Final Review Chapter 1 Pages 3-5 Contemporary Issues and Trends -integrative health care: encompassing complementary & alternative therapies w/ conventional modalities -childbirth practices: prenatal care, inc’d c-sections, dec’d hospital stays, family centered care, childbirth & parenting classing, midwives -views of women- holistic view inc’ing physical, mental & social factors; breastfeeding in workplace; family leave (1993 FMLA, 12 wks); international concerns (female genital mutilation, infubulation, circumcision) -health of women- life expectancy (Caucasian 80, AfAm 75); breast CA & BSE, menopause (inc’ing # elderly); violence; adolescents; AIDS (perinatal transmission) -Healthy People 2010 Goals- inc quality & yrs of healthy life & eliminate health disparities (focus area of maternal, infant, child health) -fertility & birth rate- LBW (morbidity & mortality inc), infant mortality (factors-education, maternal age, unmarried status, poverty, lack of prenatal care, smoking, poor nutrition), maternal mortality (hemorrhage, PIH, ectopic prego) -additional: involving consumers & promoting self care; efforts to reduce health disparities; emphasis on hi-tech care; community based care; inc high risk prego; high cost of HC; limited access term prego; more common in women who smoke & are obese; assoc’d w/ early menarche, nuliparity, stress; -tx-heat, massage, effleurage, exercise, diet (low salt & sugar, inc water), NSAIDS, oral contraceptives Chapter 5 Pages 94-97 Menstrual Cycle, Breast selfexamination menstruation- periodic uterine bleeding that begins ~14days after ovulation; controlled by feedback system of 3 cycles: -endometrial-menstrual phase, proliferative phase, secretory phase, ischemic phase -hypothalamic-pituitary cycle- hypothalamus secretes gonadotropin-releasing hormones stim’s ant pit to secrete follicle-stimulating hormone stims ovarian graafian follicles & estrogen; drop in estrogen LH release; if fertilization/implantation do not occur, regression of corpus luteum & progesterone & estrogen dec GnRH -ovarian cycle- follicular phase (pre-ovulation), after ovulation estrogen dec’s midcycle bleeding; luteal phase from end of ovulation to start of menstruation Pages 191-194 HIV -severe depression of immune system; opportunistic diseases- PCP, candida esophagitis, wasting syndrome, HSV, cytomegalovirus; s/s- fever, HA, night sweats, malaise, generalized lymphadenopathy, myalgias, nausea, diarrhea, wt loss, sore throat, rash; -tx- counseling, antiretrovirals (AZT, ZDEV, Retrovir); can be passed to neonate inutero or via breastmilk Page 100-101 Barriers to Seeking Health Care -financial issues; cultural issues; gender issues Chapter 7 Pages 147-151 Dysmenorrhea -pain during or shortly before menstruation; 1 of most common GYN problems; improves in most after a full Pages 151-153 PMS -complex condition that includes a number of cyclic symptoms occurring in luteal phase; fluid retention, behavioral or emotional changes, cravings, HA, fatigue, backache; -tx- no smoking, diet (dec sugar, salt, red meat, alcohol & caffeine), exercise, supplements (Ca, Mg, VitB6), CAM, NSAIDS Chapter 8 Pages 175-178 Prevention -education: risky behavior (unprotected intercourse, any sex that causes tissue damage or bleeding, multiple partners, sharing toys, sharing needing), safer sex (avoid exposure to body fluids, condoms/spermicide, avoid anal penetration, don’t share toys, use clean needles) Pages 185-187 HPV ->40serotypes (>20 infective) lesions, cervical CA; inc risk in smoking & oral contraceptive use>5yrs; can be passed to neonate; screening w/ PAP; -tx- does not eradicate, but removal or warts & relief of s/s; gardasil vaccine Chapter 9 Pages 207-228 Contraception -coitus interruptus (withdrawal) ~19% prego rate -natural family planning/fertility awareness methodscalendar method (aka rhythm method), basal body temp method, cervical mucus ovulation-detection method, symptothermal method, predictor test for ovulation, Marquette method -barrier methods- spermicides, condoms, diaphragm, cervical