MIDDLEBOROUGH COUNCIL ON AGING LEONARD E. SIMMONS MULTI-SERVICE CENTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING December 12, 2012 Minutes 1. CALL TO ORDER at 7:00pm Present: Linda Bullard, Robert Burke, Barbara Chadwick, Marilyn Chammas, Geoff Hebert, Annette Holmes, Sarah Jigergian, Anders Martenson, Betty Murphy, Arthur Turcotte, James Waite Absent: Marilyn Chammas, Linda Bullard Also present: Linda Eatherton, Andrea M. Priest 2. ACCEPT MINUTES Upon a motion by Robert Burke to accept the minutes as written with a 2nd by Barbara Chadwick, the board voted in unanimous approval. 3. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Linda found a great price for Uniform coats for drivers, with Middleboro COA embroidered on them. Bad weather conditions- when schools are on vacation, Andrea will call DPW Director to determine if vans should be on the road. If the roads are not safe, we will follow the policy as if schools are closed—all activities are cancelled. Michael Barrett, new owner of the Fireside Grill, honored the tradition of providing meals to the homebound. Volunteers delivered 13 meals. The Craft Fair was a success for day program and their White Elephant Table. Sarah suggested we change the hours to 10-2. Most of the business is from the lunch attendees. Andrea suggested setting the date a few months earlier to be able to recruit vendors and promote event. EOEA has submitted a grant to increase outreach services to the Medicare disabled population. Eat to Heat was very successful with over $3,500. in donations. Bob Burke mentioned that the Veterans fundraiser was always scheduled on the first Wednesday of December. Knitting and crochet outreach was completed to nursing homes, schools and agencies All staff are on full work hours. Tree Maintenance has been done by the DPW. Many were so rotten that a bucket truck was a safer way and reduced our liability versus having volunteers do it. Senior Tax Work Off Program status- interviews are in process, letters go out in January. Holiday cards and calendars are being delivered to all volunteers Significant Donations have been received including Maxim Foundation of $4,000., Oak Point Women’s Club of 2,000. 4. OLD BUSINESS 1. Board Committee renewals Finance Committee Upon a motion by Annette Holmes with a 2nd by Robert Burke nominating Linda Bullard, Sarah Jigergian and Barbara Chadwick for finance committee, the board voted in unanimous approval. House Committee Upon a motion by Robert Burke with a 2nd by Barbara Chadwick nominating Anders Martenson, Geoff Hebert and Arthur Turcotte for house committee, the board voted in unanimous approval. Personnel Committee Upon a motion by Geoff Hebert with a 2nd by Robert Burke nominating Arthur Turcotte, Sarah Jigerian and Annette Holmes for personnel committee, the board voted in unanimous approval. Transport Committee Upon a motion by Robert Burke with a 2nd by Annette Holmes nominating Geoff Hebert, Anders Martenson and Robert Burke for transport committee, the board voted in unanimous approval. Legislative Committee Upon a motion by Robert Burke with a 2nd by Geoff Hebert nominating Arthur Turcotte for legislative committee, the board voted in unanimous approval. OCPC Delegate Upon a motion by Barbara Chadwick with a 2nd by Geoff Hebert nominating Sarah Jigergian as OCPC delegate, the board voted in unanimous approval. PR Committee Special Events Committee Community Advisory Committee The Board has voted in the past to keep these committees under the supervision of the COA Executive Director served by COA staff. The new by-laws committee will reflect this change which will be voted on with by-law approval. 2. By law review The by law committee will present a draft of the revision at the next month. 3. Cultural Council Andrea was happy to report that the Cultural Council has approved the grant submission to fund a big band, “Olde Kids on the Block” which is scheduled for September. 5. NEW BUSINESS 1. Budget Process Town Manager has asked for level funded budget submission. Andrea has submitted a budget with a request for additional funding to restore hours of the 4th position in day program and an additional $25,000. for perishables. 2. Carry over Vacation requests The request for the vacation carry over for staff is included in the packet. The union contract allows the carry over eliminating the need for a board vote. Carry over days must be used by June 30th. 3. Who’s Who contract renewal Andrea has renewed the contract with the Middleboro Gazette feeling that it more than pays for itself by generating income from Day Program. 4. Transportation Grant MARTAPP has released a request for proposals for $750.00 which is due January 21st. It has several guidelines for allowable expenses. 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS Sub-Committee Reports Treasurer/Finance Committee Personnel Committee Representative Reports Legislative Issues OCES- transition team overview OCPCDepartment Reports Upon a motion by Barbara Chadwick to accept the department reports as written, with a 2nd by Robert Burke, the board voted in unanimous approval. Day Care Program Nutrition Program Activities/Recreation Program Health/SHINE Program 7. OTHER BUSINESS -------------Robert Burke asked about the project of publishing a list of vendors who offer senior discounts. Andrea reported that it was “on hold” even though it did get started. Robert agreed to work on the project and Andrea suggested that we find some additional volunteers as well and she will ask Susan H. for possibilities. The knitting club completed their outreach project and Andrea will provide the list of those whose who benefited to the board next month. Annette Holmes will not be at the next meeting. Anders Martenson may not be able to attend next month’s meeting. Upon a motion by Anders Martenson to adjourn the meeting with a 2nd by Geoff Hebert, the board voted in unanimous approval to adjourn at 7:55 pm. Reminder calls should remind board to let us know by noon of the meeting day if they cannot attend to assure there is a quorum. 8. CORRESPONDENCE -------------9. NEXT REGULAR MEETING ------ January 9, 2013 10. ADJOURNMENT-----------------------