Carl Howard Lamborg - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Curriculum Vitae
(updated: 2/12/16)
Carl Howard Lamborg
Assistant Scientist
Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Mail Stop #25, Clark 461
Woods Hole, MA 02543
p) 508 289 2556
f) 508 457 2193
University of Connecticut. Doctor of Philosophy – Oceanography (Chemical), 2003
University of Michigan. Master of Science - Environmental Chemistry, 1992
Oberlin College. Bachelor of Arts - Chemistry (with Honors), 1986
Relevant Experience:
2006-present: Assistant Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Dept. of Marine Chemistry and
2003-2006: Post-doctoral Scholar/Investigator, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Dept. of Marine
Chemistry and Geochemistry.
1996-2003: Graduate Research Assistant, The Univ. of Connecticut, Dept. of Marine Sciences.
1996-2003: Guest Lecturer for Marine Biogeochemistry and Chemical Oceanography, The Univ. of Connecticut,
Depart. of Marine Sciences.
1992-1996: Research Assistant II, The Univ. of Connecticut, Depart. of Marine Sciences.
1990-1992: Graduate Research Assistant, The Univ. of Michigan, Sch. of Public Health, Depart. of
Environmental Health Sciences.
1986-1990: Research Assistant II, Harvard University, Harvard Sch. of Public Health, Depart. of Environmental
Monitoring and Exposure Assessment.
1989-1990: Teaching Assistant for Environmental Management, Harvard Extension School.
1985-1986: Laboratory Teaching Assistant for General Chemistry and Quantitative Analysis, Oberlin College.
Fields of Specialization/Interest:
Aquatic and Atmospheric Chemistry, Trace Metal (esp. Mercury) Biogeochemistry, Chemical Oceanography
2000: Andres J. Nalwak Award, for service to the Dept. of Marine Science, University of Connecticut
2003: WHOI Post-doctoral Scholarship, endowed by Penzance Discretionary Fund
Professional Organizations:
American Geophysical Union
American Chemical Society
American Society of Limnologists and Oceanographers
Dehairs, F., S. Jacquet, N. Savoye, J. Bishop, B. Van Mooy, K. Buesseler, C. Lamborg, M. Elskens, P. Boyd,
K. Casciotti and W. Baeyens (in press) Barium in Twilight Zone suspended matter as a proxy for
particulate organic carbon mineralization: results for the North Pacific. Deep Sea Res. II
Balcom, P.H., C.R. Hammerschmidt, W.F. Fitzgerald, C.H. Lamborg and J. O'Connor (in press) Seasonal
distributions and cycling of mercury and methylmercury in the waters of New York/New Jersey Harbor
estuary. Mar. Chem.
Buesseler, K.O., C.H. Lamborg, P.H. Cai, R. Escoube, H.P. Johnson, S.M. Pike, P. Masque, D. McGillicuddy
and E. Verdeny (in press) Particle fluxes associated with mesoscale eddies in the Sargasso Sea. Deep
Sea Research I
Lamborg, C.H., O. Yigiterhan, W.F. Fitzgerald, P. Balcom and C. Hammerschmidt (in press) Vertical
distributions of Hg species in the Black Sea. Mar. Chem.
Lamborg, C. (2007) A new twist for mercury. Science 318/5849:402-403.
Bone, S.E., M.A. Charette, C.H. Lamborg and M.E. Gonneea (2007) Has submarine groundwater discharge
been overlooked as a source of mercury to coastal waters? Environ. Sci. Technol. 41/3090-3095.
Buesseler, K.O., C.H. Lamborg, P.W. Boyd, P.J. Lam, T.W. Trull, R.R. Bidigare, J.K.B. Bishop, K.L.
Casciotti, F. Dehairs, M. Elskens, M.C. Honda, D.M. Karl, D. Siegel, M.W. Silver, D.K. Steinberg, J.R.
Valdes, B. Van Mooy and S. Wilson (2007) Revisiting carbon flux through the ocean's twilight zone.
