Postdoctoral Positions Available The Human Metabolomics Project (HMP) is a multi-year, multi-million dollar project (sponsored by Genome Canada), whose goal is identifying, characterizing and quantifying the entire human metabolome: all endogenous metabolites that can be found in the body at concentrations greater than one micromolar. We invite applications for a postdoctoral fellow position to work with us in this exciting undertaking! This position will be at the University of Alberta (Edmonton), and will involve very close ties with the Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Machine Learning (AICML) We are seeking applicants that have strong mathematical and statistical skills, knowledge of machine learning and a background in bioinformatics. (See webpage for a sampling of the bioinformatics challenges.) The PDF will be encouraged to participate in the other bio- and medical-informatics projects at the University of Alberta, the Cross Cancer Institute and the Institute for Biocomplexity and Informatics at the University of Calgary. Appointments can start as soon as is practicable, but start dates are flexible. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Please send CV, a statement of research interests, and the names, e-mail addresses, postal addresses and phone numbers of three references to: Lori Querengesser Dept of Computing Science The University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E8 780-492-5009 / 780-492-1071 (FAX) The University of Alberta, and the Human Metabolome Project collaboratively respect, appreciate, and encourage diversity. Bioinformatics Challenges Some 15 years ago, a group of bright and ambitious researchers had this radical idea that it would be possible to determine the entire 3.2B nucleotide human genome. They pushed and pushed... and by late 2003, it was a reality! That was the genome -- the contents of our DNA blueprints. Over the last few years, many researchers have been exploring the human proteome, studying the proteins that do the work in our cells. And there has been tremendous progress here as well. These proteins work on metabolites -- small molecules (sugars, amino acids, bases) -- that are used, modified and transformed within the cell, and then often excreted, to appear in our bodily fluids (blood, urine, CSF) Medical practice often involves testing these bodily fluids for certain metabolites that are known to relate to the person's disease state. But biological and medical science knows only a fragment of the relevant information: just a small percentage of the human metabolome, and even less of the disease to metabolite connections, and much less of the quantitative facts. We are now looking for a postdoc, to help us uncover the Complete Human Metabolome, as part of a multi-year multi-million dollar project called the Human Metabolome Project; see Job Posting. You will work with a large collection of outstanding researchers, including world-class biologists, chemists and biochemists (working in NMR and MassSpec, synthesis) and clinical researchers as well as a number of bioinformaticians. We also have a programming staff to further help translate your ideas into deployed code. Below are some of the fascinating tasks associated with this project: 1. Predict biotransformations There are many known reactions that happen to compounds within our bodies, including hydroxylation, amidation, carboxylation and a host of other reactions that transform one (drug or xenobiotic) compound to some other chemical. While we typically know necessary conditions for these transformations we do not always have sufficient conditions, which means we won't know whether this transformation will actually happen, or not. This subproject involves developing algorithms that can predict whether a specific biotransformation will, or will not, occur, based on properties of the specific compound, and perhaps other information about the person. We anticipate a large learning component here. 23. Predict chemical properties The Human Metabolite Database will eventually list several hundred properties of each of 1500-ish metabolites -- Boiling point, Melting point, Solubility, LogP, pKa, ... Many of these properties are known and appear in the literature. But not all. It would be useful to predict the properties in general, based on the chemical structure and perhaps other properties of the metabolite. We anticipate a large machine learning and artificial intelligence component here. 3. Predict physiological properties physiological locations of metabolites and Recall that we only know a fraction of the human metabolome and only a smaller fraction of their important properties, including their locations and typically concentrations. We would like to predict the concentrations and locations of hundreds of lesserknown compounds, in blood, CSF, cells, organs and other tissues, based on a classifier learned from several hundred well-studied compounds. These predictions will help experimentalists narrow down their search, and reduce their efforts in looking for compounds in specific tissues, organs or fluids. Once again we anticipate a large learning component here. 4. Predicting pathways and the consequences of mutations to pathways Only a portion (1/4) of the metabolome has known metabolic enzymes associated with specific metabolites. We would like use what is known about the existing metabolites and well-understood metabolic pathways, to predict the pathways/enzymes associated with these new or poorly characterized metabolites. Similarly, the accumulation of certain metabolites in blood, urine or CSF is often an indication of a physiological problem or genetic mutation to one of the enzymes involved in one or more pathways. We would like to develop methods of solving the so-called clinical "inverse" problem: Given a set of abnormal metabolites or their abnormal concentrations, determine which genes and which pathways have been disrupted (i.e., identify the genetic cause of these abnormalities). Today, these problems are usually "solved" by hand with physicians and chemists looking through tables and charts, and scanning the literature. We believe there are more efficient, electronic or computational methods that could solve these problems which could potentially lead to new disease or novel genetic insights. Machine learning, graph analysis, pathway analysis and metabolic simulation would all be required in this work. 5. Text mining When the human genome project began, there were a number of available electronically datasets that succinctly summarized many relevant information. Unfortunately, that is not true with metabolites, today. This often means professional researchers must spend hours to days combing the literature by hand to find the required information. This subproject involves developing algorithms that can scan text (PubMed abstracts, full articles, or even textbooks) for relevant information. We anticipate a large machine learning component here.