Contractor Environment, Health & Safety

GE Global Research
Contractor Environment, Health & Safety Guidelines
Revision 7
Revised 9/7/2007
Issued: September 7, 2007
1.1 This specification establishes the minimum Environment, Health and Safety requirements
for work to be performed at Global Research by Contractors on construction or repair
projects, repairs or providing services.
1.2 The requirements prescribed in this specification are to protect Global Research and
Contractor's personnel against hazards arising in connection with work, and to
prevent accidental damage to property on or adjacent to the work area.
1.3 We’d like to make you aware that the GE Global Research is an OSHA’s Voluntary
Protection Program Star site. See Exhibit 3 for VPP information to help you understand.
2.1 In addition to OSHA requirements (29CFR1910 and 1926) incorporated herein by reference,
the following documents included as Exhibits 1 through 3 (see attachment to this document)
of this specification form part of the contractual specification to the extent specified herein.
Note: For all standards mentioned, the most recent revision shall be used.
Exhibit 1
Exhibit 2
Exhibit 3
Industrial Safety Standards
Fire Protection Standards
Health Protection Standards
3.1 Contractors shall comply with the requirements of this specification including the standards
set forth in Exhibits 1 through 3. The term "Contractor" as used in this specification
includes all subcontractors performing work under the contract.
3.2 Modifications to the requirements of this specification shall be provided at prebid by the
Project Coordinator and/or EHS, reviewed with the Contractor and included as an addendum
to this specification. These modifications shall be adhered to where provided.
4.1 At prebid submittal, the Contractor shall submit to Global Research-Sourcing, copies of the
following information:
 Completed Contractor Safety and Health Qualification Form
 Submittals checked in Section 4 of the Qualification Form
 Certificates of insurance with appropriate limits given
Issued: September 7, 2007
5.1 The Contractor shall assume full and independent responsibility for the safety and health of
its employees when working on projects, and also agrees to perform in full compliance with
all applicable OSHA standards and requirements.
5.2 The Contractor shall not expose General Electric employees to any unsafe acts or conditions
which can be reasonably predicted as hazardous or unsafe or which otherwise violate OSHA
5.3 It is understood and agreed that the General Electric Company will not exercise control or
direction of Contractor personnel for safety compliance or otherwise, and such Contractor
employees shall not be deemed to be General Electric Company employees for any purpose.
5.4 Contractors shall be responsible for identifying occupational safety and health deficiencies
and initiating appropriate corrective action on their own initiative.
5.5 Safety deficiencies which may, from time to time, be brought to the attention of the
Contractor by General Electric shall be corrected immediately.
5.6 Contractors shall perform documented self-inspection(s) of their work operations, facilities
and equipment at least on a weekly basis for construction projects and monthly for all others
to assure compliance with the requirements of this specification and with OSHA standards.
Written records shall be maintained of all safety and health inspections made by the
Contractors and such records shall be made available for review upon request within 48
hours to Global Research EHS.
5.7 Contractors interested in bidding on a contract shall be required to attend a prebid
orientation meeting held by the Project Coordinator for the purpose of becoming familiar
with this specification.
5.8 The successful Contractor’s employees assigned to Global Research will attend a safety and
security orientation prior to the start of the work, at which environment, safety and health
rules will be discussed. This orientation shall be conducted by the Project Coordinator and a
member of EHS.
5.9 Failure to observe proper safety procedures or violation by the Contractor of OSHA
standards shall be deemed a material breach of the terms of the contract. If the Contractor
fails to observe proper safety procedures, the General Electric Company may, at its option,
terminate the contract or exercise such other rights as may be available to it, including the
right to stop contractor work in progress until the company receives proper evidence or
assurances of safety compliance. If the General Electric Company stops work for safety
reasons as above, the General Electric Company shall not be responsible for contractor's
damages due to such delay.
