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North of Situ Island Lodge: Situated reasonably close in-shore approximately halfway up the eastern
(seaward) side of Ilha Quisiva.
GPS Co-ordinates:
S 12 35’ 26.0”
E 040 37’ 56.0”
Travelling Time From Situ Island Lodge:
25 minutes
Depth, Topography and Description:
This is a wall dive which is normally done from south to north. During times of strong current the dive is
taken as a drift dive in the direction of the current. Divers are dropped on the shallow flat reef on the inshore side of the wall at a depth of approx 10m and then swim towards and over the edge of the wall
descending down to a maximum depth of 26 m.
At the northern end of the dive site the wall bulges out to form a large peninsula and hence the name
After approx 35 minutes it is best to ascend back up and over the top of the wall to enjoy the shallow
flat coral reefs. These flat reefs are a “dive on their own” so this will give you more dive time, provide
more colour and in some instances can also double up as a safety stop. Do not underestimate these
shallow reefs as they are incredibly beautiful.
In summary this dive site will give you the best of two worlds by combining a fantastic wall dive with a
contrasting world of colour on the flat reef above.
Expect To See:
Down the wall and on the bottom: Caves, swim throughs, arches, sea grasses of all types, giant clams,
cup sponges and plate coral on the floor, giant sea fans, hawksbill turtles, moray eels, sea goldies,
sweetlips, rubber lips, napoleon wrasse, hump head parrot fish, parrot fish, fire fish, trumpet fish,
squirrel fish, rock cod (all types), potato bass, brindle bass, moorish idols, fusiliers, snapper, angel fish
(all types), butterfly fish (all types), coachman, cleaner wrasse, parrot fish, unicorn fish, surgeon fish,
porcupine fish, lyretail, clouds of sweepers, dascyllus, old woman, goldbar wrasse, and if you turn your
back to the wall and look out into the blue you may see barracuda, king fish, gt’s, and other game fish.
In the shallows above the wall : a massive carpet of soft and hard corals of all shapes, sizes and colours,
giant clams, and in addition to above you will see triggerfish, toby’s, blue spotted rays, porcelain shrimp,
harlequin shrimp, cleaner shrimp, crayfish, lizard fish, six strip soap fish, batfish, jumping bean, hawkfish,
domino, chocolate dip, clown fish, blue pete, goat fish, humbug, coral beauty, gorgeous gussy, turncoat
hog fish, blotch eye soldiers, damsels, fire goby, spotted bristletooth, dusky cherub, etc.
Comment and Suggestion:
Do this dive as a first dive and then follow with a shallower second dive after enjoying a suitable sit time
enjoying sandwiches, snacks and beverages on the beach of one of the nearby islands. The sand spit on
the north western point of Ilha Quisiva is ideal for this at mid to low tide or anchor close in at CORAL
GARDEN or ARIELS GARDEN for your second dive
North of Situ Island Lodge: Approx 1km directly north of BUNTINGS BULGE along the same contour:
Situated in the “mouth” midway between Ilha Quisiva and Ilha Mefunvo.
GPS Co-ordinates:
S 12 34’ 08.3” E 040 37’ 10.6”
Travelling Time From Situ Island Lodge:
30 minutes
Depth, Topography And Description:
This is a north : south wall dive which can be done in both directions. The current is mainly side on in the
direction of the tidal movement. Divers are dropped on the shallow flat reef on the in-shore side of the
wall at a depth of approx 10m and then swim towards and over the edge of the wall descending down to
a maximum depth of 27 m. On an incoming tide the swim towards the wall can be strenuous but once
you go down the wall the current is negligible. Vice versa the current can be quite strong along the top
of the wall at the end of the dive when the tide is going out.
The wall is punctuated with a number of caves and needle like structures. Some caves have chimneys
that rise up and come out on top of the wall. This is a very similar dive to BUNTINGS BULGE but the
caves and needle like structures add character. It is also subject to more current and suspended sand
sediment in the water due to its situation in the main tidal stream between two islands.
As for BUNTINGS BULGE, after approx 35 minutes it is best to ascend back up and over the top of the
wall to enjoy the shallow flat coral reefs. These flat reefs are a “dive on their own” so this will give you
more dive time, provide more colour and in some instances can also double up as a safety stop. Do not
underestimate these shallow reefs as they are incredibly beautiful.
