PR11032005 - City of Shawnee

November 3, 2005
Committee members present: Chairperson Amy Ruo, Rebecca Bailey, Dennis Busby,
Kevin Fern, Donna Sawyer, Jenny VanLerberg, Others present: Neil Holman, Parks and
Recreation Director.
Page 2, Paragraph 6 - Donna asked if they will use composition shingles.
Page 4, Paragraph 2 - Donna asked if they could receive a more accurate color
rendering before the Public Works meeting.
Donna Sawyer, seconded by Jenny VanLerberg, moved to approve the October 6,
2005 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board minutes, as amended. The motion
carried 6-0.
Donna stated they are moving right along with the planning for this celebration.
She stated she received order forms for the calendar and the pictorial of Shawnee,
if anyone is interested. She also has forms for submitting recipes for the
cookbook. The deadline is November 15, 2005. If anyone wants to view the
actual paintings for the calendar, the Kansas Art To You will take place tomorrow
evening, November 4, 2005 from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. and all the original
paintings in the calendar will be on display.
Parks and Recreation Director Holman stated the calendar paintings will not be
for sale, but some of the artists who have other paintings available, will have them
there for sale.
Dennis asked if the paintings to be used in the calendar, will be put on some kind
of a rotating display for viewing by the public.
Donna replied that except for tomorrow night, there will not be any place where
they are all on display at one time, until they are auctioned off on February 17,
2006. She stated they will be on display, one or two at a time, at various
businesses around town, like some of the banks and hotels.
NOVEMBER 3, 2005
Dennis asked if they will be placed in the schools.
Donna stated that is certainly something to explore, but one problem would be
that these paintings do have some value and if they put them in the school
hallways with a couple hundred busy children, there are no guarantees they will
not get damaged. She stated she would venture to guess the schools are probably
one place they will not end up, but who knows. That’s a good idea.
Donna reported that the next Sesquicentennial meeting will take place at the Civic
Centre on Tuesday, November 8, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. She extended an invitation to
anyone who would like to join their meetings and help out with this event or offer
their ideas.
Amy asked for the date of the kickoff for the Sesquicentennial.
Donna answered the kickoff will be at the auction on February 17, 2005. She
stated the location is still undetermined, but will probably take place at the Civic
Centre or the Pavilion.
Amy asked for details on the auction.
Donna responded they will be auctioning eleven (11) of the original artworks
included in the calendar, as well as other items, various gift certificates, things of
that nature, but the committee is still working out all the details.
Dennis asked if they will be adding any events to the calendar already in place.
He mentioned Oktoberfest and stated he really wished there was a better way for
the City to put up a community-wide calendar, with all the events that take place
throughout the year, as he is sure something like that would be utilized.
Donna stated she was not sure of the exact date for Oktoberfest.
Dennis confirmed that Oktoberfest is the first Friday in October.
Amy asked if the German Club organized Oktoberfest.
Dennis answered yes. He stated it is listed on the website, but it seems fairly
difficult to get around and does not feel it is really user-friendly. He stated he
could be the odd man out with that opinion.
Donna stated the calendar of events is being sent over to the printers tomorrow
and they will add Oktoberfest to October 6, 2006.
Dennis asked if these are all local artists and what is the cost of the calendar.
NOVEMBER 3, 2005
Donna responded they are all, in fact, local artists and the calendar sells for $5.00.
She stated they can be pre-ordered and they are a regular, full-size calendar.
Historical Hauntings: Neil thanked everyone who attended this year, along with
all the staff who did a great job. He stated it was a huge event with 5,578 in
attendance, which was the largest crowd to date. He stated it was packed and
whole families dressed up and turned out. He stated all the buildings had people
dressed up handing out candy. There were two hayrides going and Charles Goslin
painted a really nice backdrop where entire families could sit in front of and have
their pictures taken. He stated it was kind of a spooky Shawnee Town theme and
was rolled up to be used again next year. He stated Charles has agreed to paint a
Christmas scene for the City as well this year.
Amy proudly stated her daughter won First Place in her age group for costume.
Neil stated the Optimist Club sold food and they informed him after the event,
that they made over $600.00.
Neighborwood: Neil reported that they got rid of all the trees this year, except
for two. He stated it was a much better turnout this year. He mentioned Birds
Unlimited and stated they were very interesting. The event was very nice.
Winter Brochure: Neil stated Tonya asked him to mention that the winter
brochure will be mailed out November 21st. He stated it will be a combination
again with CityLine, as they save so much money doing it that way. He stated
they had to get it out a little earlier this time, because of Christmas Around Town.