5.10 For a general contractor or any Contractor who hires subcontractors, the hiring Contractor
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shall be responsible for communicating all requirements contained in these documents to the
5.11 Contractors shall inform the Project Coordinator as soon as possible, not to exceed twentyfour hours, of any accidents that occur at Global Research involving contractors operations
and shall participate in any Global Research led investigations of that accident.
5.12 Contractors shall ensure, to Global Research's satisfaction, that their employees assigned to
Global Research are physically able to safely perform their assigned tasks.
The original container or approved metal safety can shall be used for storage, use and handling
of flammable and combustible liquids in quantities of one gallon or less. Flammable and
combustible liquids in quantities greater than one gallon shall be kept in approved metal
safety cans. "Safety Can" means an FM or UL approved closed-container of not more than
five gallons capacity, with a flash-arresting screen at each opening (fill and dispensing),
spring-closing lid and spout cover, and so designed that it will safely relieve internal pressure
when subjected to fire exposure. Flammable liquid materials which are highly viscous
(extremely hard to pour) may be used and handled in original shipping containers.
All containers shall be properly labeled as required by the OSHA Hazard Communication
Standard- 29CFR1910.1200.
Special permission shall be obtained from EHS before quantities in excess of 25 gallons of
flammable or combustible liquid may be stored on site beyond the normal eight-hour work
shift. Flammable or combustible liquids shall not be stored in areas used for exits, stairways
or normally used for the safe passage of pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
Combustible materials shall be kept at a practical minimum and combustible products shall
not be allowed to accumulate to the extent of creating a fire hazard.
Hot work permits shall be obtained from the EHS Fire Inspector for all welding and cutting
and open flame work.
Compressed gas cylinders shall be properly and legibly marked with the trade name of the gas
content. When transporting, moving and storing compressed gas cylinders, valves shall be
closed, and protection caps shall be in place and secured. All cylinders shall be secured in an
upright position by chains or other approved means to prevent them from accidentally falling.
Oxygen cylinders shall be stored separately from fuel gas cylinders. No compressed gas
cylinders shall be taken into confined spaces.
Overnight storage of cylinders of compressed flammable gases or oxygen inside buildings
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shall not be permitted without the prior approval of the Project Coordinator. Cylinders so
stored shall have valves closed, regulators removed, have caps replaced, and be placed in an
approved location.
Gas cylinders shall be stored in an area assigned by the Project Coordinator. This area shall
be well ventilated and away from sources of ignition or heat.
All portable electrical tools with metal frames shall be Underwriter Laboratory approved of
the self-grounding type or equipped with an Underwriter Laboratory approved system of
double insulation.
Temporary electrical wiring used for lights and power shall comply with the National
Electrical Code. All temporary electrical wiring installations, tie-ins and pick-ups shall be
approved by the Project Coordinator.
All portable lead lights for use in boilers, manholes, or damp areas shall be operated at a
maximum of 12 volts or protected by GFCI's.
The Contractor shall install contractor owned ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI's)
on all 120 volt, single-phase 15 to 20 ampere receptacle outlets that are used in
construction operations and are not part of the permanent wiring of the building or
structure. This includes all use of tools or equipment utilizing extension cords. Receptacles
on a two-wire, single phase portable or vehicle-mounted generator rated not more than 5KW,
where the circuit conductors of the generator are insulated from the generator frame and all
other grounded surfaces, also need to be protected with GFCI's.
All branch circuits including receptacles, fixtures and switch legs installed, modified or
repaired by the contractor, shall be grounded by using a continuous green ground wire which
shall extend from each receptacle, fixture or switch leg to the ground buss on the respective
power panel. The size of the ground and neutral conductors shall be the same size as the
power lead as a minimum. Mechanical grounding through conduit or flexible encasement
shall not be considered to be an equivalent or acceptable means of grounding.
All electrical panels, disconnects and switches installed, repaired or modified by the
Contractor shall be labeled with the voltage existing in the equipment and with from where the
power is fed from. All circuit breakers shall be labeled with their usage.
NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety In The Workplace
GE GRC takes employee and contractor employee safety very seriously. The
NFPA issued a standard NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety In The
Workplace. Any of your employees that work on energized systems must be
trained, provided and don the proper PPE as prescribed by the NFPA when
performing work in energized cabinets. You shall abide by the guidelines as
more fully defined in the NPFA 70E. Table 130.7(C) (9)(a) Hazard/Risk
Category Classifications.
Issued: September 7, 2007
Hazard/Risk V-rated V-rated
Gloves Tools
Removal of bolted covers
(to expose bare, energized parts)
Opening hinged covers
(to expose bare, energized parts)
Work on energized parts, including voltage testing
Some older cabinets have front covers that are unlocked and then lifted off the
back cabinet. We consider this the same as removal of bolted covers since the cover can
slip out of your hand and fall on to energized components in the cabinet.
Hazard/Risk Category 0 = Safety glasses, Long sleeve shirt & Long pants
(jeans ok but no synthetic clothing allowed).
Hazard/Risk Category 1 = Safety glasses, Hard Hat (Class E) and FR Shirt &
FR Pants or FR Coveralls (8Cal/cm2 minimum), leather gloves,
As we continue to evaluate the Hazard/Risk for these service cabinets the
Hazard/Risk may be reduce by one level or eliminated completely.
Newer panels with finger safe installation can eliminate the Risk/Hazard
completely but you still need to be aware of shock hazards.
Working on control circuits less than 50 volts do not present an Arc Flash Risk
Hazard itself, however other adjacent voltages can.
HVAC Control, Starter, VFD or like cabinets with 240 to 600 volt power
(If your work requires you to work in these cabinets, then…)
Hazard/Risk V-rated V-rated
Gloves Tools
Removal of bolted covers
(to expose bare, energized parts)
Opening hinged covers
(to expose bare, energized parts)
Work on control circuits with energized parts >120 volt
Hazard/Risk Category 2* = Safety glasses, Hard Hat (Class E),
Double layered switching hood (40Cal/cm2), HR rated hearing
protection, FR Shirt & FR Pants or FR Coveralls (8Cal/cm2
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minimum), cotton underwear, leather gloves, EH Rated Leather safety
All electrical installations having more than a single source of power shall be so labeled.
All tools and equipment shall be in good condition. Tools with mushroomed heads, split
handles or other defects, which impair their strength or render them unsafe for use shall not be
allowed on the Site.
Wheels, belts, cutters, etc., shall be properly guarded. Abrasive wheels and rotating blades
shall not be operated in excess of manufacturers rated or recommended speeds.
Straight ladders shall have safety feet and shall be tied, blocked or otherwise secured to
prevent being displaced. Working from the top two steps of ladder and the use of metal
ladders shall be prohibited- metal ladders shall not be brought into GE Global Research.
The side rails of ladders in use shall extend not less than 36 inches above the work surface
Manufactured portable ladders shall be rated either heavy-duty (Type 1) or extra heavy-duty
(Type 1A).
Hardhats shall be worn on all construction sites where there is a potential for injury from
falling objects or near exposed electrical conductors that could contact the head. Metal hard
hats shall be prohibited.
Safety glasses with side shields meeting the requirements specified in ANSI Z87.1 shall be
worn by all employees on the job site, and in all shop and lab areas of Global Research.
Additional eye and face protection meeting the requirements specified in ANSI Standard
Z87.1 shall be worn whenever machines or operations or processes present potential eye or
face injury from physical, chemical or radiation agents.
Steel toe safety shoes meeting the requirements specified in ANSI Z41 shall be worn by
all employees and contractors engaged in construction related work (SIC Codes 15,16, 17).
All other contractor employees shall wear shoes that are appropriate for the work activity they
are engaged in.
General outer clothing for the arms, body and legs shall be appropriate for the work activity
being performed. For construction and similar work activities, full-length pants and a shirt
shall be worn.
