Meeting Minutes Chania

October 14, 2011
Sub meeting on Modelling
FADNTOOL Meeting Draft Minutes
Sub meeting on Modelling
October 14, 2011
09.00 – 14.00
Thessaloniki, Greece
Prof. Konstadinos Mattas, Coordinator (AUTH), Dr. Hans-Jorg Lutzeyer
(Scientific Officer – EU Commission), Prof. Alfons Oude Lansink (WU), Prof.
Theofanis Mamuneas (UCY), Prof. Yves Surry (SLU), Prof. Giannis Karagiannis
(UOM), Prof. Paolo Sckokai (UCSC), Prof. Edward Majewski (SGGW), Prof.
Thanasis Stengos (UCY), Prof. Victor Podinovski (WARWICK), Prof. Adam Was
(SGGW), Prof. Thomas Heckelei (UBO) (teleconference link), Dr. Theirry Vard
(FADN unit – EU Commission), Dr. Bernd Kuepker (FADN unit – EU
Commission), Dr. Polymeros Apostolos (FADN GR), Dr. Efthymia Tsakiridou
(AUTH), Ms. Christina Milka (WU), Dr. Michailidis Anastasios (AUTH), Dr.
Stefanos Nastis (AUTH), Ms. Maria Vrachioli (UOM), Dr. Meropi Tsakiri
(AUTH), Prof. Konstantinos Galanopoulos (AUTH), Mr. Ioannis Karakostas
This project is funded under the European Community’s
THEME [KBBE.2010.1.4-02] [Development of modelling tools based on Farm Accountancy
Data Network data adapted to assess the dynamic impacts of the Common Agricultural
Policy - Call: FP7-KBBE-2010-4]
1. Opening of the meeting and short introduction - Prof. Mattas, Project’s Coordinator
Prof. Mattas welcomed the participants and the EU officials and presented a short
overview of the project.
2. Short Introduction - EU officials, Dr. Lutzeyer, Scientific Officer (EU), Dr. Vard (EU
Dr. Lutzeyer emphasized the importance of a close interaction of project partners
with the EU FADN unit and IPTS. Dr. Vard highlighted the importance of the project
for the EU FADN unit and commented that there will be close collaboration between
the project partners and the EU FADN unit.
3. Data Handling – Prof. Karagiannis (UOM)
Presentation outline: FADN data overview and data handling steps
Discussion: Dr. Kuepker commented that in some econometric programs it may be
able to open the files in their current format automatically. He added that in some
years there may be data missing due to administrative changes in the countries. Prof.
Karagiannis replied that the process for data handling is similar in other software.
Prof. Sckokai commented that some econometric and mathematical programming
software may not be able to read the latest versions of Excel. Dr. Vard added that
the FADN unit can provide the data in SAS format. In addition, the “SE”labeled variables are calculations already done. Prof. Sckokai replied that the SAS
version could solve the Excel limitations problem and suggested a technical team
comprised of partners to resolve aggregation and variable definition issues, in order
to achieve homogeneity of the variables employed. Prof. Oude Lansink commented
that mostly the existing definitions will be employed, as in previous projects, and
preferred the data in SAS format as it is easier to handle than in Excel. Dr. Vard
commented that prices need to be calculated. Prof. Oude Lansink added that price
indexes from Eurostat can be used. Prof. Mattas suggested a meeting of the technical
team to resolve issues regarding the data, comprising of WPs 2,3,4,5,6,7 partners.
The FADN unit will also provide the data in SAS format. Prof. Majewski suggested a
common approach to defining outliers. Prof. Surry added that SAS is efficient in
detecting outliers.
Sub-meeting on Modelling  Thessaloniki, Greece  October 14, 2011
Raised issues from data handling presentation and followed discussion
A technical team comprising of WPs 2,3,4,5,6,7 partners will meet very soon
Data in SAS format will be requested from the EU FADN unit
4. WP1 Presentation: Searcheable, Web-based Literature Review presentation – Prof.
Majewski (SGGW)
Presentation outline: template for literature review, examples, concept of database,
questions to be answered, time schedule and technical questions.
Discussion: Prof. Surry asked if non-English literature will be included. Prof.
Majewski replied that it was originally agreed in the Kick-off meeting to only include
English literature. Prof. Podinovski required extraction mechanisms to simplify the
extraction process from the literature database. Prof. Oude Lansink commented that
the future users of the database need to be defined before the design and updating is
done. Prof. Mattas commented that the purpose of this WP is to combine the
literature reviews of individual WPs in a homogenized, easily accessible and publicly
available database. The difference/advantage compared to other databases such as
the popular Google scholar is the addition of the reviews and comments.
Prof. Podinovski proposed thematic reviews, in addition to single article
reviews. Prof. Sckokai agreed that this would be a valuable addition to the literature
review and would make the database more manageable and more useful. Prof. Mattas
added that the dynamic element of the database is important and announced that a
conference will be organized focused on data use for policy evaluation, to take place
in September 2012 in Chania, Greece. Prof. Surry added that the database should
connect to the Pacioli network. Prof. Karagiannis asked whether the full literature
review of each WP should be submitted or only the EU FADN related. Prof. Mattas
replied that the entire literature review should be submitted.