cap, contraceptive sponge -hormonal methods- oral contraceptives (combined estrogen-progesterone, progestin only) injections (combined estrogen/progestin, progestins), transdermal, vaginal ring, implantable progestins; emergency contraception (w/in 72hrs of unprotected intercourseprevents follicular dev’t) -IUD- t-shaped device inserted into uterine cavity (copper or pregestational agent); continuous release for up to 10 yrs; inc’d risk of PID in first 20 days after insertion Chapter 10 Pages 239-253 Care Management of Infertility factors- female- abnormal genitals, absence of reproductive structures, anovulation, amenorrhea, early menopause, inc’d prolactin levels, tubal motility reduced, absence of fimbriated end of tube or of tube, inflame w/in tube, tubal adhesions, dev’t uterine anomalies, endometrial or myometrial tumors, Asherman syndrome (uterine adhesions or scar tissue) -male- undescended testes, hypospadias, varicocele, low testosterone levels, testicular damage 2o mumps, endocrine genetic or psych disorders, STI’s, exposure to hazards (radiation or toxic substances), exposure of scrotum to hi temps, changes in sperm (smoking, heroin, marijuana, amyl nitrate, butyl nitrate, ethyl chloride, methaqualone, monoamine oxidase), dec sperm (hypopituitarism, debilitating or chronic disease, trauma, gonadotrpic inadequacy), dec libido (heroin, methadone, SSRI’s, barbiturates), impotence (alcohol, antiHTN), obstructive lesions of epidyidymis or vas deferens, nutritional deficiencies -assess- religious/cultural considerations, insurance, the woman (age, h/o, US, hormones, biopsy, x-ray), male (age, h/o, semen analysis, US, labs) -intervention-psychosocial support, education (lifestyle changes, medical/surgical options), herbal alternatives Chapter 11 Pages 255-258 Benign conditions of the breast -fibrocystic changes- palpable thickenings usually w/ pain & tenderness; unknown etiology, can be uni- or bilateral, dx- US, fine needle aspiration (FNA); txdiuretic, restrict salt, vitE, eliminate caffeine, avoid smoking & alcohol, -fibroadenomas- solid, encapsulated, nontender, upper outer quadrant; unknown etiology; usually solitary <3cm; dx- h/o, mammography, US, or MRI, FNA; txobservation, surgical removal if suspicious -lipomas- fatty tumor; often>45yrs, soft mobile, nontender; dx- mammogram; tx- surgical excision if desired -nipple discharge- generally benign, can be r/t endocrine disorder of malignancy; galactorrhea (bilat spont milky, sticky discharge) normal in prego, may be result of thyroid disorder, pituitary tumor, coitus, eating, stress, trauma, or chest wall surgery -mammary duct ectasia- inflame of ducts behind nipple; most often in perimenopausal, characterized by thick sticky discharge that is white, brown green or purple; freq w/ burning, pain, itching, or palpable mass; dxmammogram, aspiration, culture; tx- excision of ducts if not plans to breastfeed, ANX, incision & drainage if inf -intraductal pailloma- 30-50yrs; too small to be palpated, serous, serosangiuneous or bloody nipple discharge, unilateral & spont; tx- surgical excision -macromastia- very lg breasts; can cause chronic pain in breast, back, neck, shoulders, sig disruption in psychosocial fxning & body image; can kyphosis, HA, paresthesia of upper extremities, shoulder grooving; txreduction -micromastia- very small breasts; neg influence on body image; tx- augmentation Page 263 breast screening practices -breast self exam (BSE)-monthly -clinical breast exam- q3yr age 20-39, q1yr >40yrs -mammography- yearly >40yrs Chapter 12 Pages 276-281 Structural disorders of the uterus and vagina -uterine displacement- posterior or retroversion is most common, uterus is tilted posteriorly & cervix rotate anteriorly difficulty in conception; s/s may include pelvic & low back pain, dyspareunia, exaggeration of PMS -uterine prolapsed- inversion of vagina w/ uterus protruding through; 2o congenital or acquired weakness of pelvic support structures (childbearing); c/o-pulling, dragging