6.5.6 All safety equipment and apparel shall be furnished by the Contractor unless otherwise
provided in the contract.
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Special precautions shall be taken against oxygen deficiency and the presence of toxic gases
and flammable vapors in all types of confined work places.
Confined spaces shall include but are not limited to storage tanks, process vessels, bins,
boilers, ventilation or exhaust ducts, sewers, underground utility vaults, tunnels, tank cars,
manholes and pipe lines.
Atmospheric testing shall be performed by the Contractor in conjunction with the Global
Research EHS Fire Inspector prior to any entry into confined space at the beginning of each
shift and as deemed required. Results shall be recorded on a "Confined Space Entry
Permit" issued by the Global Research EHS Fire Inspector and retained at the job site.
Confined space entries shall be communicated to the GE Project Coordinator, and a copy of
the permit shall be submitted to EHS at conclusion of the entry.
Continuous atmospheric testing of the confined space shall be conducted while it is occupied
unless waived by Global Research EHS.
An outside attendant without additional duties shall be provided for each confined space.
Energy control shall be accomplished by a program requiring both lockout and tagout. "Hot
Work" (work on energized systems) shall not be allowed. GE Global Research shall be
informed of the Contractor’s lockout/tagout program. See GE Global Research LOTO
Procedure number 37 for additional information.
All excavation/penetration work shall be done through the GE Project Coordinator. An
authorized Global Research site excavation permit shall be required. All contractors
working in the excavation must wear an approved Hard Hat. (See Appendix K for
Permit Process)
All underground utilities shall be protected from damage. Practices such as hand digging may
be required.
Any work done to evaluate or support excavations (e.g. soil characterization, daily
inspections, shoring design, etc.) shall be in writing and retained at the job site. Shoring shall
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be as required per OSHA guidelines (excavations or trenches 5 feet deep or greater require a
protective system).
Vehicles required to be operated on the site shall be driven in a safe and responsible manner,
not exceeding posted speed limits and shall be parked only as designated by Security.
All drivers shall be trained and/or licensed as required. Documentation shall be provided upon
Contractor employees shall not be allowed to ride in the back of pickup trucks or any other
area without seats.
Materials, tools, equipment and debris shall not be placed in personnel or vehicular traffic
lanes nor block fire alarms, extinguishers, fire doors, fire exits or any other fire protection
Nails protruding from scrap shall be removed or otherwise rendered safe. All scrap shall be
cleaned up and removed from the work site at the end of the work day.
Abrasive materials shall be placed on all surfaces made slippery by oil, ice, etc.
The Contractor shall furnish and use such warning signs as are appropriate to identify
dangerous or hazardous conditions.
Safe means of access shall be provided for all work areas (e.g. ladders shall be used for
access to scaffolds rather than cross braces).
All inclined ramps shall have nailed cleats or abrasive surfaces to provide sure footing.
All employees of the Contractor shall conduct themselves in a proper manner. Horseplay,
practical joking, etc., are prohibited.
All "No Smoking" rules shall be strictly followed. Smoking is not allowed inside any
Global Research buildings.
Unusual conditions, especially those involving danger to individuals, or potential damage to
property, shall be reported immediately to the GE Project Coordinator.
Use of fuel-powered engines indoors or in outdoor areas with limited ventilation require
prior EHS review and approval. This applies to all internal combustion engines using
petroleum or non-petroleum based fuels.
General Electric shall not furnish any equipment to Contractors including, but not limited
to scaffolds, personal protective equipment, motor vehicles. Nor shall a Contractor use any
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General Electric equipment such as, cranes, or aerial lifts. If necessary, use of General
Electric equipment shall be specifically provided for in the contract.
6.10.12 Each Contractor who establishes an on site base from which to conduct his business is
required to display an OSHA #2203 Poster, “Job Safety & Health Protection” in a location
normally frequented by his employees.
