AB86 Adult Education Consortia Sub-Committee Meeting Program Area 2: ESL Wednesday, August 27, 2014, 3:30 p.m. Clovis Community College Center – Herndon Campus, Room 305 Meeting Minutes In Attendance: Raine Bumatay, Fresno Adult School Jeff Burdick, Clovis Community College Center Liset Caudillo, Proteus Inc. Nancy Frampton, Madera Community College Center Alejandra Juarez, SER Jobs for Progress, Inc. Susan Mann, Fresno County Public Library David Nippoldt, Reedley College Nancy Penny, Sanger Unified Crystal Rodriguez, Clovis Adult Sherri Watkins, State Center Consortium Handouts: May 29, 2014 Meeting Minutes, Save the Date Flyer for State Center AB86 Adult Education Consortium Regional Summit, Regional Comprehensive Plan for Objectives 3, 5, 6, and 7, State Center AB86 Adult Education Consortium Plan Development Structure Welcome and Introductions All members in attendance introduced themselves. Sherri Watkins reviewed the Plan Development Structure, which will also be included in the October 31, 2014 report. Objectives 1, 2, and 4 were addressed in the 5 sub-committees. Objective teams will address Objectives 3, 5, 6, and 7 by cross-collaborating in program areas. First Draft of Regional Comprehensive Plan – July 31, 2014 Report Sherri reviewed what was submitted in the July 31, 2014 report. Members were asked to review the document and information under Program Area 2 for accuracy. Any questions, concerns, and/or corrections should be directed to Sherri. The report can be found at: http://statecenter.com/sites/statecenter.com/files/documents/StateCenterAB86AdultEd Consortia_NarrativeReportJuly312014.pdf Review and Approval of Minutes from May 29, 2014 Meeting Minutes were reviewed per Jeff Burdick’s request. Question: Is there more recent data in terms of the undocumented immigrants? Answer: The information is from what Jesus sent us. Question: Anything more recent than 2008? Answer: If you know of more recent data, please send to Sherri. Minutes approved unanimously. Regional Comprehensive Plan Objectives & Objective Teams It is highly recommended by the State AB86 group that the consortia cross-collaborate to discuss the remaining objectives of the grant, as per below (and handout): Objective #3: Plans for consortium members and partners to integrate existing programs and create seamless transitions into post-secondary education or the workforce. Objective #5: Plans to employ approaches proven to accelerate a student’s progress toward his or her academic or career goals, such as contextualized basic skills and career technical education, and other joint programming strategies between adult education and career technical education. Objective #6: Plans to collaborate in the provision of ongoing professional development opportunities for faculty and other staff to help them achieve greater program integration and improve student outcomes. Objective #7: Plans to leverage existing regional structures, including, but not limited to, local workforce investment areas. Question: First column of the chart for Objective 3 says “transition to be addressed”. What would an example be? Answer: An example would be getting a person from an adult school ESL to ABE to GED to CTE. It is about transitioning adult school to community college or the work force. Question: Do you have any baseline data from adult schools about the cost for someone to complete ESL and transition to CTE? Answer: Depends on whether or not they qualify for financial aid. Fresno Adult does not offer financial aid. One person said their number is about $3700. Question: Didn’t the June report include this info? Answer: It did, but not broken down by student. Dan Griffin at Fresno State has a document that may be helpful in identifying stakeholders for Objective 7. He retired in June and will only be working part-time. Contact information will be given to Sherri. Homework is to identify any partners you think should be invited to an Objective Team. Please give name and contact info to Sherri. Sign-up sheets were circulated to members in attendance. Proposed Team meeting dates: Weeks of September 8th–12th / September 22nd–26th An email will be sent to survey Objective Team members on the best meeting date for each team. If you would like to help with the Objective Team meetings as a facilitator, please let Sherri know. State Center AB86 Regional Summit Save the date! The regional summit – Creative a Collaborative Culture - will take place on Tuesday, November 4, 2014, at Clovis Veteran’s Memorial District. There will be funds available for subs. If you’d like to be on the planning committee for this event, please let Sherri know. Other Items Upcoming General Consortia Meeting Dates Friday, September 12, 2014, 1:00 p.m. Friday, November 14, 2014, 1:00 p.m. Friday, February, 20, 2015, 1:00 p.m. Friday, May 8, 2015, 1:00 p.m. Next Area 2 Sub-Committee Meeting Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 3:30 p.m.