In summary this dive site will give you the best of two worlds by combining a fantastic wall dive with a
contrasting world of colour on the flat reef above.
Expect To See:
Down the wall and on the bottom: Caves, swim throughs, arches, sea grasses of all types, giant clams,
cup sponges and plate coral on the floor, giant sea fans, hawksbill turtles, moray eels, sea goldies,
sweetlips, rubber lips, napoleon wrasse, hump head parrot fish, parrot fish, fire fish, trumpet fish,
squirrel fish, rock cod (all types), potato bass, brindle bass, moorish idols, fusiliers, snapper, angel fish
(all types), butterfly fish (all types), coachman, cleaner wrasse, parrot fish, unicorn fish, surgeon fish,
porcupine fish, lyretail, clouds of sweepers, dascyllus, old woman, goldbar wrasse, and if you turn your
back to the wall and look out into the blue you may see barracuda, king fish, gt’s, and other game fish.
In the shallows above the wall : a massive carpet of soft and hard corals of all shapes, sizes and colours,
giant clams, and in addition to above you will see triggerfish, toby’s, blue spotted rays, porcelain shrimp,
harlequin shrimp, cleaner shrimp, crayfish, lizard fish, six strip soap fish, batfish, jumping bean, hawkfish,
domino, chocolate dip, clown fish, blue pete, goat fish, humbug, coral beauty, gorgeous gussy, turncoat
hog fish, blotch eye soldiers, damsels, fire goby, spotted bristletooth, dusky cherub, etc.
Do this dive as a first dive and then follow with a shallower second dive after enjoying a suitable sit time
enjoying sandwiches, snacks and beverages on the beach of one of the nearby islands. The sand spit on
the north western point of Ilha Quisiva is ideal for this at mid to low tide.
North of Situ Island Lodge: Situated in the lagoon area between Ilha Quisiva and Ilha Mefunvo.
GPS Co-ordinates:
S 12 35’ 15.98”
E 040 35’ 51.87”
Note: This is one central point chosen in the lagoon as a reference point to work from.
Travelling Time From Situ Island Lodge:
35 minutes
Depth, Topography And Description:
Given that the tidal shift is 3,50m the depth of the dive can be anywhere between 3m and 6,5m. The
lagoon is littered with a number of rocky outcrops called “BOMMIES”. Each bommies is surrounded by
an eco system supporting a number of fish and crustaceans. The best is to choose an area that has a
number of bommies and follow a route from one to another. This is also an ideal snorkeling route and
dive site for student scuba divers. It is often used as a second dive and gives one the opportunity for
honing photography skills as well as a long dive time.
Expect To See:
Giant clams, moray eels, sea goldies, sweetlips, trumpet fish, moorish idols, angel fish, butterfly fish,
coachman, wrasse, parrot fish, porcupine fish, anemone fish, pipe fish and many more. There are also
crayfish, harlequin shrimp, and other crustacheans. Due to the number of pipe fish it is believed that
there is a possibility that sea horses can be found somewhere in the lagoon, but this is unsubstantiated.
This site caters for snorkelers and beginners who are able to view the life around the bommies from the
surface. Scuba divers have the advantage of remaining on the bottom and exploring the macro life
under and around the base of the bommies. There is a surprising amount of quality macro items to view
and an abundance of small tropical fish.
If the tide is high it is ideal to return to Situ Island Lodge around the back of Ilha Quisiva.
This dive is normally done as a second dive after enjoying breakfast on the Ilha Quisiva Sand Spit.
Note: This is a beautiful dive, second only to CORAL GARDEN.
North of Situ Island Lodge: Situated close in-shore approximately halfway up the eastern (seaward) side
of Ilha Quisiva.
GPS Co-ordinates:
S 12 35’ 44.1”
E 040 37’ 58.9”
Travelling Time From Situ Island Lodge:
20 minutes
Depth, Topography and Description:
This is a shallow dive that does not exceed 10m. The bottom is carpeted with a continuous array of
colourful soft and hard corals as well tropical fish. The viz here is normally in excess of 25m and when
the sun shines the colour display is spectacular, hence the name given to the reef.
Expect To See:
Massive carpets of soft and hard corals of all shapes, sizes and colours, giant clams, triggerfish, toby’s,
blue spotted rays, porcelain crabs, harlequin shrimp, crayfish, lizard fish, six strip soap fish, batfish,
jumping bean, hawkfish, domino, chocolate dip, clown fish, blue pete, goat fish, coral rock cod, etc.
