Supplemental Information A: Apparatus Function of a Time-of-Flight Detector In a typical TOF spectrometer for time and angle resolved TPPE, a detector is positioned at a distance R from the sample and the direction to the center of the detector forms an angle 0 with the surface normal (Fig. A1). The goal of this Supplemental Information is to relate the apparatus function of the detector, W(t), to R and 0. The apparatus function of the detector gives the detector response in a (rather unphysical)1 case when the electronic states at the sample surface are “instantaneously” ionized at time t = 0 forming an infinitely thin “expanding sphere” of electrons which reaches the detector at some time later. Dividing the whole surface area of the detector by small elements Si, the response of the detector as a function of time can be written as W t , 0 wi t , (A1) i where wi(t) is the response of the i-th bin. For sufficiently small bins, wi(t) is wi t d N i t t i , (A2) where d is the detector sensitivity, Ni is the number of electrons arriving to Si, and (t – ti) is a delta function peaked at the time of electron arrival to the i-th element given by t i me R p i , (A3) where pi is the momentum of electrons detected by Si, and the length of the flight path to any bin is taken to be the same. (Indeed, for our A B = 17.8 7.1 mm detector and R = 135 mm flight path the difference in the flight time to different parts of the detector is only 0.25%, which is below the experimental resolution.) The strategy is as follows: Ni and ti will be related to the angles of the photoemission (in the spherical coordinates), after which Eqs. (A3) and (A4) can be substituted into Eq. (A1) and the sum in Eq. (A1) can be replaced by an integral over the detector. It is useful to introduce the following dimensionless quantities: and K K0 , (A4.1) t t0 , (A4.2) m * me , (A4.3) K p 2 2me , (A4.4) where is the photoemitted electron kinetic energy, which can be a function of , K0 ≡ K( = 0) is the kinetic energy of an electron photoemitted along the surface normal and t0 me R 2 2E 0 (A4.5) is the time it takes for an electron to reach the detector along the surface normal. In order to derive an explicit form of W(t), two cases must be considered separately: Photoemission from delocalized interfacial states We will restrict the discussion to interfacial states which have a good quantum number p|| on the time scales relevant to photoionization and assume cylindrical symmetry of the 2D band structure. As it was discussed before, p|| must be conserved leading to the following set of conditions: Ki Kf p||2 2m * , p||2 p 2 2me (A5.1) , (A5.2) E K f K i Ebind , (A6) where p is the normal, i.e. z-component of the photoemitted electron momentum, Ki and Kf are the initial and the final electronic kinetic energies, and E is the electron kinetic energy change in photoionization, which is selected by the photon energy, ħ. The obvious relationships between the components of the momentum are and p 2 p||2 p2 , (A7) tan p|| p . (A8) After trivial algebra the components of the momentum and the flight time can be expressed through the photoemission angle : sin 2 , (A9.1) p||2 2m * E sin 2 , 2 sin (A9.2) p 2 2m * E cos 2 . 2 sin (A9.3) 2 The number of electrons photoemitted in a solid angle limited by and is N I e n pr p pr p , (A10) where I is the light intensity, e is the photoionization probability which can be obtained from Eq. (13) upon proper normalization of the photon flux, n pr p is the electron number density in the 2D momentum space, pr and p refer to the radial and tangential components of p|| and p r p|| p|| sin 2 tan (A11.1) p p|| and (A11.2) bounds the allowed values of p|| (see Fig. A2). Note, that these N electrons arrive at the element S during the time interval t t 0 sin cos sin 2 . (A12) The response of the element as a function of time is approximately proportional to N ht t 2 ht 2 t N t , t 0 t where h(t) is the Heaviside step function. This validates the use of the delta-function in Eq. (A2). Collecting Eqs. (A2) and (A9)-(A11) into Eq. (A1): W t , 0 2m * EI d e n pr p p||,i i sin i cos i i i sin 2 i 2 t t i . (A13) In order to convert the sum into an integral over the detector, the delta function should also be converted to the angular variables. Since the time of arrival does not depend on , this is simply t t i sin 2 1 i i dt d t 0 sin cos (A14) where, according to Eq. (A9.1), i arcsin 1 i2 (A15) and Eq. (A13) becomes 2m * EI d e W t , 0 t0 2m * EI d e t 0 3 3 2 over the detector at 0 n pr p p|| sin 3 2 2 n p arcsin pr p arcsin 1 2 dd || 1 2 dd (A16) over the detector at 0 pr p The electron number density, n , is n pr p 2 Ne . p r p (A17) Since cylindrical symmetry was assumed, one can introduce and n p|| dN e 2 n pr p p|| d 2p|| n pr p dp|| 0 (A18.1) n Ei dN e dN e dp|| 2m * n pr p . dEi dp|| dEi (A18.2) The density of states (per unit energy interval) is constant in 2D 2 and, assuming that the population of the band does not change drastically within the detector acceptance range and denoting , , 0 arcsin over the detector at 0 1 2 dd (A19.1) or , , 0 over the detector at 0 arcsin 1 dd (A19.2) which will be dealt with in Supplemental Information B, we, finally, have W t , 0 I d e nEi E , , 0 t0 3 (A20) E , , 0 . 