INVESTIGATING BIOMASS Investigating biomass A 50 MW biomass plant is planned for Scotland, near Glenrothes and e-on UK has opened Scotland’s biggest biomass plant (44 MW) in Lockerbie. The 2007 Biomass Action Plan for Scotland sets the scene for practitioners. Questions for learners What is meant by biomass? From newspapers or the internet, find a number of articles about biomass. Consider what the headlines are, what images are used and the key points raised within each article. Is the article mainly positive, mainly negative, or does it present a balanced view? Either electronically or on a noticeboard prepare a ‘timeline’ of media information regarding biomass. Colour code the articles to indicate whether they are mainly positive, mainly negative or present a balanced view. Is there any pattern of how the media presents biomass over the period of time you have considered? Identify any reasons for changes with time. What is biomass? Gather information on what is meant by ‘biomass’. Does it have different definitions depending on whether it is used by an individual or a company on a larger scale? Use a mind map to summarise your understanding. Information from Highlands and Islands Enterprise may be useful. Read the information from the Scottish Government on biomass. By working with others, underlining words or phrases of which you are unsure, identify what the Scottish Government’s position is on biomass. Is this something which the Scottish Government thinks will contribute to Scotland’s future energy security? How can the energy associated with biomass be usefully transferred? One example is provided in this e-on UK animation. Biomass issues What are the issues with use of biomass compared with , for example, fossil fuels? How does the use of biomass compare in terms of energy secur ity when compared with other renewables, for example wind? ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 4, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 1 INVESTIGATING BIOMASS Producing biogas Biogas The information on landfill gas from the National Energy Education Development project provides a useful starting point and may be adapted for use with learners. The US Energy Information Administration Biomass site includes information and data that could be adapted to develop learners’ numeracy skills. Read the US Energy Information Administration information on biogas. The website for the energen biogas plant in Cumbernauld explains what is needed for biogas production. Questions for learners Determine how to test whether a gas produced is flammable. What environmental condition might affect the volume of gas produced? Which conditions might produce the maximum volume of gas? Design an investigation using decaying beans or peas to determine this. Notes It is the responsibility of practitioners to ensure that practical experiments or investigations have been properly risk assessed. Use of dried peas or beans is recommended. The peas/beans should be soaked overnight in water. Peas/beans should be placed in an airtight bag, with air squeezed out when sealing. Conditions that might be explored include temperature, exposure to light and the mass of peas/beans used. A method for determination of the volume of gas will need to be identified, for example measure the before and after volumes of the airtight bag, and the before and after masses of the airtight bag. Reflective questions for learners How can you present the data from your experiment to allow you to analyse this data? What conclusions can be drawn from the investigati on? You are going to repeat the investigation to confirm the reliability of your results. Consider how you designed the investigation. How effective was it? Is there anything that should be changed to improve the reliability of your results? 2 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 4, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 INVESTIGATING BIOMASS Why is biogas considered to be a renewable energy source? In what appliances could biogas be used? What are some of the practical limitations to using biogas as an energy source on a large scale? How might biogas play a part in improving life for people in developing nations? ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 4, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 3