Publication List - University of Hawaii at Hilo

 Edwards, C.A,, Arancon, N.A., Vasko-Bennett, M, Little, B., Askar, A., 2009. The relative
toxicity of metaldehyde and iron phosphate-based molluscicides to earthworms. Crop
Protection, doi:1-.1016/j.croppro.2008.11.009
 Edwards, C.A., Arancon, N.Q. 2008. Can Earthworms harm the planet? Biocycle, Dec. 2008
issue p. 53-54.
 Edwards, C.A., Arancon, N.Q. Emerson, E. Pulliam, R. 2007. Suppressing plant parasitic
nematodes and arthropod pests using vermicompost teas. Biocycle. Dec. 2007.p 38-39.
 Arancon, N.Q., Edwards, C.A., Yardim, E.N., Oliver, T., Byrne, R.J., Keeney, G., 2007.
Suppression of two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) mealy bugs (Pseudococcus sp)
and aphid (Myzus persicae) populations and damage by vermicomposts. Crop Protection 26:
 Yardim, E.N, Arancon, N.Q., Edwards, C.A., Oliver, T.J., Byrne, R.J. 2006. Supression by
vermicompostis of tomato hornworm (Maduca quinquemaculata) and cucumber beetle
(Acalymma viltatum) populations and damage. Pedobiologia 50, 23-29
 Arancon, N.Q., Edwards, C.A., Lee, S., Byrne, R. 2006. Effects of Humic Acids from
Vermicomposts on Plant Growth. European Journal of Soil Biology 45: S65-69.
 Arancon, N.Q., Edwards, C.A., Bierman, P. 2006. Influences of vermicomposts on field
strawberries: Part 2. Effects on soil microbiological and chemical properties. Bioresource
Technology. 97, 831-840
 Arancon, N.Q., Edwards, C.A., Bierman, P., Metzger, J.D., Lucht, C. 2005. Effects of
vermicomposts produced from cattle manure, food waste and paper waste on the growth and
yields of peppers in the field. Pedobiologia 49, 297-306
 Arancon, N.Q., Galvis, P., Edwards, C.A, 2005. Suppression of insect pest populations and
plant damage by vermicomposts. Bioresource Technology 96, 1137-1142
 Arancon NQ, Edwards CA, Bierman P, Welch C, Metzger JD (2004). The influence of
vermicompost applications to strawberries: Part 1. Effects on Growth and Yield. Bioresource
Technology 93: 145-153.
 Arancon, N.Q., Edwards CA, Atiyeh RM, Metzger JD (2004). Effects of vermicomposts
produced from food waste on greenhouse peppers. Bioresource Technology, 93: 139-144
 Arancon, N.Q., Lee S, Edwards CA, Atiyeh RM (2003a). Effects of humic acids and aqueous
extracts derived from cattle, food and paper-waste vermicomposts on growth of greenhouse
plants. Pedobiologia 47, 711 -744
 Arancon, N.Q., Galvis, P., Edwards, C.A, 2003b. Suppression of insect pest populations and
plant damage by vermicomposts. Bioresource Technology 96, 1137-1142
 Arancon, N.Q., Galvis P, Edwards CA, Yardim E (2003c) The trophic diversity of nematode
communities in soils treated with vermicomposts. Pedobiologia, 47, 736-740.
 Arancon, N.Q,, Edwards CA, Bierman P, Metzger JD, Lee S, Welch C (2003d) Effects of
vermicomposts applied to tomatoes and peppers grown in the field and strawberries.
Pedobiologia, 47, 731-735
 Arancon, NQ, Edwards CA, Lee S (2002) Management of plant parasitic nematode
populations by use of vermicomposts. Proceedings Brighton Crop Protection Conference –
Pests and Diseases. 8B-2: 705-716.
 Edwards, C.A., Arancon, N.Q. 2004. The use of earthworms in the breakdown and
management of organic wastes to produce vermicomposts and feed protein. In: Earthwom
Ecology 2nd Edition. Ed. C.A. Edwards. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. pp 345 – 379.
 Edwards, C.A., Dominguez, J., Arancon, N.Q. 2004. The Influence of Vermicomposts on
Plant Growth and Pest Incidence. In Soil Animals and Sustainable Development. Eds. W.Z.A.
Mikhail and S.H. Shakir Cairo, Egypt. 397-420
 Edwards, C.A., Arancon, N.Q. 2004. Interactions among organic matter, earthworms and
microorganisms in promoting plant growth. In: Functions and Management of Organic Matter
in Agroecosystems. Eds. Magdoff, F., and Weil, R. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 11, 327-376
 Gunadi, B, Edwards, C.A, Arancon, N.Q. 2002. Changes in the trophic structure of soil
arthropods after application of vermicomposts. European Journal of Soil Biology 38, 161165.
 Chaoui, H., Edwards, C.A., Brickner, M., Lee, S. and Arancon, N. 2002 Suppression of the
plant diseases, Pythium (damping off), Rhizoctonia (root rot) and Verticillium (wilt) by
Vermicomposts. Proceedings of Brighton Crop Protection Conference- Pests and Diseases.
Vol. II, 8B-3, 711-716
 Atiyeh, R. M., S.S. Lee, C.A. Edwards, N. Q. Arancon, 2002. The influence of humic acids
derived from earthworm-processed organic wastes on plant growth. Bioresource Technology
84: 7-14.
Book Chapters
1) Edwards, C.A., Arancon, N.Q. 2004. The use of earthworms in the breakdown and
management of organic wastes to produce vermicomposts and feed protein. In:
Earthworm Ecology 2nd Edition. Ed. C.A. Edwards. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. pp
345 – 379
2) Edwards, C.A., Dominguez, J., Arancon, N.Q. 2004. The Influence of Vermicomposts on
Plant Growth and Pest Incidence. In Soil Animals and Sustainable Development.
Eds. W.Z.A. Mikhail and S.H. Shakir Cairo, Egypt. 397-420
3) Edwards, C.A., Arancon, N.Q. 2004. Interactions among organic matter, earthworms and
microorganisms in promoting plant growth. In: Functions and Management of Organic
Matter in Agroecosystems. Eds. Magdoff, F., and Weil, R. CRC Press, Boca Raton,
FL 11, 327-376