Nursing practice 3 year, medical faculty The main duties and professional actions of therapeutic department nurse 1. Select medical document which is fulfilled only by a nurse: A. The journal of registration of admitted patients B. Case history C. The card of ambulatory patient D. Prescription card E. Epicrisis ANSWER: A 2. Patient P. is sufferind from hypertension of І stage (blood pressure -140/90 mm hg). After intramuscular injection of medicamentous preparation suddenly abrupt skin paleness appeard, and the patient had lost consciousness. Data of inspection: BP is 90/50 mm of Hg, tachycardia. What patological condition has developed? A. Collapse B. Shock C. Hypertonic crisis D. Heart attack E. Bronchospasm ANSWER: A 3. A nurse must check a patient's vital signs. Which personal space or invisible buffer zone will the nurse be entering? A. intimate distance B. close distance C. personal distance D. social or public distance E. No correct answer ANSWER: A 4. A student is examining patient’s pulse. What parameter should he start from to assess pulse properties? A. rhythm; B. filling; C. frequency; D. tension; E. similarity on two radial arteries. ANSWER: E 5. By palpation patient’s pulse is dull. In what disease dull pulse is observed? A. myocarditis; B. pericarditis; C. mitral defects; D. hypertension; E. heart insufficiency. ANSWER: D 6. A nurse is measuring patient’s body temperature in rectum. On which depth should be thermometer inserted into the rectum? A. 3-4 cm B. 1-2 cm C. 5-6 cm D. 5-7 cm E. 10 cm ANSWER: A rd 7. A doctor prescribed for a patient injection of 10 ml 10% CaCl2 solution. Which type of injection should a nurse perform? A. intravenous B. subcutaneous C. intramuscular D. intradermal E. intra-arterial ANSWER: A 8. A doctor prescribed for a patient injection of 4% KCL solution.Which type of injection should a nurse perform? A. intravenous B. subcutaneous C. intramuscular D. intradermal E. i/v slow drop infusion ANSWER: E 9. A doctor prescribed for a patient injection of vitamin E. Which type of injection should a nurse perform? A. intravenous B. subcutaneous C. intramuscular D. intradermal E. intra-arterial ANSWER: B 10. The patient of 34 years old passes an ambulatory inspection in a policlinic. A nurse teaches the patient of rules of fence of urine on a uranalysis. When must urine for uranalyses be delivered in a laboratory after a fence? A. Not later than 1 hr B. Not later than 6 hr C. Not later than 10 hr D. For a day long E. Through 3 hr ANSWER: A 11. It is necessary to take urine for laboratory analysis in a woman with acute pyelonephritis. The patient has menstruation at the moment. What to do? A. To collect urine in a usual way; B. To instruct the patient to collect urine into the vial; C. To instruct the patient to collect urine into the vial after cleansing of perineum; D. To wait and take the urine when menstruation will finish; E. To take urine with a catheter. ANSWER: E 12. A nurse should perform the diagnostic test on the individual sensitiveness of a patient to prescribed antibiotic. What amount of units of antibiotic is it necessary to enter intradermally? A. 5 000 OD B. 100 000 OD C. 10 000 OD D. 1 000 OD E. 20 000 OD ANSWER: D 13. A nurse is performing i/v infusion of antibiotic for a patient. In 40 minutes after beginning the procedure the patient develops nervous excitation, cough, vomiting and palpitation, BP drops. Skin is diffusely red. Which complication developed in the patient? A. anaphylactic shock B. air embolism C. fat embolism D. gastrointestinal bleeding E. cardiac asthma attack ANSWER: A 14. A nurse of therapeutic department during subcutaneous administration of medical preparation for a patient revealed that she mislated the drug and injected 1ml of insulin instead of 1ml of heparin. What should the nurse do? A. immediately report to a doctor about the mistake B. inject for a patient the antipoisons if insulin C. inject for a patient the antagonist of insulin D. to observe about the patient more carefully E. to report to a doctor if patient’s condition will be worst. ANSWER: A 15. AIDS is transmitted by the following channel: A. Fecal-oral B. Respiratory C. Transmissive (percutaneous) D. Contact through the skin E. No any answer is correct ANSWER: C 16. The physician has written an order for a drug for a patient. The nurse believes the drug dosage to be in error. What is the nurse's responsibility? A. Make a notation on the patient's medication administration recorD. B. Ask another nurse if the order is correct. C. Withhold the drug and ask the physician. D. Administer the drug and question the physician