Plus, most of the fish you will find at BUNTING SBULGE.
Comment and Suggestion:
Do this dive as a second dive as it will give you more dive time. Also ideal for snorkeling at low tide.
Comment: This is an incredibly beautiful site: untouched perfect examples of corals and sponges that
are in such abundance making this a premier dive location.
North of Situ Island Lodge: Situated close in-shore approximately halfway up the eastern (seaward) side
of Ilha Quisiva.
GPS Co-ordinates:
S 12 35’ 18.2”
E 040 37’ 39”
Travelling Time From Situ Island Lodge:
20 minutes
Depth, Topography and Description:
This is a shallow dive that does not exceed 10m. The bottom is carpeted with a continuous array of
colourful soft and hard corals as well tropical fish. The viz here is normally in excess of 25m and when
the sun shines the colour display is spectacular, hence the name given to the reef.
Expect To See:
Massive carpets of soft and hard corals of all shapes, sizes and colours, giant clams, triggerfish, toby’s,
blue spotted rays, porcelain crab, harlequin shrimp, crayfish, lizard fish, six strip soap fish, batfish,
jumping bean, hawkfish, domino, chocolate dip, clown fish, blue pete, goat fish, coral rock cod, etc.
Black spotted electric ray, plus most of the fish you will find at BUNTING SBULGE.
Comment and Suggestion:
Although this is a shallow dive it should be regarded as your main dive of the day. Photography is a must
due to the colour, light and model specimens of coral. Also ideal for snorkeling.
South of Situ Island Lodge: Situated approximately halfway between the point of Situ Island and Ponto
do Diabo in the direction of Pemba.
GPS Co-ordinates:
Exact location still to be recorded. Somewhere in the vicinity of “GRIMMERS GROVEL”
Travelling Time From Situ Island Lodge:
10 minutes
Depth, Topography And Description:
Situated in the shallow bay area the site does not exceed 10 to 12m. Although the bottom is a flat reef it
is characterised by many bommies, outcrops and crevices making it a haven for various types of fish. It is
a localized area so the dive group normally splits into buddy pairs who then follow their own routes and
patterns before meeting up again to ascend as a group. During the dive you will cross over the same
points a number of times from different directions but it will always remain interesting.
Expect To See:
The site was named after the large amount of blue spotted rays that dart across the reasonably flat
bottom. Also expect to see moray eels, sweetlips, trumpet fish, squirrel fish, coral rock cod, potato bass,
moorish idols, fusiliers, angel fish, butterfly fish, coachman, wrasse, parrot fish, surgeon fish, porcupine
fish, colourful starfish.
Occasionally there is a pod of dolphins in the area. During whale season you will clearly hear the whales
Due to its close proximity to the Lodge it is an ideal dive to do if you want to go out for a quick
excursion. It is also very useful to do as a second dive on the way back to the lodge from a remote site.
South of Situ Island Lodge: Situated around Ponto do Diabo in the direction of Pemba.
GPS Co-ordinates:
S 12 45’ 30.25”
E 040 38’ 13.77”
Note: These co-ordinates still to be verified. The skipper must drop you in a depth of approx 20m. The
site is directly off a bigger sand “dune” on shore.
Travelling Time From Situ Island Lodge:
20 minutes
Depth, Topography And Description:
This is a very flat reef around 20m deep. The bottom is barren and appears to be sand but it is in fact
lightly corrugated rock. Scattered in all directions are small stand alone “clumps” of cup sponges. The
sea life around each “clump” is limited to individuals or small groups of fish of a very high quality. The
dive group normally splits into buddy pairs who then follow their own routes swimming from “clump” to
Expect To See:
Inside each cup sponge is a surprise, be this a porcupine fish, butterfly fish, domino’s, angel fish or a
Toby. Also expect to see sweetlips, trumpet fish, moorish idols, fusiliers, angel fish, butterfly fish,
coachman, wrasse, and colourful starfish.
This site is also characterised by the number of crayfish and harlequin shrimp that live in and around
each “clump” of cup sponges.
If you are doing this as a second dive, make sure you have done adequate sit time as the bottom is a flat
continuous reef of 20m deep on average. The reef may seem to be barren but it becomes very
interesting when you focus in and spend some time around each “clump” of cup sponges.
