Minutes for the regular meeting September 11 2012

Present: Regular members Chairman Pat Hare, Jill Cutler, Heidi Kearns, James
LaPorta, and Josh Tyson, alternate members Anna Timell and Stephen Saccardi (in
7:45PM) and commission planning consultant Tom McGowan and LUA Karen
Griswold Nelson.
Absent: Regular member Dave Colbert
Others present: Kim Herkimer, chairman of the Cornwall Conservation Commission,
First Selectman Gordon Ridgway and other members of the public.
Chairman Hare called the meeting to order at 7:05PM with all members participating in all
SP220 - Theodore Hein applicant/owner - - Special Exception for a detached
accessory apartment as per Article 8- Section 10 – “Accessory Apartments” - 11
College Street
The entire proceedings were recorded on audio tape and are available in Town Hall.
Information was made part of the record.
 The legal notice for the public hearing as published in the Waterbury Republican on
August 31st and September 7, 2012.
 Copies of the application and supporting information including a site plan showing
parking, floor areas and elevations of the primary residence and detached accessory
building and listing of abutting property owners.
Prior to the floor being opened the applicant, Griswold Nelson stated that the requirements
for the notification of the hearing to abutting neighbors had been satisfied and that the
Land Use office had received no oral or written communications regarding the matter.
Theodore “Ted” Hein, applicant and owner of the 11 College Street property, gave an
overview of the application, stating that additions to an existing garage had kept going to
the current request for the conversion to living space. In response to questions from the
Commission, Mr. Hein stated that the driveway was existing and that Torrington Area
Health had approved the current set-up of separate wells and septic systems for the two
structures on the site for the residential uses proposed.
Hearing no other questions or comments from the Commission, the floor was
opened to the public.
Joanne Wojtusiak, (Furnace Brook Road), questioned if the apartment was for family
or for rental. In response, Mr. Hein stated that that it was expected to be used for family.
Hearing no other questions or concerns:
Motion made by Mrs. Cutler, seconded by Mrs. Kearns to close the public hearing for
Application SP220; unanimously approved.
App#889 – Kate Lehman - Addition of a 16’ x 23 foot deck to an existing residential
structure – interior improvements to include demo of an existing bathroom and expansion
of kitchen – 128 Cornwall Hollow Road. Permit approved.
App#890 – (David Meharg/Cornwall Bridge Gallery LLC) Replacement of old stairs on an
existing non-residential accessory structure (garage/studio) with a 5’ x 20 deck and
replacement of signage to same size as approved in Zoning permit #0409, approved in
April, 2004 by previous Zoning Enforcement Officer – 131 Kent Road.
Permit approved.
App#891 – Nita Colgate – Conversion of residential living space to an accessory apartment
in compliance with Section 8- Article 10- Accessory Apartments – 102 Lake Road. Permit
Griswold Nelson stated that the application approved administratively for Nita Colgate was a
result of the changes to the regulations and had been long awaited by Ms. Colgate.
App#892 – Craig Bridgman applicant/owner – Construction of a new single family
residence – (driveway already permitted) – Dark Entry Road (Merz property) Permit
App#893- Peter Russ applicant/Jon Landman owner – 16’ x 20’ addition – 170 Dibble Hill
2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. August regular meeting.
Motion made by Mr. LaPorta, seconded by Mr. Tyson, to approve the minutes of the August
meeting as presented: unanimously approved.
A. SP220 - Theodore Hein applicant/owner - - Special Exception for a detached
accessory apartment as per Article 8- Section 10 – “Accessory Apartments” 11 College Street
With agreement that the application was complete and that all concerns had been met:
Motion made by Mrs. Timell, seconded by Mrs. Cutler to approve SP220 - Theodore Hein
applicant/owner - - Special Exception for a detached accessory apartment as per
Article 8- Section 10 – “Accessory Apartments” - 11 College Street as per the oral and
written testimony of the applicant and as per the site plans and elevations presented and
referenced in the minutes.
The special exception for the “Accessory apartment” is granted as the commission has determined
that the plans as provided meet the specific standards and criteria as set forth in Article VIII,
Section 10 “Accessory Apartments” as revised as well as general standards of Article VIII, Section5,
“General Standards” for all special exception applications of the Town of Cornwall Zoning
regulations; unanimously approved.
A. First Selectman Gordon Ridgway to address the Commission regarding
ongoing town issues including the State Plan of C&D draft locational map, et al.
Mr. Ridgway addressed the State Plan of C&D locational map provided to all area
towns for input for an upcoming September 18th public hearing in Goshen. Mr. Ridgway
addressed grants and funding opportunities being pursued in the Town of Cornwall for such
municipal improvements and the possible relevance to the priority development centers
and other designations as shown on the State Plan draft locational map. Noting
conversations with Dan McGuiness, (executive director of the Northwestern CT. Council of
Governments), Mr. Ridgway addressed properties being mislabeled in terms of land
designations, easements and other land planning features. Mr. Ridgway addressed work
untaken by the Cornwall Conservation to review the map and provide input as to the areas
incorrectly labeled. Suggesting that there was nothing in Cornwall largely at stake, Mr.
Ridgway addressed general issues in Cornwall including local businesses in trouble, a
changing school population in terms of decreasing number and students mostly living
outside of village centers and limited employment opportunities.
Kim Herkimer, chairman of the Cornwall Conservation Commission addressed his
disappointment in the number of inaccuracies in the draft Locational Map, including the
locations of non-profit easements, designation of farmland, wetlands soils and aquifer
information. Mr. Herkimer stated that a lot of labor would be needed to correct the map.
Mr. Ridgway addressed the consideration of making the area around the Cornwall
Consolidated School and fire house a balanced growth area. Noting an email from Northwest
Collaborative representative Jocelyn Ayer, Mr. Ridgeway addressed work being undertaken
to address the change in that area as well as changing other areas in town regarding
appropriate designations.
Input from the public was allowed as part of the discussion.
Karen Bartomioli, (Falls Village) addressed her understanding that Tim Abbot from
the Litchfield Hills Greenprint program had offered his assistance in making corrections to
the draft Plan for other Litchfield Hills towns.
Joanne Wojtusiak, Furnace Brook Road, asked that the Village Center designation in
Cornwall Bridge be shortened, citing the issues during the Incentive Housing Zone
discussion in 2011. Ms. Wojtusiak referenced Mr. McGowan’s description of a village being a
“walk around area” and reiterated her request that the size of the districts be limited.
Steven Saccardi in 7:45PM.
After continued general discussion regarding various aspects of the draft State Plan
and locational map, it was agreed that correspondence would be prepared in time for the
September 18th Goshen public hearing by Land Use staff and the Selectman’s Office’s to
coordinate and obtain input from the P&Z Commission, the Cornwall Conservation
Commission and other appropriate entities.
After general discussion with public input allowed regarding various town and
commission matters, the Commission ended the regular meeting and opened the Workshop
meeting at 8:30P.M.
8. WORKSHOP MEETING. - Discussion with town planning consultant Tom McGowan to
include but not be limited to residential housing options.
Mr. Hare addressed mapping being prepared by Northwest Conservation District and
the difficulties being encountering in obtaining the specific map details requested as part of
the study of the FRED housing option. Options were addressed in terms of the base
information needed to address appropriate areas to consider as part of the FRED option.
After questions and input from Commission members and the public are large as to
the implications, impact and need for the kind of residential options being proposed,
discussion was ended with the matter to be revisited at the next meeting.
Motion made by Mrs. Kearns, seconded by Mrs. Cutler to adjourn at 9:10PM; unanimously
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Griswold Nelson