The parish newsletter
The Nativity of the Mother of God Russian Orthodox Church
A parish of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad 518 869-3932
Mitred Protopriest Wsevolod Drobot
The Rev. Michael Fritz
Deacon Michael Soloviev
Saturday Vigils: 6:00 p.m.
Vigils of Feasts: 6:30 p.m.
November 4
Pentecost 23
9:30 a.m. Hours, 9:50 a.m. Divine Liturgy
November 11
Pentecost 24
9:30 a.m. Hours, 9:50 a.m. Divine Liturgy
November 18
Pentecost 25
9:30 a.m. Hours, 9:50 a.m. Divine Liturgy
November 25
Pentecost 26
9:30 a.m. Hours, 9:50 a.m. Divine Liturgy
NOTE: Although ordinarily the Parish Council meets on the third
Sunday of the month and the Sisterhood on the fourth Sunday,
it may be desirable to reverse that order for this month only. As
of this writing it is only a very tentative suggestion. Stay tuned!
NOVEMBER NAMES’ DAYS May God grant them many years!
1 Joel Nikiforov John Gonyea
Ivan Schuler
8 Dimitri Nikiforov Dimitri Bradley
21 Fr. Michael Fritz Dn. Michael Soloviev Michael Frantsov
Reader Michael Welsh Michael Levsha Michael Sinkevich
Michael Rudko Michael Borscok
Gabriella Fritz Gabriella Welsh
27 Philip Davis
Philip Brosgol
29 Matthew Hauf
The long-awaited volume is now available from the starosta
and from our bookstore. Price: one piece of United States
paper currency bearing the likeness of Alexander Hamilton.
“Father Wsevolod’s Party”
A huge thank you from the Sisterhood to all the clergy, family,
and friends of Father Wsevolod for their support and generous
donations; and we achieved what we had thought impossible:
Father Wsevolod said that he was genuinely surprised, and he
wanted to know how we managed to bring the candelabrum
into the church with him seeing it. Well, at last the truth can be
told! The candelabrum was delivered by Scott Thetford, the
skilled artisan who fashioned it from Father Wsevolod’s own
brilliant design. Scott is a valued personal friend of your editor.
Those present at the delivery saw that Scott is physically
powerful; and, though he keeps his hair short, he has never in
his life trimmed his beard nor his mustache, making him look
Orthodox from the ears down. Delivery was accomplished prior
to Father Wsevolod’s arrival. There was some trepidation,
though, lest our good priest surmise prematurely what was
afoot; and so your editor rehearsed a few lines in case Father
might have become overly curious about what was lurking
behind the banners and sheets on the right kliros: “Now, Father:
the Sisterhood has advised me without further explanation that
no one should look behind those sheets. We are both happily
married men, Father; and, therefore, we both know and
respect the wisdom contained in feminine instructions, don’t
we?” Your editor was relieved, however, that he didn’t have to
use the little speech he’d rehearsed. (See related piece, p. 6)
This sister parish invites all our parishioners to their Feastday on
November 4. They have whole-heartedly supported our parish
in the past, especially our building efforts. They need and
deserve our moral support at this time. Further information is
available from Natalie Schuler (346-4350)
page 2, November 2007
(Editor’s note: This page of the November 2007 newsletter as
distributed in church on Sunday, October 30 was a xeroxed
copy of a letter handwritten by Matushka Nadezhda. To
accomplish the same on the parish website is impractical, at
least at this time. Most of it was written in English. Those few
portions which Matushka wrote in Russian have been translated
by Nadja Jernakoff and appear below in brackets.)
To Our Dearest Parishioners,
Thank you so very much to all of you for such a memorable and
festive day (23 IX 2007)! We cannot even imagine how much
hard work and dedication went into all the preparations… It
was wonderful to see so many dear faces from the past and
present… What an Honor! And such a Pleasure! We pray that
the Lord will Bless you all with Peace, Good Health, Happiness
and all His Mercies.
From our hearts we thank all of you for being our spiritual
Family. We are grateful to God that Metropolitan Anastassy
assigned Batiuska into this Parish. These forty-five years have
been a Joy for all of us Drobots being loved and cared for by
all of you. [Glory to God! And thank you so much to all of
you.] Thank you again and again! [Also, we heartily thank all
the participants of this celebration.]
Glory be to God!
With much love,
Batiushka W. and Matushka N.