North of Situ Island Lodge: Situated close in-shore between the Camel Rock and western side of Ilha
Quisiva. Just behind where the waves brake. If you draw a line from Camel Rock and the western side of
Ilha Quisiva it is at the point where the 2 lines will meet.
GPS Co-ordinates:
S 12 39’ 30.8”
E 040 37’ 48.3”
Travelling Time From Situ Island Lodge:
10 minutes
Depth, Topography and Description:
This is a shallow dive that does not exceed 10m. Better to dive at high tide as there is quite a bit of surge
during low tide. Lots of bommies, outcrops and crevices and sand patches in between. The bommies are
carpeted with a continuous array of colourful soft and hard corals as a lot of various tropical fish. It feels
like you are swimming in an aquarium. The viz here is in excess of 20m.
Expect To See:
Massive carpets of soft and hard corals of all shapes, sizes and colours, triggerfish, toby’s, blue spotted
rays, porcelain shrimp, harlequin shrimp, crayfish, lizard fish, six strip soap fish, batfish, jumping bean,
hawkfish, domino, chocolate dip, clown fish, blue pete, goat fish, coral rock cod, etc.
Comment and Suggestion:
Do this dive as a second dive as it will give you more dive time. Also ideal for snorkeling at low tide. Also
very close to camp and ideal for novices.
South of Situ Island Lodge: Situated approximately 500m from the point of Situ Island on the way to
Punto Diabo in the direction of Pemba. Can see the Managers house from there, the dive site is not yet
completely out of the bay. If you look NE from Manager’s house towards camel Rock, it is in line with the
manager’s house.
GPS Co-ordinates:
Still to be verified
Travelling Time From Situ Island Lodge:
Less than 5 minutes
Depth, Topography And Description:
Situated in the shallow bay area the site does not exceed 10 m. Characterised by many plants, sea weed,
bommies, outcrops and crevices making it a haven for various types of fish. Lots of different fish, from
tropical fish to game fish.
Expect To See:
Lot of plants and fish in and around the bommies and outcrops, very different to other dive sites,
shallow dive but full of life. Expect to see scorpion fish, king fish, sweetlips, trumpet fish, squirrel fish,
coral rock cod, moorish idols, fusiliers, angel fish, butterfly fish, coachman, wrasse, parrot fish, surgeon
fish, porcupine fish, Nudibranchs, and many more.
Due to its close proximity to the Lodge it is an ideal dive to do if you want to go out for a quick
excursion. It is also very useful to do as a second dive on the way back to the lodge from a remote site.
South of Situ Island Lodge: Situated around Ponto do Diabo in the direction of Pemba.
Note: Make sure you swim in a southerly direction after being dropped off, parallel to the shoreline and
the reef will get better and better (it starts off being a bit bland).
GPS Co-ordinates:
S 12 45’ 20.4”
E 040 38’ 02.3’
Travelling Time From Situ Island Lodge:
20 minutes
Depth, Topography And Description:
Situated close in shore the site does not exceed 6 m deep. Characterised by an undulating reef it seems
to produce singular fish of all types and of good specimen. It is a wide reef so a long slow swim will keep
producing new surprises.
Expect To See:
Porcupine fish sleeping under overhangs, abundance of crayfish hiding below outcrops, all the normal
tropicals, etc. Very good viz and light. Plus most the fish you would find at BUNTINGS BULGE but in
smaller numbers.
This is a very easy dive and ideal as a second dive on your way home from a remote southern site or for.
South of Situ Island Lodge on the way to Ponto do Diabo in the direction of Pemba.
Note : This is more of a dolphin viewing area than a dive site. Only stop at this site if you see dolphins in
the area. Rapid, soft tapping on the side of the boat normally attracts the pod to come and investigate.
GPS Co-ordinates:
S 12 44’ 01.7”
E 040 37’ 56.3’
Travelling Time From Situ Island Lodge:
10 minutes
Depth, Topography And Description:
This is a shallow dive with a flat bottom and not exceeding 6m deep.
Expect To See:
The bottom is covered with weed and there is very little to see. The site is however situated in an area
where a pod of dolphins often frequent and this creates an opportunity to dive with them. Close
encounters with dolphins are possible. Other than that the site is only really suited for student divers
needing to practice their skills.
Due to its close proximity to the Lodge it is ideal for a quick excursion but don’t expect too much.