2t 0 (A21) or, in the energy variables, W , 0 I d e n Ei Figure A3 shows the integrated detector sensitivity P 0 W , 0 d (A22) 0 for the detector used in the experiment as a function of the detector angle. An additional factor of cos4 appears when the decrease of the normal component of light on the surface is taken into account for both the pump and probe pulses. The detector sensitivity is a weak function of angle which allows direct comparison of peak amplitudes from spectra taken at different angles of observation. Photoemission from localized interfacial states The kinetic energy of electrons photoemitted from a localized state does not depend on the photoemission angle. Thus, the value of the total momentum given by Eq. (A7) is independent of the angle: p 2 2me K 0 , (A23) K 0 Ebind (A24) where is the photoemitted electron kinetic energy. Electrons arrive at different parts of the detector simultaneously, which makes the delta function argument in Eq. (A2) independent of the summation index and the detector response is instantaneous: W(t, 0) ~ (t – t0). The number of electrons that arrived to the detector is given by analogy to Eq. (A10): N I e nloc loc p|| p x p y , 2 (A25) where nloc is the number density of the localized electrons. In order to take the integral over the detector we note that only those electrons contribute to the signal for which x py px t 0 , and y t0 me me (A26) belong to the detector projection on the (x, y) plane. Replacing the value of the wave function amplitude by its average value for a small detector we have N I e nloc loc p|| 2 me t0 2 dxdy , detector projection on the x , y plane (A27) where p|| is the average detected value of the parallel momentum. The integral is proportional to the area of the detector projection on the (x, y) plane, S·cos0 and the signal is simply W t , 0 2 I e d Sme2 nloc loc p|| cos 0 t t 0 , 2 t0 (A28) The detector sensitivity is thus P 0 nloc cos 0 (A29) It is again, a weak function of the observation angle. Supplemental Information B: Detector Shape Factor (, , 0) The detector shape function (, , 0) shows the angular length of the arc which collects signal at given time: , , 0 asin 1 2 dd over the detector at 0 max (B1) 2 d 2 max min min where 0 < max, min < /2 are the angles which bound the detector projection in the upper half plane (Fig. B1). Indeed, for a given direction, the electron either hits the detector at the instance , and then the integral over d gives unity, or misses the detector and does not contribute to the integral. For a given detector size A B, five cases can be distinguished, depending on the detector position which are shown in Fig. B1 a-e. The detector projection on the (x, y) plane is limited by x0 B B cos 0 x x0 cos 0 2 2 A 2 y A 2. and (B2.1) (B2.2) where x0 R sin 0 (B3) The relationship between the kinetic energy and the radius of projection r is r R sin R 1 2 R 1 (B4) Introducing C sin 0 B cos 0 2R (B5) and 1 (B6) t , 0 2 arccosC (B7.a) A 2 R (B7.b) 1 2 One can write for the cases a through e of Fig. B1 a) min 0, cos max C : b) min 0, sin max A : 2 R t , 0 2 arcsin c) cos min C , sin max A : 2 R A 2 arccosC 2 R (B7.c) t , 0 2 arccosC 2 arccosC (B7.d) t , 0 2 arcsin d) cos min C , cos max C : e) A proper combination of two cases a) – d) for the left and right parts. The apparatus function for a few different angles is shown in Fig. B2. Although it can have a significant contribution to the apparent linewidths for other systems, for the present work it is negligible. More importantly, the integral of the apparatus function allows correct normalization of the peak amplitudes when comparing data taken at different observation angles. The integral is plotted in Fig. A3 and exhibits a weak dependence on the angle of observation. References: 1 Electrons are treated classically here. 2 C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, Seventh Edition ed. (John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1996). Figure Captions: Fig. A1. Schematic of a typical TOF spectrometer. Photoemitted electrons with the sam kinetic energy expand forming a hemisphere. A sample is shown at the hemisphere origin. The detector of size A B (shaded) is positioned at the distance R from the sample. Also, a small element of the detector, Si, is shown and its projection onto the (x, y) plane, Pi. The former is limited by and . Fig. A2. Projections of the momentum on the plane of the surface. Fig. A3. The integral of the apparatus functions. Fig. B1. Projections of the detector on the (x, y) plane (shaded rectangles) and of the line on which the electrons strike the detector at a time (circle). Four cases are possible (a)-(d); case (e) can be reduced to a combination of the first four. Fig. B2. Detector apparatus functions for (left to right) 0°, 4°, 8°, 12°, 16°, and 20° detector angle for a unit effective mass. Fig. C1. Time delays, observation angles, and approximate values of p||; at each point of the grid experimental spectra were recorded. Large negative delays (not shown) were used in the background subtraction. Typical spectra and fits for four dispersions taken at different delay times (a) through (d) are presented in Fig. 2. Localized and delocalized peak amplitudes obtained in different global fits are presented in Fig. C2. Shading shows the area where peaks in individual spectra are distinguishable. Fig. C2. Amplitudes of the localized (right column) and delocalized (left column) states as a function of p|| at four different delay times; panels (a) through (c), matching Figs. 2 and C1. Different symbols show results of different global fits. They are slightly offset horizontally to avoid congestion. Amplitudes of the localized and of the delocalized states are strongly anti-correlated at low values of p||. Typical error bars are shown (95% confidence interval). The errors are obtained in a Monte-Carlo simulation of the data sets.