later. E. No correct answer ANSWER: C 17. AIDS is transmitted by the following channel: A. Fecal-oral B. Respiratory C. In sexual contacts D. Contact through the skin E. No any answer is correct ANSWER: C 18. A patient with kidney disease is prescribed Zimnitsky’s test. What is assessed with this examination of urine? A. formed elements B. glucose C. amylase D. specific gravity and diuresis E. protein ANSWER: D 19. In patient C., with chronic kidney disease, it is necessary to assess amount of formed elements in 1ml of urine. Which test should be used for the purpose? A. Neyporenko’s test B. Zimnitsky’s test C. Reberg’s test D. urine collected at any time E. evening portion of urine ANSWER: A 20. In which period of time should the patient collect a portion of urine in each bottle for Zimnitsky’s test? A. each 2hrs B. each 3hrs C. each 1hr D. each 2,5hrs E. each 6hrs ANSWER: B 21. Patient B is precribed urinalyses. How to collect urine correctly? A. medial portion of morning urine after hygienic toilet of perineum B. first portion of morning urine C. urine for 24hrs D. urine collected at any time E. evening portion of urine ANSWER: A 22. Patient D., is hospitalized in endocrinological department of a hospital. It is necessary to assess concentration of 17-ketoteroids in urine. How to collect urine correctly? A. 24 hrs portion of urine B. First portion of morning urine C. Medial portion of morning urine D. Evening portion of urine E. Urine collected at any time ANSWER: A 23. Patient D., who is on in-patient treatment in urologic department, Zimnitsy’s test is prescribed. How many glass bottles should a nurse prepare for the test? A. 12 B. 10 C. 6 D. 4 E. 8 ANSWER: E 24. Patient R, is hospitalized to infection department. He is prescribed bacteriologic examination of blood smear. What a nurse should prepare? A. sterile Petri’s cup B. sterile tube C. dry clean tube D. sterile tube with conservatory E. a vial 30 ml capacity ANSWER: B 25. Disease of pancreas is suspected in a patient. What from the following methods of research will be most informing for diagnostics? A. serum amylase B. serum iron C. serum creatitine D. serum bilirubin E. serum protein ANSWER: A 26. For a patient intestinal impassability is diagnosed. What enema does it follow to appoint a patient before operation? A. hypertensive B. cleansing C. siphon; D. oil; E. drop enema. ANSWER: C 27. All the following belong to subjective data about patient except of: A. Complaints B. Examination of a pulse C. Data of laboratory examination D. Data of physical examination E. Diagnosis before admission to a hospital ANSWER: A 28. 2 days after intramuscular injection a patient developed pain in the buttock region. The zone of injection is swollen and hard at palpation. The skin in this place is red. Which complication is present in the patient? A. Injury of nerves; B. Abscess; C. Infiltration; D. Hematoma; E. Allergy. ANSWER: C 29. 24 hours after intramuscular injection a patient developed pain in the buttock region and fever. The zone of injection is swollen, skin above it is red, fluctuation is felt by palpation. Which complication is present in the patient? A. Injury of nerves; B. Abscess; C. Infiltration; D. Hematoma; E. Allergy. ANSWER: B 30. A patient 45 year old has renal failure. A doctor prescribed subcutaneous administration of medicine for him. Which volume of solution is it possible to inject subcutaneously? A. 1 ml B. 2 ml C. 3 ml D. 5 ml E. 10 ml ANSWER: E 31. During intravenous infusion for a patient some patient’s blood has dropped on nurse’s hand. Which prophylaxis measures should be performed? A. To wash hands with a soap, to treat them with a tampon wetted with 70 % alcohol solution B. To wash hands with a soap, to treat them with 1 % chloramine solution C. To remove blood with sterile dry serviette D. To treat hands with 3% chloramine solution, to treat them with a tampon wetted with 70 % alcohol solution E. To treat hands twice with a tampon wetted with 5 % iodinum solution ANSWER: A 32. Which causes for septic intravenous infection do you know? A. Surgical operations B. Labours, abortions C. At blood transfusion, hemodialysis D. At invasion diagnostic procedures E. All of the above ANSWER: E 33. A nurse during intravenous injection of medical preparation didn’t remove all the air off the syringe. Which complications may develop in the patient? A. air embolism B. infiltration C. fat embolism D. hematoma E. thrombembolism ANSWER: A 34. After intravenous injection a patient developed pain in cubital region. By inspection the strakes of skin redness along the cubital vein are revealed, the vein