North of Situ Island Lodge: Situated reasonably close in-shore approximately halfway up the eastern
(seaward) side of Ilha Quisiva. Close to BUNTINGS BULGE along the same wall.
GPS Co-ordinates:
S 12 35’ 36”
E 040 38’ 08.5’
Travelling Time From Situ Island Lodge:
25 minutes
Depth, Topography and Description:
This is a wall dive which is normally done from south to north. During times of strong current the dive is
taken as a drift dive in the direction of the current. Divers are dropped on the shallow flat reef on the inshore side of the wall at a depth of approx 10m and then swim towards and over the edge of the wall
descending down to a maximum depth of 26 m.
After approx 35 minutes it is best to ascend back up and over the top of the wall to enjoy the shallow
flat coral reefs. These flat reefs are a “dive on their own” so this will give you more dive time, provide
more colour and in some instances can also double up as a safety stop. Do not underestimate these
shallow reefs as they are incredibly beautiful.
In summary this dive site will give you the best of two worlds by combining a fantastic wall dive with a
contrasting world of colour on the flat reef above.
Expect To See:
Down the wall and on the bottom: Caves, swim throughs, arches, sea grasses of all types, giant clams,
cup sponges and plate coral on the floor, giant sea fans, hawksbill turtles, moray eels, sea goldies,
sweetlips, rubber lips, napoleon wrasse, hump head parrot fish, parrot fish, fire fish, trumpet fish,
squirrel fish, rock cod (all types), potato bass, brindle bass, moorish idols, fusiliers, snapper, angel fish
(all types), butterfly fish (all types), coachman, cleaner wrasse, parrot fish, unicorn fish, surgeon fish,
porcupine fish, lyretail, clouds of sweepers, dascyllus, old woman, goldbar wrasse, and if you turn your
back to the wall and look out into the blue you may see barracuda, king fish, gt’s, and other game fish.
In the shallows above the wall : a massive carpet of soft and hard corals of all shapes, sizes and colours,
giant clams, and in addition to above you will see triggerfish, toby’s, blue spotted rays, porcelain shrimp,
harlequin shrimp, cleaner shrimp, crayfish, lizard fish, six strip soap fish, batfish, jumping bean, hawkfish,
domino, chocolate dip, clown fish, blue pete, goat fish, humbug, coral beauty, gorgeous gussy, turncoat
hog fish, blotch eye soldiers, damsels, fire goby, spotted bristletooth, dusky cherub, round ribbon tail
ray, etc.
Comment and Suggestion:
Do this dive as a first dive and then follow with a shallower second dive after enjoying a suitable sit time
enjoying sandwiches, snacks and beverages on the beach of one of the nearby islands. The sand spit on
the north western point of Ilha Quisiva is ideal for this at mid to low tide, or anchor close in to CORAL
GARDEN or ARIELS GARDEN for your second dive.
Always be aware of the currents created by the drop off. These currents can be quite hectic at certain
tides. Surface currents may be very much stronger than along the wall.
South of Situ Island Lodge off the mouth of the Tari River on the way back to Pemba. This is a long trip
from the lodge but well worth the effort. The site starts just behind the backline in the area in front of
the Tari River Mouth. The entire area in front of the mouth is one large pristine diving area and this is
but one particular spot within this space.
Note : This is a premier diving area.
GPS Co-ordinates:
S 12 49’ 05.8”
E 040 34’ 52.1’
Travelling Time From Situ Island Lodge:
At least one hour. After 50 minutes you will see one large lone tree on the shoreline. About 10 minutes
later you will reach the Tari River mouth area.
Depth, Topography And Description:
The dive starts at a depth of around 6 m and then comprises a number of steps and mini walls running
parallel to the coast in multi levels ending up with a biggish wall going down to a maximum of 25 m.
Due to the multilevel nature of the site it combines all the features that you would find at CORAL
Expect To See:
This site is characterised by the fields of green whip corals that spiral up from the ocean floor and out
from the sides of the walls at lower depth. The fascinating Crown of Thorns are prevalent at shallow
depths, feeding on the abundance of coral. On the upper level there are scattered “koppies” of coral and
“snaking rivers” gouged into the ocean floor.
All fish you will expect to find at CORAL GARDEN, GRAYFISH ALLEY and BUNTINGS BULGE.
Each diver can choose the level(s) they wish to stay at but still be close enough together to move on as a
group. In this way each diver will get what they want out of the dive. The group can get together above
at the shallowest level near the end of the dive to perform their ascent and safety stop, as a group.