6.10.13 Contractor trailers shall be in good condition and have exits and stairs in conformance with
accepted standards, electrical entrance connections per NEC requirements, and fire separated
from other structures as required.
6.11.1 Fall protection shall be provided as required in 29CFR1910 and 29CFR1926. With the
exception of steel erection, work above a height of 4 feet requires a fall protection system.
Steel erection work shall meet the requirements of 29CFR1926, Subpart R. Where
lifeline/lanyard systems are used, safety harnesses are required.
6.11.2 Roof work shall meet the requirements of 29CFR1926.500. The following shall also apply:
On all size roofs, warning line systems shall be used to prevent personnel from approaching
the unprotected edge of a roof- no work or access shall be allowed between the warning
line and the roof edge without a fall protection system.
At Global Research, safety monitors, as a fall protection system must be reviewed
and approved for use by the EHS team.
6.11.3 All platforms or scaffolds shall have guard rails and toe boards in compliance with the
regulations cited in 29CFR1910 and 20CFR1926 at heights of 4 ft. or greater.
6.11.4 The warning line allowance in item 6.11.2 shall apply only when a standard railing fall
protection system is being erected. A standard railing is the only type of fall protection
system allowed to be used when roof work is being conducted.
6.11.5 No person shall be permitted to ride on any manually propelled mobile scaffold while it is
being moved.
6.12.1 If any Contractor employees are concerned about substances they may be exposed to during
their activities within Global Research, they should contact the supervisor of that specific area
for information. A Hazard Communication Program manual and MSDS for materials used in
the area are available on site.
6.12.2 Material Safety Data Sheets (OSHA form 174 or equivalent) shall be provided to EHS for all
materials prior to their being brought on site. MSDS shall also be maintained at the job site
(also see Section 4.1Submissions).
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7.1 Contractors shall comply with all Federal, State and Local Environmental laws and regulations
including but not limited to RCRA, CWA, CAA, SDWA and ECL. Contractors shall obtain all
required permits for hauling and disposal of wastes, and shall dispose of wastes only at permitted
7.2 No wastes, liquid, solid, gaseous, sludge, etc., including but not limited to cans, drums, building
materials, cleaning agents, etc., whether of GE origin or from material provided by the contractor
shall be discharged to plant sewers or lab waste sewers, placed in plant waste receptacles dumped
on the ground or taken to waste staging areas without written approval from Environment, Health
and Safety. All wastes shall be containerized, stored and protected from the elements, physical
damage, vandalism or any other activity which could result in a release to the environment.
7.3 Contractor shall inform GE where all wastes of GE origin, for which contractor is responsible for
disposal, such as roofing materials, etc. is to be disposed of. Contractor shall be responsible for
determining that the disposal facility has all required state and federal permits for disposal of
waste materials and shall provide copies of all applicable permits upon request by GE.
7.4 Contractor shall be responsible for disposal of wastes generated by contractor-supplied materials
only at permitted facilities and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. Contractor
shall be responsible to determine that the disposal facility has all required state and federal
permits for disposal of waste materials, and shall provide copies of all applicable permits upon
request of GE.
7.5 Contractor shall not remove any wastes of GE origin deemed hazardous by state or federal laws
or regulations. Contractor shall consult with Environment, Health and Safety regarding waste
7.6 All incidental spills of materials shall be cleaned up immediately; hazardous conditions caused by
such spills shall be corrected as soon as possible. All hazardous material Spill Emergencies
shall be reported as indicated in Section 8.0. This applies to "Spill Emergencies" that: 1)
pose an immediate danger to life or health, 2) cannot be handled by workers in the
immediate area, or 3) may reach pathways of dispersion (e.g.. storm drains, waterways,
7.7 Contractor’s emptying/collecting chemical containers, which have bar coded and green stickers,
shall take them to central locations for subsequent scanning out per the Global Research Chemical
Issued: September 7, 2007
Tracking System.