is painful by palpation. Wich complication is present in the patient? A. Necrosis; B. Abscess; C. Infiltration; D. Hematoma; E. Flebitis. ANSWER: E 35. After intravenous injection bleeding cannot be stopped by pressing the place of puncture with cotton ball. What is it necessary to do? A. To try to press this place with cotton ball again; B. To take a larger cotton ball C. To apply a tourniquett; D. To call on a surgen; E. To apply a pressing bandage. ANSWER: E 36. While intravenous introduction of 10% calcium chloride a patient experienced pain in the place of injection, itch, swelling of tissues around a vein. What subsequent actions of the trained nurse? A. to repeat an injection in the vein of the second hand the same syringe. B. to impose a wadding marble, moistened 96% by alcoholic solution, by a flounce to take out a needle. C. pulling up a piston, suck the entered liquid, not taking out a needle, in paravenosis space to enter 20 ml of 0,25 % novocaine solution. D. slightly pull up a needle, not drawing out from under a skin to repeat a venepuncture. E. to rev up introduction. ANSWER: C 37. You are a training nurse et cardiological department. A patient with myocardial infarction were prescribed injections of heparin 2500 UN 4 times a day intradermally. Which volume of heparin solution is it necessary to introduce in 1 injection (1 ml of heparin contains 5000 UN)? A. 0,5 ml B. 0,1ml C. 0,2ml D. 0,3ml E. 1,0ml ANSWER: A 38. According to prescription of a doctor a trained nurse has executed intramuscular injection of 500 000 UN of benzylpenicilin. Which type of nurse intervention is this? A. Dependent B. Independent C. Interdependent D. Compensated E. Complex ANSWER: A 39. The injections of 500 000 UN penicilinum are prescribed for a patient 6 times per day. How many ml of solvent a nurse must enter in a small bottle which containes 500 000 OD of penicilinum. A. Amount of solvent is not important. B. 2 ml. C. 3 ml. D. 5 ml E. 10 ml. ANSWER: D 40. In patient C., with chronic kidney disease, it is necessary to assess amount of formed elements excreted with urine in 1minute. Which test should be used for the purpose? A. Weryporenko’s test B. Zimnitsky’s test C. Reberg’s test D. urine collected at any time E. evening portion of urine ANSWER: E 41. A doctor made a consideration that it is necessary to prescribe hirudotherapy for the patient. A nurse is explainig to the patient the technique of the procedure. One leech can suck the following amount of the blood: A. 5 ml B. 10 ml C. 20 ml D. 15 ml E. 25 ml ANSWER: B 42. A patient was injected medical preparation in the morning. In the evening of the same day he reported a nurse about pain in the place of injection, swelling of this area. How to solve the patient’s problem? A. to apply a hot-water bottle B. to use electrical procedures C. to apply warming compress with 50% alcohol D. to apply cold water compress with 50% alcohol E. to apply an ice bag ANSWER: A 43. A patient with infectious disease developed body temperature 40*C, delirium and hallucinations. Which method should be used in care program? A. application of an ice bag to patient’s head B. application of mustard plasters on the back of the head C. application of hot water bottle D. application of warming compress E. cups along spinal cord. ANSWER: A 44. Current cleansing of procedure room is performed with 1 % chloramine solution: A. Twice a day B. 3 times a day C. 1 time in 2 days D. 1 time a week E. 1 time a day ANSWER: A 45. A nurse of therapeutic department had applied warming compress on patient’s neck. What is duration of the procedure if the compress is wetted in 50% alcohol solution? A. 30-40 min. B. 1-2 hours C. 3-4 hours D. 4-6 hours E. 6-8 hours ANSWER: D 46. A young patient is undergone application of warming compress on the left shoulder. A nurse should explain for the patient that the compress will be removed in: A. 30-40 min. B. 1-2 hours C. 3-4 hours D. 4-6 hours E. 6-8 hours ANSWER: E 47. A young patient is undergone application of warming compress on the left shoulder. How many layers the warming compress consists of? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5 ANSWER: C 48. A doctor prescribed for a patient application of mustard plasters. During the procedure the patient complains of itch and burning sensations in places of application. What should be duration of the procedure in this case? A. to stop immediatelly B. 10-15 min. C. 16-20 min. D. 21-30 min. E. 1 hr ANSWER: A 49. A patient suffers from high body temperature, severe headache heat and excitation. Which simplest physiotherapeutic procedure is it possible to use? A. mustard plasters B. cold compress C. aspirin per os D. to apply an ice-bag directly to the forehead E. warming compress ANSWER: B 50. A patient suffers from high body temperature, severe headache heat and excitation. Which symptomps physiotherapeutic procedure is it possible to use? A. a hot water bottle B. mustard plasters C. cups D. an ice-bag E. warming compress ANSWER: D 51. A patient with acute bronchitis complains of fever 37,2°C, dry cough. Which among the following measures are necessary to perform? A. antipiretics per os B. hot-water bottle C. oxygenotherapy D. inhalation with soda E. cold compress ANSWER: D 52. A patient 62 years old is in cardiological department because of cardiac asthma, which shifts to lung edema. How to take moist oxygen for him? A. Wetted with alcohol solution B. Wetted with furacilin solution C. Wetted with water D. Wetted with manganese solution E. Wetted with sodium hydrocarbonate ANSWER: A 53. A patient with rheumatoid arthritis is prescribed warming compress application. What is the sequence of application? A. a gauze wetted in water-alcohol solution /90:10/, wax paper, cotton, bandage B. a gauze wetted in water-alcohol solution /50:50/, wax paper C. a gauze wetted in water-alcohol solution /50:50/or water, wax paper, cotton, bandage D. wax paper, a gauge wetted in water-alcohol solution /90:10/, cotton, bandage E. wax paper, a gauge wetted in water, bandage ANSWER: C 54. A patient with arterial hypertension was prescribed hirudotherapy. In 3 days after the procedure he complains of pain and swelling in places of application, enlargement of lymph nodes, fever 39°C. Which complication developed? A. infectious contamination of wounds B. bleeding from wounds C. myositis D. hematoma E. allergic reaction ANSWER: A 55. After examination of a patient a doctor made a consideration that application of leeches in this case is contraindicated. Select contraindication for hirudotherapy: A. Angina pectoris B. Myocardial infarction C. Brain stroke ischaemia D. Hepatomegaly of the heart failure and ascites E. Hepatomegaly in liver cirrhosis and ascites ANSWER: E 56. An ice-bag is used in such a case as: A. resorption of infiltration B. in bleeding C. in I period of fever D. in chronic cholecistiasis E. in III period of fever ANSWER: B 57. In which disease cups are not indicated: A. lung tuberculosis B. pneumonia C. intercostal neuralgy D. radiculitis E. myositis ANSWER: A 58. A reason for application of mustard plasters is all mentioned except of: A. hypertonic crisis B. pneumonia C. bronchitis D. lung bleeding E. angina pectoris attack ANSWER: D 59. In which conditions mustard plasters may be used: A. lung bleeding B. pneumonia C. tuberculosis D. acute bronchitis E. malignant tumor ANSWER: D 60. In which conditions mustard plasters may be used: A. lung bleeding B. acute bronchitis C. tuberculosis D. exacerbation of chronic bronchitis E. malignant tumor ANSWER: D 61. A patient is hospitalized to infection department. He is prescribed bacteriological examination of sputum. What a nurse should prepare? A. sterile Petri’s cup B. sterile tube C. dry clean tube D. sterile tube with conservatory E. a vial 30 ml capacity. ANSWER: A 62. What is necessary to prepare for taking sputum for bacteriologic laboratory study? A. a Petri dish B. 2 tubes: 1 for microscopic examination of pleural fluid and 2-sterile tube for its bacteriological examination C. a chemically poor tube for microscopic examination D. sterile tube for bacterial examination E. a vial 500 ml capacity ANSWER: A 63. A nurse has taken body temperature of patients in the department and is going to disinfect thermometers in 3% peroxygen. How long should disinfection last? A. 80 min B. 10 min C. 20 min D. 60 min E. 90 min ANSWER: A 64. Defense of a patient, confidentiality in examinations and nursing interventions – this is: A. Confidentiality B. Safety C. Communication D. Infectious safety E. Respect ANSWER: A 65. Select contraindication for hirudotherapy: A. Angina pectoris B. Myocardial infarction C. Brain stroke ischaemia D. Hepatomegaly of the heart failure and ascites E. Hepatomegaly in liver cirrhosis and ascites ANSWER: E 66. Select, which influence in the organism is not typical for mustard plasters: A. antiallergic action B. resorptive action C. warming action D. analgetic action E. antiviral action ANSWER: A 67. During taking hygianic bath patient F. developed dizziness, piercing pain behind the sternum. What should be the action of the nurse? A. Continue the procedure; B. Make water more cold; C. Stop the procedure, to remove the patient from the bath; D. Inject