Note: Be careful not to swim too far in the direction of the shore as you could end up in the surf.
Because of the time and effort taken to reach this site it may be a good idea to have your second dive in
this TARI PARADISE area.
South of Situ Island Lodge off the mouth of the Tari River on the way back to Pemba. This is a long trip
from the lodge but well worth the effort. The site starts just behind the backline in the area in front of
the Tari River Mouth.
Note : This is a premier diving and snorkeling area.
GPS Co-ordinates:
S 12 49’ 25.29”
E 040 34’ 12.96’
These co-ordinates represent but one central point in this area called TARI PARADISE. The skipper can be
asked to try and find particular drop offs, outcrops, etc., but otherwise the entire area is good.
Travelling Time From Situ Island Lodge:
At least one hour. After 50 minutes you will see one large lone tree on the shoreline. About 10 minutes
later you will reach the Tari River mouth area.
Depth, Topography And Description:
Dive sites start at a depth of around 6 m and go down in levels to a maximum of 25 m.
Due to the multilevel nature of the site it combines all the features that you would find at CORAL
Expect To See:
The fascinating Crown of Thorns are prevalent at shallow depths, feeding on the abundance of coral. On
the upper level there are scattered “koppies” of coral and “snaking rivers” gouged into the ocean floor.
All as described for TARI STEPS.
Be careful not to swim too far in the direction of the shore as you could end up in the surf. Because of
the time and effort taken to reach this site it may be a good idea to use this area as a second dive spot
after doing TARI STEPS.
North of Situ Island Lodge: Approx 1km directly north of BUNTINGS BULGE along the same contour:
Situated in the “mouth” midway between Ilha Quisiva and Ilha Mefunvo slightly south of COLLOSSEUM.
GPS Co-ordinates:
S 12 34’ 25.4”
E 040 37’ 47.7”
Travelling Time From Situ Island Lodge:
30 minutes
Depth, Topography And Description:
This site was discovered during an attempt to locate COLLOSSEUM. Whilst the topography is of a similar
nature this area is punctuated with chimneys that start with caves into the sides of the wall that come
out in the flat shallow area above. When diving in the shallow flat area above these openings resemble
“holes in the floor” and hence the name of the site was derived.
Expect To See:
This site offers all the same features, fish types and corals that BUNTINGS BULGE and COLLOSSEUM have
to offer.
Due to its depth of approx 25m, do this dive as a first dive and then follow with a shallower second dive
after enjoying a suitable sit time enjoying sandwiches, snacks and beverages on the beach of one of the
nearby islands or the sand spit on the north western point of Ilha Quisiva or anchor close in shore at
North of Situ Island Lodge very close to BUNTINGS BULGE along the same contour.
GPS Co-ordinates:
S 12 35’ 31.5”
E 040 38’ 05.5’
Travelling Time From Situ Island Lodge:
30 minutes
Depth, Topography And Description:
This site was discovered by our skipper but has only been dived by means of snorkeling. Comments
made by the “snorkelers” were so positive that it was decided to register this position as an official dive
NOTE: this site is to be renamed once it has been dived properly and its features are better known.
Expect To See:
Expect to see all the features, fish types and corals that would be found at BUNTINGS BULGE and
Due to its depth of approx 25m, do this dive as a first dive and then follow with a shallower second dive
after enjoying a suitable sit time enjoying sandwiches, snacks and beverages on the beach on anchor
close in shore at CORAL GARDEN or ARIELS GARDEN.
North of Situ Island Lodge in the vicinity of BUNTINGS BULGE.
GPS Co-ordinates:
S 12 35’ 19”
E 040 37’ 43’
Travelling Time From Situ Island Lodge:
30 minutes
Depth, Topography And Description:
This is a wall dive with beautiful overhangs that you can swim under and a maximum depth of 25m. The
dive can start with a deep dive and and/or a shallow drift along the top edge and reef above depending
on the current.
Expect To See:
Expect to see all the features, fish types and corals that would be found at BUNTINGS BULGE and
COLLOSSEUM. Also big rays, napoleon wrasse and schools of kingfish.
Due to its depth of approx 25m, do this dive as a first dive and then follow with a shallower second dive
after enjoying a suitable sit time enjoying sandwiches, snacks and beverages on the beach on anchor
close in shore at CORAL GARDEN or ARIELS GARDEN.
