gallery castle

Academic Record 1971-Graduated with honors in Fine Arts, Government College of Arts and Crafts,
Lucknow India
Affiliations Member Pakistan Arts Council Karachi.
Founder member ASNA, a non-commercial organization dedicated to the Exhibition and
documentation of arts and Crafts Pakistan.
Professional Records (Selected solo shows)
2006...Message Informal at Nomad Gallery, Islamabad
2005...'PINDAAR' at Chawkandi Gallery, Karachi
2004...Replacing Realities Series at Nomad Gallery, Islamabad
2001...Zindan Series at Chawkandi Gallery, Karachi
2000...Fragile Series at Wakefield Art Mill Gallery Yorkshire, UK
2000...Fragile Series at Bretton Hall Gallery, University of Leeds, UK
1999...Hisaar Series at Chawkandi Gallery, Karachi
1999...Apparition Series at Mount Castle Gallery Colombo Sri Lanka
1997...Niche Series at Chawkandi Gallery, Karachi
1996...Hisaar series LRBT show, Karachi
1994...Amulet Series, Chawkandi Gallery, Karachi
1992...Private shows-Dubai & Abu Dhabi
1990...Portrait Series at Gallery Interior, Islamabad
1990...Portrait Series at Chawkandi Gallery, Karachi
1987...Mask and Puppet Series at Chawkandi Gallery Karachi
1984...Silent Voices Series at Rohtas Gallery, Islamabad
1974...Evolution of Symbols Series at Arts Council Karachi
Selected International and Regional shows
2006...12th Asian Art Biennale, Dhaka Bangladesh
2006...Foot prints: women in printmaking at Gallery Chemould, Mumbai India
2006... colors of life Exhibition at Cymroza Gallery organized by FICCI Mumbai India
2005...Indus Inspiration exhibition organized by Sanjan Nagar ,UK
2005...Beyond Borders, Mumbai India
2003...Inspiration from the Indus, Hong Kong
2003...Laal Exhibition Art Gallery , Mississauga Canada
2002...Baghdad third international festival of plastic Art, Iraq
2000...International Exhibition, Sharjah UAE
2000...Pakistan another vision, Brunei Gallery London, fifty years of painting and sculpture from Pakistan
1999...Group show organized by PNCA, Amman Jordan
1998...Printmakers of Pakistan 1947-1997"Catwright Hall, Bradford UK
1996...Group show at Avignon, France
1995...Group show at Nafa Gallery ,Khatmandu Nepal
1995...Women Artist of Pakistan show "Intelligent Rebellion "at Catwright organized by Bradford
Metropolitan council of Arts, UK
1993...6th Asian Biennale of Dhaka, Bangladesh
1986...SAARC countries Art show, India
1986...Pasadena Museum of Art, California ,USA
1986...SAARC countries Art show, India
1986...Asia Exhibition, Dhaka Bangladesh
1986...Women Painters of Pakistan show, Honolulu Hawaii USA
1986...International Exhibition, Triennial, Delhi India
1978-79...Western Pacific Print Biennale, Melbourne Australia
1976-77...Western Pacific Print Biennale, Melbourne Australia
1974...Asia Today, Graphic Exhibition opened at Milan, Italy and toured European countries
1971...All India Fine Arts Graphics Exhibition, Calcutta India
1970...Annual Exhibition, UP state Lalit Kala Academy, Lucknow India
Selected Group Shows (PAKISTAN)
2006...Artist Voices 'Body' at Amin Guljee Gallery, Karachi
2006...Artist Voices 'Calligraphy' Amin Guljee Gallery, Karachi
2002...URAN ( flight) an Exhibition of paintings, sculpture and ceramics at Guljee Museum, Karachi
1999...Two person show at The Art Gallery, Islamabad on Karachi carnage by Goethe Institute, Karachi
1996...National show PNCA Gallery, Islamabad
1995...Group show Jointly organized by PNCA and Alliance Frances
1994...National Art Exhibition, PNCA, Islamabad
1993...Group show on Violence by Goethe Institute, Lahore
1992...Women Artists show American center, Karachi
1992...print show American center, Karachi
1990...Group show Ziggurat Gallery, Karachi
1989...Women Painters of Pakistan, Islamabad
1989...14th Painters of Pakistan Indus Gallery, Karachi
1974...Women painters show to the occasion of the women's year by PNCA
1973...6th Anniversary Exhibition, Contemporary Art Gallery, Rawalpindi
1972...National Exhibition of paintings, Graphics and Sculpture Organized by PNCA
1996...Awards in painting at National Exhibition,PNCA
1993...Honorable Mention at 6th Asian Biennale, Dhaka Bangladesh
1991...selected for USIS international Visitors Program
1986...Painting selected for printing by UNICEF
1985... Award in Graphics at National Exhibition
1982...Award in Graphics at National Exhibition
1981...Award in Graphics at National Exhibition
1977...Award in Graphics at National Exhibition
2006...Healing Brush strokes organized by FICCI, Mumbai India
1996...Workshop in Toulous France
1995...Painter workshop at Alliance Francaise, Islamabad
1993...Painter workshop on the theme of violence at Goethe Institute, Lahore
1992...Printmaking workshop with Walter Crump, American printmaker at American center, Karachi
1991...Participant workshop on woodcut Techniques at "Kala institute" San Francisco USA
1997...'Serville muse’ organized by Goethe Institute, Karachi
1993...presented a paper 6th Asian Art Biennale, Dhaka Bangladesh
2003...Conducted painting workshop at Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi
2000...Conducted Painting workshop at Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi
1999...Conducted printmaking workshop at Fatima Jinnah University, Rawalpindi
1990...Till date, senior faculty Fine Arts department at Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture,
1988...Conducted Printmaking Workshop for Artist Association of Sindh at Karachi Arts council
1975-1990...Fine Arts Lecturer, Central Institute of Arts and Crafts Karachi