OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL 13th June 2012 Dear Parents, Year 5 - Visit to Blessed Edward Oldcorne Catholic College Arrangements have been made for all the Year 5 children to visit Blessed Edward Oldcorne for one day on Thursday, 21st June 2012. A coach will collect them from school at 8.45am and return them to school by 3.00pm. They will therefore need to be in school at 8.30am in order to take the register. The children will need a packed lunch and some money for extra snacks (approximately £2.00 will enable them to buy a cooked lunch). They will also need to bring their trainers with them. If you have ordered a sandwich pack for your child, he/she will be given their pack before they leave Our Lady’s. Yours sincerely, Mrs G Gittins Class Teacher OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL 13th June 2012 Dear Parents, Year 5 - Visit to Blessed Edward Oldcorne Catholic College Arrangements have been made for all the Year 5 children to visit Blessed Edward Oldcorne for one day on Thursday, 21st June 2012. A coach will collect them from school at 8.45am and return them to school by 3.00pm. They will therefore need to be in school at 8.30am in order to take the register. The children will need a packed lunch and some money for extra snacks (approximately £2.00 will enable them to buy a cooked lunch). They will also need to bring their trainers with them. If you have ordered a sandwich pack for your child, he/she will be given their pack before they leave Our Lady’s. Yours sincerely, Mrs G Gittins Class Teacher