Just past the managers house, around the point in the direction of Punto do Diabo.
GPS Co-ordinates:
S 12 42’ 12”
E 040 36’ 49’
Travelling Time From Situ Island Lodge:
5 minutes
Depth, Topography And Description:
This is a perfect beginners dive and good for teaching Open Water students or to do a Resort Course. It
is also a good snorkel spot and can be reached by foot (unfortunately a bit too far for carrying scuba
gear). Depth is 3 to 6m maximum. The viz is not good on certain tides but when the tide is correct it is
extremely clear with nice bommies and life around them. Enquire with the manager as to the correct
tidal window period which is dependent on sea conditions for the week.
Expect To See:
A whole range of small to medium reef fish that you would commonly find in QUISIVA LAGOON plus
shoals of larger fish from the adjacent reserve.
The viz is not good on certain tides due to green water coming out of the mangroves, but when the tide
is correct it is extremely clear with nice bommies and life around them. Enquire with the manager as to
the correct tidal window period which is dependent on sea conditions for the week.
North of Situ Island Lodge: Situated close in-shore between the Camel Rock and western side of Ilha
Quisiva but slightly further out to sea than AQAURIUM.
GPS Co-ordinates:
S 12 40’ 18”
E 040 38’ 06”
Travelling Time From Situ Island Lodge:
10 minutes
Depth, Topography And Description:
Depth varies from 7m to 12m, there are a lot of bommies and hence the name TEXAS. It looks like a
Texan hat with some big mushroom corals, and a lot of other amazing coral. The visibility is almost
always good here as it is a bit further from the coast.
Expect To See:
Octopus, unicorn fish, angel fish, crayfish, manta shrimp, nudibranch, etc., and all other fish you would
see at AQUARIUM.
Close to camp and generally always clear with good viz. This is a very good beginners dive as well as a
first dive to check out your gear.
North of Situ Island Lodge: Situated close in-shore between the Camel Rock and western side of Ilha
Quisiva but slightly further out to sea than AQAURIUM and close to TEXAS.
GPS Co-ordinates:
S 12 40’ 20”
E 040 37’ 49”
Travelling Time From Situ Island Lodge:
10 minutes
Depth, Topography And Description:
Depth varies from 7m to 12m, there are a lot of bommies and some big mushroom corals, and a lot of
other amazing coral.
Expect To See:
Before dark expect to see octopus, unicorn fish, angel fish, crayfish, manta shrimp, nudibranch, etc., and
all other fish you would see at AQUARIUM and TEXAS and after dark you will see an amazing show of
night life.
Make sure you leave before dark so that you can get into the water before it is completely dark and then
see how life changes at night.
This is a highly recommended night dive that ranks with the best.
North of Situ Island Lodge: Situated close in-shore between the Camel Rock and western side of Ilha
Quisiva but just a bit further away from Camel Rock into the sea, it is on the same line as TEXAS.
GPS Co-ordinates:
S 12 39’ 66”
E 040 38’ 07”
Travelling Time From Situ Island Lodge:
10 minutes.
Depth, Topography And Description:
The same characteristics as TEXAS and AQUARIUM.
Expect To See:
Octopus, unicorn fish, angel fish, crayfish, manta shrimp, nudibranch, etc., and all other fish you would
see at AQUARIUM and TEXAS.
Close to camp and generally always clear with good viz. This is a very good beginners dive as well as a
first dive to check out your gear.
North of Situ Island Lodge: just deeper into the sea than TEXAS.
GPS Co-ordinates:
S 12 39’ 92”
E 040 38’ 36”
Travelling Time From Situ Island Lodge:
10 minutes.
Depth, Topography And Description:
17m Deep with more flat rock and few bommies generally smaller than those found at TEXAS.
Expect To See:
Octopus, unicorn fish, angel fish, crayfish, manta shrimp, nudibranch, etc., and all other fish you would
see at AQUARIUM and TEXAS. Big schools of fish.
This is a good first dive and everybody needs to go down together to view the big schools of fish. The
schools will move away if the dive group splits up.
North of Situ Island Lodge in the vicinity of OVERHANG.
GPS Co-ordinates:
S 12 34’ 29”
E 040 37’ 22’
Travelling Time From Situ Island Lodge:
30 minutes
Depth, Topography And Description:
This is a wall dive with beautiful overhangs and caves that you can swim under/through and a maximum
depth of 25m. The dive can start with a deep dive and and/or a shallow drift along the top edge and reef
above depending on the current.
