ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS REVIEW OF CURRENT ACTIVITIES This questionnaire examines the availability of statistics on energy consumption in households in the Member States. It covers surveys / administrative sources (Part A) as well as modelling activities (Part B), which may be used to make these statistics available. In addition to questions on coverage, the questionnaire examines costs, quality and use made of the collected information. MEMBER STATE: Germany. 1. Do you collect data on domestic energy consumption? 1.1 If not, do you plan to start collecting such data? When? 2. Yes No O O O O ……… If you do collect data on domestic energy consumption, do you use: survey(s) O O administrative sources O O modelling O O PART A: SURVEYS, ADMINISTRATIVE SOURCES Part A reviews surveys and administrative sources used at national level. It examines the availability of typical information normally made available by such sources (the recommended coverage was used as benchmark), their quality and associated costs. 3. Please, give the name and a short description of each survey and administrative source used (include any planned survey, the description of which is already available). Include information on collected statistics and users at national level. Indicate how this information is used for policy definition / evaluation. Indicate additional priority user requirements and associated statistics which should be made available in future data collections to be carried out in your country. German Residential Energy Consumption Survey: Established in 2003, the aim of this study is to estimate the energy consumption of German private households. A nation-wide survey based on a sample of 10,000 households serves as starting point to determine the consumption of various fuels for residential purposes and due to private car-usage. The households were interviewed with respect to their housing conditions, the characteristics of the respective dwelling, and the equipment with electric appliances. Using a household location identifier on the municipality level, the household data were augmented by weather data of the same time interval from the Federal Meteorological Service to control for temperature, with the final aim of distinguishing between purchase and consumption of bulk fuels. Thus, the German Residential Energy Consumption survey reports consumption figures and not just purchases. The sample estimates were extrapolated to derive consumption figures for the entire population of private households in Germany. Since renewables gain increasingly importance in the residential sector, the survey was augmented by telephone surveys among some 80 000 households in 2006 and early 2012. The collected raw data is going to be made available to researchers in future. 2 4. For each survey or administrative source identified in section 3, complete the following questions, please: Source: German Residential Energy Consumption Survey……………… Yes No (If yes, go to point 1) O O * Is it an administrative source? (If yes, go to point 7) O O * Is it a survey? 1 Is the survey a panel? O O 2 Is the survey obligatory? O O 3 What is the sample size of the survey? 4 What is the average response rate of the survey? 5 What survey format do you use? Gross: 10,000 households……….. …~70%……….. Interview O CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview) O CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) O Mailed Questionnaire O Web Questionnaire O 6 What is the total cost of the survey in Euros? (2005 survey ~150,000 Euros; 2006 through 2010 ~ 395,000 Euros in total) ………….. ……100% What part of the total cost is attributed to the energy section? 7 Describe the main purpose of the collection: 8 What is the frequency of the data collection? 9 Since when is such data collected? .…2 to 3 years.. …in the current way: since 2003… 10 When is the next data collection planned for? …not yet determined, households were interviewed in first quarter of 2012 for the years 2009 and 2010 11 Name of the service responsible for the data collection 12 Who are the respondents of this survey? Energy suppliers 13 O Importers O Traders Research Institute O Households O For which regional level (NUTS level) are the data significant? 3 …National… 14 Yes No O O Partly Type of information collected a) Housing Stock characteristics Type of dwelling Age of the building (by age category) Insulation (roof, wall, window) (If the answer is yes, please specify) O O O O O O Information about retrofits was collected from homeowners for the years 2006 through 2008 Heated floor area of the dwelling O O O b) Household characteristics Number of households OO It is a households survey, thus number of households = sample size Size (number of persons per household) O O Income O O c) Energy Consumption / expenditure by energy commodity type Type of energy commodities used O O O Quantities of energy commodities used by type O O O Expenditure of energy commodities by type O O O (If any of the answers is "yes" or "partly" please specify commodity types) Electricity, natural gas and liquefied natural gas, fuel oil, district heating, wood (logs, chips, pellets, briquettes), coal (hard coal, lignite), solar heaters, photovoltaics, heat pumps. 