Contractors should familiarize their personnel with all warning bells or alarms and emergency
procedures, including emergency telephone numbers. These numbers shall be posted at the
Contractor's field office. Our fire Alarms are signaled by a pulsating signal on bells or horns. A
continuous steady sounding bell or horn indicates that a hazardous level has been detected on one
of the sites hazardous gas monitoring panels or a project specific evacuation alarm has been
manually activated. Upon hearing either alarm signal, you should secure any work that could
become hazardous if left unattended … Close the door to the room or laboratory, and leave by the
confronted with smoke, use an alternate exit route, or crawl low to avoid inhaling potentially
toxic smoke or gases.
8.2 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY OF ANY KIND, at Global Research, the following telephone
emergency number, including medical, fire, security, and release of harmful material to the
environment, which is answered at Global Research’s Building Systems Center shall be called
from internal phones:
8.3 For work conducted in areas of Global Research where internal phones are not readily available,
Contractors shall furnish their own cell phones and report EMERGENCIES OF ANY KIND to
the Global Research Building System Center on (518) 387-6111.
8.4 Global Research maintains a medical facility, staffed between 7 AM and 5 PM, Monday Friday and its services are available to contract employees for emergency cases only. If the
injury is such that you cannot get to medical services, medical help is available by
dialing “111” Calling “111” will summon the Medical Staff, Emergency Response
Personnel and if needed the Niskayuna Paramedics.
8.5 After hours emergency medical help is available by dialing “111” or (518) 387-6111.
Niskayuna Paramedics will be summoned and GRC security personnel will be
dispatched to provide assistance prior to their arrival.
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9.1 On an as required bases, as determined by Global Research, Contractors may be required to
provide the results of security background checks of employees to be assigned to Global Research.
Global Research will exercise the right to deny entry in accordance with applicable GE procedures in
effect at the time.
9.2 Contract employees shall be issued and shall wear security ID badges, in a conspicuous location,
while on Global Research property. Unless issued a picture badge, they must sign in daily when
entering the site, be issued a daily badge, and then surrender it when leaving the site.
9.3 Personal vehicles of Contractor employees must be registered with Security and must display a
parking pass. Personal vehicles may be subject to security inspections at all access points to
Global Research.
9.4 Contract employees may use their security ID badge to access electronically controlled
ingress/egress points. Contract employees will not be issued keys to Global Research facilities.
9.5 Firearms, alcohol, and illegal drugs are strictly prohibited on Global Research property.
9.6 Photographic equipment cannot be used at Global Research without prior approval of Security.
9.7 Road blockages by contractor vehicles shall be minimized and, if required for over ten (10)
minutes, shall require prior scheduling and approval of the Project Coordinator and Security.
9.8 Contract personnel who intentionally take or damage GE property shall be escorted off company
property and will not be allowed further access. Criminal charges may be filed if warranted, as
determined by Global Research.
9.9 If a Contractor employee assigned to Global Research is not a US citizen, Global Research must
be notified of what country the Foreign National is a citizen and provided with written
documentation that he/she is a legal alien.
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10.1 For interpretation of Appendix D contact – GE Project Manager or EHS Manager.
10.2 The EHS Team and GE Global Research Project Coordinator assigned responsibility for
monitoring contractors on site.
10.3 A member of the EHS team is responsible for asbestos related projects and abatement on site.
10.4 Sourcing is responsible for obtaining the information to qualify contractors.
Exhibit 1
1. Prescribed Standards:
a. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standards for Safety as applicable.
b. 29CFR Part 1910
c. Recommended Standards:
1. Handbook of Compressed Gases (CGA)
1. Prescribed Standards:
a. 29CFR Part 1926 - Safety and Health Regulations for Construction.
