BOROUGH OF ELIZABETH June 25, 2013 Regular Meeting of Council Members Present: Monica Douglas-Glowinski, Robin Miller, Larry Duvall, Ann Malady, Robin Payne-Main, Paula Stevens Absent: Paul Shaner Also Attending: Solicitor Patricia McGrail, Krisha Mackulin, OIC John Snelson, John Grossi – Streets Department Recorded by: Pamela Sharp, Secretary Order/Pledge of Allegiance The regular meeting of Council was called to order at 7:30-PM by the President of Council, M. DouglasGlowinski. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. M. Douglas-Glowinski stated that, prior to the Council meeting, Council members met in an executive session. Council members also held a public meeting regarding the demolition list for the CDBG grant. She added that, for the record, the meeting is being recorded. VISITORS Wendy Lindsey, a resident of Elizabeth Township, stated that on April 22, 2013, she was walking her dog in the vicinity of 145 Clay Street when a large dog came running up to her. While trying to protect her dog, Ms. Lindsey was scratched and bitten by the large dog. She recognized the dog as belonging to the tenant of 145 Clay Street, and she described the dog as being vicious and out of control. Ms. Lindsey called 911 and, because the incident occurred in Elizabeth Borough, the 911 operator dispatched the Borough police, rather than the Township police. She was quite upset about this. Since she lives in the Township, the Borough police officer could not meet with her at her home because this would require him to leave the confines of his jurisdiction. She met the Borough police officer at the local gas station and told him what had happened. The police officer contacted Ferree Kennels and requested that they pick up the dog. She sustained minor puncture wounds where the dog’s teeth had broken through her skin, and some scratches. She was treated at the emergency room where she received a tetanus shot. Ms. Lindsey added that she did not press charges because she loves animals, and she did not want any harm to come to the dog. Tonight, she saw the police department report for the first time, and she disagrees with its content. Ms. Lindsey stated that she was upset by the treatment that she received from 911 Emergency Services, the Elizabeth Borough Police Department, and Ferree Kennels who returned the dog to its owner the next day. She later learned that this same dog attacked another woman shortly after her encounter with the dog. OIC Snelson responded that, after the dog attacked the second victim, Ferree Kennels issued several citations against the dog owner. Officer Snelson added that he contacted the Department of Agriculture for a “dangerous dog” charge. Today, he saw a report from the Department of Health stating that this dog will be euthanized by a local veterinarian on June 27, 2013. Ms. Lindsey wanted to know who was going to pay her medical bills. OIC Snelson suggested that she may have to pursue a civil case against the dog’s owner. Ms. Lindsey responded that she will not pursue such a case because she is afraid of possible retaliation. Ms. Lindsey spoke at length about some of the illegal activities that have allegedly occurred at his Clay Street house. OIC Snelson stated that the tenant is a family member of the property owner, who lives in Florida. The police department mailed several citations via certified mail to the home owner in Florida, but all of the citations came back to the police Borough of Elizabeth Minutes June 25, 2013 Page 2 of 7 department as “refused.” M. Douglas-Glowinski asked OIC Snelson to provide her with a list of the citations that were issued against the property owner and, if possible, a list of calls to 911 regarding this property. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made by R. Miller and seconded by P. Stevens to approve the Minutes of the May 28, 2013, regular meeting of Council. All in favor, Motion was carried. PAYMENT OF BILLS M. Douglas Glowinski stated that, in January 2013, Council passed a motion to pay any reoccurring bills that are received between Council meetings, such as utility bills and insurance premiums. No motion is required to pay these reoccurring bills. M. Douglas-Glowinski asked for a motion to pay all invoices greater than 30-days old, with the exception of the Traffic Systems & Services invoices which were submitted to the Borough’s insurance company for consideration, including the following vendors: Dickman Directories, Expert Auto Service, U.S. Municipal Supply, 51 Auto Parts, RR Donnelley, S&D Calibration Services, and Smouse Trucks & Van, Inc. A motion was made by R. Miller and seconded by P. Stevens to pay all invoices that are greater than 30days old. Those in favor: M. Douglas-Glowinski, A. Malady, L. Duvall, R. Miller, R. Payne-Main, and P. Stevens. Those opposed: None. All in favor, Motion was carried. REPORTS Mayor’s Report In the absence of Mayor Householder, M. Douglas-Glowinski read the Monthly Complaint Report: Accident Assault Civil Disturbed Person EMS Call Harassment Missing Person Suspicious Person Traffic Offense/Moving 3 1 2 1 7 1 2 2 3 Monthly Complaint Report - May 2013 Alarm Business 5 Alarm Residence Assist Officer 7 Boro Ordinance Criminal Mischief 1 Disorderly Conduct Domestic Verbal 2 Domestic Violence Fight 2 Fire Call Juvenile Complaint 10 Lost Property Open Door Res. 1 Parking Complaint Suspicious Vehicle 2 Theft Trespassing 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 5 1 Animal Complaint Check Welfare Disturbance Drug Offense Found Property Miscellaneous Suspicious Activity Traffic Control TOTAL: Treasurer’s Report Bank Account General Fund Payroll Liquid Fuels Totals Treasurer’s Report June 21, 2013 Bank Balance Deposits Checks Paid 53,080.39 108,762.59 73,118.22 751.93 22,282.27 22,237.32 23,862.03 77,694.35 131,044.86 95,355.54 Ending Balance 88,724.76 796.88 23,862.03 113,383.67 Loans TAN - FCB Loan & Fees 74,487.00 Balance Owed 66,987.00 Payments 7,500.00 Interest Paid - 3 2 8 2 1 7 1 1 92 Borough of Elizabeth Minutes June 25, 2013 Page 3 of 7 A motion was made by L. Duvall and seconded by P. Stevens to approve the Treasurer’s Report dated June 21, 2013. All in favor, Motion was carried. Solicitor Solicitor McGrail stated that Council needs to vote on several project concurring resolutions. A motion was made by L. Duvall and seconded by R. Payne-Main to authoize the filing of an application for funds with the Allegheny County Department of Economic Development in the amount of $42,000 for Phase 2 of the Maple Avenue Retaining Wall project. All in favor, Motion was carried. A motion was made by A. Malady and seconded by P. Stevens to authoize the filing of an application for funds with the Allegheny County Department of Economic Development in the amount of $25,200 for the Hickory Street Reconstruction project. All in favor, Motion was carried. A motion was made by L. Duvall and seconded by A. Malady to authoize the filing of an application for funds with the Allegheny County Department of Economic Development in the amount of $19,500 for the demolition of 381 Cemetery Street, 145 Cemetery Street, and 701 S. 2nd Avenue. All in favor, Motion was carried. Solicitor McGrail stated that, having heard the public testimony at today’s public hearing, a motion is needed to approve the demolition of 381 Cemetery Street, 145 Cemetery Street, and 701 S. 2nd Avenue. A motion was made by L. Duvall and seconded by P. Stevens to approve the demolition of 381 Cemetery Street, 145 Cemetery Street, and 701 S. 2nd Avenue. All in favor, Motion was carried. Solicitor McGrail stated that Council needs to authorize the condemnation and demolition of the property located at 225 Center Avenue with funds from the Borough’s General Fund. A motion was made by L. Duvall and seconded by P. Stevens to approve the demolition of 225 Center Avenue, with funds from the Borough’s General Fund. All in favor, Motion was carried. Solicitor McGrail stated that she had mailed a strict letter to a property owner who had shrubbery encroaching onto Willow Alley. Once the property owner received the letter, she contacted the solicitor to see what she needed to do. The property owner vowed that she would take care of it immediately. Solicitor McGrail asked to be notified if this does not happen. Solicitor McGrail stated that, per Council’s request, she will be sending a letter to the Municipal Authority of Elizabeth Borough concerning the incident where the the Municipal Authority permitted a sub-contractor to stage a construction project by dumping construction materials onto the Borough’s boat launch parking area. This made the parking area unusable for Borough residents. Building Inspector Report – No report. Animal Control – M. Douglas-Glowinski said that there is no report, however, based on the comments made by Wendy Lindsey, Council needs Mr. Ferree to provide a report of the citations that he issued against the dog owner. OIC Snelson stated that he has the report from the second dog bite incident from the Department of Agriculture. M. Douglas-Glowinski asked OIC Snelson to get the list of citations from Mr. Ferree, as well as the report from the the April 22nd dog bite incident. Borough of Elizabeth Minutes June 25, 2013 Page 4 of 7 COMMITTEES Finance and Budget M. Douglas-Glowinski said that Soliciter McGrail will be sending a letter to the tax collector to request a breakdown of the taxes that she has collected by property taxes and per-capita taxes. Each Borough resident is required to pay an annual $5 per-capita tax. This per-capita tax is attached to the property tax bill. There is a box on the property tax bill that shows the $5 per-capita tax, which is separate from the property tax. The tax collector receives a commission based upon the amount of property tax collected, not the per-capita tax collected. Currently, the tax collector provides the Borough with a monthly invoice showing the total amount of taxes