CURRICULUM MAP: FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES East Poinsett County High School SCHOOL YEAR: 2011-2012 TEACHER: Linda Masters COURSE: Child Development MONTH August CONTENT/SKILL OBJECTIVES Unit 1 The Study of Children 5 hours ASSESSMENTS Textbook Reference: The Developing Child, Glencoe 1.1 1.2 PowerPoint Presentation: 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Define terms related to the study of children State characteristics of development Similar for everyone Builds on earlier learning Proceeds at individual rate Different areas are interrelated Continuous throughout life Name reasons for studying child development Identify 5 basic areas of child development Physical Emotional Social Intellectual Moral Match stages in the individual life cycle with the correct age range Infancy Toddler Preschool School age Adolescence Describe influences of heredity and environment Designate guidelines for observing children Describe theories related to child development Terminology – Worksheets- Unit Test SeptemberOctober Erikson Freud Maslow Montessori Piaget Skinner Unit 2 Pregnancy and Prenatal Development 15 hours 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Define terms related to pregnancy and prenatal development List early symptoms of pregnancy Missed period Lower back pain Fatigue Breast tenderness Nausea Frequent urination Explain physical changes to the mother during pregnancy Increase in size of breasts and abdomen Skin stretches Changes in digestive system Pressure on the bladder Name discomforts and complications of pregnancy Vaginal bleeding Severe vomiting Swelling Blurred vision Early, sudden gush of liquid from the vagina Describe prenatal tests used to determine health of mother and fetus Ultrasound Amniocentesis Textbook Reference: The Developing Child, Glencoe PowerPoint Presentation Terminology: WorksheetsVideo-Conception (TLC) Losing Isaiah (drug addicted mother) Love, Lies and Lullabies (drug addicted mother) The Unwed Father (teen father) 15 and Pregnant (teen pregnancy) Innocence Lost (teen mother) Unit Test 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 Chronic villi sampling (CVS) List STD’s most likely to affect the health of unborn baby and mother Chlamydia Genital herpes Syphilis Gonorrhea HI/AIDS Describe three stages of prenatal development Period of the zygote Period of the embryo Period of the fetus Name factors that are harmful to the development of the unborn child Alcohol Drugs Infections such as rubella Smoking Harmful fumes Paint products Lead X-rays Describe types of care for the mother’s and baby’s health Obstetricians Gynecologists Family practice physicians Certified nurse/midwife Name risks due to teen pregnancy Low birth weight Premature labor Miscarriage Higher stillbirth rates Discuss costs of teen pregnancies to society October Medicaid Food Stamps WIC Quitting school Abuse Neglect 2.12 Research careers related to pregnancy and prenatal development Unit 3 Birth and the Newborn 10 hours 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 October Define terms related to birth and the newborn Chart methods of childbirth and characteristics of each Name signs of beginning labor Describe three stages of labor Dilation Delivery Afterbirth 3.5 State characteristics of newborns 3.6 Describe postnatal care of the newborn, including those with special needs 3.7 List basic needs of newborns 3.8 State benefits of bonding 3.9 List equipment and supplies needed to care for newborns 3.11 Name specific care techniques of newborns 3.10 List physical and emotional changes in the mother during the postnatal period 3.11 Name careers related to birth, newborn, or postnatal period Unit 4 The First Year 8 hours 4.1 4.2 4.3 Define terms related to the first year Name developmental needs during the first year Designate characteristics of physical development during the first year Textbook Reference: The Developing Child, Glencoe PowerPoint Presentation Terminology: WorksheetsVideo-Birth Unit Test Textbook Reference: The Developing Child, Glencoe PowerPoint Presentation Terminology: 4.4 4.5 Name three basic patterns of physical development Name ways to promote physical development during the first year 4.6 Describe daily care routines for feeding, bathing, dressing, and diapering an infant 4.7 Designate characteristics of intellectual development during the first year 4.8 Name types of learning 4.9 List toys and play equipment suitable for a baby 4.10 Designate features of safe toys and play equipment for infants 4.11 Designate characteristics of emotional and social development during the first year 4.12 Discuss fears during the first year 4.13 Explain ways infants express emotions Affection Anger Delight Disgust Distress Elation Fear 4.14 Explain personality development during the first year October-November Unit 5 Children from One to Three 8 hours 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Worksheets- Video-The First Years Last Forever Unit Test Textbook Reference: The Developing Child, Glencoe Define terms related to children from one to three PowerPoint Presentation Designate characteristics of physical development for ages one to three Terminology: Name routines for young children that promote sound physical health (including hygiene, exercise, feeding, sleeping, and toilet training) WorksheetsDesignate ways to provide a safe environment for toddlers (include accident prevention) Describe meals suitable for toddlers Unit Test 5.6 November Name features of appropriate clothes for toddlers (include comfort, durability, and economic factors) 5.7 List bedtime problems of toddlers and ways to minimize the problems (include bedtime routines and comforting fears) 5.8 Explain process of toilet training 5.9 Designate characteristics of intellectual development for ages one to three 5.10 Identify ways children learn (include incidental, trial-anderror, imitation, and directed) 5.11 State ways to promote intellectual development in toddlers (include ways to guide learning, activities, toys, and speech) 5.12 List characteristics of safe, suitable toys for toddlers 5.13 Designate characteristics of emotional and social development for ages one to three 5.14 State ways to influence toddlers’ emotional and social development (include giving choices, redirecting the child, and encourage thinking) 5.15 Name common emotions of toddlers (include negativism, empathy, and self-centered) 5.16 List ways toddlers express emotions (include temper tantrums, negativism and showing affection) 5.17 State ways relationships influence child development (include developing self-concept) 5.18 Name ways to help young children develop a positive selfConcept (include responding inn a positive way in actions, words, and attitudes) 5.19 Designate effective guidance techniques for ages one to three (include being positive, clear, simple, and firm) Unit 6 Children from Four to Six 7 hours Textbook Reference: The Developing Child, Glencoe 6.1 6.2 PowerPoint Presentation Define terms related to children from four to six Designate characteristics of physical development for 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 ages four to six (include height & weight, proportion, Teeth, and motor skills) State ways to promote physical development for ages four to six (including effects of poor food habits and teaching nutrition) Explain ways to help preschoolers develop positive selfcare habits Designate characteristics of intellectual development for ages four to six State ways to stimulate intellectual development for ages four to six (include multiple intelligences, toys, books, play materials, and play activities) Name ways to help children develop readiness for school Designate characteristics of emotional and social development for ages four to six (emotional includes self- Worksheets- Unit Test 6.9 December Name ways to stimulate emotional and social development for children ages four to six 6.10 Describe preschooler’s relationships with others 6.11 Explain ways children develop a sense of right and wrong (moral development) 6.12 Name positive guidance techniques for ages six 6.13 Designate advantages and disadvantages of IQ tests 6.14 Describe effects of leaning disabilities and giftedness on school experiences 6.15 Name pros and cons of competition among children Unit 7 Children from Seven to Twelve 7 hours Terminology: 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Define terms related to children from seven to twelve Designate characteristics of physical development for ages seven to twelve State ways to help school-aged children meet personal health care needs Designate signs of intellectual development for ages Textbook Reference: The Developing Child, Glencoe PowerPoint Presentation Terminology: Worksheets 7.5 7.6 7.6 seven to twelve Designate characteristics of social and emotional development for ages seven to twelve State ways to influence social and emotional development for children ages seven to twelve Describe relationships during the school-age period (friends and family) Video-Odd Girl Out (peer pressure, fitting in) Unit Test