Science 316/567-570.
Fitzgerald, W.F., Lamborg, C.H., Hammerschmidt, C.R. (2007) Marine biogeochemical cycling of mercury.
Chemical Reviews 107/2: 641-662.
Hammerschmidt, C.R., Lamborg, C.H., Fitzgerald, W.F. (2007) Aqueous phase methylation as a potential
source of methylmercury in wet deposition. Atmos. Environ. 41 1663-1668.
Lamborg, C.H., K. Von Damm, W.F. Fitzgerald, C.R. Hammerschmidt and R.A. Zierenberg (2006) Hg and
Monomethylmercury in Fluids from Sea Cliff Submarine Hydrothermal Field, Gorda Ridge. Geophys.
Res. Lett. 33/17: L17606, 10.1029/2006GL026321.
Santschi, P.H., J.W. Murray, M. Baskaran, C. Benitez-Nelson, T. Eglinton, N.S. Fisher, L.D. Guo, C.-C.
Hung, C. Lamborg, B. Moran, U. Passow and M. Roy-Barman (2006) Thorium speciation in seawater.
Marine Chem. 100/3-4: 250-268.
Buesseler, K., C. Benitez-Nelson, S.B. Moran, A. Burd, M. Charette, J.K. Cochran, L. Coppola, N. Fisher, S.
Fowler, W. Gardner, L. Guo, O. Gustafsson, C. Lamborg, P. Masque, J.C. Miquel, U. Passow, P.
Santschi, N. Savoye, G. Steward, T. Trull, (2006) Ratios of particulate carbon to thorium-234: what do
they tell us and how can they be used to estimate sinking fluxes out of the upper ocean. Marine Chem.
100/3-4: 213-233.
Hammerschmidt, C.R., W.F. Fitzgerald, C.H. Lamborg, P.H. Balcom, C.-M. Tseng (2006) Biogeochemical
Cycling of Methylmercury in Lakes and Tundra Watersheds of Arctic Alaska. Environ. Sci. & Tech. 40:
Fitzgerald, W.F., D.R. Engstrom, C.H. Lamborg, C.-M. Tseng, P.H. Balcom and C.R. Hammerschmidt
(2005) Modern and historic atmospheric mercury fluxes in northern Alaska: Global sources and Arctic
depletion. Environ. Sci. & Tech. 39: 557-568.
Lamborg, C.H., W.F. Fitzgerald, A. Skoog and P.T. Visscher (2004) The abundance and source of mercurybinding organic ligands in Long Island Sound. Marine Chem. 90: 151-163.
Balcom, P.H., W.F. Fitzgerald, G.M. Vandal, C.H. Lamborg, K.R. Rolfhus, C.S. Langer and C.R.
Hammerschmidt (2004) Mercury sources and cycling in the Connecticut River and Long Island Sound.
Marine Chem. 90: 53-74.
Hammerschmidt, C.R., W.F. Fitzgerald, C.H. Lamborg, P.H. Balcom and P.T. Visscher (2004)
Biogeochemistry of methylmercury in sediments of Long Island Sound. Marine Chem. 90: 31-52.
Arimoto, R., C. Schloesslin, D. Davis, A. Hogan, P. Grube, W. Fitzgerald and C. Lamborg (2004) Lead and
mercury in aerosol particles from the South Pole collected during ISCAT-2000. Atmos. Environ. 38:
Tseng, C.-M., C.H. Lamborg, W.F. Fitzgerald and D.R. Engstrom (2004) Cycling of dissolved elemental
mercury in arctic Alaskan lakes. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 68/6: 1173-1184.
Rolfhus, K.R., W.F. Fitzgerald, C.H. Lamborg and P. Balcom (2003) Evidence for enhanced mercury lability
in response to estuarine mixing. J. Geophys. Res 108/C11: Art. No. 3353.