collected; the invoice does not show how much of the collected taxes were for per-capita taxes. The Borough should have a roster showing which residents have paid their per-capita taxes. Not every Borough resident owns property, but every Borough resident is required to pay the per-capita tax. M. Douglas-Glowinski stated that the Borough still owes $67,000 on its TAN. She asked for a motion to pay $20,000 against the TAN balance. A motion was made by L. Duvall and seconded by P. Stevens to make a $20,000 payment against the TAN balance. All in favor, Motion was carried. Public Safety R. Miller distributed PennDOT pamphlets describing the new Pennsylvania Yellow Dot Program. The program was created to assist citizens following a traffic accident when they may not be able to communicate their needs themselves. The pamphlet comes with a medical information sheet, including a place to attach a photograph, and a Pennsylvania Yellow Dot sticker. Placing a yellow dot in the vehicle’s rear window alerts first responders to check the glove compartment for vital information to ensure that citizens receive the medical attention that thy need. The program is free, and forms are available at the Borough building. R. Miller stated that, on Monday, she and L. Duvall spoke with Kenneth Hillman, the Twin Rivers COG engineer from Senate Engineering, about completing a grant application for the 2013 Automated Red Light Enforcement (ARLE) Program. They discussed the traffic signal issue at Market and Third Streets, including moving either the traffic light pole or the electric box. L. Duvall added that this grant does not require matching funds, and there are no engineering costs involved. Mr. Hillman had suggested that the Borough has a better chance of being awarded the grant if the Borough does not apply for “upgrades.” An example of an upgrade is adding a push button for pedestrians on an existing traffic signal. A change in the style or location of a fixture is not considered to be an upgrade. The only problem with moving a traffic pole is that it might become a big enough issue where the curbs will have to be redone. The traffic signal at Church Street has a sensor system, but since it is not functioning, the work required to fix this problem will not be considered to be an upgrade. If the grant application is accepted, it will take approximately seven months to finalize all of the paperwork, and it will be another year until the actual work gets done. L. Duvall added that the new LED lights use significantly less power than the current traffic signals use. M. Douglas-Glowinski stated that Mr. Hillman told her that having a letter of support from our State Representative will also be helpful, so if Council approves the application tonight, then she will reach out to Representative Saccone for a letter of support. A motion was made by L. Duvall and seconded by P. Stevens to authorize the grant application for 2013 ARLE funding for traffic signals in the Borough. Those in favor: M. Douglas-Glowinski, A. Malady, L. Duvall, R. Payne-Main, and P. Stevens. Those opposed: None. Those abstaining: R. Miller (because she is a State employee). Motion was carried. Borough of Elizabeth Minutes June 25, 2013 Page 5 of 7 R. Miller stated that she will have to get new pricing for the purchase of the police vehicle, including all of the accessories. She will have the new numbers for Council at the next meeting. Public Works John Grossi stated that he has cut down approximately 90% of the weeds at the barge. Regarding the road project at Irwin Street, the backhoe came in today, and he is working on getting the stone. Concerning pothole repairs, the black-topping was done last month, although he still has a couple of potholes to fill. Also, he is waiting on a couple of more bids for repairing the fence at the ball field. Once the fence is up, he will get to work on filling the playground. J. Grossi added that the high school removed its Port-a-John from the ball field, so he will take the one from the Riverfront and move it to the ball field. Parks and Recreation R. Payne-Main said that she is working on getting the playground and Duke Park in shape. R. Miller stated that Allegheny County Department of Parks will be holding a free sports clinic for youngsters age 6 and over to help kids perform to the best of their ability. The clinic is being held on July 29th and 30th at Duke Park from 10-AM – Noon, and from 12:30-PM – 2:30-PM. Participating youngsters will receive a free baseball cap. She added that they will be putting up posters all over the Borough to advertise this event. M. Douglas-Glowinski stated that she will put the event on the Borough’s facebook page. R. Miller said that, because of this event, she will need the large cracks on the basketball court at Duke Park to be fixed. Ordinance P. Stevens stated that she had nothing to report at this time. Personnel M. Douglas-Glowinski stated that Council is going to briefly hold