sensation, pressure, protrusions, fatigue, low backache, urinary incontinence -cystocele- protrusion of bladder into vagina 2o injured support structures (childbearing, obesity, advanced age) -rectocele- herniation of anterior rectal wall through vaginal fascia & rectovaginal septum -urinary incontinence- involuntary leaking of urine, w/ coughing, laughing, exercise -genital fistulas- perforations between genital tract organs; most occur between bladder & genital tract (vesicovaginal), urethra & vagina (urethrovaginal) or sigmoid colon & vagina (rectovaginal); s/s- presence or odor of urine, flatus, feces in vagina, irritation of vaginal tissues Pages 284-288 Surgical Management -severe prolapsed- hysterectomy -cystocele/rectocele- anterior repair (shortening of pelvic muscles to provide better support for bladder), often done w/ hysterectomy -incontinence- insertion of bladder neck support prosthesis or bladder suspension -fistulas- depends on location but may not be successful Pages 306-309 Cancer and Pregnancy -breast (3-7% of prego or lactating), cervix (3-7% pregos), leukemia, Hodgkin Disease, melanoma, thyroid, bone tumors, other GYN CA’s (vulva, vagina, uterus, uterine tube, ovary) -tx- type & timingcomplex medical judgments & intense emotional responses; chemo & radiation risk fetus death, miscarriage, teratogenesis, alterations in G&D, fxn & genetic mutation; surgery offers least risk to fetus but inc’s risk of miscarriage & preterm labor; no chemo first trimester; radiationdeath or deformity Chapter 13 Pages 328-330 Milestones in Human Development -8wks- heartbeat, skeletal mvmt, -12wks- bile secreted, marrow forming blood, kidney secrete urine, sex recognizable -16wks- blood formation in spleen, sense organ differentiated -20wks- vernix caseosa & lanugo appear, mvmt strong enough for mom to feel, primitive resp mvmt’s -24wks- alveolar ducts & sacs present, ability to hear -28wks- lecithin forming on alveolar surfaces, sleepwake cycle, suck reflex, light receptive -30-31wks- taste present, aware of outside sounds, testes descend -36wks-can turn & elevate head, L/S ration >2:1 -40wks-good tone, brain myelination begins Chapter 14 Page 334 Gravidity and Parity Gravidity- pregnancy, parity- # or preg’s in which fetus reached viability (22-24wks) G/T/P/A/L- pregs/term/preterm/abortion/living Page 336 Signs of Pregnancy Presumptive: s/s pt reports-inc’d basal temp, quickening, breast changes, N&V, amenorrhea, constipation, urinary frequency, fatigue Probable: s/s leads practitioner to believe pregoChadwick’s sign (violet color of vaginal mucous membrane & cervix), Goodell’s sign (softening of cervix), Hegar’s sign (softening of lower uterine segment), preg test (serum or urine), Braxton Hicks, Ballottement Positive: can only be from prego- US, fetal heart rate, fetal mvmt Page 349 Pregnancy effects on GI system -appetite- N&V early, change in tastecravings (picanonfood cravings; clay, starch) -mouth- hyperemic, spongy, swollen, bleed easily, ptyalism (excessive salivation) -esophagus, stomach, intestines- upward displacement of stomach, dec’d hydrochloric acid peptic ulcers; regurg, slower emptying, reverse peristalsis heartburn; inc’d water absorption constipation; hemorrhoids -gallbladder & liver- gallbladder distended 2o dec’d muscle tone, inc’d emptying time, thickening of bile, slight hypercholesterolemia gallstones; intrahepatic cholestasis -abd discomfort- pelvic heaviness, round ligament tension, flatulence, distention, bowel cramping, uterine contractions Chapter 15 Page 353-355 Nutrition Needs before conception -folate or folic acid to minimize risk of neural tube defects- fortified foods, green leafy vegs, whole grains, fruits; legumes, peas, beans, lentils, asparagus, spinach, papaya, wheat germ, broccoli, avocado, orange (OJ), pasta, rice Pages 355-359 Weight gain during pregnancy Weight gain guidelines Underwt (BMI<19.8): 28-40lbs (12.5-18kg) Normal (BMI 19.8-26.0): 25-35lbs (11.5-16kg) Overwt (BMI>26): 15-25lbs (7.0-11.5kg) BMI= wt(kg)/ht2 (meters); 