Reproduction Reproduction– the way living organisms are able to produce new living organisms like itself. Sexual reproduction– reproduction that takes two multicellular parents. Sexual reproduction involves male & female parents in multicellular animals or male & female reproductive organs in multicellular plants -- Both plants & animals reproduce sexually Asexual reproduction– reproduction that takes one unicellular parent. Asexual reproduction involves one celled organisms that split or divide during mitosis or cell division. Examples are paramecium, amoeba, bacteria, euglena –Mitosis or cell division The female sex cell is the: egg The male sex cell is the: sperm ANIMALS In multicellular organisms: female sex cell: egg male sex cell: sperm fertilized egg PLANTS female sex cell: egg male sex cell: pollen fertilized egg: seed Fertilized egg: the union or joining of a sperm & egg Embryo: The new living organism developing inside of a fertilized egg heredity– the passage of traits or characteristics from parent to offspring (or one generation to another generation) examples in humans: eye color, blood type, hair color & texture, physical appearance, height, body size, skin color, certain diseases, baldness 50% of your traits come from the female sex cell (egg) 50% of your traits come from the male sex cell (sperm) Whether you inherited a X or Y chromosome from your father determines your sex