditions of this contract and has committed breach of terms of the contract in the best judgment of the owner. j) Has been declared insolvent/bankrupt. k) In the event of sudden death of the contractor. The owner of termination of such contract shall have the right to appropriate the security deposit, retention money and invoke the bank guarantee furnished by the contractor and to appropriate the same towards the amounts due and payable by the contractor as per the conditions of the contract and return to the contractor excess money, if any, left over. The owner shall have the right to carry out the unexecuted portion of work either by themselves or by contractor through other agencies at the cost of the contractor. The contractor within or at the time fixed by the owner shall depute his authorised representative for taking joint final measurements of the works executed thus far and submit the final bill for the wok as per joint final measurement within 15 days of the date of joint final measurement. If the contractor fails to depute their representative for joint measurement, the owner shall take the measurement with their Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge or any other outside representatives. Such a measurement shall not be raised by the contractor for the purpose of arbitration. The owner may enter upon and take possession of the works and all plant, tools, scaffoldings, sheds, machinery, power operated tools and steel, cement and other materials of the contract at the site or around the site and use or employ the same for completion of the wok or employ any other contractor or other person or persons to complete the works. The contractor shall not in any way object or interrupt or do any act, matter or thing to prevent or hinder such actions, other contractors or other persons employed for completing and finishing or using the materials and plan for the works. When the works shall be completed or as soon thereafter the engineer shall give a notice in writing to the contractor to remove surplus materials and plant, if any, and belonging to the contractor except as provided elsewhere in the contract and shoaled the contractor fail to do so within a period of 15 days after receipt thereof the owner may sell the same by public auction and shall give credit to the contractor for the amount released. The owner shall thereafter ascertain and certify in writing under his hand what (if anything) shall be due to be payable to or by the owner for the value of the plant and materials so take possession and the expense or loss which the owner shall have been put to in procuring the works, to be so completed, and the amount if any, owner to the contractor and the amount which shall be so certified shall thereupon be paid by the owner to the contractor or by the contractor to the owner, as the case may, and certificate of the owner shall be final and conclusive between the parties. Signature & seal of the Bidder When the contract is terminated by the owner for all or any of the reasons mentioned above the contractor shall not have any right to claim compensation on account of such termination. 14 FORCE MAJEURE 14.1 Any delay in or failure of the performance of either part hereto shall not constitute any default here under or give rise to any claims for damage, if any, to the extent of delays or failure of performance is caused by occurrences such as Acts of Gods, an enemy, expropriation or confiscation of facilities by government authorities, acts of war, rebellion, sabotage or fires, floods, explosions, riots, or strikes. The contractor shall keep records of the circumstances referred to above and these to the notice of the engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge in writing immediately on such occurrences. The amount of time if any lost on any of the counts shall not be counted for the contract period. One decision of the owner arrived at after consultation with the contractor, shall be final and binding. Such a determined period of time be extended by the owner to enable the contractor to complete the job within such extended period of time. 14.2 If the contractor is prevented or delayed from the performing any of its obligations under this Agreement by force Majeure, then the contractor shall notify the owner’s circumstances constituting the force Majeure and the obligation performance, which is thereby delayed or prevented, within seven days of the occurrence of events. 15 ARBITRATION 15.1 All disputes and differences of whatsoever nature, whether existing or which shall at time arise between the parties hereto touching or concerning the agreement, meaning of operation or effect thereof or to the rights and liabilities of the parties or arising out or in relation thereto whether during or after completion of the contract or whether before or after determination, foreclosure, termination or breach of the agreement (other than those in respect of which the decision of any person is , by the contract, expressed to be final and binding) shall, after written notice by either party to the agreement to other of them and to the appointing authority hereinafter mentioned, be referred for adjudication to the sole arbitrator to be appointed as herein after provided. 