3.281ft/m or 39.37inches/m Rate of wt gain Healthy: 3-5lbs/wk 1st, 1-2lbs/wk 2nd & 3rd Underwt: 5-6lbs/wk 1st, 1-2lbs/wk 2nd & 3rd Overwt: 1-2lbs/wk 1st, 1lb/wk 2nd & 3rd Page 360 Protein in pregnancy -60g (50 non prego, 65 lactation)- milk, meat, eggs, cheese, legumes, whole grains, nuts; needed for maternal tissue and blood volume expansion Chapter 16 Page 381 Nagel’s Rule -first day LMP-3mos+7days=EDD Page 381-388 Adaptation to pregnancy -maternal/paternal-accepting the preg (emotional lability, ambivalence); id’ing w/ mother/father role; reordering personal relationships; establishing relationship w/ fetus (attachment); preparing for childbirth Page 399 Signs of potential complications 1st trimester-severe vomiting-hyperemesis gravidarum -chills, fever, burning on urination, diarrhea-infection -abd cramping, vag bleeding-miscarriage, ectopic preg 2nd or 3rd-persistent, severe vomiting- hyperemesis gravidarum, PIH -sudden discharge of fluid from vag<37wks- PROM -vag bleeding, severe abd pain- miscarriage, placenta previa, abruption placentae -chills, fever, burning on urination, diarrhea- infection -change in fetal mvmts- fetal jeopardy or intrauterine fetal death -uterine contractions, pressure, cramping <37wkspreterm labor -visual disturbances (blurring, double vision, spots), swelling of face, fingers, sacrum; HA (severe, frequent or continuous); muscular irritability or convulsions; epigastric or abd pain (perceived as severe stomachache)- hypertensive conditions, PIH; last one can also be abruption placenta -glycosuria- gestational diabetes Chapter 18 Page 450 Fetal Position fetal position- position in relation to mom’s pelvis 1st letter- position in relation to mom (left, right or none) Middle letter- part of baby (o-occiput, s-sacrum, mmentum chin, sc-scapula) Last letter-opposite where baby is facing (p-posterior, aanterior, t- to the side) True- contractions regular, become stronger, last longer, occur closer together, more intense w/ walking, lower back radiating to lower abd, continue despite comfort measures; cervix progressive change (softening, dilation, effacement), anterior; fetus engaged False- contractions irregular or temporary, stop w/ walking or position change, felt in back or abd above naval, stopped through comfort measures; cervix soft but no significant effacement or dilation, still posterior position; fetus not engaged Page 535 Assessment of Uterine contractions -frequency, intensity, duration, resting tone Chapter 22 Pages 577-578 Lochia -rubra- bright red, lasts 3-4days -serosa- pinkish-brownish, 3-4wks -alba- whitish, up to 6 wks Scant- <2.5cm Mild- <10cm Mod- >10cm Heavy- 1 pad saturated w/in 2 hrs Page 579 Endocrine system -placental hormones- expulsion of placenta dec’s estrogen, cortisol, insulinase -pituitary hormones- prolactin stays elevated in breastfeeding women; Chapter 19 Pages 471-473 Childbirth preparation -Dick-Read- “natural childbirth” & “childbirth w/o fear”, deep abd breathing during early contractions, shallow for later, sustain pushing w/ breath holding; taught relaxation -Lamaze- “psychopropholactic method”, controlled muscular relaxation & breathing techniques; tense only involved muscles while keeping other relaxed -Bradley-“natural” childbirth w/o anesthesia/analgesia & w/ husband/coach & breathing techniques; emphasize environmental variables such as darkness, solitude, quiet Pages 487-488 Epidural -injection of local anesthetic (bupivacaine, ropivacaine) &/or analgesic (fentanyl, sufentanil) into epidural space @L4-5 -disadvantages & s/e- limited mvmt, orthostatic hypotension, dizziness, sedation, weakness of legs, excitation, tinnitus, disorientation, paresthesia, convulsions, resp depression, higher rate of fever, questionable negative effects on neonate (less muscle tone) Chapter 21 Page 520 True Labor vs False Labor Page 597 Episiotomy Care -cleansing-wash hands, wash perineum w/ mild soap & warm water at least daily, cleanse front to back, change pad w/ each void or defecation or at least 4 per day, assess