
Company Programme Review - Initial Questionnaire
This questionnaire will be used to gather initial views from a broad cross-section of Young Enterprise’s Company
Programme stakeholders. We are reviewing its strengths, effectiveness, opportunities for improvement and possible
future direction.
Based on the responses to the questions in this document, we will develop an Action Plan for the further development of
the Company Programme. We would expect this to include a combination of shorter term actions and longer term
developments and/or investments. We would also expect to consult further with the respondents, particularly as regards
the most significant development actions and ideas.
The analysis below sets out a range of aspects of the Programme which you may wish to consider. It is by no means
exhaustive but meant as a reference point to ensure we get a broad set of responses.
Jan Sharman
Head of Programmes
Programme Structure & Features
 Duration, timing
 Report and presentation requirements
 Competition aspects, judging criteria, judging
eligibility (e.g. age, repeat participation)
 Product/service restrictions
 Company funding
 Online payments and internet banking
 OCR Examination
Programme Administration
 Induction, training and support
 Company accounting and taxation
 Registration, banking and insurance
 Quality and relevance of printed materials
 Website features and usability
 Communication
 Events (quality, venues, organisation, etc.)
 Intellectual Property
Relationship with Schools/Colleges
 Link Teacher role
 Link Teacher induction, training and ongoing
 Communications with Advisers, YE staff, students
 Programme cost/funding challenges
 Programme profile and prestige (versus other
activities, within school, to universities and
 Educational relevance
 Depth and breadth of skills developed
Business Advisers
 Business Adviser role
 Adviser recruitment, induction, support and retention
 Quality of and access to Advisers
 Communications with schools, Link Teachers, YE staff, students
 Reputation of YE with employers
YE Staff Perspective
 Ease of programme management and
 Relationship with schools, Boards, Link Teachers
and Business Advisers
 Programme reputation
Student and Alumni Perspective
 Programme effectiveness
 Relevance of programme to studies and/or university application
 Reputation of YE with universities and employers
 Relevance of programme to becoming self employed / running own
 Management of programme alumni and communications
Interface with Local Boards
 Roles and responsibilities
 Organisation of events
 Relationships with sponsoring organisations and
other local bodies
 Management of programme alumni, communications
 Competitive position of programme versus alternatives
 Regional consistency
The Company Programme is the ultimate educational enterprise experience for young people and successfully
delivers Young Enterprise’s stated charitable objective of:…educating young people in the United Kingdom in the
organisation, methods and practice of commerce and industry and in all related subjects… Students ‘learn by doing’,
setting up and running their own ‘real’ company with the support and guidance of a Young Enterprise Business
Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire, which we would appreciate is completed and
returned to us either by email or post to the addresses at the end of the form by:
Tuesday 31st January 2012.
YE Area or Region represented (if applicable)
Number of years’ experience of Company
Current Role (Link Teacher, Business Adviser,
Board Member, YE Staff Member, Student)
Previous Roles (as above, if applicable)
Question 1 : What do you think are the most important aspects of Young Enterprise’s Company
Programme – that is the things that make it distinctive and which we would want to retain and/or build
upon as we improve the programme?
Question 2 : What do you think are the critical success factors for the effective delivery of the Company
Programme over the course of an academic year? Please provide reasons, particularly if you feel your
views are specific to your school/college.
Question 3a : What could you do to improve the effectiveness of your current role within the Company
Question 3b: What could others do which would help to improve the effectiveness of the Company
Programme for your school/college/students?
Question 4 : What do you think are the key weaknesses of the Company Programme today – its
constraints, execution issues, barriers to growth and success, competitive threats, etc.?
Question 5 : What changes do you think need to be made to the Company Programme to improve its
effectiveness and ensure it is ‘fit for purpose’ for the next 5-10 years? Please give an indication of the
relative importance and urgency of these changes.
Question 6 : Do you have any further suggestions or ideas?
by email to:
or by post to: Programmes, Young Enterprise, Peterley House, Peterley Road, Oxford OX4 2TZ