Fitzgerald, W.F. and C.H. Lamborg (2003) Geochemistry of mercury in the environment. In: Treatise on
Geochemistry, Vol. 9, Chp 4., Elsevier Publ.
Lamborg, C.H., C.-M. Tseng, W.F. Fitzgerald, P. Balcom, C.R. Hammerschmidt (2003) Determination of the
mercury complexation characteristics of dissolved organic matter in natural waters by "reducible
mercury" titrations. Environ. Sci. & Tech. 37/15: 3316-3322.
Tseng, C.-M., P. Balcom, C.H. Lamborg and W.F. Fitzgerald (2003) Dissolved elemental mercury
investigations in Long Island Sound using on-line Au amalgamation-flow injection analysis. Environ. Sci.
& Tech. 37/6: 1183-1188.
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Lamborg, C.H., W.F. Fitzgerald, W.F., A.W.H. Damman, J.M. Benoit, P.H. Balcom and D.R. Engstrom
(2002) Contemporary and historical eolian depositional fluxes of mercury: archival records in
ombrotrophic bogs and lake sediments from Nova Scotia and New Zealand. Global Biogeochem.
Cycles. 16/4: 1104, doi: 10.1029/2001GB001847.
Lamborg, C.H., W.F. Fitzgerald, J. O’Donnell and T. Torgersen (2002) An examination of global-scale
mercury biogeochemistry using a non-steady state compartment model which features interhemispheric
gradients in the atmosphere as constraints. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66/7:1-14.
Fitzgerald, W.F., G.M. Vandal, K.R. Rolfhus, C.H. Lamborg and C.S. Langer (2000) Mercury emissions and
cycling in the coastal zone. J. Environ. Sci. 12: 92-101.
Lamborg, C.H., W.F. Fitzgerald, W.C. Graustein and K.K. Turekian (2000) An examination of the
atmospheric chemistry of mercury using 210Pb and 7Be. J. Atmos. Chem. 36/3: 325-338.
Lamborg, C.H., K.R. Rolfhus, W.F. Fitzgerald and G. Kim (1999) Atmospheric cycling and air-sea exchange
of Hg in the South and equatorial Atlantic. Deep-Sea Res. II. 46: 957-977.
Ackermann, M.N., W.G. Fairbrother, N.S. Amin, C.J. Deodene, C.H. Lamborg, P.T. Martin (1996)
Tetracarbonylmolybdenum complexes of 2-(phenylazo) pyridine ligands. Correlations of molybdenum-95
chemical shifts with electronic, infrared, and electrochemical properties. J. Organomet. Chem. 523/2:
Lamborg, C.H., W.F. Fitzgerald, G.M. Vandal and K.R. Rolfhus (1995) Atmospheric mercury in northern
Wisconsin: sources and species. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 80: 189-198.
Vandal, G.M., W.F. Fitzgerald, K.R. Rolfhus and C.H. Lamborg (1995) Modeling the elemental mercury cycle
in Pallette Lake, Wisconsin, USA. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 80: 529-538.
Keeler, G.J., M.E. Hoyer and C.H. Lamborg (1994) Measurements of atmospheric mercury in the Great
Lakes Basin. In: Mercury Pollution: Integration and Synthesis. Chp. II.5 pp. 231-241.
Lamborg, C.H., M.E. Hoyer, G.J. Keeler, I. Olmez and X. Huang (1994) Particulate-phase mercury in the
collection/analysis method development and applications.
In: Mercury Pollution:
Integration and Synthesis. Chp. II.5 C.J. Watras and J.W. Huckabee (eds.) Lewis Pub. Boca Raton. pp.
Lamborg, C.H., W.F. Fitzgerald, G.M. Vandal and K.R. Rolfhus (1993) Atmospheric mercury in northern
Wisconsin: chemical characterization and fluxes. In: The Proceedings of the 9th Intl. Conf. on Heavy
Metals in the Environment. R.J. Allen and J.O. Nriagu (eds.), CEP Consultants Ltd. Edinburgh.