Kansas Art To You: Neil stated, as Donna mentioned earlier, Kansas Art To
You will take place tomorrow night, November 4, 2005 from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00
p.m. He stated there will be Kansas wine, cheese, crackers, and some Pony
Express beer. He stated there should be eleven artists on hand and it should prove
to be a very fun event. Hopefully they’ll have a good turnout.
Grant: Neil stated tomorrow morning, we will send off the Trail grant. He
pointed out on a map that Monticello is on one side and runs all the way to
Woodstock and then signage will take people on to Woodland. He stated he had
mentioned last time they might talk with the church, but thinks they will go ahead
and stage it on existing City parkland. That way, they will end up getting two
birds with one stone. He stated there is a huge erosion problem, which is two feet
away from the property owner’s fence and they would be losing it all. He stated
the erosion is really creeping in around the bend, so they plan on doing some type
of gabling rock wall, to bring it out somewhat to get in the 10 foot recreational
trail and then come on down with it.
NOVEMBER 3, 2005
Neil continued they plan to do a kiosk on the other side, to be used as more of an
educational tool and it will talk about watershed and prairie grasses down around
the area, along with the wildlife. He stated this will be on the upcoming parks
tour and even though they will not be able to drive down in there, he can at least
point out to everyone where it will be located and show them to the east, the
parkland the City has for the other trail.
Neil stated he has already talked with the County and they are very interested in
Phase III of the trial. He stated they are willing on the City’s half to go 50/50. He
stated the County would really like to have that connection, but there is a railroad
crossing and may end up being a hard one to do.
Parks Tour: Neil asked everyone if Sunday, November 13th, was okay for the
parks tour. He stated it will be a very entertaining tour, as always. He thinks they
should start out around 1:00 p.m. and will get the van. He stated they will send
out another email confirming this date and time.
Donna stated she is not sure she will be available, but she has been on a lot of
tours in the past.
Kevin stated he believes he can go.
Rebecca stated as long as she is in town and available, she will attend.
Dennis stated he will go for sure.
Rebecca asked for the name of the sand area.
Neil answered – Holiday Sand and Gravel. He stated they are located right on
Frisbee, down from Lindsey’s Auction Barn.
Veterans’ Day Celebration: Neil stated this event will take place on Friday,
November 11, 2005 at 4:30 p.m. He stated the bagpipes start at 4:15 p.m. He
stated it will take place at the Veterans’ Park at Pflumm and Johnson Drive.
Christmas Around Town: Neil stated this celebration will start around 5:30
p.m. on December 2nd. He stated the Mayor will light the Christmas tree at 6:15
Kevin asked about the ice sculptures they had last year. He stated that was the
biggest waste of $8,000 that he has ever seen.
Donna stated that was not the only thing they did, as they had carolers and
jugglers there too. She stated if anyone has any comments about this event, they
can contact David Morris, the Downtown Partnership chairman.
NOVEMBER 3, 2005
Kevin stated he thinks the Parks Department should have something to do with
obtaining the Mayor’s Christmas Tree. He mentioned the one last year and stated
it was kind of scruffy looking.
Neil stated the have two very pretty Christmas trees for this year; one for
downtown and one for Shawnee Town.
Park Projects: Neil stated Swarner is nearly complete, but there are still a few
small items to finish up.
Neil stated if anyone has driven by the skate park location, they probably saw the
huge mount of dirt. He stated they are digging out there and have a start.
Dennis stated once they got bonded, they really got after that skate park.
Neil stated they are ready to go and they have their crew in town, along with all
their materials. They have rented a house in Lee’s Summit.
Neil reported they are in the process currently of the making the bricks for
Pioneer Crossing. He stated the second phase is planned to start between
November 14th and 21st, and hopefully the weather will hold up.
Donna asked if they are planning to have a Christmas party at the next Park Board
meeting on December 1st.
Neil answered yes – everyone brings an appetizer.
Neil stated he wants to give everyone the Executive Summary of Shawnee Town.
He stated they are trying to get the Friends of Shawnee Town group up and going
and are just trying to get this laid out. He stated he would like the Park Board to
be involved with that group as an advisory board. He stated there will be an
executive board. Because it is the Friends of Shawnee Town and they really do
not want it tied to the City and are more on their own, like Old Shawnee Days.
He asked everyone to read the summary, so they will get an idea of the direction
they would like to take. He stated he will get everyone color copies.
Kevin Fern, seconded by Donna Sawyer, moved to adjourn. The motion carried 6-0.
The meeting adjourned at 6:08 p.m.
Minutes prepared by: Cindy Terrell, Recording Secretary
Tonya Lecuru, Deputy Parks and Recreation Director