mesatone solution; E. All mentioned above. ANSWER: C 68. During administration of antibiotic a patient developed dizziness, general weakness, palpation and he lost consciousness soon. What should be first action of a nurse? A. to stop administration of antibiotic B. to take to inhale ammonial spirit for the patient C. to put the patient in the position with rised legs and lowered head D. to apply a hot-water bottle E. to take oxygen ANSWER: A 69. Elimination of pathogenic microorganisms from the environment is called: B. Disinfection B. Sterilization C. Pasterization D. Deratization E. Disinsection ANSWER: A 70. For which equipment disinfection with hot air is not used? A. Optic instruments B. Laboratory vials C. Syringes of multiple-use D. Clothes E. Bed linen ANSWER: A 71. What does not belong to professional functions of a nurse? A. Basic manipulations on the care of patients; B. Prophylaxis of diseases; C. A rehabilitation of patients after illness; D. Implementation of settings of a doctor; E. Prescription of medicines ANSWER: E 72. A nurse is going to perform application of mustard plasters for a patient. Which temperature of water is needed? A. 0-9 °C B. 10-19 °C C. 20-39 °C D. 40-45 °C E. 46-65 °C ANSWER: E 73. Patient A., 18 years old, was quickly delivered into admissious department of infectious hospital by an ambulance. Diagnosis is "poisoning medicinal preparations (tranquilizers)". Infirst aid washing of stomach was started. What temperature must water be for this manipulation? A. 18 -20 B. 10 -12 C. 25 -30 D. 30 -35 E. 35 -40 ANSWER: A 74. To patient D., 50 years old, by the district doctor of policlinic prescribed medical microclyster for treatment of inflammatory process of rectum 50 ml of warm oil). That the trained nurse must do after 30-40 min of this manipulation? A. Cleansing enema B. Hypertensive enema C. Drop enema D. Siphon enema E. Gas-freeing tube ANSWER: A 75. To the patient 40 years old with the purpose of preparation to the irigoscopy it is necessary to carry out cleaning of intestine by cleansing enemas. For cleansing enema it is necessary to use boiled water in following volume: A. 1-1,5 l B. 500 ml C. 700 ml D. 800 ml E. 2000 ml ANSWER: A 76. A patient with arterial hypertension was prescribed hirudotherapy. In 3 days after the procedure he complains of pain and swelling in places of application, enlargement of lymph nodes, fever 39°C. Which complication developed? A. infectious contamination of wounds B. bleeding from wounds C. myositis D. hematoma E. allergic reaction ANSWER: A 77. How often examination of patients for pediculosis in a hospital should be performed? A. Every day; B. 1 time in 2 days; C. After each 7 days; D. After each 10 days; E. After each 14 days. ANSWER: D 78. During examination of patient’s pulse a student revealed tachycardia. Tachycarida is observed in the case of: A. narrowing of aortic aperture; B. hunger; C. cardiac block; D. fever; E. jaundice. ANSWER: D 79. How diseases caused by medical personnel are called? A. Iatrogenias B. Cancerophoby C. Eretrogeny D. Hepernosognoria E. All mentioned ANSWER: A 80. How often bed linen should be changed in a hospital ward? A. Each 3 days; B. Each 7 days; C. Each 10 days; D. Everyday after bath or shower; E. As often as it becomes dirty but not more than every 10 days ANSWER: E 81. Scab is transmitted by the following channel: A. Fecal-oral B. Respiratory C. Transmissive (percutaneous) D. Contact through the skin E. No any answer is correct ANSWER: D 82. Select functional duty of a nurse: A. Care of patients and its control, prophylaxis, treatment and rehabilitation, support of a patient, family or group of people B. Help for a person in definition and achievement of physical, mental and social health and welfare C. To help in patient’s heath improvement and preservation D. Maximal participation of a person in preservation of his health E. Prophylaxis of diseases ANSWER: A 83. Select functional duty of a nurse: A. Effective participation in medical sanitary brigade B. Help for a person in definition and achievement of physical, mental and social health and welfare C. To help in patient’s heath improvement and preservation D. Maximal participation of a person in preservation of his health E. Prophylaxis of diseases ANSWER: A 84. Select functional duty of a nurse: A. Teaching patients how to preserve and restore his health B. Help for a person in definition and achievement of physical, mental and social health and welfare C. To help in patient’s heath improvement and preservation D. Maximal participation of a person in preservation of his health E. Prophylaxis of