b. NYS Code Rule 23, “Protection in Construction, Demolition, and Excavation
1. Prescribed Standards:
a. ANSI B 30 Series
1. Prescribed Standards:
a. National Electrical Safety Code
b. National Electrical Code, NFPA 70 including NFPA 70E
c. CEP LOTO Procedure and OSHA LOTO Requirements
d. OSHA Electrical Standard
1. Prescribed Standards:
a. ANSI A92 Series
b. ANSI A10.3 Power Actuated Tools
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Exhibit 2
1. National Fire Codes (NFPA)
1. Handbook of Fire Protection (NFPA)
2. Fire Protection Guide on Hazardous Materials
3. Factory Mutual Standards of Loss Prevention
Exhibit 3
1. Prescribed Standards:
a. Current Threshold Limit Values (ACGIH)
b. Practices for Respiratory Protection, A88.2 (ANSI)
c. NYS Code Rule 56, "Asbestos"
d. NYS Code Rule 50 "Lasers"
e. NYS Code Rule 38, "Ionizing Radiation Protection"
1. Prescribed Standards:
a. Radiation Symbol, N2.1 (ANSI)
2. Recommended Standards:
a. Standards for Protection Against Radiation, 10CFR20
Exhibit 3
VPP Information
OSHA Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) adopted in July of 1982 is designed to promote
excellence in safety and health by recognizing facilities with outstanding occupational safety and
health management systems. Based on a cooperative relationship between management, labor
and government, the VPP management system promotes worker protection, requiring active
employee involvement and management commitment.
The Four Elements of VPP are:
•Management Leadership and Employee Involvement
•Worksite Analysis
•Hazard Prevention and Control
•Safety and Health Training
Achieving VPP shows the employees, industry, vendors, and the community that you are a leader
in safety and health. As a model workplace, you demonstrate that a voluntary, cooperative,
proactive, safety & health partnership of management, labor and a federal regulatory agency
benefits all parties!
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Issued: September 7, 2007
General Safety Rules & Requirements Employee Handout
All contractor workers shall:
1. Display employee badge upon entry to the site.
2. Not work at any time when their ability is or may be impaired as a result of the use of
alcohol, illegal drugs or legal prescription drugs.
3. Be seated in moving vehicles and wear seat belts, if available, while the vehicle is in
4. Not take part in fighting, horseplay or gambling, possess firearms or other weapons,
possess or use alcohol or illegal or unauthorized drugs or smoke on facility property,
except in “Designated Smoking Areas”.
5. Eat and drink only in permitted, designated areas.
6. Inspect all tools and equipment prior to use. Unsafe tools and equipment shall not be
7. Perform work in such a manner as to assure at all times maximum safety to self,
fellow workers, GE employees and the public and in accordance with all regulatory
8. Not attempt to perform work if they do not feel qualified or physically able.
9. Perform work according to proper EHS practices and procedures as posted, instructed
and prescribed.
10. Obtain specific instructions and/or clarifications from their supervisor before
proceeding with work in situations where an EHS requirement or procedure is not
completely understood.
11. Observe and adhere to all warning signs, signals, and notices.
12. Not be permitted to wear loose or flapping clothing or have rags or other objects
extending from pockets or belts when in the immediate proximity of machinery,
motors, engines, or rotating equipment.
13. Not use facility tools, moving equipment, or stock room supplies without prior
approval from the Project Coordinator.
14. Never operate any machine or rotating equipment unless all guards and safety devices
are in place and in proper operating condition.
15. Remain in the general area of their assigned work and not enter other areas, unless
authorized by the Project Coordinator.
16. Be disciplined for any blatant disregard or repeated violations of health and safety
rules. Disciplinary action may include contract dismissal or work stoppage at cost to
the contractor.
The following list is not all-inclusive, but includes acts and behavior which are prohibited
and for which a contractor worker may be removed from the facility:
1. Obscene or abusive language; racial, gender, or ethnic slurs; immoral or indecent
conduct; sexual harassment.
2. Failure to follow specific instructions or specifications.
3. Deliberately damaging, defacing, or misusing facility property or the property of
4. Removing facility property from the premises, without appropriate authorization.
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Issued: September 7, 2007