amt & character of lochia w/ each change -ice pack- first 2 hr to dec edema, after first 2hrs anesthetic effect -squeeze bottle- warm tap water, squirt perineum to cleanse, blot dry -sitz bath- pad w/ towel before filling, encourage BID for 20min, teach to tighten gluteal muscles while entering & relax after in bath -surgi-gator- sit on toilet w/ legs apart w/ nozzle past perineum, adjust as needed -topical applicants- anesthetic cream or spray 3-4times daily, witch hazel pads for hemorrhoids Chapter 24 Page 631 Grandparent adaptation -grandparents can be source of knowledge & support & can have positive influence on postpartum family. Nurse must acknowledge wide range of dynamic issue that enhance or mitigate experiences of intergenerational support Chapter 25 Pages 641-643 Newborn GI System -Epstein’s pearls- small whitish cysts on gum margins -stomach capacity 30-90ml -amylase not produced until ~3mo (salivary glands) & lipase (pancreas) ~6mos -meconium- intestinal secretions & cells; greenish black, viscous, contains occult blood; generally pass w/in first 12hrs; breastfed infants 3 stools/day after 3-4days -stools- breast fed are yellow & pasty w/ odor like sour milk; formula fed are pale yellow to light brown, firmer, more offensive odor Page 657 Sleep-wake states During first 6wks inc in wakefulness, dec in REM, initially wakefulness dictated by hunger, newborns sleep approx 17hrs/day Chapter 29 Page 772 BPP (biophysical profile) -assess w/ US: fetal breathing mvmts, fetal mvmts, fetal tone, FHR patterns, amniotic fluid volume -determine physical & physiologic characteristics Pages 774-776 Amniocentesis ->14wks w/ US, needle inserted transabd into uterus, amniotic fluid withdrawn for assessments -indications- prenatal dx of genetic disorders or congenital anomalies, ass pulm maturity, dx fetal hemolytic disease -complications- maternal hemorrhage, Rh isoiummunization, infection, labor, abruption placentae, inadvertent damage to intestine or bladder, amniotic fluid embolism; fetal death, hemorrhage, infection, direct injury from needle, miscarriage or preterm labor, leakage of amniotic fluid Pages 777-778 MSAFP -screen for neural tube defects -low levels assoc’d w/ Down’s & other autosomal trisomies Page 765 Specific problems and related risk factors Preterm labor- <16 or >35, low socioeconomic status, maternal wt <50kg, poor nutrition, previous preterm birth, incompetent cervix, uterine anomalies, smoking, drug addiction/alcohol abuse, pyelonephritis, pneumonia, multiple gestation, anemia, abnormal fetal presentation, PROM, placental abnormalities, infection, abd surgery in current prego, h/o cervical surgery Polyhydramnios- diabetes mellitus, multiple gestation, fetal congenital anomalies, isoiummunization (Rh or ABO), nonimmune hydrops, abnormal fetal presentation IUGR- multiple gestation, poor nutrition, maternal cyanotic heart disease, prior preg w/ IUGR, maternal collagen diseases, chronic HTN, PIH, recurrent antepartum hemorrhage, smoking, maternal diabetes w/ vascular problems, fetal infections, fetal CV anomalies, drug addiction/alcohol abuse, fetal congenital anomalies, hemoglobinopathies Oligohydramnios- renal agenesis (Potter’s syndrome), prolonged ROM, IUGR, intrauterine fetal death Postterm preg- anencephaly, placental sulfatase deficiency, perinatal hypoxia, acidosis, placental insufficiency Chromosomal abnormalities- maternal age >35, balanced translocation Chapter 31 804-808 Miscarriage -aka spontaneous abortion- preg ends before 20wks or fetus <500g -1/2 from chromosomal abnormalities, majority before 8wks -2o endocrine imbalance, immunologic factors, infections, systemic disorders -late (12-20wks) usually result from maternal causesadvanced age & parity, chronic infections, premature dilation of cervix, anomalies of reproductive tract, chronic debilitating diseases, inadequate nutrition, recreational drug use -s/s-uterine bleeding, contractions, pain -threatened- spotting, cramping but cervix is closed; txavoid intercourse, dec activity, rest -inevitable- cervix is open, cannot be stopped -incomplete-mod bleeding, more severe cramping, fetus delivers but placenta does not, needs D&C -complete- fetus & placenta delivered, no intervention required -missed- fetus dies but no labor, delivery required (prostaglandins for <8wks, pitocin or D&C or D&E>8wks 811-815 Ectopic pregnancy and Hydatidiform Mole Ectopic preg- preg other than uterus; spotting, unilateral pain; tx- methotrexate if before rupture to remove products of conception; surgery if rupture, removal of ectopic preg by salpingostomy if before rupture Gestational trophoblastic disease (hydatiform mole, chorlocarcinoma, molar preg)- inc Hcg, HTN, hyperemesis gravidarum; tx- D&C, D&E; no preg for 1 yr after, monitor Hcg wkly(can develop into CA that inc’s Hcg) & diligent f/u care; risks Oriental, <20 or >40, low protein/folic acid diet, hx previous 815-823 Placenta Previa and Abruption Placenta previa- placenta covers cervical opening (can be low lying, partial, total); painless bright red bleeding that inc’s w/ preg; do NOT do cervical exam if pt presents w/ vag bleeding Abruption placentae- placenta separates from uterus; #1 cause is cocaine use; also trauma, PIH, age, gran multiparity, pitocin w/o relaxation periods, smoking, short umbilical cord -Grade 1: ~20% detachment; bleeding, tenderness, uterine tetany, no maternal or fetal distress -Grade 2: 20-50%; tetany, no maternal but fetal distress -Grade 3: >50%; uterus does not relax, maternal shock, fetus prol expired -Grade 4: complete detachment; most likely lost mom & fetus Tx-delivery if severe, considered medical emergency Chapter 32 Pages 827-828 DM Metabolic changes associated with pregnancy -fetal glucose proportional to maternal; glucose crosses placenta, insulin does not;; 1st tri insulin production inc’d & fasting glucose dec’d by ~10%; diabetics prone to hypoglycemic; 2nd & 3rd diabetogenic, dec’d tolerance to glucose, inc’d insulin resistance, dec’d hepatic glycogen stores, inc’d hepatic production of glucose; at birth, prepreg insulin bablance returns in 7-10days, breastfeeding insulin requirements remain low while nursing Page 832-837 Antepartum Planning and Care for IDDM -preconception counseling- glucose control, some oral agents have teratogenic effects -risks & complications-poor control inc’d preg loss, fetal macrosomia (40-50%), hypertensive disorders, preterm labor/birth, hydramnios (10x more), infections, ketoacidosis -fetal risks- stillbirth, congenital anomalies (6-10%), macrosomia, hypoglycemia, resp distress, polycythemia, hyperbiloirubinemia -diet, exercise, monitoring blood glucose levels, insulin therapy, fetal surveillance, intrapartum care (no fluids w/ glucose, FHR,), postpartum care Pages 842-844 Hyperemesis gravidarum Hyperemesis gravidarum- excessive vomiting; can lose up to 5% of pre preg wt; NPO til under control then slow progression; antiemetics, IV fluids, f/u care Chapter 33 Pages 861-865 Anemia in pregnancy Anemias- 20-30% of preg, iron requirements double -iron deficiency, folic acid deficiency (leads to neural tube defects, cleft lip, cleft palate); sickle cell (SGA, IUGR, skeletal changes); thalassemia (infertility problems, stillbirth, IUGR, preeclampsia, preterm birth) Page 865-866 Asthma and pregnancy -severity of symptoms peak 29-36wks; -tx- relief of acute attack, prevention or limitation of later attacks & adequate maternal & fetal oxygenation; eliminate triggers, drug therapy (most asthma meds are preg safe), client education, treat infections -avoid morphine & meperidine -inc’d risk for postpartum hemorrhage- tx w/ oxytocin Chapter 33 Page 356 Cardiac decompensation- inability of heart to maintain sufficient cardiac output CV disease- most common complication is CHF (edema, SOB, rales, fatigue, moist cough) Chapter 36 Pages 936-938 PPROM- preterm PROM (<37wks) -strict sterile technique required (high risk inf), freq BPP, prophylactic ABX -complications- infections, cord prolapsed, oligohydramnios Pages 950-951 Oxytocin -stimulates uterine