Second Quarter Unit Plan English I Pre-AP – Ms. Spence Major Readings: Of Mice and Men Dust Bowl and Great Depression poetry / non-fiction “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” Sold excerpts Assorted non-fiction and poetry (social action focus) Grammar/Vocabulary: Vocabulary Workshop Grammar (TBA) Summative Grades: Of Mice and Men test (MC) Volunteer Project (essay) Grammar and Vocab Test (MC) Social Action Cold Read Test (Final Exam) Essential Questions: What strategies do writers use within expository texts to establish purpose and develop content? How does Steinbeck reinforce theme and characterization using literary devices in Of Mice and Men? How does Steinbeck address different social issues through the development of his characters? What strategies do authors use to develop empathy? What impact do visuals have on empathy? What do global tragedies (human trafficking, poverty, the water crisis, etc.) have to do with me? What can I do to make a difference in the world on both a local level and a global scale? Extra Credit AP Novels: The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini OR Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston (timed writing to be completed in tutoring prior to the end of the nine weeks) Date 10/26 11/2 Weekly Agenda Monday – Expository introduction; prompt analysis and thesis statements; HW: Grammar handout Tuesday – Body paragraph writing workshop (topic sentence, evidence, analysis, concluding sentence) Block Day – Practice essay timed writing Friday – Grammar HW due; essay reflection and critique, OMAM assigned (finish book by 11/9) Monday – Sample essay scoring with STAAR rubric Tuesday – Revising and editing practice Block Day – “Checkpoint” assessment #2 (expository essay) Friday – – Vocabulary Unit 4 activities due and Vocab 4 Mini Quiz; Dust Bowl and Great Depression expository and poetry rotations Monday – Reading check quiz, plot and characterization focus in Of Mice and Men Objectives Organizational style Main idea Thesis development Supporting details Subtle Inferences Grammar Organizational style Main idea Thesis development Supporting details Subtle Inferences Grammar Author’s Purpose Assessments Practice Essay Grammar Homework Benchmark (Checkpoint #2) Vocab Unit 4 Mini Quiz Dust Bowl / Great Depression Rotations Reading Check Quiz 11/9 11/16 11/23 Tuesday – Literary devices in Of Mice and Men Block Day – Marginalization and social issues in Of Mice and Men; test review Friday – Of Mice and Men Test (MC) **End of 1st Progress Report** Monday – Social Action introduction, “What’s in a Name?” “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” Tuesday – Kevin Carter photo analysis, “Omelas” wrap up, assign Volunteer Project, HW: Room appraisal handout Block Day – Poverty silent conversation with expository articles and graphics Friday – Vocabulary Unit 5 activities due and Vocab 5 Quiz; wrap up poverty focus Characterization Foreshadowing Symbolism Contemporary connections Author’s purpose Tone Mood Organizational patterns Contemporary connections Vocabulary development Of Mice and Men Test Poverty Silent Conversation Vocabulary Activities Vocab Unit 5 Quiz Enjoy your Thanksgiving Holiday! Count your blessings! 11/30 12/7 12/14 Monday – Factory Farming introduction and analysis of media, HW: Grammar handout Tuesday – Factory farming expository articles Block Day – Human trafficking focus, Sold passages + analysis Friday – Volunteer Project due; human trafficking debrief; grammar homework due Monday – Refugees and victims of war (news articles and poetry) Tuesday – The water crisis, analysis of a graphic, Model UN introduction Block Day – Model UN prep and activity; grammar review Friday – –Vocabulary Unit 6 / Grammar Test (Vocabulary Unit 6 activities due) **End of Progress Report Finals Week!! Monday – Cold read practice Tuesday – Social action test review Block Day – Friday – Final Exams **End of 9 Weeks – Report Card Bias Rhetorical appeals Author’s purpose Tone Mood Characterization Organizational patterns Analysis of a graphic Collaboration Sentence types Parts of speech Vocabulary Author’s purpose Organizational patterns Tone Mood Characterization Literary devices Factory farming articles Grammar Homework Volunteer Project Model UN Vocabulary Activities Grammar and Vocab Test Cold read practice Final Exam *This syllabus is subject to change due to a variance in pacing / unexpected events. Students will be informed well in advance if any due dates or test days are moved.