Calcium Atoms Calcium Ions 2012 Lab Conclusions

I. Conclusions
1. How many neutrons , protons, electrons does a
Ca atom have?
20 protons, 23 neutrons, 20 electrons
2. What is the calcium? How do you know this?
Metallic atom, nonmetallic atom, ion, ionic compound, ionic compound solution,
molecular compound, molecular compound solution
Ca is an element composed of calcium atoms. All elements are composed of atoms.
Ca is a metallic atom because it conducts electricity as a solid
3. What is the calcium chloride? How do you know this?
Metallic atom, nonmetallic atom, ion, ionic compound, ionic compound solution,
molecular compound, molecular compound solution
CaCl2 is an ionic compound. It is composed of a metal and a nonmetal in which the
metal loses electrons to form a positive ion to a nonmetal that forms a negative ion
It does not conduct electricity as a solid
4. What is distilled water? How do you know this?
Metallic atom, nonmetallic atom, ion, ionic compound, ionic compound solution,
molecular compound, molecular compound solution
H2O is a molecular compound in which the nucleus of each of the hydrogens is
attracted to an electron of an oxygen at the same time that the nucleus of the oxygen is
attracted to the electron of the hydrogen. This simultaneous attraction of electrons
(sharing of electrons – covalent bond ) forms a molecular compound between the H’s
and the O.
H is a nonmetal, O is nonmetal that bond covalently to molecular compounds
nm to nm – covalent – molecules
It does not conduct electricity in our experiment
5. What is the calcium chloride water mixture? How do you know this?
Metallic atom, nonmetallic atom, ion, ionic compound, ionic compound solution,
molecular compound, molecular compound solution.
It is an aqueous solution containing the ionic compound calcium chloride.
It is a mixture of water and the ionic compound. Calcium chloride can conduct
electricity in solution because the water allows the calcium ions and chloride
ions the freedom to move.
6. What is the sucrose? How do you know this?
Metallic atom, nonmetallic atom, ion, ionic compound, ionic compound solution,
molecular compound, molecular compound solution
C11H22O11 is a molecular compound composed of nonmetals whose electrons are
simulataneously attracted to the nucleus of a neighboring atom ( sharing of electrons
- covalently bonded). Covalently bonded atoms form molecules.
C is nm, H is nm, and O is a nm – covalently – molecular compounds. It does
Not conduct electricity as a solid.
7. What is the sucrose water mixture? How do you know this?
Metallic atom, nonmetallic atom, ion, ionic compound, ionic compound solution,
molecular compound, molecular compound solution
It is an aqueous solution containing a molecular compound in water.
It is a mixture of water and sucrose molecules. It does
Not conduct electricity when dissolved in water.
8. What is the reacted calcium water mixture? How do you know this?
Metallic atom, nonmetallic atom, ion, ionic compound, ionic compound solution,
molecular compound, molecular compound solution
Calcium reacts with the water to form an ionic compound. Metals react with
nonmetals to form ionic compounds. Water is a molecular compound composed of
nonmetals. The mixture formed conducts electricity indicating the product of
calcium and water is ionic.
What is the gas produced? How do you know this?
Metallic atom, nonmetallic atom, ion, ionic compound, ionic compound solution,
molecular compound, molecular compound solution
The gas is hydrogen that explodes when exposed to the atmosphere and the lit splint.
Hydrogen is an element composed of atoms.
What is the product of the gas and the gases in the atmosphere?
How do you know this?
Metallic atom, nonmetallic atom, ion, ionic compound, ionic compound solution,
molecular compound, molecular compound solution
When hydrogen explodes it reacts with oxygen to form the molecular compound
water. Hydrogen and oxygen are both nonmetals and therefore bond covalently to
form a molecular compound.
11. a) What is an ion? b) What is an isotope?
An ion is formed when an atom or group of atoms lose or gain electrons.
When they lose electrons they form positive ions and when they gain electrons they
form positive ions.