diseases ANSWER: A 85. Select the method which is not used for disinfection: A. Radiological B. Mechanical C. Chemical D. Physical E. Combined ANSWER: A 86. The regimen when patient all the time should be in bed and it is not allowed to turn in a bed and sit in it is called: A. Bed mode B. Strong bed mode C. Ambulant regimen D. Free regimen E. No correct answer ANSWER: B 87. The regimen when patient of on in-patient hospital treatment is allowed to walk within the hospital department and on the street is called: A. Bed mode B. Strong bed mode C. Ambulant regimen D. Free regimen E. No correct answer ANSWER: D 88. The regimen when patient of on in-patient hospital treatment is allowed to walk within the hospital department but not leave it is called: A. Bed mode B. Strong bed mode C. Ambulant regimen D. Free regimen E. No correct answer ANSWER: C 89. The regimen which allows to a patient to turn in a bed and sit in it is called: A. Bed mode B. Strong bed mode C. Ambulant regimen D. Free regimen E. Free regimen ANSWER: A 90. To professional requirements to a nurse belong all the following except of: A. Ability to determine necessary volume of laboratory and instrumental examinations for diagnostics of pathological process B. Creative attitude to her duties C. Ability of quick orientation in information D. Permanent improvement 0of her special knowledge and skills E. Competence in moral and ethical rights of a patient ANSWER: A 91. Trained nurse have just finished injection for the patient with viral hepatitis. How to provide disinfection of the syringe and the needle? A. To immerse into 3 % chloramine solution for 60 min B. To immerse into 1 % chloramine solution for 180 min C. To immerse into 5 % chloramine solution for 240 min D. To immerse into 3 % peroxigen solution for 60 min E. No any answer is correct ANSWER: A 92. What among the following does not belong to risk-group of in-hospital infection? A. Visitors B. Patients who are undergone a large amount of diagnostic manipulations C. Patients with chronic diseases D. Senile patients E. Patients with affected immunity ANSWER: A 93. What basic concepts, in obedience to an international agreement, is philosophy of nursing business based on? A. Air, water, sun, motion B. Relatives, friends, colleague C. Patient, doctor, a nurse D. Patient, trained nurse, dietologist, health E. Patient, nursing, environment, health. ANSWER: E 94. What does sanitary-hygienic regimen of a hospital include? A. Disinfection of equippment B. safe feeding C. control of health of personnel and patients D. An observance of requirements to the stanitary state of apartments of hospital and adjoining territory E. All above-stated ANSWER: E 95. What is mechanism of conduction of venerologic infections: A. Respiratory B. Contact C. Transmissive D. Fecal-oral E. All mentioned ANSWER: B 96. What responsibility is carried by a nurse for careless attitude toward the professional duties, that resulted in innoculation of a patient with AIDS? A. Moral. B. Administrative. C. Civil. D. Does not carry responsibility. E. Criminal. ANSWER: E 97. Patient K. have developed pain in the abdominal region. What should be the actions of the nurse on duty when he asks a hot-water bottle to release pain? A. To allow usage of a hot-water bottle; B. A hot-water bottle is not allowed at all; C. A hot-water bottle is not allowed while the patient will be inspected by a doctor; D. Instead of a hot-water bottle a nurse can take spasmolitics for the patient; E. Instead of a hot-water bottle a nurse can take analgin for the patient. ANSWER: C 98. Patient L. is treated at home. A doctor have prescribed leeches to him. Give the patient instructions how to keep leeches at home, please. A. In the open bottle in poor water; B. In the vial with poor water colvered with a gause; C. In the bottle with poor water closed by a rubber tube ; D. In the refrigerator; E. In the bottle with .salt water ANSWER: B 99. A nurse is going to perform disinfection of instruments by immersion method. For this purpose all the following solutions are used except of: A. Potassium manganese solution B. 3 % chloramine B solution C. 6 % peroxigen solution D. 2 % glutaral solution E. 70 % alcohol solution ANSWER: A 100. A nurse is visiting her neighbor who is the friend of her patient. The neighbour asks about health condition of her friend. What should the nurse do? A. To tell her that it is not possible to take all the information B. To tell about everything C. To point her opinion on another things D. To analyze health condition of the patient in details E. To send her to attending doctor ANSWER: A