Vandal, G.M., W.F. Fitzgerald, C.H. Lamborg, and K.R. Rolfhus (1993) The production and evasion of
elemental mercury in lakes: a study of Pallette Lake, northern Wisconsin. In: The Proceedings of the 9th
Intl. Conf. on Heavy Metals in the Environment. R.J. Allen and J.O. Nriagu (eds.), CEP Consultants Ltd.
Papers in Review
Buesseler, K.O., T.W. Trull, D.K. Steinberg, M.W. Silver, D.A. Siegel, S.-I. Saitoh, C.H. Lamborg, P.J. Lam,
D.M. Karl, N.Z. Jiao, M.C. Honda, M. Elskens, F. Dehairs, S.L. Brown, P.W. Boyd, J.K.B. Bishop and
R.R. Bidigare (in review) VERTIGO (VERtical Transport In the Global Ocean): a study of particle sources
and flux attenuation in the North Pacific. Deep Sea Res. II
Lamborg, C.H., K.O. Buesseler, P.J. Lam, J.R. Valdes, C.H. Bertrand, S. Pike and S. Manganini (in review)
Sinking fluxes of minor and trace elements in the North Pacific Ocean measured during the VERTIGO
program. Deep Sea Res. II
Lamborg, C.H., K.O. Buesseler, J.R. Valdes, C.H. Bertrand, S. Manganini, S. Pike, D. Steinberg, T. Trull and
S. Wilson (in review) The flux of bio- and lithogenic material associated with sinking particles in the
mesopelagic "twilight zone" of the Northwest and North Central Pacific Ocean. Deep Sea Res. II
Trull, T.W., S. Bray, K.O. Buesseler, C. Lamborg, S. Manganini, C. Moy and J. Valdes (in review) In-situ
measurement of mesopelagic particle sinking rates and the control of carbon transfer to the ocean
interior during the Vertical Transport in the Global Ocean (VERTIGO) voyages in the North Pacific. Deep
Sea Res. II
Papers in Preparation
Lamborg, C.H., K.O. Buesseler,
K. Casciotti, J. Bishop, B. Van Mooy (in preparation) In vitro
remineralization rates of large marine particles collected during VERTIGO. Deep Sea Res. II
Lam, P.J., J.K.B. Bishop, C.H. Lamborg, K.O. Buesseler and M.A. Charette (in preparation) Lateral transport
of trace elements from the continental margin in the Northwest Pacific. Deep Sea Res. II
Lamborg, C.H., K.O. Buesseler, D.M. McGillicuddy Jr. (in preparation) Inverse modeling of high resolution
oceanic epi- and mesopelagic 234Th activity profiles.
Lamborg, C.H. and C.R. Hammerschmidt (in preparation) Gas-phase ionic mercury is a puzzle.
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Manganini, S., C.H. Lamborg and K.O. Buesseler (in preparation) PIC/POC flux response to CaCO3
saturation state: field verification of feedback on ocean acidification and CO2.
W.F. Fitzgerald, W.F., C.H. Lamborg, D.R. Engstrom, P.H. Balcom (in preparation) The Hg-210Pb
Hypothesis: apportioning current and historical Hg deposition into global and non-global components.
Engstrom, D.R., W.F. Fitzgerald, C.H. Lamborg, P.H. Balcom (in preparation) Historical reconstruction of
atmospheric Hg fluxes on the west and east coasts of North America.
Lamborg, C.H., C.R. Hammerschmidt and M. Saito (in preparation) A zonal section of mercury species in the
tropical South Atlantic Ocean.
Lamborg, C.H., C.R. Hammerschmidt, M. Saito and P. Sedwick (in preparation) Sinking fluxes and
transformations of mercury species at three locations in the Atlantic Ocean water column.