Isotopes are atoms of the same element that differ in the number of neutrons in their
nucleus. They have the same atomic number but a different mass number.
12. How can you account for the differences in conductivity between the
calcium metal, distilled water, calcium chloride, calcium chloride water mixture,
sucrose, sucrose water mixture?
If a substance can conduct electricity it either contains loosely held electrons or it
contains mobile ions.
The calcium metal contains loosely held electrons because of its relatively large
atomic radius characteristic of a metal.
The calcium chloride dissolved in water contains mobile ions capable of conducting
electricity. The calcium chloride is an ionic compound whose ions become mobile
when they dissolve in water.
Ca – metal – large radius – loosely held electrons – conducts electricity
CaCl2 (aq) – dissolved in water – releases mobile ions
a) Draw a Bohr model of a calcium atom.
b) Draw a Bohr model of a chloride atom.
c) Draw a Bohr model of calcium chloride.
Conclusion 12
Conclusion 12
23 neutrons
 20 protons
 20 electrons
17 protons
 17 electrons
Conclusion 12
Conclusion 12
Conclusion 12
Ca +
Modified Bohr Model Connection to
Chemical Properties
Atoms will gain lose or “share” electrons in order
to obtain the same number of electrons as
+ Cl
Chemical Properties Connection
Quiz on Atomic Models / Light
Metals will lose electrons
Ca has 20 electrons, stable Ar has 18.
 Calcium loses 2 electrons to form a
positive 2 ion
 Chlorine has 17 electrons, stabe Ar has 18
 Chlorine gains 1 electron to from a
negative 1 ion
Thomsons Model
 Cathode Ray Experiment
 Charge to Mass Ratio
 Cathode Rays = electrons
 Plum Pudding Model
Quiz on Atomic Models / Light
Quiz on Atomic Models / Light
Rutherford’s Model
 Gold Foil Experiment
 Positively charges alpha particle “bullets”
 Gold Foil
 Alpha Particle Scattering
 Nuclear Model
Milikan Oil Droplet Experiment
Electrons have a unit charge
All charges must be a multiple of
-1.6 x 10-19 C
-1.28 x 10-18 C
= 8 electrons = Possible
-1.6 x 10- 19 C
-1.20 x 10-18 C
= 7.5 electrons= Not Possible
-1.6 x 10
Quiz on Atomic Models / Light
Nature of Light
Bohr Model
 Emission Spectrum / Absorption Spectrum
 Quanta – Packet of Energy
 Photons
 Planetary Model
 1 = 2e- , 2 = 8e-, 3=18e- , 4= 32e Maximum in each energy level
Electromagnetic Radiation
Can be reflected, refracted, diffracted
Bounce off, bend, create interference pattern
Has a velocity ( 3x108 m/s in vacuum)
Has a wavelength
Has a frequency
Nature of Light
Photons, Quanta of Energy,
Frequency Dependent
 Low Frequency
 Low Energy
 Long Wave
Emission Spectrum
Electron moves from a….
 higher energy orbit to a lower energy
orbit releasing a fixed quanta of energy or
photon of light with a specific frequency
and therefore specific color ( if the light is
in the visible spectrum)
 High frequency high energy short wave
Conservation of Matter
 Mg and O Law of Definite Proportions
 Law of Multiple Proportions extra credit
 Cathode Ray Discussion
 Millikan Oil Droplet Discussion
 Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment
Nature of Light
Photons, Quanta of Energy,
 Frequency Dependent
 High Frequency
 High Energy
 Short Wave
Absorption Spectrum
Electron moves from a….
 Lower energy orbit to a higher energy
orbit absorbing a fixed quanta of energy or
photon of light with a specific frequency
and therefore specific color ( if the light is
in the visible spectrum)
Labs / Discussions
Light Questions
 Atomic number, Mass Number, Proton
discovery, Neutron Discovery,
 Isotopes
 Bohr Model Discussion
 Light emission
 Light Absorption