contractions- used to induce or augment labor -indications- suspected fetal jeopardy, inadequate uterine contractions; dystocia, PROM, postterm preg, chorioamnionitis, maternal medical problems, PIH, fetal death, multiparous w/ h/o precipitate labor or who live far from hospital -contraindications- CPD, prolapsed cord, transverse lie, nonreassuring FHR, placenta previa, prior classic uterine incision, active genital herpes, invasive cervical CA, multifetal presentation, breech, presenting part above pelvic inlet, abnormal FHR, polyhydramnios, grand multiparity, maternal cardia disease, HTN Pages 966-967 Postterm pregnancy, labor and birth ->42wks; maternal wt loss, dec’d uterine size, meconium in amniotic fluid, advanced bone maturation of fetus -risks- dysfunctional labor, birth canal trauma, pp hemorrhage, infection; fetal- prolonged labor, shoulder dystocia, birth trauma, asphyxia from macrosomia; aging placenta dec’s fxn, amniotic fluid vol declines risk cord compression; meconium aspiration, dysmaturity syndrome, hypoglycemia, polycythemia, resp distress Chapter 37 Page 977-983 Care Management of postpartum hemorrhage Postpartum hemorrhage-nursing process Definition- >1000ml w/ c section, >500ml vag; the most common & most serious type of excessive obstetric blood loss Predisposing factors- previous hemorrhage, previa, MgSO, clotting disorders, multiple gestations, abruption, uterine atony (most frequent cause), polyhydramnios, macrosomic baby, poor uterine tone, rapid/prolonged/precipitous labor, induction/augmentation, chorioamnionitis, anesthesia, over massage Causes- early: retained placental fragments, tears/lacerations, hematoma, inversion of uterus, DIC (seen in PIH, HELLP, & stillbirths); late: subinvolution from infection, retained placental parts, excessive vigorous massage of uterus s/s- inc’d lochia, >1pad/hr; boggy uterus (tx fundal massage, notify PCP if not corrected), u/a to locate fundus (sign of atony); tachycardia, dec BP classification- early/acute/primary (w/in first 24hr of delivery); late/secondary (after 24hr to 6wks) interventions- may need to cath to empty bladder & monitor I/O, fundal massage, inc Pitocin, Metergine (do not give if HTN), Hemabate (not ok for asthmatics); VS & SpO2, O2, labs (H/H, pt, ptt, fibrinogen), surgery (vessel repair, hysterectomy) herbal remedies- witch hazel & lady’s mantle (homeostatic), blue cohosh & cotton root bark (oxytocic), motherwort & sheperd’s purse (promotes uterine contraction), alfalfa leaf & nettle (inc avail of vit K, inc Hgb), red raspberry (homeostatic, promotes uterine contraction) Hemorrhagic Shock- perfusion of body organs may become severely compromised, leading to significant morbidity or mortality of mom; emergency situation -s/s- persisten significant bleeding (pad soaked in <15min); dec BP, pale, cool/clammy, tachycardia, anxiety, air hunger -interventions- notify PCP, fundal massage for atony, O2 8-10via mask, I/O, VS, lung sounds, maintain IV site, determine cause, fluid mngmnt (blood, IV crystalloids 3ml/L loss) Medications utilized in caring for the patient with postpartum hemorrhage- Pitocin inc to promote uterine contractions, Metergine (do not give if HTN), Hemabate (not ok for asthmatics) Pages 988-989 Postpartum Infections Postpartum (Puerperal) Infections-any inf w/in 28 days of delivery; strep most common s/s- temp >38 (100.4) on 2 or more occasions after 24h pp; in pain, malaise, dysuria, subinvolution, foul odor -prevention most effective & inexpensive tx; strict aseptic technique; standard precautions Endometritis- lining of uterus; *most common pp inf; seen more in c-sections; s/s- inc’d tenderness; fever (>38), inc HR, chills, anorexia, Nausea, fatigue,foul smelling profuse lochia; tx- ABX, encourage fluids, analgesics, fowler’s to promote drainage Wound/lacerations- s/s REEDA; tx- ABX, analgesics, sitz bath, hot/cold UTI’s- esp w/ freq caths, pelvic exams & w/ epidurals; s/s- dysuria, frequency, urgency, lowgrade fever, retention, hematuria, pyuria, plank pain