15.2 The appointing authority shall either himself act as sole arbitrator or nominate some officer of India Potash Limited (referred to as owner of HPCL) to act as sole arbitrator to adjudicate the disputes and differences between the parties. The contactor/vendor shall no be entitled to raise and objection to the appointment of such officer of the owner as the sole arbitrator on the ground that the said officer is an officer and /or share holder of the owner or that he/she has to deal or dealt with the matter to which the contract relates or that in the course of his/her duties as an officer of the owner, he/she has/had expressed views on all or any of the matters in dispute or difference. 15.3 In the event of the arbitrator to whom the matter is referred to, dos not accept the appointment, or is unable or unwilling to act or resigns or vacates his office for any reasons Signature & seal of the Bidder whatsoever, the appointing authority aforesaid, shall nominate another officer of the owner to act as arbitrator. 15.4 Such officer nominated as sole arbitrator shall be entitled to proceed with the arbitration from the stage at which it was left by his predecessor. It is expressly agreed between the parties that no person other than the appointing authority or an officer of the owner nominated by the appointing authority shall act as an arbitrator. 15.5 The award of the sole arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parities to the agreement. 15.6 The work under the contract shall, however, continue during the arbitration proceedings and no payment due or payable to the concerned party shall be withheld (except to the extent disputed) on account of initiation, commencement or pendency of such proceedings. 15.7 The arbitrator may be given a composite or separate award(s) in respect of each dispute or difference referred to him and may also may interim award(s) if necessary. 15.8 The fees of the arbitrator and expenses or arbitration, if any, shall be borne equally by the parties unless the sole arbitrator otherwise directs in his award with reasons. The award of the sole arbitrator shall be final and binding on both parities. 15.9 Subject to the aforesaid, the provisions of the arbitration and conciliations act, 1996 or any statuary modification or re-enactment thereof and the rules made thereunder, shall apply to the arbitration proceedings under this clause. 15.10 The contract shall be governed by and constructed according to the laws in force in India. The parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts saturated at Mumbai for all purposes. The appointing authority is the functional director of HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM COORPORATION LIMITED. 15.11 The Appointing Authority is the Functional Director of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited. 16 GENERAL 16.1. Materials required for the works whether brought by the or supplied by the owner shall be stored by the contractor only at places approved by the engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge. Storage and safe custody of the material shall be the responsibility of the contractor. 16.2 .Owner and/or Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge connected with the contract, shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any materials intended to be used in or at the works, either on the site or at factory or workshop or at other place(s) manufactured or at any places where these are laying or from which these are being obtained and the contractor shall give facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination. Signature & seal of the Bidder 16.3. In case of any lass of work for which there is no such specification supplied by the owner is mentioned in the tender documents, such work shall be carried out in accordance with the Indian standard specifications and if the Indian standard specifications and if the Indian standard specifications do not cover the same the work should be carried out as per standard engineering practice subjected to the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge. 16.4. Should the work be suspended by reason of rain, strike, lockouts or other causes the contractor shall take all precautions necessary for the protection of he work and at his own expenses shall make good any damages arising form any of these causes. 16.5 . The contractor shall cover up and protect from injury from any cause all new works fro supplying all temporary doors, protection to windows and any other required protection for the whole of the works executed whether by himself special tradesmen or sub-contactors and any damage caused must be made good by the contractors at his won expense. 16.6. If the contactor has quoted the items under the deemed exports, then it will be the responsibility of the contractor to get all the benefits under deemed exports from the government. The owner’s responsibility shall only be limited to the issuance of required certificates. The quotation will be unconditional and phrases like “subject to availability of deemed exports benefit” etc., will not find place in it. Signature & seal of the Bidder K. DRAWINGS Signature & seal of the Bidder HPCL – REGIONAL OFFICE LIST OF TENDER DRAWINGS SL.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 DRAWING NO DRAWING NAME Furniture layout plan False ceiling plan Lighting layout plan Furniture details- Table Sr. Manager Furniture Details - Table Manager Furniture Details - Table Officer Signature & seal of the Bidder