2nd International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, May 1992, Monterey, CA
9th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, September, 1993, Toronto, Ontario
3rd International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, July 1994, Whistler, British Columbia
American Chemical Society National Meeting, August 1995, Chicago, IL
Long Island Sound Research Symposium, October 1996, Hartford, CT
4th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, August 1996, Hamburg, Germany
Gordon Conference on Chemical Oceanography, August 1997, Meriden, NH
AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 1998, San Diego, CA
Gordon Conference on Chemical Oceanography, August 1999, Meriden, NH
5th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, May 1999, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
11th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, August 2000, Ann Arbor, MI
6th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, October 2001, Minamata, Japan
American Chemical Society National Meeting. April 2002, Orlando, FL
Dissertation Symposium on Chemical Oceanography (DISCO) XVII, May 2002, Honolulu, HI
ASLO, February 2003, Salt Lake City, UT.
Gordon Conference on Chemical Oceanography, August 2003, Meriden, NH
ASLO/TOS Ocean Sciences, February, 2004, Honolulu, HI
National Atmospheric Deposition Program Annual Technical Meeting, September, 2004, Halifax, NS
ASLO, June 2005, Santiago de Compostella, Spain.
ASLO/AGU/TOS Ocean Sciences, February 2006, Honolulu, HI
8th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, August 2006, Madison WI.
2nd OCB Workshop, Woods Hole, July, 2007
Gordon Conference on Chemical Oceanography, August 2007, Tilton, NH
Air Quality VI Workshop, Washington DC, September, 2007
Graduate Advisors:
Drs. William Fitzgerald, James O’Donnell, Annelie Skoog and Pieter Visscher
Post-doctoral Advisor/Sponsor:
Dr. Ken Buesseler
Current Projects
Active Projects
Mercury in Bays and Ponds of Cape Cod, WHOI Coastal Ocean Institute - Principal Investigator
Mercury Species Sources and Cycling in Waquoit Bay, WHOI SeaGrant - Principal Investigator
Mercury Species Cycling and Fluxes in the Oceanic Water Column, NSF-OCE - Principal Investigator
Formation of Monomethylmercury in the Open Ocean (Sargasso Sea), WHOI Independent Study - Principal
Carbon flux through the Twilight Zone - New Tools to Measure Change, NSF-OCE (K. Buesseler, Principal
Investigator) – Co-Principal Investigator
Mary Sears: Hosting and visiting Miguel Angel Huerta-Diaz (Mexico)
Proposals In Review
Collaborative Research: A GEOTRACES Intercalibration of Collection, Handling and Analysis Methods for
Mercury Species in Seawater, NSF-OCE – Principal Investigator
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An Autonomous Aerosol Autosampler (PM10) for Ocean and Atmosphere Research at the Martha’s
Vineyard Coastal Observatory, NSF-Environmental Technology (B. Peucker-Ehrenbrink) – Co-Principal
Project Periods Over – Data Analysis/Writing Continuing
Ocean Acidification and the Role of the Export “Rain Ratio”: A Possible Negative Feedback to Increasing
Atmospheric CO2, WHOI Interdisciplinary (S. Manganini, Principal Investigator) – Co-Principal
Minor and Trace Element Cycling in Sinking Marine Particles, NSF-OCE #0454148 – Principal Investigator
Vertical Transport in the Global Ocean, NSF-OCE #0301139 (K. Buesseler, Principal Investigator) –
Natural and Anthropogenic Sources of Mercury to the Atmosphere: Global and Regional Contributions, EPASTAR #R829796 (W. Fitzgerald and D. Engstrom, Principal Investigators) –Participant
Biogeochemical Cycling and Fate of Mercury and Methylmercury in the Arctic Alaskan Lakes, NSF-OPP
#0425562 (W. Fitzgerald, Principal Investigator) – Participant
MIT-WHOI JP 12.759 Seminar in Chemical Oceanography (w/ Mark Kurz) – Hot Topics in Marine Chemistry
and Geochemistry.
Ms. Sharon Bone – Summer Student Fellow (Matt Charette principal advisor) – 2004-2005
Dr. Paul Drevnick – Post-doctoral Scholar – 2007-current
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