Expect To See:
Expect to see all the features, fish types and corals that would be found at BUNTINGS BULGE and
COLLOSSEUM. Also big Rays, Napoleon Wrasse and Schools of Kingfish.
Due to its depth of approx 25m, do this dive as a first dive and then follow with a shallower second dive
after enjoying a suitable sit time enjoying sandwiches, snacks and beverages on the beach on anchor
close in shore at CORAL GARDEN or ARIELS GARDEN.
South of Situ Island Lodge: Situated towards Ponto do Diabo in the direction of Pemba.
GPS Co-ordinates:
S 12 45’ 60”
E 040 38’ 15”
Travelling Time From Situ Island Lodge:
15 minutes
Depth, Topography And Description:
This is a very flat reef around 20m deep. This is a micro dive where you need to spend time looking into
the sponges to see all the activities.
Expect To See:
Manta shrimp, crayfish, small colorful fish, ribbon eels, etc
This is a different dive type of dive and must not be compared to the other dive sites.
North of Situ Island Lodge: Situated reasonably close in-shore at the southern end (eastern-seaward)
side of Ilha Quisiva.
GPS Co-ordinates:
S 12 36’ 4.83”
E40 38’ 11.27”
Travelling Time To and From Situ Island Lodge:
Being at the south end of Ilha Quisiva this is one of the closest wall dives to Situ Island Lodge and it takes
about 20 minutes to get there.
Depth, Topography And Description:
The best way to describe this dive site is a combination of Ariels Garden and Buntings Bulge. In addition
there are numerous caves and diving into these with a torch will reward you with sightings of large
rubber lips, cave bass, potato bass, etc. The abundance of plate corals along the bottom is spectacular.
Fish life under and around these plate corals is interesting.
Normally the resident Napoleon Wrasse will keep their distance just in front of you. Also remember to
look out into the deep blue for occasional schools of game fish. Turtles are also resident on this wall.
The wall starts at about 10m and goes down to approx. 25m max. De-sat time above is also very
rewarding with vast expanses of lettuce coral.
Expect To See:
All fish you would expect to find at Buntings Bulge and Ariels Garden plus the “cave dwellers”.
Dependant on the direction of the prevailing current, plan your drop and do this as a drift dive from one
end of the site to the other.
South of Situ Island Lodge on the Pemba side of Punto do Diabo
GPS Co-ordinates:
S 12 45’ 58.74”
E40 38’ 5.92”
Travelling Time To And From Situ Island Lodge:
15 minutes
Depth, Topography And Description:
Situated closer inshore than Annamarie Garden this dive does not exceed 10m. The bottom comprises
flattish rocky reef structures but the main attractions are the many bommies and coral heads spread out
in all directions. Around these there is much macro life to be seen and large schools of young fish. It is
important to approach these bommies slowly and to keep a distance away and then the schools of fish
will remain in the immediate area. Swimming closer will chase them away.
The term nursery school has been adopted because of the large schools of small fish and in particular
masses of young Anthias (sea goldies) which unlike the other fish type will allow you to swim
through/into them so that you become engulfed in millions of tiny fish.
Apart from the fish there are very exciting things to be found around and under each bommie outcrop.
This dive will keep your attention and interest as you keep finding more and more exciting things to look
at. Because it is shallow it also gives you a long bottom time allowing you stop and observe and to call
your friends over to view what you have found.
This dive is all about sea life and not coral gardens. There is no recommended dive pattern and normally
the divers spread out over a large area in buddy pairs swimming randomly in all directions in pursuit of
new discoveries and/or returning to previous places of interest.
Expect To See:
Octopus, crayfish, nudibranch, sea goldies, wrasse, eels, yellow backed fusiliers, moorish idols,
coachman, various types of clams, surgeon fish, hawkfish, goat fish, fire gobies,etc., etc., all as you
would find on most diving sites around Situ Island Resort. Numerous tiny fish of all colours & shapes are
resident among the bommies. Most of these are unidentifiable because they are juveniles but they are
very pleasing to view and a nice departure from viewing big fish only.
The visibility at dive sites situated around Punto Do Diabo is normally very good as it is not affected by
the mangrove swamps. This is a great dive for photographers in terms of light, colour, water clarity and
subject matter.