Raised issues from WP1 presentation and followed discussion
WPs will submit literature reviews to WP1 by 31st December 2011
5. WP2 Presentation – Prof. Karagiannis (UOM)
Presentation outline: short description of the work, issues to be discussed.
Discussion: Prof. Mattas asked about the progress of the handbook. Prof.
Karagiannis replied that the technical team meeting has to first resolve
remaining issues. Dr. Lutzeyer approved the merging of the two
handbook deliverables.
Sub-meeting on Modelling  Thessaloniki, Greece  October 14, 2011
Raised issues from WP2 presentation and followed discussion
The two handbooks (Deliverables 3.1 and 4.1) will be merged in one handbook, and
was approved by the Scientific Officer
6. WP3/WP4 Presentation – Prof. Surry (SLU)
Presentation outline: handbook and literature review progress.
Discussion: Prof. Mattas proposed the technical team meeting to be held in Bonn on
November 26, 2012. Prof. Heckelei replied that he has to confirm the date. Dr.
Lutzeyer approved the technical team meeting.
Raised issues from WP3/4 presentation and followed discussion
Technical team meeting will be held in Bonn on near future (possible date November
26 2011, pending confirmation from Prof. Heckelei)
7. WP5 Presentation – Prof. Podinovski (WARWICK)
Presentation outline: progress of the WP, work plan and deliverables, data and
software approval.
Discussion: Prof. Sckokai commented that as long as the software employed is the
minimal possible, according to the Brussels meeting, it can be employed by partners.
GAMS should not be a problem for the DEA model and is the software employed be
UBO and SLU for mathematical programming.
8. WP6 Presentation – Prof. Sckokai (UCSC)
Presentation outline: WP6 objectives, progress so far, issues for this meeting.
Discussion: Dr. Kuepker asked which prices will be employed. Prof. Sckokai replied
that this is an important issue that will be addressed in the technical team meeting.
Prof. Oude Lansink added that the technical team meeting along with close
collaboration with UCY will resolve the data issues.
9. WP9 Presentation – Prof. Sckokai (UCSC)
Presentation outline: overview, decisions taken in Brussels meeting, interface
features, issues for this meeting.
Discussion: Prof. Oude Lansink commented that from his experience in the
SEAMLESS project, where a number of people were employed throughout Europe to
Sub-meeting on Modelling  Thessaloniki, Greece  October 14, 2011
develop the interface, work on the interface can be done successfully over long
distance. Dr. Vard commented that it isn’t clear to him how the models will interact
with themselves and how the policy analysis will be performed. Prof. Sckokai replied
that the models will be run independently, using the same policy scenarios. WP7 will
establish the policy scenarios that will be employed. Prof. Podinovski added that a
common dataset should exist and variables should have common names. Prof.
Sckokai replied that the names used in the simulation codes will be the ones used in
the original database provided by the EU FADN unit.
Raised issues from WP9 presentation and followed discussion
Issue of variable naming and data file employed in the simulation codes will be
discussed in the technical team meeting
10. Greek FADN unit presentation – Dr. Polymeros (FADN GR)
Short overview: FADN data analysis tool and modules
11. Final discussions, closing remarks and next meeting planning – Prof. Mattas
Prof. Mattas suggested the next meeting in Italy to be postponed and the next
scheduled meeting to be in France around June 2012. Dr. Lutzeyer approved
postponing the Italy meeting.
Raised issues from closing presentation
Next project meeting will take place in June 2012 in France
Italy meeting is postponed
Sub-meeting on Modelling  Thessaloniki, Greece  October 14, 2011
This sub-meeting on Modelling was approved by the Scientific Officer,
Dr. Lutzeyer, who was present
A technical team comprising of WPs 2,3,4,5,6,7 partners will meet very
soon to solve remaining technical and data issues
Dr. Vard promised that data in SAS format will be sent too
WPs will submit literature reviews to WP1 by 31st December 2011
The two handbooks (Deliverables 3.1 and 4.1) will be merged in one
handbook. The Scientific Officer approved the merging of handbooks.
Technical team meeting will be held in Bonn (probable date
November 26, 2011 or in December 2011)
Issue of variable naming and data file employed in the simulation
codes will be discussed in the technical team meeting
Next project meeting will take place in June 2012 in France
Italy meeting is postponed (approved by the Scientific officer)
(the below paragraph was added on the 27th of Oct. 2011 and is a
reference for some changes on the above)
The meeting in Bonn was canceled since it was decided first to complete the
handbooks , with small group discussions, and then we will have the
Italy meeting. We arrive in this decision after e- discussions among the
involved partners. By Christmas the handbooks will be ready.
Sub-meeting on Modelling  Thessaloniki, Greece  October 14, 2011