Area1MeetingMinutes 10.14.14

AB86 Adult Education Consortia Sub-Committee Meeting
Program Area 1: Basic Skills
Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 2:00 p.m.
Clovis Community College Center – Herndon Campus, Room 308
Meeting Minutes
In Attendance:
Donna Cooper, FCC
Pam Coronado, FCOE
Randy Haggard, Yosemite Unified
Andre Pecina, Fresno Adult School
Nancy Penny, Sanger Adult School
Jojo Reyes, Fresno Adult School
Crystal Rodriguez, Clovis Adult Education
Jeannie Santos, Fresno City College
Sherri Watkins, State Center Consortium
Shirley Woods, Madera Adult School
Handouts: August 26, 2014 Meeting Minutes
Welcome and Introductions
Sherri Watkins welcomed attendees. All members in attendance introduced themselves.
First Draft of Regional Comprehensive Plan – July 31, 2014 Report
The report can be found at:
Review and Approval of Minutes from August 26, 2014 Meeting
Minutes were reviewed per Shirley Woods’ request, and approved unanimously.
Regional Comprehensive Plan Objectives
 Objective #3: Plans for consortium members and partners to integrate existing programs
and create seamless transitions into post-secondary education or the workforce.
 Objective #5: Plans to employ approaches proven to accelerate a student’s progress
toward his or her academic or career goals, such as contextualized basic skills and career
technical education, and other joint programming strategies between adult education
and career technical education.
 Objective #6: Plans to collaborate in the provision of ongoing professional development
opportunities for faculty and other staff to help them achieve greater program integration
and improve student outcomes.
 Objective #7: Plans to leverage existing regional structures, including, but not limited to,
local workforce investment areas.
Cross Collaboration
Members were asked to break into groups to discuss each of the objectives with an emphasis on
Basic Skills.
 Three questions to be answered:
 What will work/what do you like?
 What is missing?
 What do you propose?
Objective 3
1. What will work/what do you like?
 Identify placement assessments and determine placement thresholds to create
seamless transitions for students in Adult Education ASE and Community College Basic
Skills (i.e., Accuplacer and TABE)
 Communities of Practice for curriculum development
2. What is missing?
 Intervention classes at adult schools while focusing on math and English at community
college identified in student ed plans
 Need for student learning in regards to financial aid literacy
 objective multiple measures that may be transcript based
 a mechanism to identify students at Fresno Adult on Fresno City College track and
provide appropriate levels of support (SEP’s, counselor referrals, student referrals etc.)
3. What do you propose?
 Key investment in professional learning for collaborative work between both systems for
better instructional, curriculum, and assessment alignment
 Have a continued student education plan from adult schools to community college
with identified learning paths/milestones
 Revisited code and policies which create transitional roadblocks from CTE coursework
to meet minimum degree qualifications for teaching and credit(AB1725)
 Having ONE COMMON placement assessment no matter which school student will be
Objective 5
1. What will work/what do you like?
 Articulation with K-12 and Post Secondary.
 Dual enrollment
 Extra counseling/matriculation counselors.
 Soft skills development in cohort model.
 Create a region-wide education plan
2. What is missing?
 Transportation, fidelity of program (brick and mortar/online). Online is the only
standardized method of evaluation.
 Dual enrollment- fidelity (time to articulate), responsible entity for
 Counseling- trained counselors knowledgeable about k-12 and college
 Soft Skills development with input from k-12/CC (bringing materials, speak in complete
sentences etc.)
 VABE and VESL classes need to be reinstated at adult schools
 Focused academic strategy for strengthened academic skills to help students be
college ready (i.e., using textual evidence in writing, etc.)
3. What do you propose?
 Continue the three week matriculation
 Dual enrollment- ensure proper qualifications to teach.
 Counseling- higher institution knowledge of K-12/CC needs.
Implement soft (life skills) as participation credits.
Create a model which provides wrap-around RTI to accelerate student success
towards postsecondary completion.
Frontload math and English preparation prior to enrolling in community college
Objective 6
1. What will work/what do you like?
 Technology use and integration to enhance and expand tech in instruction
 Webinars to reach a broader group of educators
 A wide variety of different types of PD (webinars, conferences, one-on-one, trainings,
 The identification of using community college Flex Day and adult schools coming
together to launch CoPs and Revisit
2. What is missing?
 Mandatory workshops that all staff must attend that is relevant to their subject area.
 Being able hold teacher accountable for PD (some teachers don’t want to change or
do things differently, how do we hold them accountable to move forward, not stay
 Building the bridge between K-12 to community college
 Barriers to staff buy-in ie union issues, mandatory flex days, not top down driven
 How do we sell to staff the importance of PD
 Not enough full time faculty
 Rubric/Framework for proposing quality PL
 Staff input data via a PL survey to drive planning
3. What do you propose?
 Having teachers and staff visit professionals who teach the same subjects at
neighboring campuses and in their classroom.
 Being able to watch and learn from a professional peer.
 Having the opportunity to see how other do things at their own site
 Teachers are more receptive when they are learning from a peer rather than an
 Acquainting all AE with the Community College placement test.
 Build-in time to collaborate during the workday
 Collaboratively build a professional development plan with all staff involved
 Hire additional full time faculty
 Provide monetary investments for strategic PL (CoP)
Objective 7
1. What will work/ what do you like?
 Offer classes, taught at one of the local member districts, at a local workforce
development center.
 Partnering with local business and workforce investment agencies
 Employer training list on one website for easy access to student
 Counselors available for advising
 Aligned educational plans
2. What is missing?
 Transportation for our students to get to places that will help with workforce readiness
 Monitoring tool to measure efficacy of service to students
System which allows for continued student learning to move forward
academically/career (i.e., starting off as vocational and moves to AA/AS)
3. What do you propose?
 Having local businesses and come onsite to offer presentations and help students get
a clear understanding of a certain profession.
 Having local businesses that are willing to allow students to job shadow an employee
 Having a transportation service available to students who are interested in visiting
workforce investment areas
 Require cohorts to attend specific workshops prior to enrolling or attending classes
Education Process
Other Items
Upcoming General Consortia Meeting Dates
Friday, November 14, 2014, 10:30 a.m. at Fresno Adult School
Friday, February, 20, 2015, 1:00 p.m.
Friday, May 8, 2015, 1:00 p.m.