4 d) Fuel types used for Space heating O O O Hot Water O O O Cooking O O O (If any of the answers is "yes" or "partly" please specify) The survey gathers information on the types of fuel and fuel quantities used for space heating, hot water generation and cooking separately for each purpose. e) Space heating system Type of heating system O Age of heating system O O O O O The age of the heating equipment is not surveyed in multi-family homes (a tenant can hardly give reliable information about this) f) Availability of electrical appliances Type/number O O O (If the answer is "yes" please specify types) Endowment with appliances was surveyed for 2003 on the full sample. The survey conducted for 2006 through 2010 used a subsample to collect information on endowment with and use of appliances. This includes to some extent the consumption intensity, like hours watching TV. Surveyed appliances were: Fridge, freezer, washing machine, dryer, dish washer, TV, computer, air-condition, micro wave, electric heaters (small scale) 5 g) Penetration of renewable energy sources Solar collectors (surface, type) O O O Photovoltaic (power) O O O O O O O Heat pumps (type, power, electricity consumption) Wood (quantity) O O (If any of the answers is "yes" or "partly" please specify) All of these technologies are surveyed. A special CATI-questionnaire was designed for that purpose. Technical parameters were surveyed to compute the “consumption” of renewable energy (e.g. the surface of the solar collector, performance coefficient of heat pumps and the respective electricity consumption of heat pumps) h) Penetration of energy efficiency technologies such as high efficiency lamps, appliances, etc. O O O (If the answer is "yes" or "partly" please specify) i) Please specify any other relevant statistics that are collected and are not mentioned above: ZIP-code to locate households (e.g. to merge climate conditions to the observation) Household structure (children -> probably more appliances), Employment status = absence from home Residential energy consumption for mobility (especially cars) is a substantial issue. The German survey has spent a lot of effort to gain insights into gasoline and diesel consumption, and has further investigated the market penetration of alternative fuel vehicles. 6 15 Do you validate the data with external/additional information? If the answer is "yes" or "partly" please specify (e.g. data from energy suppliers, heating devices sold/ installed) O O O Basically, we read-out billing data. As a quality check, we cross-check our result. For a sample of 100 households we merge their surveyed data with consumption/billing data from the respective utility. By these means, we check on the one hand whether the households deliver reliable data, and on the other hand whether our plausibility procedure discovers the errors. 16 Do you apply automated plausibility checks? O O O 17 Do you use these data for compiling national energy balances? O O O 18 Do you publish the survey results separately? If "yes" how do you publish (internet, brochure, CD….) and when did you publish the most recent figures? Link: ……………………………………. O O O O All project reports can be downloaded at no cost at 19 Do you publish a Report of Methods? If "yes" when did you publish the most recent report? Link: ……………………………………. Each report includes a thorough description of the methodology employed. 7 PART B: MODELLING ACTIVITIES Part B reviews modelling activities carried out at national level. The questions seek qualitative assessments and responses to a number of topics (source data, the modelling objective and methodology, etc.) related to modelling and the associated costs. Three types of modelling activities are considered, namely: a) To estimate the total fuel consumption in households by type of fuel and end-use b) To estimate the breakdown of the fuel consumption by end-use c) To model electricity consumption for the different appliances 5 Please, give the name and a short description of each modelling process used: 8 6. For each modelling process identified in Part 5 please describe: Model Name:……………………………. 1 Source data: Give an overview of the key data sets that populate the model (surveys, administrative sources, other models). For the various sources, indicate the frequency of the data collection, an estimate of the robustness of the input data, and what other uses are made of the source data. 2 Modelling objective: Specify the objective of the modelling process, in particular whether: a) The modelling process is a bottom-up estimation of the total fuel consumption in households (by fuel type and end-use). Specify the fuel(s) and end-uses (space heating / cooling, hot water, cooking, lighting and electrical appliances) modelled. Indicate any other relevant statistics (see recommended coverage in part A, point 4) which are part of the modelling output process. b) The modelling process aims at providing disaggregated statistics by end-use, i.e. the breakdown of fuel consumption for space heating, space cooling, water heating, cooking, lighting and electrical appliances. c) The modelling process aims at the disaggregation of electricity consumption in households by type of appliance (oven, fridge, compact fluorescent lamps, etc.) 9 3 Modelling methodology Please, provide a description of the modelling methodology (including a web-link to published methodological papers). Indicate any external (independent) and internal reviews and their frequencies. Indicate frequency of modelling updates to take account of new technology (i.e. more energy efficient appliances) and new sources of data. 4 Reconciliation with other data Please, provide an assessment of the accuracy of the modelling process of the overall consumption in the bottom-up approach (case "a" above). Indicate how bottom-up estimates are reconciled with aggregated energy balance data (supply side). What other independent variables are used in the reconciliation process. Provide as assessment of the accuracy in the case of the disaggregation of total fuel consumption into the various end-uses (case "b" above). What other sources of data are there to validate this element of the modelling against? 5 Uses of the model outputs Please describe how the results are used to inform / monitor /evaluate national policy. Describe the way the model outputs are published (internet, brochure, CD….), their frequency and timeliness. Give links of most recent results. 10 6 Cost Please give an estimate of the amount spent on: - setting up the modelling system (if done recently) annual cost of purchasing data to populate model or additional cost of carrying out surveys where the outputs are essential input for the modelling work annual cost of model maintenance/development (staff, IT, etc.) annual cost of reporting model results 7 Service responsible for the modelling Please give the name of the service responsible for maintaining and operating the modelling process. Indicate whether it is produced externally under contract. 11