Archive Transfer within South Yorkshire – Advance Notification of

Archive Transfer within South Yorkshire – Advance Notification of Fieldwork
Please complete this form and send to ……………………….. Museum
Archaeological contract unit: .......................................................................................
Principal contact’s name: ..................................................................................…...........
Address: .............................................………………………………………………………..
Telephone: ...........................................….… Email: ……………………………………….
Site supervisor: ............................................ Site mobile/tel: ..............................…........
Developer (contact name & address): ……………….……..….………………………….
Site Details
Anticipated Start Date: .......….....................
Site Name: ........................……………..................….. Unit’s Site Code…………………
Civil Parish: ............................….....….........
Centred NGR: …………………………….
Type of Fieldwork (please circle): evaluation/ excavation/ watching brief/ survey
Date of Site expected (please circle): Prehistoric / Roman / Medieval / Post-Medieval
Type of Site expected (please circle): Rural / Urban / Industrial / Cemetery
Quantity of Material Expected (boxes): <10/ <20/ <30/ <40/ <50/ >50
N.B. Based on a box size of 450 x 300 x 250mm
Conservation & Storage Problems Anticipated
Waterlogged material anticipated: YES/ NO
Bulk environmental samples anticipated: YES/ NO
Bulk industrial/kiln waste products anticipated: YES/ NO
Building materials/architectural fragments anticipated: YES/ NO
Preliminary Transfer Information
Estimated deposition date: ......................
Please confirm that transfer of title (of ownership) of the finds archive has been sought
and agreed in principle with the landowner:
Please confirm that transfer of title (of ownership) of the paper archive has been
sought and agreed in principle with the owner:
This section to be completed by the Museum - the completed form will be returned
to the unit and a copy faxed to the South Yorkshire Archaeology Service.
Accession Number: ………………….. … Finds Box Labels dispatched (No.): …………
Signed: ……………………………………. Date: ……………………………………………
Name: ……………………………………...