an executive session at this time. All non-members of Council were asked to leave the Council chamber at 8:25-PM. At 8:48-PM the regular meeting of Council resumed. Economic Development L. Duvall stated that the soon-to-be owner of the Mother Goose & Friends Learning Center has granted the Borough Council the indefinite use of the space where Council currently holds its meetings. He added that he will ask the future owner about possibly installing an air conditioner in the Council chamber. Once the building ownership has formally changed hands, the new owner will need a certificate of liability insurance from the Borough. The kayak and canoe rack will soon be installed. L. Duvall said that he does not have a specific completion date at this time. When it is done, he wants to hold a public celebration, and he will invite Representative Solabay to attend. L. Duvall stated that he would like to install a sign at the fishing dock, and he would like Council’s approval to purchase the sign and to formally name the location Elizabeth Landing. There were no objections. Borough of Elizabeth Minutes June 25, 2013 Page 6 of 7 L. Duvall stated that Margaret Fleischauer is looking into applying for a public arts grant. The grant funds up to $2,500 for promoting the public arts, although most communities are awarded an estimated $1,700. This is not a matching grant, and there are no engineering expenses involved. This grant money may be used to help pay for the musicians who are hired to perform at the Plum Street concerts, for Port-a-Johns, or for banners to advertise these events. A motion was made by L. Duvall and seconded by P. Stevens to authorize the Borough to apply for a public arts grant from the Pennsylvania Council for the Arts. All in favor, Motion was carried. Planning L. Duvall stated that he has two invoices from Mackin Engineering for which he is seeking payment approval by Council. A motion was made by L. Duvall and seconded by P. Stevens to invoice Allegheny County Dept. of Economic Development in the amount of $3,000 for engineering services provided by Mackin Engineering for the completion of the zoning ordinance. Once the Borough receives payment from the County, the Borough will issue its check in the amount of $3,000, payable to Mackin Engineering. All in favor, Motion was carried. A motion was made by L. Duvall and seconded by A. Malady to approve payment to Mackin Engineering for the printing of 11 new zoning ordinance books at $15 each, or $165. All in favor, Motion was carried. L. Duvall added that the new zoning ordinance has already been uploaded onto the Borough’s web site. L. Duvall is going to be working with the Planning Commission to create a new flyer that can be mailed to all residents for the purpose of communicating Borough services and fees, and when a resident may need to apply for a permit. The flyer will be in the format of questions and answers, such as, “When do I need to get a building permit?” M. Douglas-Glowinski said that the next big mailing will not be going out until next year, but the flyer can be posted for free on facebook and on the Borough web site until then. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS R. Payne-Main asked whether adult members of the school booster club will be permitted to stand at intersections to solicit donations – like the fire fighter “Fill the Boot” campaign. It was agreed that any such activity should be performed by adults only, and the police department will need to be notified. L. Duvall stated that Lions Park, which is owned by the Presbyterian Church, is in need of maintenance. Since the Borough does not own the park, the Borough cannot maintain the grounds. L. Duvall spoke with the owners and offered them three possible solutions: 1. They can sell the park to the Borough for $1 or for $0 2. They can lease the park to the Borough for $1 or for $0 3. They can maintain the park themselves PUBLIC COMMENTS - None Borough of Elizabeth Minutes June 25, 2013 Page 7 of 7 GOOD OF THE ORDER M. Douglas-Glowinski stated that she and R. Miller are going to meet with Mr. Kemple tomorrow morning at 10:00-AM to discuss the matter of intalling a Merchant Marine flag at the Veterans’ War Memorial, as Council had agreed to. She urged other Council members to attend the meeting if they are available to do so. A. Malady wanted to publically thank Dr. Bart Rocco for donating an Apple laptop to the Borough. She would like to have an IT person look at the laptop to determine its condition and what types of software it is capable of running. She also wants a formal thank-you letter to be sent to Dr. Rocco. ADJOURNMENT With no other business before this Council, a motion was made by L. Duvall and seconded by R. PayneMain that the meeting be adjourned at 9:30-PM. All in favor, Motion was carried. I enter these Minutes into the public record having been duly recorded and accepted at a public meeting. Respectfully submitted, Pamela J. Sharp, Secretary