tx- fluids, hygiene (front to back), ABX Mastitis- staph from infants mouth 2o to improper latching, missed feeding, improper fitting bra; usually 56wks pp, s/s-unilateral, reddened tender area, flu-like symptoms; prevention- handwashing, proper breast care & feeding, good/clean bra; tx-ice pack after feeding, cont feeding (start on unaffected side), ABX; assess for abscess- if found, no feeding on this breast, pump & dump until healed (ABX, drained, heat) Chapter 38 Page 994 Skeletal Injuries -clavicle (most common) r/t dystocia; humerus & femur Page 997 Macrosomia -50% of women w/ gestational diabetes, 40% of type 1 diabetics -infant is LGA, round, cherubc face, cubby body, plethoric or flushed complexion, enlarged internal organs, inc’d body fat, placenta & umbilical cord are larger than average -high incidence of c-section Pages 998-1003 Neonatal sepsis -risk factors- maternal-low socioeconomic status, poor prenatal care, poor nutrition, substance abuse; intrapartum- PROM, maternal fever, chorioamnionitis, prolonged labor, premature labor, maternal UTI; neonate- twins, male, birth asphyxia, meconium aspiration, congenital anomalies of skin or mucous membrans, galactosemia, absence of spleen, LBW or prematurity, malnourishment, prolonged hyospitalization -tx-IV ABX, support other problems, wt & measurements, dx (cultures, xray, urinalysis, lumbar puncture, etc), VS q1-2hr first 4 hr then q4hr, advance oral feeds as tol’d, teaching Pages 1003-1010 TORCH p210 TORCH- Toxoplasmosis (cat liter, raw meat; txabortion if <20wks), Other (STD’s, GBS, varicella), Rubella (droplet/contact, titre<1-8), Cytomegalovirus (herpes family mental retardation, deafness, seizures), Herpes virus Type II (genital herpes, active lesions require c-section) Chapter 40 Page1067-1068 Environmental concerns -maintain neutral thermal environment (temp at which O2 consumption is minimal but adequate to maintain body temp) -prevention of infection -appropriate stimulation- kangaroo care, quiet environment Chapter 41 Pages 1098-1105 Care Management for loss of newborn Loss and Grief Maternal or fetal/neonate death, loss of what was hoped for (natural birth, girl/boy, etc), perception of loss of control during birthing (more common in Bradley pts), birth of child w/ handicap Plan of care- actualize loss, provide time to grieve, interpret normal feelings, allow for individual differences, cultural & spiritual needs, physical comfort, options for parents (seeing/holding, bathing/dressing, privacy, visitations, religious rituals/funeral arrangements, special memories, pictures) Math calculations: IV drip rate Fluid and calorie calculations for newborn (page 714) Fluids: 100-140mo/kg/24hrs First 24hrs most only need 60-80ml/kg/hr Calories: 110kcal/kg/day for first 3 mos, 95 from 69mos, 100 from 9mo-1yr Breast milk provides 67k cal/100ml or 20kcal/oz Newborn weight loss (page 1063) Birth wt – current wt / birth wt = % 15% in premie, 10% in term is acceptable during first week. Fetal Heart Rate Patterns pp. 502-513 Baseline- rounded to 5’s; brady<110, tachy>160(#1 cause is maternal temp) Variability- fluctuations in baseline (absentundetectable; minimal </=5; moderate 6-25bpm; marked>25bmp) Accelerations- abrupt inc from baseline (15bpmx15sec, <2min from onset to return to baseline for >32wks; 10x10<32wks) Early decels- occur w/ peak of contraction; 2o head compression’ “U” shaped Late decels- occur after peak of contraction; 2o uteroplacental insufficiency; non reassuring, need to be treated Variable decels 2o cord compression; “V” shaped; reposition mom Prolonged decels- 15bpm<baseline, at least 2 in <10mins, tx-intrauterine rescusitation Reassuring- normal baseline & variability Reactive- HR inc in reaction to fetal activity; normal Non-Reactive- not HR change in relation to fetal activity; not normal Non-Reassuring- “warnings”, fetus not tolerating contractions, needs intervention Intrauterine Resuscitation (IUR)- reposition side to side, knee chest; O2 per mask 8lpm, inc IV wide open, dec or turn off pitocin