Page 3, October 2007
“A Taste of Russia”
Saturday, November 17 from 10:00am to 3:00pm
It was very gratifying to see everyone coming together for
our Parish Feastday dinner and the celebration of Father
Wsevolod’s forty-five years of service. Now in the same spirit let
us join with the Sisterhood to make this year’s “Taste of Russia”
even more successful than last year’s. Accordingly…
1) Remember to turn in your pre-paid order forms for
vareniki and golubtsy to Tania Taylor no later than October 30th.
2) The last day for making vareniki is Tuesday, October 30.
The remaining dates for the making of golubtsy are Tuesday,
November 6, starting at 8:00 a.m.—the majority of people will
be needed at 10:00 a.m., and Wednesday, November 7 after
6:00 p.m. (These dates will be discussed at the Sisterhood
meeting on October 28; any changes will be announced.)
3) Please note Helen Markessinis’ new e-mail address:
hasil@rnetworx.com. She asks potential bakers to think about
what they want to bake—name of item(s), quantity—and
reminds them that the items should be packaged and ready
for sale; e.g., cookies in plastic bags. Items may be dropped
off at the hall between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. on Friday,
November 16 (also that afternoon, but then simply put them on
the kitchen counter or in the refrigerator) or on Saturday
morning after 8:00 a.m.
4) FLYERS advertising the “Taste of Russia” event are
available in the church and in the hall. PLEASE TAKE SOME and
distribute them to your favorite places of business, your libraries,
schools, etc.
5) A sign-up sheet is posted in the hall listing people
scheduled to work on November 17. Everyone is asked to refer
to it to confirm the hours and location where he or she will be
working; if any discrepancy is detected, please bring it to the
attention of Natasha, Tasia, Margo, or Nadja. More volunteers
are most welcome and their names should be included on the
signup sheet.
Page 4, November 2007
Tentatively the church school will meet at 8:30 a.m. on the
following Sundays: October 28; November 11 and 18; and
December 2, 9, and 16.
The Sisterhood reminds parishioners of the time and cost of
hosting our coffee hours, and asks everyone to contribute
generously, if you partake of the meal. A reminder to the
hostesses: in order to offset the expenses of putting on a meal,
a sum of $30 is available to them each time, if they choose to
avail themselves of it. Please see our treasurer about this. Also
if anyone is interested in helping in any way during a coffee
hour—men included, please talk to Shura Sinkevich.
“The Epistle and Gospel must be listened to with particular
attention, with a bowed head. It is good for people to
familiarize themselves with the readings beforehand. Before
the readings begin one ought to cross oneself and at the
conclusion make the sign of the Cross and bow.”
from The Law of God, Archpriest Seraphim Slobodskoy
18 oz. pineapple preserves
18 oz. apple jelly
5 oz. drained horseradish
1 tbsp. black pepper
1 small can dry mustard
Drain horseradish in a wire sieve, pressing with the back of a
spoon. Combine all ingredients with a wire whisk. Pour into jars.
Make a few days before use. Keeps indefinitely in the fridge.
To serve, spoon some over an 8 oz. brick of cream cheese.
Serve with crackers. Good also on cold meats, on coconut
shrimp; or on pork chops the last few minutes of cooking.
Please submit items to me in writing or by e-mail. Thank you.
Charlie/Vas Murn BACVAS@dishmail.net page 5, November 2007
Our efforts to raise money for the Fresco Fund during our Parish
Feast Day celebration were very successful. Heartfelt thanks to
everyone who helped put on the parish dinner and those who
sold raffle tickets or assisted in any other way. Net proceeds
from the dinner plate collection and from the 50/50 raffle sale
added over $7,700 to our Fresco Fund. The total amount of the
fund is currently $18,125. We are grateful also for your pledges
and donations to the Mortgage Fund. God willing, we shall
continue to be able to pay our monthly mortgage payments!
“RELATED PIECE” (from page 2)
St. Peter was walking around heaven one day assessing some
recent arrivals. Many were lined up at signs designating their
traits of character, such as “Nitpickers” and “Procrastinators”.
St. Peter noticed a long line of men at the sign “Hen-pecked
men”. At the nearby sign that read “Non-hen-pecked men” he
saw one lone individual. St. Peter walked up to the man and
said, “Congratulations! And how come you’re standing here?”
The man replied, “I dunno—my wife told me to stand here.”
Don’t forget to vote on election day,
Tuesday, November 6
The Nativity of the Mother of God Russian Orthodox Church
617 Sand Creek Road
Albany NY 12205